“It’s so frustrating that it’s said you can’t just accept it as something unavoidable because there is a disability.”
Are you treating me like a disabled person!?
Episode 10 (1) also has 900 views, so it’s not really a massive increase.
It’s the first appearance of the thread image.
Was Mii-chan’s mom a popular character…?
It’s just as the author intended.
Is this child disabled?
It’s the trendy mother character!
Just because you see the thread image, you treat me like a disabled person! How dare you mock me! It’s your stupid perspective that’s the problem! Ahhhhh!!!
Disability is individuality.
The problem of not being able to receive support because the family does not acknowledge the disability is actually serious.
It’s not a matter of Mi-chan’s mom as an individual.
Why won’t you admit it?
It’s embarrassing…
You still don’t understand even after reading it…?
Am I being treated like a disabled person?
There shouldn’t be any indecent depictions.
Rather, it’s an unwavering brother complex little sister.
The old woman probably doesn’t acknowledge the child’s disability due to silly pride and also because it was during the era of eugenics protection laws.
I think the reason a mother does not acknowledge her child’s disability may be due to a complex stemming from a vague self-awareness that both the parent and child might be disabled.
Even though it’s trending so much on the bulletin board, it’s only ranked 21st on Magapoke…
The popular witch and mercenary among the nameless is even lower.
Being around 20th place among a series that has been running for several years is just insane…
Mii-chan’s mom was also visibly shaken when she was talking about disabilities with Muu-mama, so it’s not at the level of a madman where the conversation isn’t making any sense at all.
Although it has been canceled for the sake of the conversation, there was a point of acceptance.
Muu-chan “also”!? There was about a 1 millimeter possibility of a rescue route in that panel.
At that time, when I was planning to have Muu-chan go to the support class and discussing the risks of sending her to a regular class, Mii Mama was understandably leaning toward that direction as well.
Well, she started to look down on Moo-chan openly and began to say things like, “That’s why disabled people are…” at every opportunity.
I think we will send our Mii-chan to a regular class, unlike children with disabilities.
It seems that even the old lady had her own thoughts on the matter.
It’s because the only healthy person, the old lady, refused assistance…
I can’t help but think that when it comes to incest, the eyes of the neighbors shouldn’t matter at all.
My child is gifted, so… they really seem to think that.
No, no! It’s not enough to be put in a special class!
With a little more consideration!
From the way Muuma is behaving, it’s clear that she is fully aware that her daughter is inherently developmentally delayed.
I guess I take after my grandmother in avoiding eye contact from there.
The thread image contains the most lewd picture created in this work.
I honestly don’t think the cabaret arc is very interesting, but the flashback, specifically the part with Mii-chan’s mom, really ramps things up.
Is the comment section turning into the thread image?
It’s an interesting phenomenon.
Until the cabaret section, it’s just a typical manga featuring straightforward characters and common cabaret club clichés.
Since the discovery of thoroughbreds, I have mainly been boosted here.
Talking with disabled people is frustrating, so it can’t be helped.
The shadows of the fish have become more pronounced.
If Mu-chan had gone to a special school from middle school, would there have been a possibility that our situation would have been like that too?
If there had been a third party present where the mothers were discussing, it would have created a good flow.
But just when the thread image was about to go through the enrollment process, they decided to stop!
I might not be able to say it.
The character with the most active erotic fan creations right now.
A mom with experience in incest and childbirth, so it’s quite intense.
Is the author themselves a person with a disability or someone involved in the welfare sector?
It has been so simply dismissive of disabled people up to this point.
It’s quite an aggressive manga, isn’t it?
I think the author drew it with the thought that having a disability is lower than doing night jobs.
I’m somewhat relieved that this guy, who has been sitting at number one in the Magapoke original ranking, settles into a moderate position on update days because it would be scary if he kept holding the top spot.
It’s not drawn yet, but I feel uneasy imagining if Mii-chan had died and Mama was still alive.
Mii-chan may only appear in the second and third.
I’m curious about what happens when someone who has been overly focused on crude depictions and has been drawing comics without a particular punchline has their work edited.
I hope that in the final episode, it doesn’t happen like in “Oshi no Ko” where the tide pulls away.
There is a sense of Takopi course.
Ah, I see. The generation of the Eugenic Protection Law was recognized, but they would have their genitals cut off without consent, so it was hard to acknowledge it in that sense too.
The reason that the current elderly stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their children’s disabilities is probably related to that.
The true weak do not appear in a way that makes others want to help them.
Once the past arc ends, it will be straight to the end until death, so it doesn’t seem like it will be serialized for much longer.
I think it’s correct that Mii-chan revealed from the start that this guy is going to die.
The old lady has had a second child, but for some reason, she has this strange self-control that makes it seem like she hasn’t had a second child.
If you only know it from the collab, it’s fine to leave it as it is… I want to say that because there are some tough spots that are full throttle right from the beginning.
Recently, I’ve run out of nighttime job stories, and since they aren’t getting a good response, I’m just going through the motions pretending to be an outlaw, feeling a determination to show those guys what real disability discrimination looks like…!
It’s not about raising questions through manga; it’s more of a stance where it would be nice if it just became a topic of conversation, so I don’t think it’s something to take seriously.