Trash that can be cleaned up with a wave ride.
Hah! Hah! That was an intense battle!
I think the gang was too busy to focus on being a gym leader.
In modern times, is it an annoying old man who is the coronavirus?
Huff, huff! It was a fierce battle! (Salt match)
I don’t have a strong impression from the RR group either.
An old man aiming for a luck-based game with a split.
What does “Hagu!” mean?
Are you also taking damage?
When the forces are fully prepared at the endgame and a property meta is applied, it tends to be weak, doesn’t it, Gym Leader?
Only the gym battles in the Pikachu version have been significantly strengthened.
Simply put, it’s a relatively unique position of being a really terribly bad person.
Because they are a mafia that uses Pokémon for making money and world domination.
Due to the game’s specifications, there was a certain coolness in disbanding here, regardless of the match’s content.
It’s way too uncool for an old man to try to make a comeback in HGSS only to be beaten up by some kid he doesn’t even know and to go home looking all pathetic.
Well, I understand the feeling of wanting to make a comeback as a boss when your subordinates are trying so hard to reach out.
I like the kind of distance similar to that of a neighbor uncle.
When we met at the Sylph Company, they were too friendly.
I think the lack of a particular ideology makes someone feel like a big deal instead.
When I was a child, I was always an incomprehensible person.
Differences between Red, Green, Blue, and Pikachu versions.
“` Sakaki 5445 yen 3rd time (Tokiwa Gym) Dugtrio Lv.50 Dig Sand Attack Earthquake Faint Attack Persian Lv.53 Growl Double Team Fury Swipes Cut Nidoqueen Lv.53 Earthquake Tail Whip Thunder Double Kick Nidoking Lv.55 Earthquake Glare Thunder Double Kick Rhydon Lv.55 Rock Slide Fury Attack Horn Drill Earthquake “`
It’s already tough for Ground types in the first generation, which has so many Water types, and nobody had Earthquake?
Suddenly became strong in a proper way.
I like the pixel art that has a punk vibe.
I think I would have had the impression of being a Kangaskhan user if I hadn’t discarded Kangaskhan.
The remnants of Team Rocket are merely acting on behalf of the boss, who is still vacant.
In FRLG, it’s scary that there’s a plaster cast buried under the gym floor, and it’s also frightening that the protagonist simply digs it out.
Well, it’s fine that Gymri is the boss of the mafia.
Don’t lock the gym.
It’s one thing if it’s a small-town cafe with a sign saying the owner is absent and closed, but this is an official Pokémon League facility…
Isn’t it the worst part?!
Looking at this, the Pikachu variant is strong.
Red, green, and blue can barely fight against Dugtrio and Nidoking.
I guess this person is the most popular among enemy bosses.
There are some people with PokéSpecial adjustments, so I can’t really say.
The interior of Tokiwa Gym was kept extremely simple with gold and silver…
But if this person hadn’t been here, we wouldn’t have had our technical machines…
The earth’s sakaki (only dug holes and cracks)
The Sakaki who inherits the character of the original Sakaki is not present in the main game, right?
The Sakaki mentioned above in HGSS is one thing, but honestly, who even is RR Gang’s Sakaki?
The gold and silver rivals have taken on the attributes of Sakaki’s son, so it’s already impossible.
The first-generation gyms have half of them locked or blocked by trees, so you can’t enter.
Key… Tokiwa, Glen
The tree is in the way… Kuchiba, tamamushi.
Team Rocket is sealed off… Yamabuki
The only ones functioning properly are Nibi, Hanada, and Sekichiku…
Additionally, in Gold and Silver, the gym leader in Hanada is closed for a date.
He’s a bad guy who doesn’t reflect on his losses and instead seeks to make a comeback.
He’s a mild Ghetsis.
The Tokiwa Gym is empty, so it’s fine, right?
The gym is open, but they locked the door.
It’s not uncommon to find the gym leader absent when you go.
In the old anime, Team Rocket used to chase after Satoshi and Pikachu.
In the game, was I doing something bad…?
There are hints, but it’s really direct in its depiction!
You were secretly working at the beetle’s entertainment facility and occupied the yellow dogwood, right?
Stand up…
Occupation of Yamabuki City
I think it’s quite evil to break into a regular house, ransack it, and then create a huge hole in the wall to leave.
I wonder if Green really defeated Sakaki.
A gym leader who is absent for personal reasons is no good, right?
I’ll leave it to the robot.
There’s an NPC saying, “Today the Tokiwa Gym is back!”
It’s so unfortunate that it’s confirmed the Gym Leader went missing on the day of the reopening.
Actually, we resumed operations a few days ago, and there might not even be a loophole since we could have been open for about three days.
The tree might just be placed there as an obstacle for cutting off the feet.
This guy from the RR gang has acquired a strange ability, yet he remains consistent in what he wants to do, which is oddly admirable…
Is there any meaning in filling two slots with Tsu no Drill and my instant death technique?
I’m troubled if Fuwante is sent out.
Where have you been around this time?!
Even if it’s given, it’s no good anyway, right?
There is more to it than just the green glare and wagging tail.
Both have their own invalidities.
The image in the thread looks like Sakaki has quite impressive arms.
It’s rare to have a strong opponent in the first generation.
There are hurdles to entering the gym.
If you see it as part of the exam, then that’s that.
It’s no good if it’s not open.
In an environment where surfing is guaranteed and there is a water weakness, I’m doing the eighth round, so I’m among the weakest in the top class for the eighth round.
The response regarding the wig.
It’s unavoidable that gym leaders are weak because that’s the concept, even though attributing colors in a game is just a bad strategy.
Still, there is the initial hurdle of Kasumi…
The position and surfing are bad.
Well, even without surfing, the original version has a terrible move set, and the combination of the holder’s speed and the one-hit mechanics is completely broken, so it’s probably the weakest level anyway…
There’s no effective move against a Fuwante that has a Ghost type anyway!
Finally returning to the town we passed through at the beginning is romantic.
The clear mention of killing Pokémon is found in Team Rocket and Team Galactic.
Guu guu!
This is so ridiculous!
It’s too big that I’m normally killing Pokémon.
They may have killed people too.
I think it’s better to learn Pokemon from my son because I’m too weak.
Since Sylph is taking employees as hostages, there was a possibility that they might kill them if things went wrong.
The one who has Rhyhorn as their trump card in FRLG.
Even if he appears first, I think he will be treated the same as Takeshi.
Isn’t Surf too strong?
Isn’t it that the hidden moves other than Surf are just too useless?
The first generation has excellent normal moves like Strength; look, even though it’s a one-time use, Tri Attack has the same ability as Strength, and despite its low accuracy, it has the same power as Megaton Punch.
Now that I know they are reusing the pose of the short pants kid who was originally a boss in development, it makes me chuckle a bit when I see this.
Speaking of which, is it only Marowak that is clearly depicted as having died in Pokémon?
It’s the strongest move when it comes to giving! But in FRLG, it’s a powerful move because it’s self-assured! I like that it tones down a bit.
These days, the one-hit kill moves won’t hit if your speed is lower than the opponent’s, so the combination of Rhydon with Horn Drill and Fissure has the worst compatibility.
I always thought that Silph Company teamed up with Team Rocket!
Please provide the Japanese text you would like to have translated.
Isn’t it the case that being too strong at surfing is the problem?
I have a strong memory that choosing Charmander was quite tough for Takeshi.
Did I manage to catch a weak Pokémon at that point?
I remember it being hell without Pokémon like Oddish in the Red version.
Ah, is it possible that there is green?
I took it down little by little with Hinoko because it was red…
Madatsubomi and Nazonokusa don’t appear unless you surpass Hanada, so in Red, Green, and Blue, there are no weak Pokémon.
In the Pikachu version, Mankey appears, and Nidoran can learn Double Kick at an early stage.
There are no weak Pokémon, but because the special attack is weak, it becomes easy to break through if you teach it Ember.
There are also actions like waiting in vain, which are just useless.
On the contrary, without that in FRLG, they straightforwardly hit you with Rock-type moves, so Charmander and Butterfree would die.
In the end, focusing entirely on Charmander and burning everything is the quickest way, huh…?
I remember being a dumb kid back then, and even while I was trying to hold on, I was just spamming attacks and got killed normally.
I think it’s because high speed can turn it into a one-hit crappy game… it depends on how much you trust the 30%.
A grown-up is playing Pokémon?!
It’s a world where people use Pokémon to kill or threaten others…
It’s a 4-panel comic idea.
I also have a communication cable ❤
As the presence of the major Sakaki, compliant with RR, increases, the fateful Sakaki gradually fades into the depths of memory.
The first generation had an R group underling with a whip.
It’s a relatively unforgiving worldview, isn’t it?
I wonder what they call the secret machine overseas?
Is it a secret machine after all?
hidden machine
I thought it was just another one of those things, but it turned out to be true.
This is a great translation.
The hidden machine…
Well, this makes sense in its own way.
Exceptional achievements are taken from two of the three main families.
Even if you choose Charmander, the one that knows Surf is already in the member list.
It is checkmate.
I sometimes wonder what Sakaki and Team Rocket were trying to achieve.
Did you want to commit crimes and make a profit in the world? But once you achieve world domination, you’ll be on the ruling side, so you won’t be able to commit crimes…
It was a mystery even within the RR group.
They’re talking about making money.
Is it just oppression?
Ho ho! You’ve come all the way to a place like this! The Rocket Gang, which uses Pokémon from all over the world for evil schemes and makes money! I am the leader, Sakaki! If you oppose me, you’ll experience pain!
I just want to make money.
Even if we say world domination, it doesn’t necessarily mean ruling openly.
It’s like Team Rocket was the bad guys until Musashi and Kojiro showed up…
Generally, it’s wrong to endlessly stalk and harass a 15-year-old boy; that’s really bad behavior.
I feel like the first generation had elite trainers who also carried whips.
I feel like I also had a psychicker.
I think there was actually a time when Sylph and Team Rocket collaborated.
It was just that I went bankrupt because of a story involving a Master Ball.
Pokémon are tools for making money, so I cherish my Pokémon, but Sakaki.
Most secret techniques are weak, but having Surf with power 95, accuracy 100, and PP 15 is too strong to coexist.
I don’t need Hydro Pump.
High power, low accuracy techniques from that era might be classified as romantic, don’t you think?
Generally, you can land techniques reliably, right?
Hidden Machine → I like the Hidden Machine as a stylish joke.
It seems that rather than the villain being the Gym Leader, the Gym Leader became a villain later on based on the lines they say when they give out the TM.
The gym being closed can’t be helped, as I want it to go through the route that was properly planned by the developers…
Sakaki’s background is completely unknown aside from being the leader of Team Rocket, and his family is also a total mystery…
In the YouTube anime, Sakaki’s appearance as a boy was completely like that of a short-pants kid.
That would mean that Snorlax sleeping there was part of the intended route by the developers.
It’s placed there for route manipulation, so isn’t that how it is?
So, you’re not good at Japanese, huh?
HGSS Giovanni, perhaps due to the timing of the event, is sad because despite having trained, his level and moves are not strong at all.
The Team Rocket hideout located in the basement of the game corner where Pokémon can be exchanged using the three-store method.
Was Snorlax really blocking the route because it was sleeping!?
Wobbuffet getting in the way is also an obstacle to the official intended route!
On the contrary, if it’s not route manipulation, then what is it?!
I thought Snorlax was just a gluttonous monster, so it was probably just blocking the road by chance while eating and sleeping…
By the way, what is Snorlax’s motif?
Are you sleeping at the entrance of the workplace…?
Snorlax is so cute!
Kuu~ so cute!
There can only be Snorlax, right!?
At least Slash or something.
I thought the English version had “Kiritsuku” as “Slash.”
Then it’s already IAI GIRI, right?
I struggled more when fighting as a boss.
Even Snorlax won’t let you pass without giving it juice; all the checkpoints are just control over the progress due to route obstruction.
Well… I want it to progress from Kuchiba to Tamamushi to Shion…
Please get on the Saint Anne properly…
I thought that defeating Kasumi meant the flag for passing through that particular house would be set, allowing me to advance beyond Hanada, but I recently learned that I can bypass Kasumi and still board the ship.
It was good that there was freedom to fly.
It’s probably just a flag management oversight.
Well, even if you skip it, you can’t enter the next gym without Kasumi’s badge…
Since Kasumi is too strong, it is easier to level up by defeating trainers rather than tough wild Pokémon.
Let’s skip even Matisse until we go surfing.
I think there are kids who probably think that “development” refers not to actual game development, but to the official Pokémon League within the game.
There are many routes that make you take a detour because of obstacles, right? The original.
I have a somewhat confusing memory of doing it for the first time when I was a child.
I think there were a lot of unreasonable roadblocks in games around this time.
Players should have understood as a given that this is something they can’t progress in without doing events.
What are you doing, Natsume and Karate King, when the Sylph Company has been taken over?
As expected, if we directly confront Team Rocket, it would turn into something like a war.
I can also see a future where a boy storms the Silph Company and defeats Team Rocket.
It was a good setting for Natsume from Pokémon Special to be on Team Rocket’s side.
It’s also fine if the protagonist dealt with the gathered opposing forces in secret.
Even the boss of Pokémon can get beaten up by a rookie kid, no matter how cool he tries to look…
Because they are a rookie who performs in a monster-like way in any story.
I don’t see such weak Iaido slashes in games other than Pokémon.
On the contrary, what type would have been stronger?
The first generation Gym Leader hasn’t been involved in the story progression aside from unlocking the secret technique for badges and the reopening of the Tokiwa Gym, right?
If we don’t defeat Takeshi, the Takeshi Capturing Man won’t budge.
Speaking of which, that thing was there from the very beginning.
Has this person’s wife appeared?
Is it safe for the twins to have mandarin oranges?
Team Rocket was more of a terrorist organization than a yakuza, wasn’t it?
Both self-proclaimed and others proclaim it, but it’s all considered mafia after all.
I remember there was a weird old man blocking the entrance when I couldn’t enter Hanada’s cave.
In the early part of the first generation, there are moments where NPCs appear to teach you the tutorial.
There was a bug that would cause it to become unresponsive if you did something a little unusual.
I often thought back in elementary school how did such a buggy and sloppy game become a hit as the first installment…
But honestly, if you don’t go out of your way to cause a bug knowing about it, isn’t it that nothing significant happens?
Weird things don’t really happen on a first playthrough.
I feel like I somewhat veered off track in getting the flash.
It seems there are quite a few people who cleared it in the dark without knowing how to go back from that timing.
If you focus your eyes, you can do it because the first generation can.
This is a responsibility issue for the league side as well.
It seems that instead of welcoming a villain as a Gym Leader, a regular Gym Leader turned evil later on…
Considering that the strongest person in the gym in the real world is often seen as the gym leader, it is also harsh to expect them to deal with terrorists.
Didn’t the old Pokémon make a dripping sound when their HP decreased?
Huh… isn’t that beeping now too?!
This is nice for adjusting the light, GB…
I wonder who the youngest and the oldest gym leaders are?
I think the oldest one is either Yanagi or Poplar (88 years old).
I feel like the bugs you encounter while playing normally are like the bald man that suddenly appears on the roof of the Glentown gym.
The first generation is full of bugs, but…
The following Pokémon shouldn’t have any noticeable bugs, right…?
An mysterious older brother (in real life) appears for some reason while playing normally and teaches me about bugs…
I think the first generation was more exciting precisely because it had bugs.