The birth of the manga “Medalist!!” I want to draw a figure skating manga! No knowledge of skating, no job, no money, no planning, just a free spirit. But I want to draw a skating manga, so I’ll do some research. Yotsuba: Author Puff When it comes to research day, Tsutsui: Nice to have an editor!! Gradually increasing my knowledge through debt and redoing things multiple times, “Medalist (tentative)” Episode 1 has been completed. Yamamon: Editor I was so excited looking at the settings of figure skating at the time. The next place was a rural town with no ice rink. I joined a skating club that was different from usual. This is totally different! Author: Yotsuba Afternoon Yotsuba – Yotsuba, aspiring to be an Afternoon writer, for Shiro, the handwritten investigator. It’s getting serious!! – It’s really great in the illustrations!
Did you choose this subject even though you don’t know about it?
It was just a connection through my favorite’s special skill…
If a person can do this much, they could do anything.
After all, interviews are important…
I’ve learned about automatic lending.
Supporter present.
Why did you choose a subject that you have no knowledge of at all…?
My favorite (person).
“My background from Aichi Prefecture is significant. I found figure skating to be an appealing subject because it’s a sport that many people are familiar with from watching it on TV, yet not many can imagine how the athletes came to appear on television in that form. I didn’t know either. The athletes weren’t this skilled from the very beginning. What kind of process did they go through to acquire their skills? I’m sure there are many people who want to know that, so I wanted to create this manga.”
How well you speak…
A facade isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Is this a lie?
It must not be a lie.
It’s true that I tweeted wanting Natsumi Haruse to be the voice actor.
What is written there is also true.
No job, no money, but my planning skills are outstanding, aren’t they?
By the way, you also have talent in manga and youth, don’t you?
Jumping into an industry where even experienced people can’t predict things 100% is not something that can be called well-planned, especially as a newcomer.
“I’m going to draw a manga! > Then let’s do some research! That’s planning, right? Go die!”
There is no planning at all if you haven’t even considered recovery in case of failure, just die.
Did it go down to minus…?
I watched all 12 volumes of Medalist.
It’s really interesting…
Starting from minus…
I heard from someone anonymous that I drew this manga to make my favorite obscure voice actor the main character.
That’s an exaggeration.
My dream is to have my favorite voice actor play the protagonist, and I have poured an extraordinary passion into the animation process.
From here, the anime will be adapted, and Kenshi Yonezu will step in to sing the theme song.
What an amazing Cinderella story…
It’s said that doing business with debt is normal…
“Reporting is great.”
Thanks to this guy’s lack of planning, a medalist was born.
Weaknesses can become strengths.
It was Mr. F who compared manga artists to not making manga with ingredients from the refrigerator but instead going out to buy ingredients from around the world.
The author of Golden Kamuy also said they spent quite a bit of money on research and gathering materials about the Ainu and the old Japanese military.
Making a good manga costs money, huh…
King Kailakua’s manga also spent a considerable budget on gathering materials.
After all, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a high school girl…!
I wonder if I can deduct something like this as an expense.
I’m not working for a company.
What do you think expenses are?
A successful manga artist is likely to have incorporated, right?
Expenses mean you won’t get the purchase amount back, you know?
You can just cut the expenses from your income.
In the case of a company, the company will be considered to have paid, so it just gives money to the person who used it.
Even with a company job, expenses are initially paid out of pocket, and it’s only around the next month that the same amount is reimbursed by the company.
It’s not a high-tech method where you can buy things without any cash on hand.
Business expenses for self-employed individuals come out of their own pocket.
Even if we accept that claim,
Since you’re saying that, isn’t the original response asking, “Aren’t you getting your money back?”
Karakuri Circus had an enormous amount of reference materials at the end of its final volume…
If I hadn’t succeeded, I would have just been a madman…
If the serialization fails, it could lead to ruin.
Well, I think my family is well-off.
Then maybe I would be in debt…
If your family isn’t well-off, aren’t you a person heading towards destruction?
Serialization has begun!
Complex fracture!
I saw it in the above comic, Bobobo.
My friend’s waist has become a casualty…
It’s not that it’s a necessary sacrifice…
What!? A figure skating manga without any knowledge!?
I can do it!
It’s crazy that they actually researched and experienced it instead of glossing over it with manga lies.
A genius of passion?
Well, since I’m an outsider, I can probably give a simplified explanation by comparing it to a card game!
Those who can really do what they want to do are amazing!
The impression of Jump is usually that it deceives with the lies of manga.
Other magazines are properly covering sports, right?
The sports manga in the magazine features the favorite sports of the editor.
A writer from the Kodansha group said that it is often the case that they have manga artists draw for them.
The person in charge arranges the interviews as a mix of hobby and practical benefit.
Baby Steps was exceptionally amazing.
It’s so amazing that I thought for sure they overshot the budget with too much coverage and had to cut it off.
You did well to properly conduct interviews and experience things!
Lack of planning might refer to the parts where lots of pages are used at the beginning of the book, only to be sadly cut down at the end…
No, it definitely counts as an expense.
If you think it doesn’t count as an expense, why do you think that?
Let’s do it! Tax return!
Fractures are part of the coverage…
Just because you interview someone doesn’t necessarily mean it will become a good manga.
As a result of the interviews, there are many cooking manga that mainly focus on introducing local menu items.
Well, it will come out of my own wallet.
I will declare it as an expense in that year’s tax return.
Sometimes there are people who think they can spend unlimited money by treating it as an expense.
The company’s expenses and the expenses of a sole proprietor are completely different.
“Writing off expenses means that money will come back.”
It’s slightly different from the discussion of whether it will be an expense.
That recognition is a bit…
Whether incorporated or not, in the end, it’s still your own money, isn’t it?
My favorite voice actor has been chosen as the assistant for the program “Tomaru Chiyo’s Pakapaka Horse Racing School.”
Due to a corner where we passionately talked about our hobby of ice skating in between horse racing predictions…
Thanks to that wicked heart, a good manga has come out!
In the end, expenses are just a direct attack on the wallet that slightly reduces taxes.
Even if it becomes a corporation, the wallet there is still mine…
I thought they were an amazing voice actor, but their performance wasn’t anything special, which is strange.
You should go watch the live performance of Deremas that Kaoru-chan is in.
I found a voice actor that resembles the one from Majipoka!
For that reason, there are people who create 3D doujin of Riru and make global hits like Jiko.
You never know what will resonate with others.
That person is a production machine for serious crushes.
If there is no income, there are no expenses or anything else.
How did this story without dreams come from a thread image where dreams came true?
I remembered there was a figure manga for boys in the morning too.
After all, the combination of girls and sports is definitely stronger…
There were people in Sengoku who couldn’t even distinguish between the shogunate and the imperial court.
Before I knew it, the amount of literature I’ve gathered has become terrifyingly like a museum archive…
In the early game, having a formation like that with cars is something you wouldn’t see even in a shonen manga… it makes you think.
The author has debt and the lead is a office lady.
I thought the talk about voice actors was exaggerated, but…
If the person originally had no interest in figures, is it for real?
Many fans want to say that the voice actor they support doesn’t matter, but it’s simply impossible to say that there’s no influence from someone who has been so active in the figure otaku community on social media!
It’s probably because they were such a determined person that supporters gathered around them…
Serious love!?
It seems to be mixed up between expenses that can be deducted and the pattern where the publisher covers the costs of the interview.
If it’s a manuscript written at the request of the publisher, of course, the publisher will cover the research costs.
In the case of the thread image, it’s natural since I’m gathering materials to draw it myself, but it’s out of pocket.
I can cover the expenses without any relationship with the publisher…
Aren’t you mixing up the expenses that the publisher covers and the expenses you deduct as a sole proprietor?
The moment Natsumi Haruse joined Blue Archive, it felt like all of Kaoru-chan’s teachers suddenly started playing Blue Archive, highlighting how scary the fans are; it’s not just Tsurumai who is unusual, but that’s the kind of person they are.
Translate with a JoJo reference.
It’s scary, but it doesn’t cause any harm.
I heard that animal doctors also collect episodes from veterinarians, students, and patients.
I guess being a manga artist is really physical, huh…
I haven’t done interviews completely, but there are cows that have drawn manga about agricultural high schools and farmers based on my own experiences…
It was too specialized for the northern land, making it much more intense compared to agriculture and agricultural schools on the mainland.
Well, it’s true that there aren’t really any ice skating clubs at school, and I never thought about how to become an ice skater.
Earn a lot of money.
Let’s make a skating rink in Shizuoka.
Seeing is believing, indeed.
A writer who says, “I will draw manga after sufficiently building up my knowledge!”
Maybe it’s rare…
Gathering knowledge and materials costs money.
It seems risky to think about the time I was surpassed after accumulating knowledge.
It’s quite a long story for the black swordsman to gather materials for decades, do interviews, and then feel like he knows enough to draw a manga.
Simply things don’t last.
The thread image is still running parallel to the skating practice and episode 1.
Well, it makes you think, what even is the prior knowledge about Ram-chan…?
Nowadays, it’s easy to look things up online, but since there are ways to get caught or AI involved, it must be tough to increase your knowledge.
I think it’s impressive how the reason for the hands-up jump and the coverage are alive and well.
Since I cleaned up my past to become a professional manga artist…
Well, up until around volume 4, I was just a regular otaku…
Whatever the motivation may be, it’s clear from reading the manga that they are sincerely confronting the subject matter.
What do you think expenses are…
From a jobless perspective, it must be some kind of dream system where the money spent feels like it becomes free…
Speaking of which, there used to be breaks from publication for interviews back in the day.
There were some things that made me suspicious if it was really an interview.
The claim of “conceptualizing for XX years!” might simply stem from some straightforward thinking, but isn’t it also about the period of accumulating knowledge?
The person in charge is really great! I guess it was genuine praise from the bottom of their heart.
But they said they properly decided on the lead role through auditions.
That said, those who come to the auditions probably have some sort of estimate in mind…
Voice actors audition after receiving offers.
Even if it’s formally decided, we will do it.
The reason why there are many writers who are parents in manga.
You did audition, right?
There was nothing else but the love for my favorite.
I have drawn multiple doujinshi, so it’s not entirely accurate to say I have no experience with manga.
The theme revolves around a sport that the protagonist openly loves, and if the character matches their voice quality at a near-personal level, whether or not they succeed in the audition depends on their ability, but they will probably succeed.
Isn’t a hernia… pretty serious?
Even if it’s been decided, there are auditions that I have to do.
This is what supporting my favorite is all about.
Ryouko Kuui said that she started playing games for Dungeon Meshi.
It is probably common to use subjects from a place of lack of knowledge.
In a later interview, they talked extensively about playing a wide variety of games, so even if they spent the same amount of time, the amount of input they could absorb is several times greater than that of others.
If someone like you says that…
I auditioned.
There was no one capable of changing the author’s intention.
Is that not good then?
First of all, you are overflowing with talent for manga.
I want more punch, so it’s no good.
In the conversation with Yonezu, he said that he was really into Vocaloid when he was a child.
Are you quite young?
Vocaloid has been around for over 16 years, so it’s possible for someone to be around 30 years old now.
When I was a child, Inaba was about 30 years old, right?
The skills in art and manga were overflowing, so it’s not completely absent, you know, teacher…
Well, as a result, I had the talent of a manga artist…
Even if it were a predetermined audition just for show…
So what about that?
Koike-sensei’s Gekiga Village School starts by establishing characters, and once they can act on their own, then you can tell a story.
It was no good because it was just the argument from the side with talent.
The envelope for the notice was around level 3, and the depiction of Sensei’s poverty was convincing…
After many years, the voice actor whose dream was to play the protagonist after reading the first chapter has been animated.
It’s a great story that they won by performing perfectly in the audition, matching the author’s image, right?
Hmm, is there something hidden behind this?
Well, it’s fine to say this here, but it’s pretty rude in a general sense.
You should be careful not to become someone who gets caught up in conspiracy theories and starts to deny reality.
Both the author and the voice actors are happy, and if the readers can enjoy a good work, then nobody is losing out…
When it comes to anime adaptation, the requests of the original author are usually easier to accommodate.
Neither more nor less than that.
Even if it was really just on the side of your fandom activities, I am grateful that you created this work.
Are you the Light Sister?
Well, I was also putting out doujin related to my favorite voice actor.
They were someone who had an incredible vitality for the things they loved…
Authors should not privatize their work.
Isn’t it possible to decide on some voice actors through nominations with the author’s authority?
There’s a story about how when they cast a luxurious voice actor lineup for another manga, it mostly went through.
The author of Kenichi said that when they made a request, it almost got approved just as a shot in the dark.
This is where everything began.
They say it’s planning, but it’s hardly different from gambling.
It’s amazing to think that someone can go into debt and bet everything just to draw manga for their passion.
Originally, I was an otaku with unusual motivation, and as a result of focusing on creation, this is how it turned out, so everyone is happy.
It’s mentally challenging to proceed with things when money runs out.
I think you really worked hard.
It probably depends on the situation.
There were authors who said not to change the cast from the CD drama they had personally appointed and been hired for under the conditions for animation, yet they were changed anyway.
It was so interesting that I wasn’t allowed to submit for the Shiki Award and was suddenly brought to a serialization meeting, right?
It seems like they deleted their account because someone might start making strange speculations about Haruse.
It’s almost certain, but there might be some things for me to do as well.
It seems that the author’s voting power is significant.
Zero knowledge of skating.
I will challenge myself to create a figure skating manga.
On the contrary, in cases where there are no requests, I wonder if it’s possible to decide by voluntarily listening to a large number of sound sources like the creators of Kisekoi did.
I think the anime was decided when I deleted my account.
At the time I appeared in the commercial, I hadn’t deleted it yet.
There’s a story about the author who ended up having to listen to a large number of audition voices, but in that person’s case, it was because there was no image of the voice.
If the author can envision it, it’s only natural that it narrows down quite a bit.
The reason I ended up listening to a large amount of audio was not because I didn’t have an image of the author, but because I didn’t want to be ungrateful to all the voice actors who sent me their work.
I just learned for the first time that the separation of the author’s name is Tsuruama Ikada.
Since it’s Nagoya, I can’t help but think it’s probably Tsurumai/Kadan.
Although it was progressing smoothly, there are cases where the entire team has to start over, leading to a complete collapse, so these situations really vary case by case.
The incident of the production staff’s tongue slip is just too pitiful.
If you get too carried away, you’ll become a doctor.
Even after watching one episode, it doesn’t really feel like the Shiki Award.
The author of “God’s Trash Idol,” who doesn’t particularly care about voice actors, listened to the audio and thought, “This person is good,” and then it was decided, but the way decisions are made differs at each site, right?
I wondered if they are from Tsuruma in Aichi Prefecture.
There were anime that I wrote in the comic book that I wanted a theme song like this, but it completely turned out differently.
Tsuruma Park
Did you see it? Read it.
Since Tsuruma is a park, it’s Tsuruma Park…
The popular manga that was messily adapted into a live-action movie is
The truth is that it was made something completely different from the original work at the request of the original author.
I wonder how much of that story I should believe.
The Story of Love
It’s a breeze to get from Tsurumai to Osu by subway, so if you’re going on a pilgrimage to the holy site, you might as well check it out.
The discussion changes quite a bit between live-action adaptations and anime adaptations, doesn’t it?
But it seems like the story here is getting lots of embellishments…
Enokimaru @enoki_oishiine Hmm~~ I didn’t really want to touch on that topic in this account, but I hope you look at interviews and not the gossip floating around online for the reasons behind writing the work… It’s really gotten out of hand… I don’t want the rumors to gain legitimacy… Follow me. I want to be able to win a gold medal. Let’s not hold back ourselves and ( ) as well. Hokkaido’s Meijin Funaki is really an amazing person, isn’t he? ( ) NG doesn’t exist. AN() made it ( ) clear. Long people will quietly comply, right? Other decorated people are all amazing. The Olympic player from Rittou City is really skilled! It seems like there are people of talent like okayama()… The manga “Medalist” by author Tsurumai Kada, Q&A: Chunichi Shimbun Web, Location: chunichi.co.jp, 21:24, 2025/03/05, 2.74 million views. ⊲ 7097 21,000 ∮ 8469
You’re the one who adds embellishments and spreads negative campaigns every time.