The only one who can compete with the long-lived species is that person, isn’t it? 146 years old, 210 years old, intense… 195 years old, 82 years old, 3100 years old, 22 years old, 26 years old.
Delgarbody seems strong in discussions with long-lived species like this…
The fact that long-life mounts don’t work is really strong.
Because the almost only absolutely unbeatable weapon of the long-lived species is nullified, it becomes extremely powerful.
Elves are cute.
Since I look like an old man now, I have an air of dignity.
A Yaado that lives up to 2000 years old.
I can’t believe you were moving as if you were going to disappear, Grandpa.
There’s no time to turn to dust.
I hate to say it, but can we really count that as long-lived…?
It’s not that time stopped; I’ve actually lived that many years, so being long-lived is fine, right?
If we’re talking about cultural stagnation, elves are quite something as well.
Because they have a long life and a legitimate bloodline… too strong.
In this case, being able to claim legitimacy is strong…
Why doesn’t it disappear?
185 years old no longer has any meaning in terms of age, right?
At the end of the day, the always cheerful grandpa who greets me by saying that I might also turn to dust and disappear by tomorrow.
Are you okay? Can the Elf representative handle Patta Doll?
There’s no one else who can do something like this.
The captain does nothing…
I might be gone by tomorrow…
Disappearing Scam
Isn’t your mind being dragged down quite a bit by your body?
If dwarves can claim rights from several hundred years ago, then they can also claim rights from a thousand years ago, which is strong.
Having said that, the man did not disappear into dust.
Isn’t the king who disappeared into dust too weak?
At that time, the boundary between the surface and the maze was clear, so it can’t be helped!
Once you step out of that space, the environment is such that you would lose your sanity while crawling back to the surface. It’s not easy to have such a strong belief that you can convey without going mad.
You can tell there are lots of ghosts that have turned into sorbet.
Wasn’t Delgar using his son’s body to go outside?
Was my son Bodhi reaching his limit…?
If Yaado hadn’t been there, I really think things would have gone badly for me.
After 20 years, Patadoru-chan will probably become an incredibly reliable woman.
The thin layer that was covering us has disappeared, so it will probably disappear soon (but it won’t).
If we’re setting aside their wishes, I think marrying Farin off to Yad (Delgar) is the safest option.
It’s a great shame to let this bloodline die out.
I have no intention of becoming a king.
I can’t die while I have worries.
It’s too much of a cheat that ancestral spirits like those in the founding myths are actively asserting their rights.
The king who ate a demon and the sister who has mixed traits of a dragon have way too much going on in their setting…
Even after the era of Raios has ended and Marushiru has been seen off, it seems that tomorrow might disappear too, Yado.
I really love this panel’s Yaaru.
It’s just that you can’t attain peace because of your lingering attachments.
Given that the main legitimacy of Lios is based solely on Delgal’s verbal promise, I do desire a blood connection.
Well, that’s probably why the initial Yad was a woman.
You can counter the old man’s selfish customs theory with fundamental arguments.
I remember all the promises I thought would be forgotten when I died.
It’s bothersome to an extreme.
The elves on this side are somewhat unreliable, even though they’re standing here!
A new office lady and a Jizo.
Patador is cheering for us…
The Elf Queen’s intention is to somehow take advantage of the chaos of nation-building.
I suppose it would be good to keep her as the second concubine of King Laios.
It’s quite effective to say that a young whippersnapper who hasn’t lived for even XX years… can’t say that.
Even though it had a scary atmosphere, the elf is more decent than I thought.
It’s breathtaking to think that the people who remained in the Golden Country for nearly 1000 years dealt with troubles and managed things together.
Most of the land was submerged in the sea until just before.
It was fortunate that there was no effective control as if by a burglar.
The elf country seems to be quite overwhelmed, so it might have been a good timing after all.
I think it’s definitely tough, but I’m sure it’s definitely lively, Yaad.
The villagers found a labyrinth from the graveyard.
An orc that has settled deeper in the labyrinth.
A wandering zombie that was there before.
Descendants of the lost kingdom (1,000 years old) that existed before the labyrinth that was there earlier.
It’s true that it worked out well timing-wise, as a lot of independent wise people from the short-lived origins gathered because it’s a rare short-lived species in emerging countries (though technically it’s not quite accurate).
Ancestral land (current generation)
If you’re running a country, a day without worries will never come!
Please don’t say such terrible things…
I am also someone who could easily become dust by tomorrow…
Whenever something happens, I respond with “yes, yes” because it’s going to turn to dust soon, but then one day, all of a sudden…
Due to old age…
“Become dust.”
What’s with you, giving off that delicate, enchanting atmosphere while almost disappearing with the magician and then suddenly bringing so much vitality back into your life?
Honestly, I wasn’t too fond of the old man’s attitude that seemed to impose his truth, so I felt a bit refreshed.
It seems that the power binding the soul is gradually fading away, like the peeling of thin layers.
The power to bind was filled like the armor of Eva Unit-02.
With this, the real legitimate one is strong again.
I mean, without this, the country wouldn’t have been established.
Among the ear-cut elves with a cocky attitude as if they haven’t committed any serious crimes, the elf who was made to understand by Raios, who dug into his innards, wished to be at Raios’s feet.
I think there are many aspects that are being pulled by the physical body.
Well, since I was just living in a closed space, I can’t really say I have a genuine 1000 years of life experience.
Either way, short-lived species are at a disadvantage against long-lived species, so being able to counter long-lived mounts is extremely strong.
There may be various intentions, but speaking with a cheerful smile seems like finding a lifelong calling after over a thousand years, showing no signs of dying.
It’s like the national deities in Japan really appearing and asserting their interests.
Something that directly guarantees the legitimacy of King Raios, rather than the labyrinth devil and so on.
This guy is quite troublesome, isn’t he?
It’s like thinking we could all go burgling, but the homeowner just happens to be there, so there’s no chance of winning.
I don’t think they’ll die while they’re in the country, like that guy in the last holy war…
Due to the existence of living witnesses from that time, it is possible to directly refute claims made long before the long-lived species were born.
“Come and pick a fight after you’ve lived for four digits, you brat. It’s powerful to taunt like that.”
No matter how much of a royal you are, being imprisoned since childhood for 1000 years is something else.
Pulled by the spirit into the body, right?
Because my brain is being fried by Rios…
Even though it was called confinement, the entire country was confined, and I was taking care of the territory and the people in place of Delgar, who escaped.
They might only have about six years of practical experience at most, but they are truly of royal lineage.
It happens in the heat of the moment, but…
Yes, I don’t know anything about the nonsense of an old fool from 1000 years ago.
There’s a possibility that we could be told “this is ours” based on a treaty from 500 years ago.
Because it sank 1000 years ago and people lived there, anything other countries say is just nonsense.
My family’s reasoning is too strong…
Imagine what will happen to Merini now that Rios is gone.
It’s better to admit it and receive compensation for damages.
There is no possibility, so the elves can’t do anything.
Gathering various talents from different countries, of course, everyone has their own hidden agendas, but isn’t that what the royal court is all about? That’s what Yad does so casually.
You were so cute, yet…
Huh? What? Are you joking about us who have been in practical control for 1000 years with just 500 years? We can do it, you know.
There’s a proper transmission of traditions that remains for future generations.
It seems that the reign of the Gluttonous King was alright.
Seriously, how does the romance situation work in a fantasy world like this?
After Marcille and Lajos died, you realized Lajos’s feelings and your own feelings, right…?
It’s the margin area.
Feel free to imagine as you like.
I can infer that given the situation, it probably means that Marushiru is leisurely knitting in the king’s private chamber at night.
It must be so.
It should be that way.
Whether or not there was a Lyshil is left to the reader’s imagination, but since it is an official answer, feel free to speculate.
Some long-lived species also fall in love with short-lived species.
I don’t like being treated as a shotacon (shorter complex).