Which character are you using?
Are you playing on PS4…?
You’re great!
Getting stronger little by little is what’s good.
I also have a PS4.
Next is the master.
For now, I want to try my best to reach Diamond, but Master seems tough…
It’s not “corner,” it’s “but.”
18 consecutive wins!?
That’s amazing!
I seemed to win a lot… I feel like I won’t be able to have such a winning streak for the rest of my life.
If you only look at the rank, it will gradually become tougher.
If that is completed, it would be strong, and if this is completed, it would look cool.
It’s good to have a mindset that enjoys the game.
Thank you.
Right now, I’m thinking I want to try other characters besides Luke, so I’m slowly trying out Ed, Terry, and Mai.
It seems like the winning streak bonus will be amazing if you reach 18.
It seems that recently, diamonds have been able to achieve +1000 with 10 consecutive wins.
I recently reached Platinum too, but I can’t even execute the 2P side Shoryuken move properly, and because I reached Platinum, I’ve been getting beaten up and dropping down to Gold, only to go back and forth endlessly, and it’s really tough.
I saw a thread image for the PS4 version for the first time.
I felt that the population of Masters will increase again with 10 consecutive wins in Diamond and 1000 LP.
If you can get 10 consecutive wins with diamonds, then just move up already.
This seems like a measure for when people above Master start using the new characters.
I’m scared of people, so I’ve been pretending to be someone else all this time.
I just recently stopped at 9 consecutive wins in DAIAR.
The tenth person seemed like someone doing a challenge to master all characters.
I won’t forgive you…
I’m a beginner newbie for about a week.
Starting from the bottom, even having moved up to bronze, I’m already burdened with losses and am pathetic.
There are no bottom ranks or trash in the rank system; it’s just about whether you are suitable or unsuitable.
If you want to rise above Bronze, let’s first learn the combo to get a knockdown from a jump attack.
It’s way too difficult to go from landing an attack during a match into a combo, so I’ve been doing assist combos the whole time!
Shall I practice…
If it’s modern, then it’s fine with Asicon.
The issue is to understand which scenario the initial response of the assistant will hit.
Like a big jump to assist or a big assist to counter the opponent’s dragon uppercut.
Depending on the character, it can be really tough even in modern times, I think while using modern Honda, Blanka, and Vega.
There are probably quite a few beginners who stumble around the gold level when starting with classical music.
Even though commands come out quite easily, anti-air is still tough.
If you put in the effort with combos after jumping, returning impact, and guaranteed counterattacks after guarding the Shoryuken SA, I think you can manage at the bronze level.
Next, I’ll hit it with SA3-chan or something.
If it’s your first time playing a fighting game, it feels about right.
If it’s lower down, I can’t immediately criticize Jamie’s drinking when he’s completely wasted, and it turns into a “I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you” situation.
Sometimes I come across players who are just throwing the game; is that for smurfing or something like that?
A broken-hearted person.
I’m blocking those who don’t call it a no contest even though it’s really laggy, because dealing with them properly is too much trouble, so I’m just giving up and leaving.
There were times when my controller was not working well, and I got beaten up without being able to move at all when I matched.
Looking back now, it’s possible that it just didn’t move because another window was open.
Based on my experience, there are almost no players in Bronze who can deal with aerial attacks, so I feel like you can easily get accustomed to combos from jumps. It might be a good idea to practice that a bit.
Just swing the impact.
Using an AshiCon means you’re modern, huh?
It depends on the character…
This is M Vega.
Weak Ashicon! Weak Ashicon! Throw! I’m just doing this all the time…
There is still a long way to go for improvement.
That’s a good thing.
If it’s Vega, then I guess that’s fine.
Let’s do combos from jumps, as other anonymous people are saying too.
You too, let’s become a flipping attack grasshopper!
Those who can’t cope will dance wildly and die.
I don’t understand the recognition of the turning rising dragon~
A hit confirmation combo that doesn’t continue if you miss is the best.
Put everything on me.
I’m at gold rank, but I’m managing with just assist combos and normal moves.
The three-hit ribbon punch from the mid-attack of Modern Ed has a long range and is strong… I keep hitting while thinking that.
Moga’s big assist is the most fun!
I don’t know about being a master, but for ranks below diamond, they somehow don’t guard against the second big assist and just take it, so the assist combo continues as is.
Rub your double knees!
M Vega is… on the contrary, difficult.
You shouldn’t say that if you attach a mine to the big live rush assist, you’ll win.
Once you learn the rush, you become significantly stronger, but for now, if you’re just at the stage of practicing assist combos, it’s fine to wait a bit longer.
At first, even after being head-pressed and guarded, the follow-ups come in like crazy, so it’s definitely worth doing.
I think it’s fine to stick with assist combos for a while, and just learning one set play might elevate my game to the next level.
I’m currently using jump-ins for my wake-up pressure, but I want to increase my variations.
The M Vega middle foot combo is a bit difficult.
But it decreases a lot.
It’s really a waste that it’s a bending OD mine.
It depends on the distance, but it might be better to throw in an assist into a weak assist until it’s fully used.
I can’t rush or use combos other than assist combos, but I’m satisfied to have reached platinum.
It’s a good idea to grind Dubney now and remember the nice positions.
Isn’t it absolutely impossible to throw? Continuously pressing Vega’s weak assist against an opponent who is only throwing for life feels amazing, doesn’t it?
I’ve just started, but since a match in this game is short, I don’t have to deal with stress for too long even when fighting an opponent who is significantly stronger. It’s a relief…
After rubbing the big assist endlessly, I throw the rush.
Is Vega’s strong kick a medium OD knee?
At first, it seems that simply switching to a command strong back fist after OD knee would significantly increase the win rate by enabling a raw rush middle attack.
It’s really strong enough just with that, but it’s very difficult to put into words how to use it.
In this rank range, the opponent almost always avoids ground battles and becomes a back-jumper.
It’s a bit difficult to discipline that with Vega.
I’m just winning and losing around gold in Monda, but I’ll do my best…
I’m constantly saving up at Gold 9000LP… I’m about to lose hope.
The one-button back fist after the big assist OD knee is easy and nice.
It may not be a good success experience, but when I was taken to the end with Moga and hit with SA2, I could switch places and it became fun!
There are probably many areas for improvement, but what I’m feeling now is…
– I’m not putting enough pressure on the impact, and instead, I’m getting hit by the opponent’s impact a lot.
When attacked and going into guard, I panic and can’t press any buttons at all.
I haven’t done any counterattacks using SA at all.
– I accidentally fired a backfist while thinking I was making a tame command.
– I can’t do any anti-air at all.
– Overdoing the middle assist and getting killed by the opponent’s OD back fist while guarding.
I’ve been using Shadow Rise occasionally, but I don’t feel like I’m using it effectively at all.
Is it a back fist instead of a double knee?
You’re trying to bring it out with the SP button, aren’t you?
If there’s no gap, a back fist N+SP will come out.
Is it 4SP or Psycho?
I see.
The simple command is consistently coming out, so when I try to hit it, a back fist comes out instead.
That’s cool! Congratulations!
Thank you!
In Rise, if you keep shooting while crouched for a long time, it’s obvious, so you can’t use it effectively unless you drop it close or something like that.
It seems like I might be able to reach Dubney and Big P if I crouch down.
If you’re using Shadow Rise with Charge + SP, it’s a bit of a hassle, but Command Shadow Rise is easier to use and more convenient.
It will also be useful when doing Honda.
I’m currently leaving it around Chuna 2 and 3, but should I really aim for diamonds by now…?
Every time I hit Ken, it irritates me so much it feels like my brain is about to burn.
I can understand why you think that.
The higher you go, the more intense Ken’s harassment becomes.
I should also occasionally rank up instead of just imitating others…
I’ve only played fighting games like Tekken a little, but somehow I made it from certified bronze to platinum in classic matches. However, it seems there won’t be any win bonuses or demotion protection from here on, so I wonder how many hours it will take to rank up…
Even if I say so, it’s common to lose track of time and suddenly find that two or three hours have gone by while playing ranked matches.
Hey… why hasn’t my rank gone up at all…?
It turns out you can earn a bonus with 10 consecutive wins!
Since I’m also platinum, please take care of me when I hit it.
It’s okay, even if it takes time, if you have a win rate of 40%, you’ll eventually rise.
When I first reached Platinum, I thought to myself how many hours it would take to get to Master.
I’m now rolling until MR1700.
Impact: There are times when even professionals can’t counter an impact, and right now, too many impacts in this rank are being shot out of desperation, so you don’t need to worry about it.
When being attacked: Actually, in this game, if you keep pressing parry, you can block all attacks except throws, so it might be a good idea to hold it down for a moment to calm down.
SA reversal: Vega has very high SA damage during combos, so you don’t have to worry too much.
While down → Let’s try to remember to perform a reversal action with a D-river by holding down + impact.
Backfast explosion: A lifelong relationship.
Not coming to the surface: A lifetime commitment.
Overuse of mid-assist: It is absolutely impossible to determine whether it will go to OD just by confirming a single mid-assist, so you can either use the mid-assist only as a single move or perhaps even use a big assist instead.
Shadow Rise: Characters with projectiles or long reach don’t want to get close to Bison, so they use pokes to keep him at bay.
I will stab there with a devil rib from Shadow Rise.
I’ve reached a little over 24,500 and I’m almost at Master level.
To be honest, I’m not really hungry for victory, but defeating a low-level Master and getting 160 LP is just too delicious, so I want more opponents like that to come!
Hitting Diamond 5 is only possible for bottom-tier Masters, to be honest.
It occasionally hits even at 1800.
It’s not there during the times when people are around.
If I thought that I would be beaten up and die anyway if I didn’t use SA1, then it’s okay to shoot without hesitation.
Once I dive into the rank, I keep matching against Gouki Ken like crazy. Is it going to be like this even at higher ranks?
There is an official character usage rate ranking by rank for monthly measurements.
It can’t be helped, it’s a popular character after all…
I’m not using Rush at all, but when I think I’ll use it occasionally, I instantly burn out and find it tough.
If you think you keep getting matched with the same character, just by looking up strategies to counter that character, your win rate will go up!
I’m always matched up against Juri and Chun-Li, and it makes me wonder if everyone really likes girls that much.
I dislike characters that are slow on foot.
Burnout is a sin.
But at first, there’s no choice but to use it to learn.
It’s a waste to let SA (Support Actions) fall apart, and if murderous intent arises, I’ll shoot to make them understand.
It’s not necessary to aim for a higher rank, and losing isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so the most important thing is not to rush.
But if you’re feeling frustrated about losing, it’s good to try and look up some strategies to improve.