Then, let’s go honestly! One! Gatsu!
I’ve already started to like Peshiman.
Join me.
Rather, it’s just about equal with the handicap!
After all, the robot superhuman is just something to be used.
The reason I’m doing it is that it’s the meaning and purpose for which I was born… I guess that’s how it feels.
The theory that one is too lucky against Warsman.
You came to stop the Time Superhuman, didn’t you!?
You want to stop the arrogance of the time superman, don’t you?!
What position do you take, you!? It’s a shocking line.
In fact, Warsman was also surprised…
Do you perhaps have something to say to the God of Time…?
I have fallen in love…
Is the back of your head okay?
I’m glad I didn’t end up in a horrific situation after receiving that dreadful technique…
A man with no flaws other than being a Nan J member.
The theory of relatively plausible gods of time and the other five great dislikes of time.
I don’t really praise the God of Time at all, and when I’m with my friends, I’m lethargic, so even if I don’t hate it, I probably don’t really like it either.
Do you use super recovery?
In other words, we can fight brutally with peace of mind!
Isn’t it just that we’re working and not a solid group?
As expected of one who possesses the time of twilight.
It’s just about right to have a handicap!
But I’m glad there are some tough ones among the old-fashioned superhumans!
Niki Niki
If it’s about super recovery, there’s no reason to save it for a week, so if I’m using it here, it would probably be better to break the magic hourglass.
Since I broke my horn, I can’t go to the God of Time or the future, so I wonder if I’ll be abandoned and join the ranks of the others…
Seeing him sympathizing with Warsman, it seems he is dissatisfied with the treatment, as mechanical superhumans are always like this.
If you’re showing such a nice place, it seems entirely possible to survive and reconcile, but there’s the issue of whether the first loser will do that.
In this situation, I’ll let them exit and have them come down when the war is in a pinch.
It feels like it could turn into a friendship like with Paula, but I also have a feeling it might end in death.
It’s surprising, like I might activate my friendship power against Warsman.
If it’s against Warsman, I can almost hear them saying “Nice to meet you, Nicky!”
Niki niki
Come at me as much as you want…
I don’t understand at all what these guys, including Fanatic, are even about.
When I see Robin and War’s opponents shining, it really makes me feel that the idol superhumans have a sense of stability. I’m sorry, but during the time of the Intelligence Team, there was a strong feeling of uncertainty…
Well, to be honest, I think matches where the Prism Man is on your side are actually difficult.
It’s not bad, but it’s hard to create drama, and when you win, it feels like the opponent isn’t really strong… so it doesn’t get that exciting…
I think I was managing the match to bring out the maximum charm of Prismans.
Isn’t that problematic in its own way? That’s the feeling I get from Prismans’ ability.
Well, to be honest, if you watch that match on its own, it was interesting.
A useless person ended up being useless as they were…
It’s more like a strong enemy in the main story, or probably treated similarly to a heel in a one-shot.
To put it another way, compared to the Devil Supermen, the Intelligence Team clearly felt weaker in depth…
I wanted Satan Cross to come with the Western ninjutsu style he had when he was fighting the ninja.
To be honest, it just looks like a degraded version of Ashura to me.
Prisman was the best.
“The origin has been identified, and if this doesn’t work, we’re out of options!”
You’ve gotten pretty good at handling those spiky things that grew out of nowhere!
You’re doing it!!
I’ll say it straight: it’s not that the suddenly introduced new gear is strong; it’s that your combat sense to utilize that suddenly introduced new gear is exceptional!
Niki is funny, but I thought the other one…!? is not good.
Dressing in an American style and saying “nigger” is not good.
Normally, the coolness of Peshiman is strong.
Someone who is doing onishota in pro wrestling.
Following the onyx, the complex of wars is being resolved…
It can only be thought that they are pessimistic about their own gods and existence.
“This equipment is no good…! It’s just the right handicap for Wars.”
Your ability to use it is amazing; is this guy a counselor or what?
I don’t really remember what Satan Cross was doing anymore.
I have the impression that they were quite persistent and fought hard.
During the Onyx battle, Onyx didn’t even consider the fact that being a robot was an issue, which made me laugh at Wars who seemed to be unsettled all by himself.
Well, that said, war has historically been a source of persecution, so it’s quite a trauma.
Moreover, he’s a nice guy, so I thought it was unfair that I’m just a robot.
It’s amazing that Warsman continues to update his best bout, but you should be grateful to your opponents.
War can be seen as proof that a character has that level of specs.
In the old works, it usually had an early defeat, so I didn’t pay much attention, but it was noticeable that the always-surviving New Meat Warsman was so silent that he didn’t contribute at all to the cheer during his teammates’ matches.
I’ll say this, you piece of junk… You claim to be blessed with your opponents, but the reason you’re constantly updating your best bout is because of your own charm.
The impact of Prism Man was that he was wearing a bunny costume and going wild.
It’s like they were angry from start to finish and just exited without anything else to say…
That guy is so pointless!
People who mock their peers usually end up with a bad image, but in this case, it’s so reasonable and the person is such a big deal that it just ended up being, “Yeah, that’s right,” and it was no good.
It seems like a follow-up to Wars, who might be suffering from mental damage after carelessly doing something brutal, with an appeal that it isn’t affecting him.
Pessimiman… You! It’s enough to surprise even Wars.
I think Pessiman is thinking more about Wars than Robin.
Robin is doing it seriously!
Watching things like Mammoth, Ultimate Tag, and Super God Arc makes me think that maybe the match against Robin, the master of great matches, during the championship era was good because of that…
If only Mamosman had a good throwing technique… that’s how it feels.
It’s like, what does it mean that God is a robot!?
Basically, Warsman is fortunate to have good opponents and people around him.
The way to say “nikiniki” has definitely increased in patterns.
Nicky! → Nyaa~! → N-Gah…!
It’s strange to be excited when you’re told you were born to destroy the world…
Next week should be a super recovery, so it depends on what to do from there.
I thought the pessimist was only at the beginning, but recently I’ve started to see shadows flickering.
Well, it’s true that Warsman is a strong character as long as he can manage his mental state.
Ramen Man and Pentagon are not a match, as Buffalo Man is an extremely strong superhuman at the level of almost dying.
It seems scary that there might be a development where Warsman wins with the power of friendship, but Pessimiman himself dies.
It seems I might only leave the coat behind.
That’s not true, Robin also values Warsman.
There is no one left to curse you with foul language… No one is trying to use you as a tool of the state. I won’t abandon my important disciple, Warsman. You always seem to worry about being a “mouth-bread,” but Warsman! I… I have never thought of you as a “mouth-bread” even once… I, myself, will not let anyone make me laugh…
What were you feeling when you got so angry at Wars, who didn’t want to put on the bear claw, that you hit Bibinba?
In the anime, I punched Natsuko…
Bibimbap is superhuman, so it’s just barely safe, but hitting a human is even more out of bounds.
The reason my son kills human wrestlers is Dynasty.
Arbitrary cropping…
It seemed like they were saying terrible things during the barracuda event…
Forget the inconvenient things.
Every match lost in the wars is like facing a big boss…
I feel it’s about time for something like a victory in wars, building friendships, and joining as comrades.
It seems like there are many kind people who are opponents of Warsman…
Because Warsman is kind…
I seriously think this is true.
I thought it was completely over when Peshimi tossed aside his downer character and suddenly started saying “niki niki.”
It seems there is a bulletin board that has been playing around for about half a year without any appearances, just for the sake of fun.
Well, to be honest, I thought that a quiet character wasn’t that interesting, so I welcomed the change in direction, but I never expected it to go this far.
It’s a time when the universe is in a mess because of superhumans, so it’s no wonder they’d get angry.
Wozman tends to be encouraged by his opponents.
I don’t care, but it’s really bothering me that Robin is calling him Warsman in the anime.
I thought that all of War’s charm and tricks were revealed in the Onyx battle, so I’m a bit confused that the Pesimi battle is just really interesting.
The charm of robots is definitely the power-up from new weapons.
For now, I am convinced that even if Peshiman loses at first, he won’t be ridiculed by the readers.
In some cases, it may turn out that in the end, you have a satisfying battle and are relieved from that time.
The only unpleasant opponents in the wars were probably Nep and Manriki…
It seems that it has become like a trauma for Manriki-san…
Don’t get obsessed with strange things, just incorporate anything good! The God of Restoration.
If you prove your strength using that power, then I don’t care about anything else, Chief of the Wolf Room.
You want to stop our arrogance, don’t you? Pessimiman!
In the anime, when it was said that the late arrival of Wars was the plan of the inferior superhuman, I thought it was cute how they got angry, saying, “It’s because of Jack Chi that the pyramid collapsed and I was finally able to come out!”
Speaking of which, Manriki was here too…
I completely forgot…
It effectively has one KO, and if the extreme mode doesn’t activate, it’ll be completely done for.
The other matches haven’t progressed at all, but it seems tough because they have to be compared with Pesimiman whether they like it or not.
I wonder if Endeman and the Industrial Revolution combo will be okay.
As long as we don’t exclude chaos, I feel like the industrial revolution combo can be managed in any way.
Enderman is not visible on the screen, so I’m worried in a different way.
It’s unfair that I’ve changed farms twice at lightning speed and started over, making it so that even if Pesimi fully recovers, we’re pretty much even.
The backlash from the poor treatment of old works has returned too strongly in the Reiwa era, so I want to give about a third back to the Showa era.
At the time of the second generation, the treatment was already quite good for Kuro Wars.
Is it because I ranked high in the popularity poll that I got a good role?
I forgot if I got a good role and ended up high in the popularity poll.
Suguru is giving a stamp of approval to Nep, but seems worried about Wars.
I think Suguru and Wars have the best relationship in terms of caring for each other.
Isn’t Suguru’s way of relying on Wars pretty extreme?
The night before the Nemesis battle is intense.
It was dangerous if Nep wasn’t there because it was too sweet.
I’ve always thought that the Time Superhumans are way too good at using the microphone to be considered beginners in pro wrestling.
I wonder if it’s been instilled by the God of Time.
When I think about fanatics, I wonder if there’s some kind of superhuman that serves as a base for everyone…
Just because I’ve been doing pro wrestling for years doesn’t mean I’m good on the mic, Hawa.
Even if I’m told I’m trivial or inconsequential, just the fact that I tried to deal with it by abandoning the throne of a god out of a sense of crisis makes me one of the top among the 108 gods…
Even the trivial stuff rises to the top because everything else is so rotten, so it’s understandable that one would want to completely replace it all.
In light of the circumstances that became clear later, Baikon’s anger was justified.
The timeline is unclear for the Five Great Toks created by the God of Time.
At least the fake psycho exists around the time right before the real one dies…
I wonder how Warsman actually wins.
It’s an opponent against whom my specialty, the Palo Special, doesn’t work.
But I feel like we played the Overrider first to win with the Paro.
At the moment when he tried to admit defeat after being taken down by the wars,
Being forced to undergo super recovery by the God of Time might feel really unwillingly pessimistic.
Suguru and Nep have a strong rivalry but also team up, so there is trust between them.
Wars tend to die or come close to dying periodically…
The pessimistic elements of Peshiman might be directed towards the God of Time and the other four Great Times, who are supposed to be allies.
In the Onyx battle, I sacrificed everything to pull out one hundred million power and it was almost a tie, but I wonder if the base power hasn’t increased even with the current look.
I think I’ll normally use super recovery with my own will.
There’s no reason not to use the power I have, after all.
Exactly, even Warsman is in a state where the current form isn’t his true intention, and it’s like the pessimistic side is pushing him.
I never thought they would become such a great character.
I believe in you! That’s Terry.
You are kind, so worry is a war.
“Take this, Twisted Tower Bridge! It’s Robin!”
I have a feeling that the timing might coincide with the battles in the original work and the anime.
The Wars side is also effectively recovering through transformations, so even if the opponent has super recovery, it doesn’t feel too unfair.
In the second generation, Chloe was cool as a master, including in design.
What’s going on with the Hell’s Bears and that war?
“Wars: ‘Huh!? I just did what Robin was doing to me to Mammothman…'”
The birth of the Prism Man, which can only be described as “God of Intelligence, are you kidding me…”.
The idea of turning the piece into a superhuman makes me think, “I see, that’s one way to do it,” but at the same time, I can’t help but feel like, “Seriously, give me a break…”
It’s convincing why you have that ability…
The Bicorn was furious.
Worsman properly advises Suguru when he does something wrong, saying that it’s not good.
In that situation, probably a lot of other friends would have reacted first with their hands.
“The moment when you shouted ‘Where did the you that beat me go?!’ is a scene that makes sense because of that.”
I completely agree, but that situation is one where you might even kick the noodles…
This guy is already fighting for Wars and Super Robot.
It seems suspicious with the director and all, but I can feel reassured knowing that Pessiman will follow up no matter what happens with Wars.
I love the strange friendship between Prism Man and Geronimo through Brocken.
Zebra and Mariki
Wars and thread images
I like this kind of thing…
While fighting, awakening to friendship, you’re already a superhero of justice, aren’t you?!
I can’t forgive the one who made such a gentle Wars engage in brutal fights.
I won’t allow it to be used as a tool of the state!
The Crucifixion Bearclaw skillfully restrained Pesimi’s arms.
I think this kind of thing isn’t good…! It’s interesting how Warsman is feeling this way while his opponent keeps saying, “Just use it!!!” for two consecutive matches.
This guy has been way too popular lately…
Because it’s honestly cool.
In the first place, Warsman was born to a human mother and a superhuman father, but as a result of his father modifying part of his body with machinery, he was born as a mechanical superhuman, which is quite an incomprehensible existence. So, are you really a robot…?
In Kinnikuman, the robot superhumans are actually more like cyborgs, but among them, Wars feels different because he literally merges machinery with flesh.
Well, it seems there are also superhumans who are only machines, aside from that.
The abilities obtained by superhumans are passed down to the next generation, so that’s the nature of those traits.
It’s the same as when you take the arms of the Ashuraman clan or the Milosman and attach them to yourself, so they are passed down to your descendants.
I’m also watching the sequel’s fan club features, but the new meat doesn’t have such outrageous robot elements, perhaps due to the time setting…
It seems that after 30 years, you finally understand about the wars.
If Prisman had trained properly and mastered his skills instead of just relying on the pee shower, it would have been really amazing.
I think it’s precisely because it’s one-sided that there was a chance to succeed.
I mean, even though they were a fool from the beginning, weren’t they a strong competitor who also used regular techniques?
It’s nice that it reflects the growth from the Onyx battle in some places…
And it was good that they didn’t go for a power struggle from the very beginning, instead methodically attacking with joint locks, reflecting the results of their confrontation with God.
The flow of the Peshimi battle from Onyx is utilized beautifully in a surprisingly seamless way.
Even if I were to lose to Pesimiman with my current spiky form, I think I would feel very complicated emotions.
I hope you want to take it off at the end and do a Baro Special.
It’s good that you can handle Pesimi because of your skills, right? That’s what I would say.
Well, it feels like the spike comes from the flow of Pesimi’s trump card.
If I had to say, Warsman’s current outfit is incredibly unfashionable!
The subtle differences between machine superhumans and robot superhumans.
It feels like there’s a presence that might bring out the third explosive power after Bro, doesn’t it, Warsman?
Also, there’s someone who starts taking care of me when I go out, which is a bad thing about wars.
The scene where Pesimiman, who was bitten by a claw, stands up while holding his hat is really cool, isn’t it?
This guy seems to be getting mental care from his opponents in a row…
Actually, it’s not surprising that allies can’t easily be close around that area.
The complex of being a “robot superhuman” couldn’t be easily resolved by my master or friends…
There are no Robo Super Humans on our side.
I can’t share that worry.
The kindness of giving a follow to Wars who is saying, “I messed up!!”
Yu-de is starting to understand how to handle Wars.
Cool but American and cowboy, yet the fighting style is capoeira, a mystery.
A mysterious capoeira that will definitely fail.
But this is the first match where I thought basic pro wrestling techniques like the senton and the spear looked this cool.
I want you to survive relatively well, but even if we understand each other, it seems like you might either die protecting Wars or face the purge of the God of Time and die.
It’s interesting that a man who is originally passionate is a pessimist.
The low energy during their first appearance is intense.
Has the slowpoke comment been corrected?
They say they don’t mind or that we’re friends, but the robot’s torment itself…
If there is Manriki, it feels like a leg breaker, but just that would lack firepower.
Let’s defeat it with something amazing that involves pinning the spike to the pessimist while using a leg breaker in a driver-like manner, tightening it with a hundred million power spin.
Since his arm looks like Rockman, I thought he might be a robot superhuman or something! Then I was really surprised to find out he was actually a robot.
I never thought of you as a robot, but my imaginary Robin comforted me, saying that it’s not true. But it’s troubling to have the robot aspect denied, right?