At this rate, this princess is really starting to resemble a demon king…
It’s fun to be able to get up to all sorts of mischief, isn’t it?
Summoning in large numbers and crushing them allows you to experience the feeling of being a boss character.
From an enemy’s perspective, this Zelda has terrible performance, to say the least.
No matter how many I defeat, they keep coming out next…
You can keep doing that endlessly from a place where your attacks normally can’t reach…
No matter how close I get, they quickly run away.
I’ll take a siesta after doing a little bit of work.
When you learn how to ascend, the sense of omnipotence is incredible.
It’s the despicable technique of Karimono Zelda…
A water block of this level in a place without water…!
Death is no reason to rest from work.
Since there is no cooldown, you can really replenish the next one the moment you are defeated…
Certain creatures will attack strongly immediately after being summoned, so they tend to appear and disappear very frequently.
From the perspective of the one being attacked, a sink is a really frustrating move, isn’t it?
It’s like Shikamaru’s Shadow Possession or Manda’s Stand.
When the opponent comes in a large swarm, if you defeat even one, you can spawn more from it and have them fight amongst themselves, it really feels like being a demon lord.
The recovery speed of the bed is fast!
The accustomed princess repeats falling asleep and waking up at the timing of recovery in an effort to recover as quickly as possible.
Before the release, they were feared for their muscle strength shown in the videos of them throwing rocks, but that was nothing compared to what was to come.
The sight of her wandering around with crows is like a witch.
Zelda—stop it, please, Zelda!
I started a game that gives the enemy the terror of infinite reinforcements.
If I can just defeat this guy… if I can just defeat this guy, I can reach him…!!
I didn’t think I could defeat it.
Well then… Can you defeat the second one?
This is a villain!
That being said, it’s nice that Link is also really strong.
When we meet again, will I intimidate the final boss with a firewood stick?
Princess Zelda is a ninja…?
I was first surprised by the strength to lift the huge rock as if it were natural…
Don’t throw it.
As expected of Torii Power.
That’s right, isn’t it, Tori?
I don’t know. What is that?
Jumping off while syncing is so lawless that it is harmless to oneself.
The sink mutual suicide (no damage) is really too much in terms of how it wrecks the game and the lack of visual appeal in the battles…
No matter how you think about it, it’s like summoning a ridiculously annoying boss…
Even Ganon wouldn’t do something like infinite Lynel reinforcements!
There is no fall damage, and I can handle the fake Link’s arrows using a spin, and the physical abilities of the borrowed princess are quite exceptional…
I thought the cursed monster would be weaker than the original, but…
I am impressed that the specs remain unchanged.
The power to control monsters that have died and can be revived again and again.
This is…
I’m not controlling it, I’m just borrowing it a little.
Even if you defeat them, the cost will just return to the princess…
And immediately repop!
Well then, please do your best afterwards… (sssss…)
If I have Link, that’s a dream team.
Link: “(I don’t know… what’s that… scary)”
As expected, the main body’s defense is quite modest.
So I’m going to take a short nap…
Please play with the servants…
Has the Lynel been defeated?
Now, summoning a Lynel.
It’s really crazy that there is no recast time for Karimoto.
It is a game that teaches you to defeat enemies by trapping them with gimmicks in the Nakamura Challenge before its release.
The expression is different.
Summon a large number of Boomerang Pigs!
Make effective use of meat.
There are quite a few princesses who don’t even think about stripping the shield when facing their first link opponent.
I can’t believe you started sleeping in bed during the boss fight.
It’s great to charge into the Boco village with a Boco army…
That aside, I’ll combine the Karimonos and break the game.
I jumped on the bed, but that was about the only weird behavior, right?
I want you to listen calmly.
Ignoring all the gimmicks and climbing the wall with Wall Chura means the game’s progression is broken.
It’s both impressive and scary how crows and Kanazol can usually handle things.
I think Valvagia is the only one that sucks among the bosses.
What is that delay tactic?
In other words, if the princess becomes too strong, the others won’t be that strong anymore.
Next time, a deathmatch.
I’m sorry, but the link is too much like my prince.
I thought they were going to send a formidable opponent at me.
The princess who crushes with the sheer number of weaklings.
Sure, you could combine meat and chicken to fly infinitely, right?
A map exploration unit that climbs walls like a spider.
Well, the spider is just as expected.
I saw it—the monster that was going to attack Princess Zelda suddenly calmed down and then suddenly headed towards the cliff!
It is not lawlessness; I am the law.
When a princess of a nation says it, it’s no joke.
I thought Link was stronger, but the Hero’s ability to attack immediately with their number of actions and intuition is also too powerful.
The combat AI of the link is smarter than expected.
It was cool to see you chase after Null as it ran to the wall.
The unexpected mode of transportation mentioned by the official was a flying bed with Toppyuu.
It seems that the methods that were trending in videos at the time of the interview were within expectations.
The Link in this work is cool, right?
It’s just that I’m not the one in control.
It feels like I could do whatever I wanted in a completely different direction from Tears of the Kingdom.
I thought, “Is it okay to do this just like in Tia Kin?!”
The Legend of Zelda
Necromancer of Wisdom
Please do not say anything that could be misinterpreted.
This is not a corpse.
When I saw the Lynel killed by the pot, I couldn’t help but cry.
Lynels have already become familiar toys in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, so I’m used to them.
I was relieved that Ugi and Sadari are good guys, and I’m glad that Impa and the king are on our side.
But I think that wanted poster has some character.
That wanted poster with the flyer on the back was good, right?
Link is stronger when not being controlled…
When it comes to the dead bodies of monsters in the memories of Breath of the Wild,
It’s quite amusing how often the quickest way to defeat is to sync and take them down together since there are no falling penalties.
Hypnosis dojo, this is a dirty one, right?
(Retrying this is such a hassle…)
Because I made it a two-head character, I can’t create anything erotic.
When I realized I could pin enemies in the sink, my gameplay became quite ruthless.
I looked at the link and thought, “This is the hero!” Then I looked at the princess and thought, “This is the Demon King…!”
The borrowed Zelda princess has the image of doing whatever she wants in various fan creations.
It’s the princess who is pitiful for being insulted by rude people.
When I discovered that I could sync with spiders and climb walls, I thought I was a genius! But after watching the PV again, I realized it was just normal.
It seems that the mischievous Karimon Zelda is ready to dropkick if necessary.
Pajamas (combat uniform)
It’s an amazing game where there is no concept of raising defense or attack power.
I thought I had to return the sword in the final battle, but as expected of its original owner, it’s incredibly strong.
It’s just a simple spinning cut, tearing through space…
Link has done almost everything; he truly is the hero.
It’s truly hard until I realize that supporting Link in the final battle is the best option.
It seems like there’s an arm that can clearly sync up, so if it syncs, it will cut cleanly in one slice, and this is… a hero.
It’s quite cruel to just let them hit while restraining them in the sink using a long-range weapon.
The play styles are totally different depending on the player in this game.
I had a style of running away with mobility-type items.
The only performance upgrades related to combat are seriously just pajamas.
I wanted sexy clothes…!
Is the dancer a little mischievous?
The princess moving around in her pajamas or dancer’s outfit is lewd, isn’t she?
Wearing a dancer’s outfit and spinning around near the enemy to intimidate them is quite risqué, isn’t it?
I love how the king instantly understands when it’s said that Zelda opened a rift.
Black cats are the best, right?