Ah… I know.
The Sword Saint was a crazy person.
The mishap of the main act is bigger than I expected.
It’s not so much that it’s strange, but rather that the person has become strange.
An uncle who is currently a candidate for the final boss but strangely has a high approval rating from readers.
He’s not someone I particularly like, but he’s a convenient guy who enjoys it and talks without being overly pretentious.
If that sword saint dies, will Chihiro die too…?
It seems that Chihiro’s sword contract was made through a different means.
It feels like Chihiro’s sword will be in a different category due to the timing of the contract, but I’m not sure.
The uncle in the thread picture is definitely a survivor from a small country, right?
At first, he was the most trusted, so the Sword Saint must have originally been a good person…
“Before those monster-like sword saints stop us, 200,000 lives…?”
It’s helpful that you explained it more compactly than I expected.
I thought I would use it for 2 or 3 weeks.
After all, isn’t it that the main act is no good…?
I understand that the Sword Star is dangerous, but I wonder what Bishaku wants to do.
You said you wanted to kill the sword saint and use the true technique yourself, right?
It’s just that an amateur cut the koi mouth, so that’s how it is, the real deal.
Isn’t it kind of scary that the real deal is originally a legendary weapon with a backstory? What is that father making all by himself?
It turns out the opponent in the war wasn’t a monster, but an ordinary person.
Let’s say they were like monster-like creatures.
Insidious information manipulation
The sword saint has gone a little crazy, huh?
I thought it was a one-sided massacre, but…
It’s true that they were the ones who started the acts of invasion in the first place.
A combat tribe that has good compatibility with items that can slightly enhance physical abilities.
Maybe the spit stone is something bad.
I understand that the Sword Saint is a crazy guy, but Chihiro’s dad seems pretty crazy too.
What are you making?
If you kill the true master contractor, isn’t it just a disadvantage since everyone else will die too, regardless of any resolve…?
To make a lot of progress, there’s no other choice.
What’s terrible is that, because the true master was so amazing as a sword saint, instead of a one-sided invasion, it turned into a catastrophic runaway due to a clash.
It wasn’t as malicious as I thought, but I feel like the inevitability of the situation has increased.
It’s true that the sword saint has made significant achievements.
It’s sad that the person my father trusted the most has become the most insane.
What the hell is my old man making…
It seems that Enten was developed after the war, so there is a theory that it is a counter to the cursed swords.
It feels like it was made as a countermeasure based on past mistakes.
It feels like the pestilence has completely filled the entire territory of the small country.
It would be bad if it happened on Honshu.
Is the ladle related to the survivors of the massacred side?
I revealed what I did faster than I thought…
It seems that if you don’t want to die from the death contract, I’ll kill everyone first.
It seems like the idea is that the type of contract given to Chihiro will disappear, but if everyone is given a way to come back to life after killing, then there won’t be any deaths alongside the sword saint.
It seems that, aside from the Sword Saint, the other contractors don’t really have any personal sins to speak of.
The concealment judgment was made by the organization.
It seems that even the Sword Saint was once trusted to the extent of being assigned to the main act, so could there be something related to the process that led to him becoming like that?
Unlike other cursed blades, why does the real deal interfere with my mind…?
It seems that the Sword Saint before going mad will be depicted as an incredible character.
If a survivor from a small country were in a ladle, we could see the full set of the cursed sword and the droplet celestial stone.
The cursed sword is made from the Droplet Heaven Stone, so there’s a possibility that the enemy boss might have taken over the sword saint.
It says that my dad entrusted the true master to the sword saint he trusted the most at that time.
Before going mad with guilt, the sword saint was probably a saint himself.
So this will become the Baki House, huh…
I thought the uncle was just a character who laughs ominously behind the scenes, but he actually reveals quite a specific guideline.
I’m sorry, but it’s only natural for your father to be killed…
The ability of Baria to instantly nullify the efforts to separate the user from the sword…
It doesn’t seem like my father was harboring madness, so is it an issue on the material side or is there something else?
I wonder if Yamamura plans to kill another contractor once before killing the real deal to free and save them.
If you plan to put the sword saint in a state of temporary death so they won’t die even if you kill them, that’s really kind…
Aren’t we killing the person who seems likely to fight alongside us against the Sword Saint if we persuade Mr. Samura first?
As long as the location is known, it would be a piece of cake against a sword saint without a true form, like Mr. Zaura.
I wonder what the current Sword Saint is like.
It must have been decent back in the day.
It feels like only the members from that time would die if the Sword Saint is killed, not permanently.
The purpose of the leader is to contract with the true master, and the assassination of the sword saint is a necessary process, yet they’re making Hiruhiko and Kume Yuki sign a contract.
There are too few people in the organization, so they casually come to the front line to observe and the uncle moves on his own.
But this guy is the one who was creaking in the park.
Let’s go with a relaxed mind.
The stone material is the root of all evil.
The reason why the Sword Saint went mad is, if it’s another person with a cursed sword, well…
Given that the main performer has this specification, what kind of judgment was it to argue about whether Kanabi would be used after regaining the main performer position at the first theater?
Of course, there is a risk of losing control, and if the contractor is moved from the Sword Saint to someone else, all the cursed swords on the Bishaku side will be released at that point.
It seems that the Sword Saint was a reliable leader to the extent that everyone accepted such a contract.
Everything is the fault of the small country’s king who decided to invade Japan.
Isn’t it the fault of Ropphei who made something like that?
If it weren’t for the cursed sword, Japan would have had no chance of winning…
I was losing until the cursed sword was made…
Are you saying we should honestly let ourselves be invaded by a small country?
That’s still going to end up losing to the invaders, and that stone that gives superpowers is just too useless.
It’s said that using the original true performance as a basis for the difficult contracts at that time backfired, but I wonder what happens if a new contract is made like with Shakuyou.
Hiruhiko: “If the Sword Saint dies, will I die too?”
Up to this point, the reasons for the house becoming a Bakihouse are still weak, so there must be a decisive incident.
When the owl emerged all over Japan, it was said that the Sword Saint would instantly kill across the entire country, but was he really doing that?
The strategy and strength are primarily reliant on the Sword Saint; just how amazing was the original situation?
It seems like the sushi shop, whose character is still ambiguous, and the loli might end up being in a state where they could die or something close to that.
It does seem like Zamura is seriously considering cutting contracts by eliminating the contractors.
If I hypothetically have a resurrection ability after killing someone, then I could cut off all the other contractors and finally kill the Sword Saint, allowing me to die alone while everything else is resolved peacefully.
It’s not good.
If you can crush Vishaku before killing the Sword Saint, then…
It’s almost a grand finale just with Iori-chan, Urushiha-san, and Chihiro-kun getting super gloomy.
There are already predictions out, so there’s no doubt that the revival of the Sword Saint is coming.
Even if they tell me to surrender, it’s genuinely frightening to leave 200,000 crazy people who can use Droplet Sky Stone as they are.
So, to avoid leaving any grudges, I killed them all.
Is your head a mare?
I believe in Zakamura’s resurrection knife.
This time it was clear that the complete purpose was to dissolve the life-ending contract and carry out the execution of the Sword Saint.
It seems like the default for a true master’s technique is that if you touch it, you die, which is terrible.
Let’s stop the war!
Ceasefire! Ceasefire! Peace will come!
Alright, shall we drop the atomic bomb?
I can’t forgive you…
Whether Urushi-ha is alive or not.
There are still events coming up where I have to seal away my daughter’s memories.
Although it’s called a prophecy, I feel like the one most likely to use it right now is the leader.
Or is the Sword Saint going to go on a rampage after all?
It’s extremely dangerous to leave a large number of humans with actual stone-like abilities, but they are doing things that would likely please extremists, which is the worst-case scenario.
Could it be that if everyone dies once like Chihiro and comes back to life, it will only be the Sword Saint who dies?
Isn’t the Honten a cursed sword made to destroy other cursed swords?
Are you taking a break next week?
It seems that if the Sword Saint is killed, Hikohiko will also die, but I wonder what Bisha is planning to do.
It feels like there’s no longer any chance for Mr. Zamura to survive.
It seems that Iori-chan will end up inheriting the cursed sword after all.
200,000 people was more than I expected!
Moreover, it was invaded by countries other than Japan!
Are you planning to carry everything by yourself, old man?
How big should an island be to accommodate 200,000 people?
The population of Samoa is said to be around 200,000.
At first, I thought the character design of the suspected final boss in the thread was somewhat lacking, but now I strangely feel that it has a pretty good design.
If I sign a contract with a new master, is it okay for the other contractors as well?
From a national perspective, it’s meaningless to execute a sword saint and replace them with someone else, so that’s not possible, but for the uncle who wants to use a true master, there’s no problem.
I wonder if this uncle didn’t intend to take any action especially if he wasn’t aware of the prophecy.
It seems that the contract for this parent unit was rushed during wartime, so perhaps now we can implement a more proper contract?
Why did Rikuhei Papa put so much effort into making just the main performance?
It was mentioned in this week’s issue that you were the person I trusted the most.
I wonder if they were close friends.
After killing the Sword Saint, Zahara was saying something about wiping out all of Bisha, but once you kill the Sword Saint, you’re already dead…
I can’t believe… the Sword Saint was a great sinner…!
Speaking of which, since they are an elite group of sorcerers, there’s a possibility that they can make adjustments to the contract itself.
I’m looking forward to becoming the Baki House from here.
Whether to use the true master or not was a point of contention, perhaps because even after the other contractor died and the cursed sword became available, it was still judged that using the true master would yield a profit…
The Sword Saint, who has become quite strange just from the fact that Chihiro’s dad is the one he trusts the most…
I think the real thing should be destroyed right now, but is that also impossible?
It seems that no one believed that I could break the cursed sword, as there doesn’t seem to be any awareness of the possibility.
The Sword Saint originally seems like a person of great character.
In the memories of the dual cities, could that person also be a survivor of a small nation?
I think it’s different because that guy exploded.
That was true as well.
So, are you just the child of an ordinary gangster who was killed by a true master?
Is it that Mr. Zamura’s true feelings are that he will take full responsibility for the sins and punishments of slaying the Sword Saint?
It depends on what to do with the ladle.
The true power of the cursed sword was even more dangerous than I expected, and it seems that Chihiro and Soujou were really just standing at the entrance.
Even the Sword Saint can’t endure if he’s a die-hard Rokuhira fan.
As the story progresses, the cursed sword becomes more dangerous.
Kanabi: “Huh…? You were actually alive…? I already dissected you, though…”
I really dislike the idea of dying in a way that feels natural rather than being killed in a flashy manner!
Isn’t it obvious that only the main act is going way overboard?
Since it had some amazing ability, when I let an amazing person have it, it turned into a disaster.
Other cursed swords might be able to do something like that if one were to devote their mind and body to them.
Even though the war had ended and Japan and the small country were about to sign a treaty, why did the Sword Saint start the slaughter…?
The true value of the Abyss Heaven lies in the possibility of being able to destroy the cursed sword without killing its owner.
It seems like the Yonten that came out later has a proper role, doesn’t it?
Sword Saint
To you
I think it’s good.
I guess everyone around me must have been like, “Huh!?”
The old man from Kanabi we were talking about seems like a good person.
Honestly, I thought it was pitch black… I’m sorry…
If you were planning to revive the lacquered wings, wasn’t it a bad idea to slash with an ordinary sword?
Dad made something like this…
Summon the one you can rely on the most for the strongest sword! A calamity has arrived!
Mukuhei probably had a strong spirit and was a person of character, which is why he was trusted.
The family or acquaintances of the sword saint are first killed, bringing disaster.
So the survivors make ladles and seek revenge.
Furthermore, it seems like there might be a negative chain reaction that leads to Chihiro’s revenge.
It would be good if you could just kill the Sword Saint.
Not killing to save the other five is quite compassionate, isn’t it?
If it’s something that can drive even the most trusted person crazy, then it makes sense that no one should have it.
The strongest swordsman and the strongest sword refine each other to create the most terrifying disaster!