Catching a cold due to temperature differences.
Was it there…?
“An episode where we save the Earth with love”
100 Kano is a romantic comedy, you know…
Marriage, marriage, marriage!
There are many good stories related to Shizuka-chan.
It didn’t create a buzz, but I guess it’s because she was beautiful that this mob girl thread often comes up…
It was a strange story, but the Bunny Test episode is a good one, isn’t it?
There have been two times when we’ve saved the Earth, right?
This manga is about the world almost ending due to hair…
That was a mistake that almost led to the destruction of the Earth, right?
I really like the stories where Nagi interacts with them and deepens their friendship because they are generally heartwarming.
I believe that if you wrap things up beautifully, it will become beautiful no matter how ridiculous the middle part is.
Every episode is packed with her goodness; it’s an incredibly great story, correct it or I’ll kill you!!
I like the episode where Mr. 108, Mei, and Nagi go on a date.
You’re a wonderful adult, aren’t you, teacher…?
The bonus page where the two of them are imagining themselves becoming like that wonderful teacher is nice, isn’t it?
Episode 113 is good, isn’t it?
I feel like it’s been a while since I saw the vice principal.
You haven’t been out at all lately, have you?
Just the other day, I was rehabilitating Ikemen Taro…
Renba-chan just made her appearance!
I might have erased it from my memory…
I understand how you feel.
It’s syncing…
Nanino and Mei-san have immature emotions, so it’s nice that there are occasional growth episodes.
Pure and innocent~!
Recently, there have been a lot of threads about the beautiful mob character from 99 Kano, what’s going on?
What does Mei think her happiness is…?
A stone by the roadside…?
A stone by the roadside…?
Draw erotic manga.
I can’t get off with Koi-taro as the top…
I haven’t read all of it yet, but the picnic episode with Yamane Shizume and the others was a good story.
Which one is it! Both of them?
Do not erase memories.
When I rub my legs against the corner of the desk, it feels strangely good 😄
Because it synchronizes with the version of myself that thought relationships with others were meaningless, the records of the Koi-taro family that were developed afterwards disappear.
The rivalry with Senior Mimana from the beauty contest that was involved before that still remains.
I wonder if my senior Mibimi from another world continued to watch as Nagino changed the world, holding onto that hostility…
I wonder if I’ve been shown the scene of someone who once possessed a beauty that made me want to be friends with them, changing the world with a rational spirit that has no trace of beauty.
Imagining the other world sends a shiver down my spine, which is nice.
Is about half of the 100 people already filled?
I’m 31 now.
There are a lot of popular episodes featuring this mob, aren’t there?
Don’t let American teachers hold classes when we’re having a serious conversation.
99 people plus Kanu and Koitaro makes a perfect 100, right?
If you close your eyes to that, the story of the rescue from the measurement is also a very touching and good story.
It’s deeply embedded in the main core, so it can’t be separated.
It’s a good story, right…? Or is it!? Thoughts are attacking me alternately!
Fuck you, gate days.
Thinking about it, the last episode where the crow got stuck in the butt can also be classified as a good story, right?
Chiho’s episode about her dog was also a serious and good story where no one was messing around…
Existence Vooo-!
99 Kano is good, right?
I thought about buying the original, but there’s only 100 Kano.
To be honest, the protagonist is creepy.
The Rosetta Stone episode is quite a good one…
“Give us a beautiful 100 Kanou until the last panel.”
The next round is going to be crazy as a reaction, is that okay?
If you kiss on the last page, it will end beautifully with 100 stories.
What is it? What is it?
It’s nice to see E.T. facing terrifying things all alone…
When she is criticized, there is a classic, super convenient template for it, but is there anything for when Koitaro is criticized?
Whose boyfriend was a softie during the Nirvana family days…?