Cooking and such…
You’re boiling it, right?
The face of the one on the left is scary.
What is this on the right?
What? It’s a leaf…
Evil smile
I will refrain from it.
(I see you don’t like garlic…)
The person on the left has such a bad appearance that their ancestors must surely have been renowned mad scientists.
This cut is very brief, but anyone who noticed the garlic bald man’s smile has good taste.
Garlic, white tomato, hōzuki, and lettuce-like leaves.
Is there no concept of cooking in that village?
Surely, there must be some culture.
When chatting with the guardian who grows vegetables, it seems that they manage nutrition using dragon milk power, making the vegetables like a complete nutritional food as they are.
Cooking, which is originally a process necessary for better digestion of food and enhancing its flavor, may not actually be needed.
In short, it feels like the ultimate hydroponic cultivation, the vegetables from Shield.
The dragon milk power is so incredible that it’s extremely delicious even without sunlight.
It might be tastier than the dishes of Knafa or Azuz.
We will provide fresh garlic at the request of the hunter.
Overwhelming whiteness
Even for a hunter, this amount of garlic might be too much, don’t you think?
I saw a regular red tomato at the base food supply…
That one looked more delicious.
The theory that vegetables are delicious and packed with nutrients just as they are, making cooking to “make them easier to eat” unnecessary.
The current shield is like a refugee camp, so there aren’t many resources available to devote to cooking.
The theory that the only level of food culture we had was like slurping instant noodles in a lab because our ancestors were scientists.
Organic Dystopia Food
The guy on the right is making a face like it’s the result of all his effort! It’s scary how he offers a leaf like that.
If it’s vegetables you grew yourself, you can present them with confidence.
When I’m invited to eat here, I honestly think, “Oh, that place…”
I eat, though.
Well, both Alma and the hunters, as well as the companions, look like they’re enjoying their food so much, so it must really be delicious…
This is milk tomato.
It seems that there is a lack of umami from animal sources, but there is likely an abundance of umami from plant sources.
It’s something that hunters lack.
When it gets to the point of (fat… that’s tough), the shield vegetables kick in smoothly.
Let’s go to Sujah for rice.
Let’s treat you generously…
Hey! (When I signal, a mountain of fresh vegetables is served.)
I don’t know if there are only white vegetables because they were ruined by Albedo or if they were like this from the beginning, but if I came out of eating these white vegetables and then came across cheese naan, it would be strange.
It looks like a vegetable, but in terms of content, it’s a complete food that resembles near-future sci-fi cuisine.
The effect of the meal itself is quite significant…
But Uncle Tashin invites me the most…
In the first place, a few years ago the village was destroyed, and since I’ve been living in hiding, I don’t even know how much the standard of living has returned.
Are you saying this is fitting for a barbarian?
It’s life-threatening food because it’s the kind of Hozuki that you can’t get without going outside.
There’s not a hint of being pretentious like a descendant of a god, and on the contrary, they’re the ones who invite me to meals the most, so everyone in this work is just too well-mannered…
“There were many times when I could have said, ‘It’s because outsiders came that things turned out like this!’ but mostly they say things like, ‘No, thank you for your efforts,’ or ‘You did it for us, right? We had our faults too.'”
Werner is so generous that he forgives me even when I can’t stop.
Is it some kind of guardian created by the former Dragon City to obey any command?
“I’m feeling anxious because it feels like I’m being rushed.”
The cheese was delicious, wasn’t it, Nata…?
It might be delicious, but it’s probably a completely different kind of umami from the deliciousness of cheese…
Well, if humans fight among themselves, it distorts the theme of the work.
It tends to fall into common patterns typical of the latter half of monster panic stories.
I want to activate Capture Master, so lure me more.
When talking to the mob guardian, they are full of intellectual curiosity about the outside world, and at times start to engage in difficult self-questioning like, “What exactly separates us from the outside? Where does the outside begin?” I sometimes think that the blood of scholars still flows in them…
Hehehe… everyone has eaten, huh?
The “Capture Expert” skill will activate, so it will be useful for the investigation… kuhuhu.
Even when I see the sword, I think this tribe has a deeply rooted philosophical way of thinking.
Teacher, what is this? It’s amazing and delicious! But…
Nata is 100 times more delicious than this kind of thing, you know.
I can’t imagine what kind of taste white tomatoes have…!