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[Hunter × Hunter] Isn’t this rule based on the premise of competition between players?

Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

Even if you say that if you don’t publish the book it won’t be taken away, the solution is still to kill if you don’t publish it.

The cause is that item subtypes and quantities are separately carded. The values of acquisition rates and carding difficulty are several times different. Due to half the numbers being reduced by such non-pay features, warnings and other issues have begun to increase significantly. 47

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx39

In the first place, it’s a game that claims it won’t take responsibility even if you die, and I think it’s unnecessary to confirm that combat is a premise if you have normal comprehension.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


2: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m not sure, but if you kill someone, can you normally steal the cards they’re holding?

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


If you kill in the game, the card disappears into nothing and cannot be taken; if you kill outside the game and reuse the ring, it can be taken.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like Jin would enjoy players competing against each other.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews


What do you think gin is…

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx16



31: Japan Otaku Reviews


Urameshi Yusuke

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx16



5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, I was assuming about two players per software at most.

The expansion caused by the multi-tap’s octopus leg unexpectedly turned it into a fierce competition among a large number of people…

134: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


No matter how you think about it, it’s something that should be considered first and is within expectations.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s okay to kill, then the bombers would just kill everyone and it would be over.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s just a crappy game with good rewards.

There are hardly any entertainment elements other than conflicts between players.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

Knock the opponent out of the game by disconnecting, while disconnecting yourself to kill the opponent.

Players entering from the same game console are limited to the specified pocket cards, but this allows for safe stealing.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wonder why they didn’t do this to Czesglera, Bomer.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews


Battera terminated the contract without permission, but originally there were mercenaries in the castle who posed a threat.

I think it was quite a gamble when Tze was chasing us at the end.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews


In common discussions, there is a problem that if Leave is unconditionally removed from the game, it becomes a card that completely destroys free Pokémon.

It’s like when Killua leaves the port; you can’t choose your destination, but all of your Free Pokémon cards will be gone, is that okay? There’s a speculation that a buffer is placed like that, Bombers.

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Based on the criteria for reading people’s minds in the election edition, that guy anticipated everything.

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

It’s impressive that, for several years, there was no blatant power struggle or competition among a large number of those who had mastered the technique, despite being in a stifling state.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t think the perk of only bringing back 3 cards to reality is very appealing.

As long as you’re within GI, you can use cards as much as you want.

Isn’t it mostly those who are just wandering around like Binolt, Feitan, and Hisoka?

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

In a game where many people collect cards, limiting the number of cards that can be collected is not acceptable…

86: Japan Otaku Reviews


A limited number of cards that can be monopolized at a level akin to the basic system of the game, with low rarity.

Some high-rarity items are extremely difficult to obtain.

However, many things can be replicated and combined with the lottery, so the one who discovers it first is likely to achieve a monopoly.

Gacha and stockpiling games

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

The fact that magic cards are about searching for opponents, joining them, exploring cards, and stealing cards means that competing for them is a given, right?

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s certainly difficult to monopolize any one specified card.

If someone achieves that and doesn’t let go of it, then it would be impossible to clear the game.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering that I’ve prepared a lot of interference in the spell cards and the limit on the number of cards, I feel like I’ve also taken multi-tap into account.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, if Battera’s wife were a nen user, could she have entered the game and healed him with the Breath of an Archangel without needing to fulfill the clear reward?

That would be amazing.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews


It would have been quicker if I could just use the external method to make someone a telekinetic as long as there was awareness…

43: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you use an unorthodox method on a patient, will they die?

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


A hunter with at least a certain level of skill should know about the tricks that Kurapi used…

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Back then, I was thinking if the mercenaries prepared by Battera would actually lose to the nen users, right?

It has always been depicted that firearms are tough even for Nen users.

Uvoo-san was just too much out of the ordinary.

32: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


I think it’s because Kurapika is quite capable of competing, so to speak.

That guy has been giving off a tightrope feeling all along in the boat edition, but it’s definitely overpowered.

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Rather, it’s unusual that only Bill and I are doing this among those smart enough even at the servant level.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews


To defend against anti-tank rockets from the front or to be unaffected by long-range rifle sniping.

When you think about hard or solid, they’re incredibly strong, right?

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


They’re saying it’s over there, and since they don’t know the position, they’re probably just defending with the drills, which is too strong…

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Since a one-tsubo coastline requires more than 15 people to use it together, isn’t it reasonable to consider it based on a multi-tap setup?

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s a theory that Gensuru wanted a heavy stone while being pregnant, but it’s fine to use it inside, so there’s no need to be particular about clarity.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

When someone completes the 100 designated cards, a quiz competition will start automatically at that point.

It’s really a terrible design that people who aren’t logged in at that timing can’t participate.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


It’s quite generous to be able to participate in the quiz contest even though I haven’t completed the collection.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wasn’t the multi-tap released after the release of GI?

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

“This is going to be terrible…!” Instead, while being rough, I can understand the feeling of imagining the ideal player as “this is (in a proper sense) enjoyable…!”

That’s why it’s even more troublesome.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

The withdrawal is a close-range normal spell, so it can be blocked by F-rank spells at the castle gate.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can’t clear it, you might as well die!

If it’s an amateur, there’s nothing that can be done…

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can buy a GI yourself, you at least have some companions, and you should be able to cooperate with other hunters for your goals.

I can’t believe all 15 of them are solo with not a single friend, right? I bet that’s what Jin is thinking.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

Despite having discussed extensively in GonKillu that one cannot compete against experienced and skilled individuals due to a lack of experience, Kurapika was able to do it.

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Well, it feels like that’s why Gon was shown to us at first, because if he put his life on the line, he could do something like that.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

But if I get involved with Greed, I think the Accompany will do it at least once, causing a lot of trouble throughout the town.

I might get really scolded, but…

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

That’s why it’s a game specifically for hunters, right?

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

There hasn’t been a regular update, huh?

There are specifications for money that cannot be used unless it is carded, and there is only one town where you can buy magic cards.

Normally, complaints come in from players quite a lot.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am a confirmed believer that my son will be strong and enjoy the collection elements.

It seems like they’re purely enjoying the chaos that other people will create.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Uvo had firepower comparable to a small missile, but I wonder if it was somewhat effective even in the Dark Continent.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


If our ideals align, they would be the kind of talent I want to take with me.

If you ask whether we can handle the local monsters, there might be some that we can’t, but since we’re bringing along someone who spreads firearms, it will definitely be useful.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wanted to take you to the king’s match.

There are few scenes that seem useful, but…

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if you haven’t collected them, you can participate in the quiz, and for those who haven’t enjoyed the entire scenario by gathering all the cards through designated purchases at the store or by stealing them with spells, we have introduced a new system that presents quizzes related to card acquisition scenarios that will put them at a disadvantage.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to collect about ten melanistic lizards and release them in a suitable city.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wonder if the ones we defeated and turned into cards remain as corpses even after gaining them.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are there any items that increase the number of pockets?

52: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

In the end, I think this guy is the shortcut, since there’s a final quiz…! But I think it’s really well made.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

The batter is bad, but I wonder if they were also reading about the existence of such affluent and powerful people.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Just like Nobunaga’s circle, at the time of the Yorkshin arc, the brigade itself was among the top as a bounty, but as nen users, it wasn’t a collection of exceptional individuals to that extent.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews


Rather, I felt that the ant section wasn’t really anything special…

The ant edition was just too silly.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


Upon closer inspection, it does crazy things, and there are appropriate descriptions and reactions to that, so I wonder why it feels underrated.

In terms of yen, what Kotorupi and Zeno are doing at 300 meters is on a completely different level of craziness.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even after finishing in first place at the quiz competition, there were still guys who came to steal cards without any protection until the end, which was to be expected.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

So you mean that Jin created it for Gon to enjoy killing people?

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


If you kill and plunder, in the end, it will put you at a disadvantage.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can complete the card collection, you should be able to protect it without any special measures, right…?

It’s quite hunter-like to outsmart someone who has completed their card collection and take their cards to clear the game… possessing both of these traits.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

When you kill a lot of people, you end up needing a number of designated cards like a one-tatami mat stretch of coastline, and the only way to obtain them is to hit the lottery with pure luck.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Stop pushing with the typical hunter attitude.

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

In the first place, taking something by killing doesn’t make sense unless it’s in a situation where you can target an opponent who has clustered around an exit, like in a battle royale game.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not a card for stealing to prevent killing each other.

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

If you don’t form a party of 15 people, the event won’t occur, and the rewards being outrageously limited in card quantity is also an issue.

In the first place, it’s the opposite order because the Razor side won’t give the hint of 15 pirates unless 15 people come.

The worst game element is definitely that part.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems like even a square meter of dense jungle is the type of event where you won’t trigger the flag unless you talk to a specific NPC.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews


This is pretty normal for an RPG, I guess.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, but old games had that kind of thing.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

The relatively long period without conflict may be due to the fact that almost everyone in the battalion was employed by the same employer.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it were a conflict with about three rich people instead of just one Batera, I think the game would have been really chaotic.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


On the contrary, the bait of the basic game was set at 50 billion because of the materialistic approach of the battler.

There is also an aspect where a sudden increase in PKs occurred just before clearing.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Killing each other is also part of being a hunter.


80: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t this kind of like raising a middle finger against the Hunter’s Ten Commandments?

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

There was no need to set a limit on the number of spell cards.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if there was a GM waiting for Gon in a one-tsubo jungle…

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

If PK were truly forbidden, the management would come to ban it, but that hasn’t happened.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon, who just started, said he wanted to be a magician.

It’s pretty annoying that there isn’t a single magic card to attack monsters in the game.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wish there were items that could absorb aura to produce fireballs or summon whirlwind attacks.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews


(Oh… I’m getting hooked.)

99: Japan Otaku Reviews


Because it won’t become training for the mind.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


It feels like I should train since I’ve been using my psychic powers.

I thought at the time that the rewards for the early rock-paper-scissors tournament were too focused on PvP and rather dull…

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you played the game properly, you would have started to release magic spheres from your hands.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

The team that Bomber was part of was explaining all types of magic cards, but…

There are really so many cards that are just like “against the target player”…

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

It wasn’t originally designed as a game for a large number of players…

95: Japan Otaku Reviews


In that case, they wouldn’t set conditions like needing 15 people, and considering that the cards are mostly for player versus player, it’s clearly based on the premise of competing in large numbers to take them from each other.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews

The requirement of 15 people for a limited release of only 100 units is too high a hurdle.

Without a multi-tap, it’s a maximum of 200 people, right? With it, it’s 800 people but…

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

The issue with the number limit is that it’s meant to avoid conflict in reality, but if the goal is to actively encourage conflict, that’s a different matter.

There are places that lure you with the sweetness of rewards.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to relax and do it solo, but I didn’t hear anything about it being multiplayer-focused…

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

I will monopolize something.

Negotiate and sell to someone who seems likely to clear it.


92: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I didn’t have 50 billion, would I have been able to relax and have a bit more fun?

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


I haven’t collected any cards like J-Tosari, but I’ve been doing well.

I think I was probably having fun casually.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fact that you are able to play this game means that you have already achieved more than half of the clear rewards.

You can just use it inside, since it will require playtime on a monthly or yearly basis anyway, right?

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it crazy that you can use things like rejuvenation potions or abilities of psychics to a considerable extent, even if they are limited to that location?

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s scary that there are little things that resemble what was brought back from the Dark Continent.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there weren’t 50 billion, most people would probably quit right away.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


I hope I can stop.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


Just quitting the game feels like a life-or-death situation; this game really doesn’t intend to let you live.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s already a life-threatening task to reach the place where you can buy spell cards, Masadora.

From there to the harbor, even stronger monsters appear.

We need to defeat the corrupt chief at the port…

What level of player skill are you expecting?

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

That guy really managed to keep on living, huh?

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can barely clear it solo because I only have about 40 slots in my item inventory, so this is no joke.

You will really need reliable companions, but if the director goes to meet them together, they will be labeled as lacking determination.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s a Gon-exclusive event.

117: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Pro-hunters also have the mission of nurturing the next generation, so they are saying to form a party.

I think it’s a fairly reasonable policy.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

I really don’t like games where a murderer is hiding around like that.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

Actually, there is a secret spell, isn’t there?

Singing the PL Gakuen effect in reverse.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s only natural that there’s no guarantee of life in an adventure.

This is a game exclusively for hunters, don’t underestimate it.

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you hadn’t met Biscuit, things might have been really dangerous, Gon.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews


Binoort was aiming for Bisque, right?

If Gon and the others were attacked, they would be killed and eaten normally, right?

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

They say I might still be writing in the dark continent, but I’m already rejuvenated in GL.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews


The filthy Kurta tribe easily provokes.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is designed so that you can level up in order, just in case.

It’s a level that only a trainer would understand…

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

The laser event set up by the game has a level of danger that is, well, normal enough to die from.

If you’re going to do it, you have to put your life on the line; I think that’s the bare minimum.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews


Wasn’t there a part just for Gon there too?

I think they would go a bit easier on regular players.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re weak, then train yourself; that’s the design.

If all it takes is just to live, then I guess it’s better to be a recluse… but that’s not really true…

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jin is thinking a bit carelessly, like, “It’s fine since he’s my son…”

120: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

What I didn’t expect was that it wasn’t the conflict between players, but rather the weak players like those trying to team up and take over the cards.

If you think about playing normally, those guys are much worse than Gensuru and the others.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if we are inferior in combat power, we are not doing anything that should be denied since we are using our wits and following the rules to clear the challenge.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t that one of the scenarios the disappearance rule is anticipating when you die?

Killing the weak will make the cards disappear, but it also allows for the unlocking of slots, so there are reasons to do it and reasons not to do it; that’s probably the kind of balance they’re aiming for.

The one who broke through it in the best way is Gensuru.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there’s something I haven’t thought about, it’s probably that there are too many people just coasting along and taking up space.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering the outer continent, it has enough of a city for resupply and it’s a theme park where one can sleep.

As a step up as a hunter, it’s relatively beginner-friendly.

126: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The only problem with Jin in this game is that there’s a mechanism that causes him to refuse when his son comes to visit with friends.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews


When my son comes, I’ll seriously go for it, urging GM.

Maybe make it a special death event…

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Gensuru group seems to be enjoying the game quite honestly.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

The management should properly disclose the roadmap.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like everyone isn’t playing normally as I expected… is that a common experience for game designers?

Including the fact that the “normal” part is far removed from the average person.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

I mean, if the environment has stagnated for years, then do some updates.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


Because the prices keep rising even without doing anything, and the number of players isn’t decreasing.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jin seems to be even more troublesome because he might get happy when unexpected moves are made.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

Compared to the setup of killing after getting carried away in Level E, it has a proper game feel.

136: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The game made by Jin is trash!!!!!!!!!

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

“Though killing each other isn’t the standard route, since we’re playing a highly flexible game set in reality…”

It feels kind of wrong to strictly bind the struggle and killing with rules.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, I think there’s definitely a bit more malice in it.

No matter how you think about it, it will turn into a competition to take it, and it’s hard to believe that they couldn’t anticipate that.

140: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It may seem like a game, but I can’t shake the feeling that the true nature of GI is a base for maintaining immortality.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

Thanks to the complete defeat of the Hame group, the Gon group receiving the spell cards is quite ironic.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

It may only be a matter of appearing younger, and there might be nothing that can be done about lifespan or diseases.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if Mr. Battera would have found it quicker to enter the game.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews


Mr. Batera, in any case, is unable to use the game because his bedridden partner cannot play, so regarding Mr. Batera’s objective, there is no choice but to put out a clear reward and have someone clear it for him.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews


If we talk about using the item on-site, it’s impossible because the lover I want to heal the most can’t enter.

152: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Since it’s a treatment for my unconscious wife, it would be difficult to manipulate or do anything about it.

Well, it feels like it might have been easier to use the money spent on the GI to prepare a dedicated healing ability user for my wife on my own.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

The premise is that we compete for card theft.

I have a feeling that I don’t really want to see much killing between each other in the system.

I think the system was designed for cards to be used vigorously and to flow quickly, with the expectation of more frequent clear outputs.

Even the top players have been slacking off for years and can’t even escape, accumulating magic for years and causing the game to become stagnant.

145: Japan Otaku Reviews


Do your job, management.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jin seems to not care about weak people.

It’s based on the premise that they can use nen, not just ordinary people.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, I think it’s a scenario where this crap game will only sell to family and cult game-loving hunters…

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fact that the free pocket gets filled up right away is such a poor design.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like they’re laughing about how absurdly weak the batter is!

160: Japan Otaku Reviews


Because of Mr. Battera, the number of weak players has been increasing rapidly, unnecessarily raising the game’s difficulty…

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

The solo mode has a terrible design where you can hardly obtain the breath of the archangel.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since you agreed to the terms and are playing the game, don’t complain—that’s Jin’s style, isn’t it?

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kill each other! Fight for it! But not to that extent.

I think they probably consider that there will be guys who will end up killing each other, right? (laughs)

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ultimately, the fact that only those who seriously tackle the game can clear it shows Jin’s romantic side and his bad personality.

157: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The breath of the archangel is, after all, a nen ability.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon was angry about being told that the game Jin made was bad, but Jin is aware that getting stuck on a strategy and having player killers appear are both possibilities.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

There is obviously no strategy wiki, right?

The hunter site was like that.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can only receive rewards for the ones you’ve already cleared, so I can’t waste knowledge about strategies.

168: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If it doesn’t matter how many people clear it, then creating a strategy site and forming a team to take on the challenge might be the right answer, but 50 billion isn’t like that.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since both cards and information can be used as trading materials, there’s little reason to disseminate information except for those who are retiring or doing it for fun.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews

In other words, if we take that base straight to the Dark Continent, it can become a base.

I don’t know if we can maintain against external threats.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

A game where you can get married

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

“Bisque said, ‘It’s made so that you can become stronger if you do it properly.'”

There are those who have been stagnant for years, and even the Gonkill, who are used to the wild and games, weren’t able to defeat many monsters…

Well, Gonkil might have realized it on his own pretty quickly.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews


If they are inexperienced, it seems like there are benefits for both sides since the carrier can use a larger amount freely on the assumption that they will be carried at a minimum.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

Who could laugh at Motarike-kun, who is married to an NPC woman embodied by an old man?

171: Japan Otaku Reviews


Don’t worry because cute girls in reality are made and raised by old men and women.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

The hidden rule is probably understood by Jin, and he’s leaving it as is.

I’m scared that if I do something strange, the GM might go all out on me as a penalty in the quest I’m participating in…

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering the rewards, it seems that they assume it’s not worth it to engage in killing each other so aggressively.

It jumped up somehow.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you split the rewards at the level of a Hame group, it would be completely counterproductive.

174: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Let’s go to the sky arena!

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the end, it seems like the Hame group might end up fighting each other right before clearing.

173: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

In the first place, most items can be used inside, so there’s no point in clearing it.

177: Japan Otaku Reviews


Because there are women, money, and food.

There’s no danger if you don’t leave the city.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

At the original price, it should normally be able to jump at the level of a hamegumi…

A wealthy person who doesn’t understand the game has dumped a lot of weak players…

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

How much is Biscuit’s gem again?

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s often overlooked because Gon and the others had such incredible potential in the first place.

To escape without a leave, you need to learn the basics and train hard to acquire your skills, or you will be sacrificed to the B-class monsters.

I have to deal with the strongest pack of werewolves to reach the port town, and I have to complete that damn captain’s event…

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the breath of the archangel was still effective even when it went outside, cosmetic machines and rejuvenation drugs are indeed effective.

It seems that the rejuvenation drug leaves lifespan unchanged.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder how many valuable cards there are to bring out besides the breath of the archangel.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews


Risky Dice + Something’s request combo!

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since you are a Nen user, it means you should be able to team up and take down a few lawless people, right?

Many places recommend forming teams.

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking back on it, even if I can use psychic powers, 50 billion yen is still a lot of money; it’s quite harsh to say that money is power.

185: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Despite the considerable effort put into its design and the clear rewards, seasoned veterans hardly participated.

Maybe the biggest factor is “It’s a game made by Jin…”

Well, everyone has work, so there might be cases where someone like Kaito just left immediately.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

In Biscuit’s evaluation, it was said that Gon and Killua would die before reaching Masadora during their training.

Isn’t Motarike-kun amazing for getting there?

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even with a vast amount of money, if you use it the wrong way, you can’t even heal one sick person…

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    • March 6, 2025
    [Puella Magi Madoka Magica] I only had a limited amount of knowledge, but isn’t this person strong?

    [My Hero Academia] What went wrong, I wonder?

    • March 6, 2025
    [My Hero Academia] What went wrong, I wonder?

    [Mobile Suit Gundam] I wonder what modifications will be made to the aerial type Gundam when it appears in build series.

    • March 6, 2025
    [Mobile Suit Gundam] I wonder what modifications will be made to the aerial type Gundam when it appears in build series.

    [Medalist] Yuzuru Hanyu!!?

    • March 6, 2025
    [Medalist] Yuzuru Hanyu!!?