Shall I say it now?
Don’t you somehow sense it at the end?
I can’t put it into words very well either, but…
We were communicating… Were we?
While discussing the importance of communication amidst miscommunication, it ultimately concludes with the notion that communication is, after all, just like this.
First, you might not understand if you don’t know that “dis” and “this” have a double meaning.
The title recovery of this work was done extremely beautifully, I must say.
After all, communication is just like this.
Did you love us? → It was a misunderstanding.
Still, the recipient believes it to be true, and sometimes that changes the world, which is a good end.
Even if we exchange words, misunderstandings and miscommunications are common…
But sometimes, even so, it can lead to good results.
Despite having no particular obsession with delicious food, I couldn’t quite understand the fixation on eating three meals a day, which made communication with the readers a bit questionable.
If you think of other people’s hobbies, preferences, and obsessions as a kind of physical law, it becomes quite easy to understand.
Trying to convince yourself with your own reasoning leads to misunderstandings…
The world background is quite something…
Aren’t you the one who liked the act of filling your stomach? If you can’t eat, you’ll die! Huun.
It’s probably not about the taste but rather an obsession with getting full…
What did Uha think about the Huntress? It seems like it could be a key point.
I like the communication between Father-kun and Mutsu.
Major accident
Given the long-standing difficulties in the global situation, it’s not unreasonable to prioritize eating and living as the first thought.
Let’s set aside the fact that that level is unusual due to individual differences.
I believe there was a strong trust between the director and Mr. Uha.
For those who want to believe that way, the truth doesn’t matter, and even if it’s a misunderstanding, that misunderstanding can sometimes save the world.
Recently, it has become a simple emergency food cooking manga.
The world is saved while passing each other by, and the person is remembered as a hero in the end.
Communication failure!
But well, I feel like I actually declared that I would save the world…
I feel like Lord Delwha was talking about communication towards the end, but who was he speaking to? The priest?
Communication is just something like that misunderstanding.
But that misunderstanding spins the world and saves it.
It’s nice how communication discrepancies can lead to both negative and positive outcomes…
Isn’t the root of it all the aversion to hunger rather than the act of eating?
The sense of satisfaction from a meal might be more important.
If all he hated was being hungry, Ipeirituha would have continued rampaging as usual.
Sometimes there are notes, but I think it’s the most Discomi-like story in Discomi.
In the end, although it was a misunderstanding, it was also Lord Delhua who interacted the most with the Huntresses.
The one who understood Uha the most was definitely the director…
When you no longer feel hungry, you choose death.
Uha-dono is somehow… a demon of that ecosystem.
This demon is strangling itself…
“Not being hungry” is rather a factor of despair, so “eating and being satisfied” is important, you see, Uha-dono.
Can you really do ballistic calculations in your head?
The fact that Ipeuha won’t go hungry means that he doesn’t need to eat, and therefore won’t eat, right?! It’s funny how he will laugh and die in despair.
This is communication!
I read it for the first time the other day, and it’s the first time I’ve been completely taken aback by every episode I read.
This month, Deluha was terrible again.
Next month is sure to be the worst as well.
We’re not featured this month either, what a disappointment, Lord Deruha.
Next month is probably going to be terrible too.
Well, even though Uha was the worst, he has been purified by having his head cut off…
I enjoyed frequently updating the minimum line during the serialization.
There’s still a lower level!
Uha-dono is really the worst and cruel, but…
I like experiencing terrible situations that seem impossible to happen.
It’s amusing because I suffer a terrible fate due to both bad luck and my own mistakes.
“Alright, it’s a hassle, so let’s just kill everyone! It starts from the lowest of motivations.”
It’s a strange manga that makes you feel a bit sorry for the character when you see them getting cornered by the Huntresses after being found out one way or another.
It wasn’t so bad when the body I buried after killing in self-defense was discovered due to a Rube Goldberg machine…
“I really like ‘There’s a murderer at the lowest point!'”
Even though it’s inhumane, thanks to Deluha, humanity was saved…
Because I buried the demon.
It’s a result that shows they had a solid plan and were steering it quite well.
Deluha is definitely a bad person, but he has almost died several times and has even died once, so I can’t help but forgive him a little.
It’s true that they are behaving like a monster.
When you’re told to behave nobly, it’s almost synonymous with telling you to die, given the dire situation.
Did Nana have any idea about Deluha’s murder habit?
Even the ordinary Uha is taken aback by the awakened Uha’s patchwork.
The panel layout over there is nice, isn’t it?
The worst polka dot collage.
I don’t shy away from my own hardships to be able to eat.
He is a man who retrieves the tape from inside his belly to eat today’s meal.
I also absolutely love the super cool excuse barrage of six hits.
I’m desperately buying time while glancing at my watch.
So you were sending commands to the artillery stage from behind, huh…
If reading is allowed, then isn’t it okay for me to be forgiven too?
The people who created biological weapons are taken aback when they receive requests for a little calf’s stomach.
I love it when excuses are shot down in one word by Yomi.
“You’re thinking about how to kill us right now, aren’t you?” It’s perfectly accurate.
I really like stealing some lines.
About 70% of LINE stickers have awkward phrases.
I do outrageous things for my own script, but since chaos is approaching, it’s barely acceptable.
Isn’t there a way for me to say that line…?
Goodbye, testicles―――!
It’s your fault! 🤩
It’s amazing that any enemy is fully prepared by the second time you fight them.
Thinking about it that way, two legs are amazing.
The receiving side is convinced.
Communication can be just like that.
He’s the lowest, but without a doubt, he’s capable and a hero in the end of the century.
I just wanted to have three meals a day.
For the world, for Deluha, and for the Huntress, dying there was the most beautiful ending.
I love the scene where the side that took this action is surprised.
My friend who is a fan of Ueshiba Rii likes the thread images, so it sometimes gets a bit complicated.
It’s incredible that you’re alive despite most of Deulha’s operations failing.
I like the part where the monk’s group transformed into Ichiko and immediately shot both the real and fake versions.
The contrast between the Huntress who is taking the straightforward approach of defeating herself and the Delwha, who takes the wicked path of killing both, is vivid.
That’s nice, isn’t it?
Spoiler about the cover after the final episode.
The atmosphere changed around the time Biboko appeared, didn’t it?
The self-inflicted one-man operation episode is definitely the most interesting.
That is a masterpiece no matter how many times you read it.
Due to the consequences of my own actions, I end up having to deal with an enormous number of people in a one-man operation, like a Pythagorean switch.
You’re really doing your best, aren’t you, Uha-dono?
It’s due to things like cleaning up after others, being unlucky, or just plain bad luck.
Even though I’m taking painkillers, I’m banging my head to wake myself up—what am I doing?
The tension of the blood-soaked battle when I thought the Huntress was completely wiped out was incredible.
A man who spent the longest time in the story living a slow death alone.
It must have been happy to see the DLC.
Don’t destroy the environment with such determination.
Sometimes, the extremely crazy people stand out, making the relatively normal ones seem amusing.
Aren’t you subtly trying to blame me?
That place is entirely correct as per Lord Uha.
I wonder when I last died.
Even looking back, the inner monologue of Uhauha-dono is just too funny…
If you can’t eat, there’s no meaning in living, yet Uha-dono has the sense of common decency, making their personality too mysterious.
Is everyone awake? We couldn’t completely take down the biped in yesterday’s surprise attack.
Infinite Loop (Physics)
The day after the surprise attack happens five times!
I wish they would add a bit more and turn that DLC into a side story comic.
They said they weren’t thinking about it on X.
Let me pay.
The heroine race of salami, bread, and aged ham is nice, isn’t it?
I definitely thought salami and bread would win.
I read it all at once in Jump SQ, but does the manga volume have quite a few extras?
There is/exists.
Each episode comes with a making-of commentary.
I really love the author’s comment saying they decided to do it because they liked it in “Taizou Mo Teiou Saga.”
There are quite a few pages that I don’t know about.
The bloody attack is way too grotesque.
I really like how Huntress is being killed a lot in the scene of the Ipeuha battle.
Why is that?
What “This” is can be found written on the back cover of the final volume.
Shall I go to a net café and read next time?
Even though I’m getting painkillers, I’m trying to wake up due to pain…! It’s funny how I’m putting myself down in such a desperate situation.
At first, the priest seemed like a bad guy, but in the end, I ended up liking him.
On the contrary, I thought he was a pathetic but somehow likable villain, but after rereading the beginning, his attitude towards Huntress right after he decapitated Uha was worse than I expected.
Thanks to Taizou Motewaka Saga, there is a full episode commentary by the author.
This combines death and diss.
When listing only the elements, it seems pretty bad, but there isn’t much hate accumulated, right, Deluha?
Thanks to a program that allows you to commit suicide the moment you realize you are not feeling hungry, the imagination for fan creations is thriving.
The moment you can no longer eat, you die, and that has been the case since episode 1.
I think if I compile short stories, it could easily amount to a whole book.
It’s clear that the sects are different―――…‼
Is there something surprising about the way they came out…?
The two had their stomachs twisted.
People who have an ethical perspective that treats cultivating a mass of flesh in the stomach means that those who are entirely alive should not exist.
Well, compared to Lord Uha, a priest or Ryuno-kun would make you go, “Who the heck are you?”
I was reading it absentmindedly, so I wasn’t really conscious of it, but the making-of explanation shows that the author put a lot of thought into it.
It’s so terrible that they’re trying to kill together with the priest because they were caught on video.
Let’s do it together again!
Animate it.
From the part where stepping on this landmine causes a sudden increase in favorability, let those who haven’t read it yet read it.
I can hold Ichiko.
Everything else is impossible, seriously impossible.
“I can do 5 too.”
A girl with braided hair, freckles, a big chest, and glasses is impossible!?
The idea of memory download photons being stored in a camera and then uploaded is quite far-fetched, but the sense of speed and the comic power make it convincing.
Sir Deluha, why didn’t you say, “It doesn’t matter if you die since you all will be resurrected anyway!”?
If it were me, I would say it within a week.
What would you think if someone said to you, “If it becomes inconvenient, I’ll kill you since you’ll just be forgotten when you die anyway”?
If I can accept it, then I guess it’s okay.
There’s no way I would be convinced.
I don’t want to either.
Lord Deluha understands that having common sense as knowledge means he cannot build trust if the murder is revealed.
So I’ll secretly kill you.
The ones who are actually the craziest are the directors who created the truly immortal beings…
Even though the war is over, the sense of ethics is strange…!
When you die, your memories roll back.
…Should I kill you?!
For now, I was told to read up to volume 3 because that’s where it reaches a stopping point with Deluha-dono!
It was physically concluded.
Nana’s first appearance was shocking.
The author was able to draw such a straightforward design of a beautiful girl!
They returned and aged at an incredible pace!
I became an old woman.
The editor in charge was excellent.
The appearance of the memory inheritor or all the huntresses suddenly throwing themselves into the early stages is shocking.
The operation of the Huntress was honestly the most efficient.
The people at the research institute doing half-hearted work are really terrible.
The frightening thing about this person is that they possess a level of violence that can change the minds of the Huntresses.
What is that RTA form?
The monster of reason ignites once again.
“The fishing for squid is really great, isn’t it?”
If you kill in a brutal way, you can establish a pattern!
Lord Deruha is really the worst, but thanks to having absolutely no sexual desire or need for approval,
It has an incredible balance of being the worst yet still being seen favorably.
Is there anything surprising about coming out like this?
Because I can also speak eloquently.
As expected from Lord Deluha, there are quite a few good scenes for girls.
The question is whether you can be with someone who can kill without hesitation and has actually killed someone.
I laughed so hard I didn’t know whether to be serious or not when I woke up from fainting after desperately throwing up the rice mixed with the drug, only to find that all my allies were wiped out.
We’re going to save the world! And then…
If I could kill people for a cause, I would be the first one to get killed! I like that.
I love it as a manga, but I’m hesitant to buy it because it might be misunderstood if it’s on my bookshelf…
Thanks to Lord Uha being the worst.
Even though the Huntresses and the researchers are quite problematic, I can tolerate them with a warm, fuzzy feeling by thinking, “But these guys are under Uha’s control, and if anything happens, they’ll be killed immediately.”
First of all
“I don’t want to be looked at with those kinds of eyes.”
What I did was significant.
I really love it when a novel starts suddenly like that.
That was incredibly sharp and really amazing.
I think that not being able to cross the anime adaptation line is largely due to the efficiency-focused mode, which has made the Huntress’ patchwork restraints a significant barrier.
Isn’t that part a different genre of gore?
Polka dot collages are an ancient erotic technique, and when it comes to animation, it will be a test of skill on how to disguise it…
I need to adjust my likability well… romantic feelings? This is bad.
Can you really create a new work?
In the end, what the hell is it that is truly the strongest in terms of capabilities until the very end?
VS Andrea de Rúa – End
VS Andrea de Luha – To be continued.
All the girls are showing what they have, you know.
When you think about it calmly, all girls are cute.
For some reason, I don’t have time to feel cute.
Apart from the fact that something is decisively lacking, there is a fine protagonist disposition with the power to lead others.
Could it be that I’ve developed feelings for the Huntresses…?
Exciting, do this communication!
I hate it so much…
It’s too unreasonable that the murder of the priest reveals past deeds through light.
The world hates Lord Uha.
Well, I might be doing something bad.
I love the story where Deluhua and Yomi are playfully flirting in a sinful way, causing Mutsu’s brain to break.
Sometimes I receive memos.
For some reason, the original inspiration for the name is André and Oscar…
The first time I read it was that pink center color episode when it was serialized in Square, so I became really interested in this manga.
Ichiko, who comes to be embraced in her own room, is really cute.
With the strength to chop a person with an axe, the artillery skills are like magic, and the level of marksmanship with a handgun is capable of sniping.
The ethics are such that a person like that would immediately kill anything that is to their own disadvantage.
Are you inviting me…?
How to enjoy delicious meals
A medical stapler can be such a horror item.
Isn’t that a staple gun?
If stealth is allowed, then isn’t this also okay?
Did you manage to live a long life without doing bad things so that the world wouldn’t hate you?
To confuse, connect the body in impossible ways!
I made a polka dot collaboration!!
The scene where Mutsu explains the nature of communication to the priest.
Something like this
I understand what you’re saying, but it’s hard for me to fully agree.
Because I think I am right, I am abandoning the sincerity that should be established in communication!
What you’re saying is one-sided.
It probably turned into a battle because I just dislike it normally.
I am a rational man.
Is there something this rational?