Above: Well… I went to India during my university days to find myself. Kiryu: Why can a Japanese person find themselves in India?
I like pressure interviews.
That’s right…
I can understand that values change, but I definitely wouldn’t be one of them.
I’m looking for a new version of myself, not the one I’ve lost.
When it becomes a subquest, Kiryu-chan suddenly gets really strong in response battles, doesn’t he?
What do you want to say?
What did you say?
I traveled to see if I could find the foundation of my identity in India, the source of Buddhist culture, as Buddhism is deeply rooted in Japanese culture.
Do you usually live your life according to the teachings of Buddhism?
I can say that I follow the teachings of Buddha more than those of the yakuza.
I’m asking about how you are.
Why is a Yakuza applying for a job?
What do you want to say?
It’s because you invited me.
What do you want to say?
What do you want to say?
Steve Jobs was deeply impressed during his trip to India.
The Japanese are impressed by Steve Jobs’ way of life.
Japanese people are impressed by their trip to India.
What do you want to say?
Because they say that if you go to Tenjiku, any dream can come true…
Gandhara is not India…!
It feels like a pure question has been spoken with a smile.
When you go on a trip abroad, you usually start to regret it around the second day, right?
If the food doesn’t agree with you, you’ll regret it at that moment.
What do you want to say?
If Sanzo says so, then it can’t be helped.
You can find a version of yourself in India that you can easily discover on domestic trips as well.
There are people who have found a new self in places like Okinawa, Yokohama, and Hawaii…
I’m an ordinary person.
I am an outcast…
What am I?
(Interviewer Kuroiwa)
Don’t think you can escape from the interview!!!
(Looking at Kiryu-chan) You too!!!!
Well, India is a country of Buddhism…
What does that mean?
Training in the mountains of India.
Before worrying about getting scammed or pickpocketed, there are issues related to food, toilets, and climate that must be dealt with.
The interviewer is Shibusawa Awano Kuse.
No matter how you think about it, this isn’t an interview; it feels more like being forced into encoding…
It’s an interview that big brother likes.
When I went to India, I realized that people can live even in such dirty and messy places…
Even watching YouTube, you can notice that level.
Realizing my own disgracefulness.
Do you think you can understand everything in the world through the internet?
I like Substro’s number one and Yagami-san.
Being in the same environment makes it quite difficult to discover unseen aspects of yourself, so it’s not meaningless.
It’s uncertain whether there are things you can’t find unless you go to India, but the version of myself that only reflects internally in my local area is not all of who I am.
What do you want to say?
India is the birthplace of Buddhism, but it doesn’t really give off the impression of being a Buddhist country…
Rather, it’s a Hindu country, isn’t it?
So this is what the Sega interview is like…
What does that mean?
In reality, when it comes to university students’ tours to India, it was a marijuana experience trip in the early 90s to 00s.
It would have been great if these guys had appeared in 8 as well.
When I watch stories from my high school teachers and travel videos on YouTube, I feel like I don’t want to go to India…
Well, it’s difficult to say where would be good.
This person is not trying to argue and is simply asking a question.
I can’t live in a place where the toilet and bath are filthy, so India is impossible.
Even Kiryu has experienced how hard it is to become a regular person after leaving the yakuza…
The troublesome thing about Kiryu-chan is that they are really just questioning things, so if I can explain it properly, they’ll be convinced.
In the main story it gets pretty aggressive, but in the subplot…
What does that mean? (What does that mean?)
What do you want to say? (What do you want to say?)
I’m not trying to provoke, but Kiryu-chan is simply feeling a genuine question.
Kiryuu-chan’s sub-stories tend to turn into surreal gags, which is unfair.
My friend lost themselves at sea and became a pirate.
If you’ve been to India and realized that only Japan’s climate suits you, then that might be a gain in itself!
The people who appear in such subculture are often eccentric and bizarre, making you think, “What is this person even saying?”
Receiving enlightenment from such eccentric individuals…
It seems that Kiryu-chan’s argument in the main story is really weak.
I feel like it was quite strong in the main story back at the time of 0.
There might be such shady characters in this world.
I wonder what Yagami-san would say if they saw Munanchopetnas.
I’ve always thought that the oddballs and weirdos in Substr are sometimes stronger than the Yakuza, and that’s a bug in that world.
It’s better to go than not to go; you’ll be able to find something.
Don’t talk when it’s not your turn!
I wonder why Kiryu-san sometimes says things that are surprisingly intelligent.
He’s the kind of person who orders more sweets even after having dessert.
I really like how Kiryu-chan looks like she’s having fun at the banquet talk.
I love sub-quests where Kiryu-chan from 0 is the one conducting the interview.
Looking at this, it makes me think that my brother and Saejima are fairly good at listening to others.
What is this situation?
It’s a side quest where Kiryu-chan conducts an interview, right?
Kiryu-chan may not have an academic background, but she has a sense for management and is naturally smart…
Just weak in online debates.
It can’t be helped that Kiryu-chan looks weak in a debate because sometimes the situation is so hopeless that she can’t even respond.
Kiryu-chan actually has some work experience, you know.