Heimdall… I’m about to lose my temper…
Swimsuit Tevnut…
I love cosmos…
Direct hit from Gachapin… followed by 20 consecutive yellow stones… Mukk’s hopes have been dashed…
Good morning, nothing going on…
Kukur from Mac from Gachapin…
Thank you, cosmos…
I was happy to see the rainbow, but Kaguya Stone… pick-up moss… Am I being discriminated against…?
I rolled 120 times on Gachapin…
What’s going on, Cosmos…?
Mammoth… I’m so happy…
Two new characters in a row…!
Alethea and Therese… Cosmos…?
The production has entered and it became 100 consecutive turns…
The gacha didn’t go well, but Mook’s victory with Lara-chan was a big success!
Gacha Results You have obtained the following 10 items! Continue to purchase the gacha set Information ★It has been sent as a gift! ★Ann has joined your party! ★Ann’s fate episode has been unlocked! ★Raziel has joined your party! ★Raziel’s fate episode has been unlocked! ★You have obtained 1 Bronze Moon! ★You have obtained 1 Gold Moon! ★You have obtained 10 Aqueous Light Emblems! To the gift list
First, starting with you…
Arthur came, but why is he a guy…
I got a direct pin with Raziell…
“`整理 検索 受け取る 魔鯛 レジェンド10連ガチャで獲得した召喚石です。 1 受け取る 取得 2025年3月23日 05:22 魔鯛 レジェンド10連ガチャで獲得した召喚石です。 1 受け取る 取得 2025年3月22日 05:24 魔鯛 レジェンド10連ガチャで獲得した召喚石です。 1 受け取る 取得 2025年3月21日 05:44 ラファエル コラボ限定10連ガチャで獲得した召喚石です。 1 受け取る 取得 2025年2月14日 19:31“`
“`Organize Search Receive This is a summon stone obtained from the Magic Sea Bass Legend 10 consecutive gacha. 1 Receive Obtained March 23, 2025 05:22 This is a summon stone obtained from the Magic Sea Bass Legend 10 consecutive gacha. 1 Receive Obtained March 22, 2025 05:24 This is a summon stone obtained from the Magic Sea Bass Legend 10 consecutive gacha. 1 Receive Obtained March 21, 2025 05:44 This is a summon stone obtained from the Raphael collaboration limited 10 consecutive gacha. 1 Receive Obtained February 14, 2025 19:31“`
Daily catches…
A farmer becomes a fisherman…
Is there any basis for that vigor?
From around 85% gauge, after 30 consecutive spins, a 100-spin performance since the first day… I had never seen a performance until this season, and now the wave is coming…
There are 7 opportunities left to fill the gauge, including today…
I thought I still had about 30% left on the gauge… but then it ended with a direct hit and only a true sea bream.
I at least wanted a gold moon.
Lara-chan won by pulling Mars in 30 draws!
Cosmos… Swimsuit Harezena has been released…
It was cute, but I feel like its performance was cute too…!
I believe it was used in the first solo dark Tengen.
They wouldn’t give me the limited characters or limited weapons I want, but they gave me the 000 and Roger stones that I finished upgrading yesterday and today.
Now──let’s destroy everything.
I thought I could gather meat with 0 clicks since I fully upgraded Heimdall, but it was impossible…
If you dress up like Narumea-nee-chan in a yukata, it might work out, you know?
I’m considering whether the Basara sword will protrude.
Sure, here are the characters extracted from the image: “` Manadiver LV20 HP 19604 Attack Power 82619 Job Details Total HP 4147 Total Attack Power 36231 Limited SLv. 20 SLv. 15 SLv. 15 SLv. 15 SLv. 15 SLv. 20 SLv. 20 SLv. 15 Limited Limited Limited Dedicated Formation Weapon Rearrangement Attack Recovery Auto Summon Turn 2 WAVE1/1 01:29 Mode OVER DRIVE 2nd 3rd 17,168 8,611 9,534 11,048 ABILITY SUMMON Night Treasure Recovery 4368.78 COOL 1311140 My page Back Chat “`
Honestly, I’m going to make Viking hero weapons.
It’s the first time I’ve managed to collect so many Gachapin gauges, so I didn’t know that if you collect too many, the 10 pulls would disappear and Gachapin would take up more than half… Is there Gachapin again tomorrow?
The only noteworthy achievement after 10 years of playing is finally unlocking Europa.
What’s going on, Cosmos…?
Gachapin Direct 10 Consecutive Draws, Mukku 10 Consecutive Draws
The meat gathering is done with this equipment in the Viking Nalmer Mari Minjan Ku Kuru.
Total HP 4246 Total Attack Power 39040 DUAL BLADE +99 443 4479 Limited +99 475 3387 Limited +99 439 3635 SKIN SKIN +99 386 4531 +99 382 3852 Limited +99 417 3675 Limited +99 357 4449 Limited +99 480 3365 +99 480 3365 +99 387 4302 Main Fixed Combat Power Equipment Rearrangement Automatic Weapon Equipment Predicted Damage 555353 Against Dark Attribute Predicted Damage WEAK POINT! 1217429
The predicted damage shown here is always several times mine, and it’s amazing to see.
Are you setting up the support stone…?
Even if you want to increase your TA, it’s better to avoid Saint Cloth in a short term.
Isn’t it good now that you have attack awakening?
By the way, the festival is over, so the SSR is 3%.
I should have played classical music.
There’s nothing to do, especially since there are no daily missions…
Ewiya Stone… Fully maxed out… Cosmos…?
“` My page Gacha results Get the following 10 items! – Utilizing the 10 consecutive gacha set Free until SS rare appears!! Menu Information ♦ Sent as a gift! ♦ Earned 10 Azure Light Seals! ♦ Earned 10 Silver Moons! ♦ Earned 1 Flame Earring! To gift list Azure Light Seal HELP Azure Light Seal 150 List of eligible equipment Provision period: 2025/3/22 19:00 – 2025/3/25 18:59 Legend 10 consecutive gacha “`
When I see someone with 150 pulls and no SSR, it makes me lose the will to pull gacha outside of the festival.
Is hitting Gachapin directly a loss?
If it’s outside the festival, there’s a possibility I can wear amazing geta, so it’s definitely a possibility…
There is also a possibility of getting a pickup…
If you leave early, you’ll gain an advantage… It’s sad to go straight when the gauge is full…
Gachapin direct hit… Frey…
I’m about to lose it…
A sauna-loving old man appeared… swimsuit gacha…?
30 pulls for swimsuit Kukulu…
The off-festival draw is in perfect form, and this is the mediation…
It’s bizarre that there are gacha pulls without limited weapons, rather than worrying about the probabilities.
Since it was Gachapin and I have all the PU characters except Halezena, I rolled for Classic.
Only got 30 spins with Gachapin 10 and Mukku 20…
Why does an SSR only appear when it’s such a time?
Since the Radiell I was aiming for has come out, today I’ll be Ra-chan.
Is the Legend Fest from the 28th?
I was happy to directly enter Gachapin mode from gauge 0, but after a streak of 100 pulls without an SSR, Heimdall…
Cosmos… I’m being toyed with…
If tomorrow we get a 10 consecutive pulls or directly enter Gachapin mode, I believe we might just barely make it one more time…
Trash… overflowing in the prebo…
Acquiring nothing…
These are the summon stones obtained from the Griffin Legend 10 consecutive gacha. Not receivable 1 Obtained on March 23, 2025, 06:49 This is the weapon obtained from the Alitrie Legend 10 consecutive gacha. Receivable 1 Obtained on March 23, 2025, 06:49 Lupi Support collaboration reward. Receivable 7290 Obtained on March 23, 2025, 06:46
Cosmos… The pickup really came out…
But you see… it’s Kanetsuki.
Raa-chan didn’t see a rainbow for the first time today…
There are three more Boomuns!
At least the golden moon is out…
I forgot that the golden moon is actually a precious item…
The Raziel gun is a weapon that is somewhat happy to overlap on its own… just a little…
It’s frustrating to feel like I want it even though I already have it when a Torizeru comes out… I haven’t grown since the Shubaken…
From the 0 gauge, the direct hit from Gachapin has brought the swimsuit Tehunut…
Is this a dream…?
Mars, you whore…
Direct hit in mode or 30 consecutive times…
I dislike this…
Gachapin mode direct pull → 10 consecutive draws for a gold moon → Mook mode also 10 consecutive draws for a swimsuit Kururu and it ended immediately… Is it okay to get a little mad…?
Since I can’t win anyway, I went to draw a classic.
I saw the 100 consecutive performance for the first time.
Only Mars Stone 1 was released.
Does that boast have any meaning?
There are many reports claiming victory in the face of defeat.
Should I just be at a level where I can defeat Excolor during this period?
If you can defeat level 155 or higher, unlock important items up to level 15 and raise the level of important items.
If it’s impossible, aim for level 10.
Make one cane.
Isn’t it around that?
That’s good!
That’s fine, but if you continue playing, you’ll get a power boost during the event with the Covenant of Divine Destruction!
Raise the level of important things to 15.
Right before it’s full, I get hit with the mode… I’m about to snap…
From 50 draws, Raziel…!
I happened to pull Haremizena, so one candidate for the gacha has decreased…
Kuryuni and Kurizoi-chan don’t really get to shine much, do they?
Zoi-chan is quite something.
Krisoi-chan is really active at a high difficulty level, isn’t she?
The weapon is also strong.
I’m happy to get a new Robel Tina in 20 pulls, but when I see a rainbow, I can’t help but hope for a swimsuit.
Zoi-chan can prioritize high for weapons.
I drew a few from the Six Dragons, but isn’t there this cutest one that isn’t in season?
It’s not yet in Iwiya.
Raa-chan has appeared as Light Arurumey!
I think Eevee is the cutest because it has potential.
I won’t ask for a 100 pulls, but please let me just pull Raziell.
I wonder if I can fill the gauge back up to full before the next festival if I step on Gachapin tomorrow?
Since the 30th guarantees 100 consecutive, the effective deadline is the 29th.
It seems that a 10-time gacha pull for Gachapin accumulates a 25% gauge, so if there are 5 days of grace, there is a possibility that it is not zero.
However, there isn’t enough time to aim specifically to get into Gachapin, so if I’m lucky…
After going through the step-up gacha, my main character in the game, who represents darkness, has finally reached a predicted damage of 370,000 against light.
Formation My Page Menu Set 2 Droplet Effect: 6 Formation Initial Settings Swordmaster Lv20 SKILL 18 HP 23037 Attack Power 89493 Job Details Character Weapon Summoning Stone Total HP 3193 Total Attack Power 32123 MAIN WEAPON Equipped Unheld Unheld 234 3628 3628 234 2501 2260 4043 243 3174 520 241 3435 Unheld 234 500 Unheld 243 Unheld 318 2260 243 272 243 Unheld 2290 270 Unheld 3926 220 3082 Unheld 314 3204 Unheld Main Fixed Combat Power 327 Weapon Automatic Creation Equipment Predicted Damage 305123 Against Light Attribute Predicted Damage WEAK POINT! 372477
I wonder what I should do from here…
I’m not really following any difficult content.
What about Omega…?
Saving 90,000 stones for the dark angel support ability.
If possible, I’d like to do it by the end of 220.
For the time being, you could put in the Omega sword to meet the conditions for convergence, remove the Babu axe and Parazo, and replace them with something else.
It usually comes in at unimportant times, but it doesn’t come in when it matters…
Cosmos… I am being discriminated against.
The other six dragons are more on the beautiful side…
Ieyasu doesn’t have a seasonal variant, but conversely, there is only one permanent variant.
Since I couldn’t get Tefnut, I’ll get her with a special ticket…
I realized that I had been able to fully uncrown Zephyros.
But we can’t transition because we don’t have our weapons ready…
I’m torn between a swimsuit Radiel and a swimsuit Galeon.
Guide me!
The Galleon had its last ancient battlefield recently, but it’s geared towards short-term battles…
Radziel is somehow… worth putting in.
If it comes to convenience, Galewon loses to Radio’s breasts.
Swimsuit Halazena
A particularly useless misfit among the failed Horuses.
Well, her breasts are big…
I don’t want to exchange the Sky Ace.
Why are there no spare ones left…?
I’m happy that I got the swimsuit Razeal, so one candidate for the anniversary is reduced.
I narrowed it down to Halosatyu and Krizoi, or the swimsuit Ragazzo.
Krisoi can be quite a substitute for a high-difficulty character like Funf, so the reasons to obtain her have decreased.
I put two blue papers into the Thorn I liked, and the materials flew away, so I might still consider it since I don’t want to exceed my limits yet.
Since the Chrizoi has higher firepower and the Zoi weapons are included, it ends up being necessary to obtain them anyway…
If you’re going to use a funfu, I think healing will only be sufficient with Omega 3.
With that weapon slot, you can boost your firepower.
From now until the ancient battlefield, it would be good to strengthen by going through Magna 3…
Since Magna 3 is relatively strong, I’ll make an effort to gather guns as well.
I am fully autoing Excaluow level 80 until I defeat 3 Magnas with one hit.
When you’re pulling out and putting away weapons by yourself, it’s easy to forget things like Omega or the end times, right? I understand…
While I’m trying out various things, there are times when, for some reason, the Arcalum stones are missing…
There’s no Omega, but if you were the main one holding the apocalypse… yeah.
Roger’s weapon appearance makes it too difficult to tell the type of weapon…
Anyway, it’s the end…
What kind of formation is this intended for…?
It’s not that I have a complaint about the nameless above, but I can’t help but wonder how the dark swordsman himself is.
Yin and yang, or everyday use?
Swordsmen are cool!
Also, since the main weapon can be used as the hero weapon, I went for that.
I want Halezena-chan for the purpose of fapping.
When asked if I should use a selection ticket, it’s a bit tough.
It’s definitely bigger than Horus, but…
The Roger sword insists it’s a sword because of its shape, but it’s just ridiculous.
So the Celestial Saber was also a sword, huh… that’s surprising…
It feels like the power is lacking… The advantageous attribute boost isn’t in effect! I sometimes mess up.
Since I put in the Omega, there should be an advantage, so this is probably about the gauge, right? I did this the other day.
Convenience is Radhiel… Nice to meet you, San-chan’s little sister!
The Harmaru weapon is strong, you know… I just mindlessly put it in…
The next goal is to increase Omega weapons, the Apocalypse, and daggers.
That’s right.
I’ll do my best to gather the materials!
The sword that looks like a blade needs to curve a bit more.
I wish the dagger that looks like a sword could be a bit shorter.
Honestly, characters that are incredibly necessary for my power are often ones I pull from the gacha even at the pity level…
The dark swordsman is shining against Koru now.
It’s late, but…
I was surprised that the formation was solid considering the value of 300,000.
I finally defeated Horus solo!
For now, at the bottom right of the formation screen, the predicted damage section.
Let’s click and try setting up the supporter stone that I plan to borrow from my friend.
Hades has risen to 500,000, and Bahamut to 560,000…
I didn’t know there was such a function.
It’s important to check the skill effect amounts visible from there, so don’t forget when changing your setup.
Thank you.
It was really helpful knowledge.
The skill effect calculation puzzle is actually quite fun to try.
The equipment is too excessive for the opponent…
…Maybe if I set up a friend stone, my damage will increase even more?
Swimsuit! …Harejena… I’m about to lose it…
Harejena has high performance, so it would be lucky if you could pull her for free.
I thought I was short on decayed weapons! Then I found out I had over 100 tamahagane.
I’m sorry for thinking that I wouldn’t strengthen SR weapons, you idiot.
Even if you say the weapon is strong, it’s not enough to cut the anniversary supply, right…?
Someone who doesn’t understand the flow of the conversation.
Isn’t it a great deal since both the character and the weapon are strong? It’s more suited for Tengenkai than Fyunfu.
I ended the pin mode with a terrible stone, but cosmos…?
Nothing came…
Cosmos… when will you mediate the balance of the gacha?
Hasn’t Hallezena grown taller?
I want to see Kumyu…
It’s such a waste that the experience points multiplied by 11 are going to waste…
I’m about to get mad because there are no characters to raise because of the sand.
I’m leveling up in a campaign quest for the first time in a while… it really feels like I’m playing Granblue Fantasy at its best.
I did 130 pulls on Gachapin… I’m happy to have gotten the unowned Harezen.
I’m feeling a bit ambiguous about the technique 99.9 with the one-sided Bab Axe 2’s Blurtgang.
Come quickly, angel!
Gachapin didn’t come, but Tehfunut did… Thank you…
Do you want to die that badly?
Thanks to the repeated renovations, the predicted damage has become quite accurate, hasn’t it?
In the past, we needed to rely on external computers…
New swimsuit Kukuru…
Mars was good…
Ex-boyfriend calculator…
Lara-chan got Mars in 20 pulls!
“Let’s start with you―――”
It’s like Mr. Fur is a total weakling at drawing cards…
The SSRs that Fa-san pulled in the star beast gacha were all males: Lucifer, Sandalphon, and Belial, while the female types were all pretty useless…
It’s a hit so good that even if you subtract everything with just one Lucifer card, you’ll still get change back, so it’s fine, right?
Since I made it myself, isn’t it just a lack of talent rather than a bad gacha luck?
I didn’t get Mook in 30 gacha pulls!
Well, because I pulled Lucio in the star god copy gacha, it was a dud.
I’ve been hungry and annoyed for a long time, so if you call me “Weak Pull Man,” I guess that fits.
In the main story, Mr. Far’s luck is weak too…
I was thinking of getting Horus with the anniversary ticket, and it came…
This might be the happiest I’ve been with this gacha pin…
A swimsuit, huh, Halezena…
I thought so at the time of implementation, but it looks like a different character.
I’m torn between the Aniba ticket for Kurizoi and Kurinote…
However, since there is a possibility that the former can somehow be managed with wasabi, I’m slightly leaning towards Il Note… just a little…
When it comes to potential, if you want to prioritize firepower over stability, then it’s Chorizo (since neither can be used in full auto).
The Klynot is completely independent in its role.
It’s a discussion about how to choose between the two, as each light character has a different role.
Even though Gachapin and Mukku have arrived, the pickup is 0… what’s going on…
I’m glad… I was getting anxious because the comment about not setting the support stones came too late…
I’m struggling to decide whether to get Haro Sathy even though I have absolutely no characters or weapons.
That said, the current wasabi has a scary heat contribution ability too.
It is from the One-Sided Critical 100% Cult.
Here’s the extracted text from the image: “` Swordmaster COMPLETE Lv20 SKILL 20 HP 25270 Attack Power 99327 Job Details BONUS Character Weapon Summoning Stone Total HP 3854 Total Attack Power 39688 MAIN WEAPON SSR LIMITED +99 333 333 408 4123 4123 4985 LIMITED +99 350 350 339 4013 4013 4686 LIMITED +99 340 599 413 389 3930 2755 3695 3365 Main Fixed Weapon Equipment of Choice Power Battle Strength Equipment Sort Chat “`
Well, since you wear glasses and have big breasts, it’s fine to go with Il Note.
What I want you to remember is that in 250 Full O, the strong one is Ragazzo, not Il Noto…
If you can use 250 la-gaccho, you’ll probably use Ilunote as well…
If you don’t have either, then it’s said that Lagazzo is more important…
The two dispels at the time of the special reaction are… really strong…
Speaking of which, at the beginning of the Twelve Divine Generals event, San-chan showed up and then left right away.
What was that all about?
I thought it was foreshadowing, but there was really nothing to it.
Cameo appearance for the release anniversary of Orison…
If I think a little seriously, it could be a representative example of a star beast that was originally quite naughty but has reformed this much, and even just showing up a little might have various implications, or maybe not…
It’s an example of changes in star animals through interactions with the sky, etc.
Europa is off-limits, so the representative is San-chan.
There is quite a bit of variation in the trends up to 250, so it’s hard to make a definitive statement about it.
Mars-chan is amazing, not just in performance but also in personal capability!
It’s too restrictive to limit it to just the Gale Staff as the same weapon.
Why talk about the Galle staff now?
The conditions for reducing the count for 250 are different each time.
For now, it seems like I can break through if I set up a special technique composition.
You saw it in the video, right?
During the water phase, the reflections were intense, and not only was it difficult to achieve a full chain every turn, but how to dispel was also important. However, with earth and wind, just managing to do a full chain every turn was enough to get by…
It’s unstable, but if I don’t keep spinning, I can’t unlock the limits of important things.
There’s only 4 more to go…
†Omega Blade†
Even in a formation where I want to remove the Gale staff, it feels like I’m mostly stuck with 2 War Ends and 2 Medus, and not much changes.
Was that story presented as an example that if you don’t give up on your ideals, Sowaka can become like this too?