Can’t you wait? Kintaro, what are you doing? Where are you going to allocate the dollars that just came in? It’s five hundred billion dollars in total! At least we can divide it into a few transactions; we can at least split it in an instant! Stop it, that’s reckless! It’s fine! It’s all five hundred billion dollars! The great idea is to convert everything to yen in the market! That way, the whole world will wake up!
We go with the vibe.
Wait, Kintaro! Let me make a deal first!!
(In this case, I don’t really know which is more profitable, selling yen or buying yen.)
Wait, Kintaro! How do you do forex trading!?
Is this what they call insider trading?
If Kintaro buys up all the yen, the value of the yen will rise! In other words, the yen will strengthen!
So, should I buy or sell…?
In reality, it might be that no one really understands since the atmosphere can rise and fall.
There are people who buy and sell based on the feel of the atmosphere, so I predict their actions and trade accordingly.
In other words, you know…
Don’t you understand very well?
Since I know that the yen will be heavily bought in the future, is it possible to profit by short-selling the dollar…?
I don’t understand…
500 billion isn’t that big when you consider the trading volume of the dollar-yen.
It only moves by 0.5 yen.
Wasn’t the yen moving by 2 or 3 yen even when the Bank of Japan intervened with 5 trillion yen?
If it’s 15 times that amount, it would be quite a significant sum, right?
It’s amazing to move 0.5 yen with just one transaction.
Wouldn’t you be surprised if it went up by 0.5 yen in an instant?
Is it better to buy yen because the yen is being bought, or to sell dollars because the dollar is being sold…?
Isn’t it the same meaning?
Aren’t you going to move a lot if you’re surprised?
This is incredible!
Even Kiryu could only earn 50 billion yen, and yet it’s 500 billion dollars…
Kintaro is making money like crazy!
500 billion dollars?! 74 trillion yen?!
This money was provided by about ten of my Arab king friends and royalty…
Wait, Kintaro! Wait!!
I don’t really understand either, so I don’t know what Kintaro wants to do.
Kintaro was able to find some sense of fulfillment in other jobs, but…
It seems to me that making money by using someone else’s money isn’t really work, so I go all out and do whatever I want.
What happened with this?
The whole world has woken up.
“Is it correct to think of it as ‘buying when the price is relatively low and selling when it’s high to make a profit from the difference’?”
When you start doing short selling in margin trading, it becomes incomprehensible, and it becomes even more confusing with options.
If you leave out things like interest rates, that’s pretty much it.
I can also do the 25 times Kaioken.
It seems like there won’t be any problems for a while even if the Arabs run out of oil, as long as they can keep trading stocks and currency.
If you have money power, can’t you keep increasing your money?
If it’s just 500 billion, that’s one thing, but it’s in dollars…
This is amazing!
500 billion dollars is not something to wake up to.
I’ll end up sleeping forever.
This will wake the whole world up!!
Isn’t it similar in scale to the Plaza Accord?
Not an insider.
I’m just getting along with people who are manipulating things.
I’m not sure, but it seems like there will be unusual transaction fees.
If you don’t know well, just keep quiet.
Let’s go to the rooftop…
Wait, Kintaro!
It sounds different from the main story.
Did it exceed the ceiling…?
There is a correct flow, but because it’s a system where the minority wins, contrarian strategies are also valid approaches, so in the short term, there’s no such thing as right or wrong!
Why is Kintaro so angry?
Because the wealthy in the West are trying to manipulate the exchange rate by inducing a stronger yen to destroy the Japanese economy.
Oh? This sounds like something I’ve heard somewhere before?
If you buy yen, won’t it make the yen even stronger?
It’s fine!
Is Kintaro the person who, when faced with debt, takes out life insurance and then dies?
Wait, Kintaro!
If an individual moves things this far on their own, won’t it cause various problems?
This will wake the world up!
I want to suddenly move to a stronger yen by about 100 yen.
Wait, Kintaro!
This is amazing.
Was the world sleeping?
Is it really that easy to manipulate the market by throwing a trillion yen worth of gold held by an investment bank into the foreign exchange market?
If it’s just about breaking it.
During the Asian financial crisis, hundreds of billions of dollars in support were used to revive the economy.
Depending on the timing, I think that amount could destroy the economy.
Wait? Isn’t a 500 billion dollar thread absolutely outrageous?
Because it’s several hundred billion dollars in Asia, it would require 500 billion dollars for the whole world.
It’s fine!
It is.
This is amazing…!
That’s surprising!
Loss cut!
Loss cut!
I don’t understand at all… we go by the mood.
What happens if you buy yen with all your might?
Can the cause greater than Elon Musk’s net worth be operated on a computer?
Holding stocks just for the sake of the dividend vouchers is good enough.
What happens when you wake up?
I’m not really sure, but is about 1 dollar to 50 yen okay?
This is amazing…!
It’s a silly job that even AI can do.
Wait, Kintaro! Someone’s going to commit suicide!
Speaking of which, I remember watching the end of Gasaraki without really understanding the part where they were fighting over the economy, just going along with the atmosphere.
Are you waking up?
Since everyone is doing it based on the atmosphere, it’s good that it fluctuates with the mood.
First of all, where did that five hundred billion dollars come from…?
If it’s the actual item, it shouldn’t be that bad, right?
It’s a hassle to calculate, so how much would it take to invest until it becomes 1 dollar equals 1 yen?
I want to see a world where suddenly the dollar becomes worthless.
Well, they’re saying to stop the weak yen, so it seems like the yen might strengthen.
I have no idea how to make a profit at all.
If your assets are in yen, it’s best to hold onto them in yen…
If the exchange rate is 1 dollar to 1 yen, I’ll buy up American companies and be super popular.
So, does that mean I should just buy 500 billion yen?
It seems that increasing both currency and stock prices is something that can only be done in places like the United States.
I understand you want to tell me to stop, but it’s not like I’m doing this because I like it.
What is often unclear about this is that, when viewed over the long term, there are indeed proper ups and downs.
For example, if you have something that goes down, it would be fine to just wait until it goes back up, so it’s strange that there’s something like cutting losses.
Maybe there is a structure I don’t know about!!
There’s no guarantee that it will rise to the amount I bought it for, and even if it does, I have no idea when that will be…
If there’s no prospect of rising for the time being, it’s better to sell even at a slight loss than to keep holding it indefinitely.
There is a mindset that it’s better to invest that money in various opportunities instead of just letting it sit and accumulate time.
In the long term, I’ve seen that people who buy and just leave it alone don’t lose out.
If you can move an amount that could affect the exchange rate, would you just make profits by buying and selling without thinking at all?
In exchange, the economy is in complete chaos.
It’s fine!!
Each country’s central bank is managing foreign reserves, so we need to outcompete them financially.
Therefore, essentially, countries that are politically or economically weak are targeted.
Just holding onto stocks without buying or selling would make a profit at this amount.
That is dead money.
It might be impossible to do whatever I want just based on trading volume…
But I definitely think Trump’s close aides are engaged in FX.
If you do this, you’ll get scolded by the Financial Services Agency.
It was probably the securities department or something like that, right?
What would happen to the economy if we pumped in 500 billion dollars?
In this manga, why is it that after pouring all 500 billion dollars into yen and then immediately converting the yen back to dollars, the dollars have increased instead?
In simple terms, it’s the same as reselling activities.
It’s already impossible to read because it moves according to people’s intentions.
It’s a mess because of that loud-mouthed old man.
The more unstable the situation, the more fluctuations there are, creating opportunities for profit!
This is a loss cut!
Should I just open something called an account first?
500 billion dollars is already at the level of market intervention.
Last year’s Bank of Japan’s currency intervention was said to be 15 trillion yen, so yes…
I’ve seen people who made random purchases and ended up with unrealized losses in foreign exchange, only to finally make a profit after holding onto it for about 20 years, so the idea of just holding long-term is pretty scary.
Well, when there is no room in the budget, it usually results in a forced liquidation pattern.
Kintaro, scouted by chance as a delinquent, starts a corporate reform, becoming successful, going on a solo assignment, having an affair, getting his girlfriend assaulted, being imprisoned, being sent abroad, being imprisoned again, becoming friends with an oil prince, and turning into an investment arc like in a meme—it’s all quite outrageous, but pretty interesting.