Agnes Tachyon’s factor research campaign is now underway! CHECK! There are 19 hours left until the event ends. Finally, I got a new futon dryer. I’m glad I looked up the spring sales… Now I’m fully prepared for the rainy season. Twinkle Collection limited mission is currently ongoing!
Because the rainy season is coming…
I have no gaps, I’m perfectly prepared, and my trust in the futon dryer is too strong.
It seems like I might go bankrupt once the fluffy junkie retires.
I used it a lot this winter, so I aimed for the sale to get a new one…
Ayabe-san from the app doesn’t buy things so easily…
In the end, I am just a student.
It seems like you’re excited to check the performance and features of the new futon dryer.
Fluffy was a reviewer, and the dryer was probably the same.
Mr. Ayabe, purchasing a bedding dryer within six months is generally considered an unusual pace.
There may be a trade-in campaign for the futon dryer.
I thought this was fan art.
The one that promotes it a lot is fan fiction.
I have a futon dryer, so I’m not scared of winter, that’s what I was talking about with the costume.
The implementation of casual clothes was around New Year’s, and they were being called things like “married women” or “widows.”
The moment it was implemented as playable the following month, it instantly became a fluffy character.
If someone identifies the model of a futon dryer that appeared under the desk in RTTT, they might receive a gift from the manufacturer to the person inside.
While raising them, there are so many fluffy relationship episodes that come up, and even though there was an episode with the dryer stuck to the fluffy comforter, it was so shocking that I ended up loving the dryer…
Don’t futon dryers rarely break?
Are you saying you bought something new or added something?
Does that mean Ayakare’s room will eventually be filled with a futon dryer?
Since it’s new, the old one will probably be disposed of eventually, right? The old one might have been something I liked and used for a long time.
Since I’m still a student, I can’t really take it to the second-hand store, can I?
A collective hallucination where the sound of a futon dryer can be heard from Karen-chan’s stream.
If all I had was the information “I like fluffy things,” I would think it’s typical of a cute-loving girl student, but…
Iris Ohyama’s futon dryer is something you can recognize instantly if you’ve seen it in real life.
If normal is for winter and dress is for spring, then when the third outfit comes, will there be a futon dryer voice for summer?
Mr. Ayabe goes crazy in a fluffy way, leading Iris Ohyama to gift a futon dryer to Hikari Sazaki.
Everything, from the slippers to the towels to the bread eaten for breakfast, is fluffy and uniform.
I’m particular about changing the store I buy bread from, depending on the type.
There must be a store that is known for its sliced bread!
Fluffy enthusiasts…
You think you don’t need to use a dryer because it’s hot in the summer, right?
It’s the opposite.
In the humid summer, when futons easily absorb moisture, a futon dryer is essential.
Besides the home voice, it was placed without ever mentioning the background of the anime.
It’s something that can’t be openly addressed, but it gradually creeps up on you.
If we do it openly, it will just turn into a joke…
Ayabe-san is a cool Uma Musume who carries a sad destiny…
The door to this new era from.
Goo~ goo~
No way… There’s an event where Karen-chan’s motivation drops because the futon dryer is activated during her stream…
In the theatrical version, even after being freed from all these constraints, there was no mention of the futon dryer, so it’s safe… is that what you mean?
Even Ayabe-san has a conscience that he won’t use during the stream.
If you go to a planetarium with fluffy cushion seats and give away towels…
Ayabe-san reacts as if she understands that I really like fluffy things, doesn’t she?
I guess there are a lot of fluffy favorite parts visible from areas outside what the app shows…
You are an acolyte of Iris Ohyama.
If it weren’t for the fluffy elements, she would have just become a heavy-headed Opera O girl.
I heard from my family that Iris Ohyama’s appliances have poor maintenance… Is that true, Ayabe-san?
(Smiling without saying anything)
Isn’t it better to just buy a new one instead of maintaining it?
New products come out every year.
There are events that lower motivation instead of being fluffy and fun.
Is Ayabe-san a temporary second-year high school student?
You’re so fluffy, senpai…
I’m higher than Suzuka-san.
Aren’t you going to have to replace this every year?
There is a subtly interactive event with Suzuka.
Both of them are mysterious just for that event.
Even though we were running in perfect sync, it’s cute how things get awkward when I choose the option to talk to you.
In the climax, they talk about stars and interact during birthdays; their relationship is really good, these two.
A futon dryer is not so easily broken, right?
My family’s thing is 40 years old.
Funny fluffy older sister
Do you really change your futon dryer that often!?