Digimon is an育成型 portable LCD game called “Digital Monster” that was released in 1997. Despite being a hand-held size game, it garnered overwhelming support from children due to its innovative elements, allowing not only the raising of monsters but also battles between monsters with friends. The anime began with the release of “Digimon Adventure” in 1999, followed by a total of 9 TV series and 11 movie titles, continuing to receive support from a wide range of generations. In October 2025, a new series titled “DIGIMON BEATBREAK” will begin airing, marking a new work after about two years. With over 25 years of history, Digimon continues to evolve.
Is “Running Man” going to continue until October…?
Didn’t we decide to select masterpieces from the entire GeGeGe no Kitaro series?
It’s been only two years since Gosuge.
I felt like there was a really long gap.
Don’t introduce me so casually.
Promote it more widely!
Because we’re going to do it at the Digimon event in the afternoon…
This is basically a leak.
You’re going to announce it in today’s broadcast, right?
In the end, will they return to Digimon after being caught during the escape?
Vital Breath… where are you fighting now…?
Please start airing it at a time that doesn’t overlap with Nichiasa soon…
Isn’t this the Gosuge route?
Well, it seems that the original GeGeGe no Kitaro might be releasing a new work, so it might overlap…
I just looked and it’s not written, but did you mess up again?
I’ll be releasing information about the new work, as I’ve announced for a while now, and this is just something that slipped out regarding the title, so well.
I guess it’s quite important that the news about the anime leaked, huh…?
I can’t imagine the content from the title at all.
The title “Beat Break” alone doesn’t quite make sense.
Is it music-related…?
This is the mysterious music style of Debimon~
So, Digimon Beatmania means it’s a dance battle…
Big brother’s character design is still like from a different series.
Agunimon and my brother match well.
Even if they match, in the end, it looks like a completely different series.
However, looking at it this way, Agumon is also floating.
I was surprised because there was information leaking about Digimon Elysion, but there wasn’t any about this.
Gosuge had both good and bad outcomes as a result of leaning too much toward modern ghost stories.
I have the impression that I regularly do things like this.
The daily episodes of Gosuge, which tend to be empty, were interesting, but the main storyline felt somewhat tacked on as a result.
It’s kind of funny that Adokoro’s partner has become Greymon.
Since there are also Apmon mixed in, it doesn’t seem like only my brother stands out that much.
When the protagonist and the Digimon gather like this, you can see Takuya’s doppelgänger.
Taichi and Agumon are multiple, so it’s safe.
Digimon Beat Break (Anime)
Digimon Elysion (likely a toy)
Digimon Story: Time Stranger (Game)
Digimon Card (App)
This time, it’s way too much…
Is this the DigiVice slot?
Vital Breath is no longer being developed.
When it comes to music topics, it overlaps a little with Krowo.
It’s not like the story had any musical elements, though.
When it comes to DigiMon conventions, it should be an event that feels like a wake with just the existing information lined up…
It was strange that there was no noteworthy new information after holding a solo event every year…
Last year’s Pile Dramon reveal was surprisingly…
The horror-themed Digimon is quite an unusual work even when I think back on it now, huh…
Well, the horror elements are quite compatible with Digimon, and they’ve done quite a bit with standalone themes.
The entire film definitely has an unusual direction.
It’s unfortunate that Vital Breath died so easily.
Three years is a long life!
Will this segment be done again in a year and a half?
I’ve been running away for two years now, but…
There’s no way they would just put it up so casually; it must be a mistake.
It seems like the event scheduled for March 20th at 12 o’clock has been unlocked at midnight…
If it’s Toei, they could probably do a long-term project.
I honestly feel that in modern times, the balance between interest and boredom makes around 4 quarters the limit.
The charm of Digimon is that the evolution level increases in accordance with the progression of the scenario.
It’s like saying to plan and execute it in four cours without making it too long or too short.
I’m getting excited by the numerous developments that don’t make it feel like Digimon is a developing country.
I hope a hit work comparable to Digimon Adventure or Tamers comes out, even if it doesn’t reach the level of Digimon Adventure’s branding.
I hope they carry over the ability to have multiple evolutions like Gamma Mon’s form change.
If it’s something like Digimon, I should be able to handle it.
It gives the impression that Adkorogosuge was created without deciding how long either would continue.
The ongoing “Runaway” show has a similar vibe, and this entire segment feels somewhat like that too.
Adkoro had announced the number of episodes for the broadcast at the time of the announcement, right!
I find myself reaffirming that Lenamon is sexy again.
Are you going to do an anime?
I hope my partner is as cute as Gamma Mon.
I’ve given up on hits for kids and now want them to do split 2-cours in late-night anime.
As expected, it’s the Seekers…
I want them to continue making spin-offs and sequels in that world, even if it’s not anime…
Well, even One Piece is in the late-night era, so a late-night slot is possible…
The frame for the escape is GeGeGe no Kitarō.
In other words, it’s Ghost Game Season 2…
This is the thing I’m going to announce in today’s stream…
I think the late-night anime trend is influenced by games.
If you’re going to make it into an anime, I hope it leans a bit more towards being kid-friendly.
Nameless One~
I’ll post it just in case~
Just a little over 4 hours left!
I’m looking forward to the Godzilla collaboration today.
As expected, it’s color.
After all, my big brother’s Agumon needs to have big nostrils.
When I see it like this, they are also wearing a kote?
I didn’t understand at all.
The easiest way to distinguish an Agumon from 2006 is by the presence or absence of the belt on its arm.
It’s just an impression, but the title “Beat Break” doesn’t feel like it belongs to a late-night slot.
If it’s a late-night slot, it should have a cooler title.
What is going on with the ongoing “Running Away” anime even though Vital Breath has ended?
Taichi and Taichi: It was somehow not good.
I would be happy if the ones from Olympus continue to make announcements.
Make Survival 2 as well…
Here she comes… the female protagonist…!
It gives the impression of a timeslot showing anime with content that’s hard to tell whether it’s geared towards business or not, but I wonder how it will turn out this time…
During the time of Gosuge and Beginning, it was discovered due to the extraction from Chinese sources.
This time, it seems like there’s a leak from the official side, indicating growth.
Survive 2 has too little reproducibility, for better or worse…
Content that is better to cut losses on.
That’s why the citizens of the Digital Monster backward countries…
It’s not that it’s not selling in Japan either, so it’s not at the point where I need to cut my losses.
When you write it as “beat break,” it also gives a sense of a rhythm game.
It seems like there might be some sound elements.
But I wonder if it will overlap with Shoutmon.
There are a lot of goggles!
To be honest, there are really few places that handle digital cameras, so I think it’s amazing that they continue to be popular in the country.
If you look at it in terms of sales, it’s among the top tier of mid-range cards, that’s for sure.
There is no point in cutting.
It’s the Japanese version of Taiwan, one of the leading countries in Digimon.
The goggles are a symbol of the protagonist that will be passed down…
Aniki is Aniki.
Since the hero of the Ghost Game had no name restrictions or goggles as the main character, I feel like we don’t need such restrictions anymore.
Gosuge didn’t need the yokai-like quality that felt like a second-rate version of GeGeGe no Kitaro.
Digimon is Digimon, and it’s a bit problematic if they’re treated as yokai.
While it is selling reasonably well to current fans, we want to increase new young fans.
That’s difficult, but…
Gosuge was consistently interesting, except for the sudden shift into the last battle development, so I have high hopes for the new work.
In the end, the new anime also ended up being unremarkable, and I can only see a future where a new Digimon Adventure anime will be made again.
Cross Wars and Apmon are
Regardless of the content, I tried various developments to appeal to children, but it flopped.
It seems that the current Digimon is more suited for older friends.
I think both Gossuge and Mogosuge were supposed to develop various things for children, but I have no idea what exactly they were doing…
I couldn’t even tell what the main product was.
It’s a Digimon card.
Recording is clearly done according to the progress.
Well, if they continue to do anime, it’ll probably turn out alright.
The official is just making a big deal about the 25th anniversary of 02.
Cross Wars is celebrating its 15th anniversary, and tri is its 10th anniversary.
Unfortunately, the product development around Adcorogosuge is quite plain and simple.
Gosuge had a breath.
I think it’s not such a bad thing to explore new markets since being completely aimed at adults tends to close off options.
Even if it’s narrow, people should be able to enter.
The fact that the Digimon card game hadn’t included the original Adventure for about three years clearly represents the position of Adokoro.
Since the DigiVice alone is weak, if we make it capable of reading cards, the synergistic effect will surely make it sell well!
Card slash!!!!!!!
For the sake of friendship
But when I went to the Digital Advertising Exhibition last year, there were quite a few kids there, you know?
On the contrary, Gosuge gives off an impression of not having much of a card.
It’s recorded regularly, but there’s only one bullet that is set as the main theme.
Are you doing a selection of GeGeGe no Kitaro and releasing a new Digimon?
I feel like Digimon Selection was good, but since it wasn’t Fuji, like Kuro-Wo or Appmon, it might have been difficult.
The current Digimon cards, of course, feature Digimon.
It’s nice because they also include human characters from anime and games.
Moreover, with new artwork.
Let’s give up and go into business aimed at middle-aged men and women like Medarot.
As before
When I watch Ghost, I feel like I don’t need to go to the digital world!
Well, if I didn’t go last time, maybe I’ll go this time.
Ghost Game is an anime where the extraordinary is happening in everyday life, in terms of atmosphere.
When the WonderSwan was around, they were releasing quite a few games that collaborated with anime.
I wonder if they will release another Digimon game that collaborates with anime like that again…
The game development costs compared to back then…
They said something about a livestream at noon today, so maybe the announcement will be then?
They probably intended to update it after the announcement.
Although it is contemporary content, it is certainly not as closed off as Medarot.
Since it’s an IP that Takara and others later got involved with in Imaginia’s games, it can’t be helped…
The lack of new arrivals is pretty much the same, isn’t it?
I want to play a Digimon game like Super Robot Wars themed on anime.
All-Star Rumble!
There are quite a few players who only know Omega Mon… but I thought there were also quite a few Super Robot Wars players who only know Gundam.
On the contrary, it makes me realize that there aren’t any social games right now.
I have it.
Just because I can’t play in Japan.
I thought the Terriermon assistant shouted the name of a technique I didn’t know, but it turned out to be a special move from a China-exclusive social game original Digimon, and I was shocked.
There is a new century.
If that many cards are selling, let’s do a TCG anime.
Both Duel Masters and Yu-Gi-Oh! have ended their anime, so this is really a chance.
Since TCG anime isn’t very effective, could it be that Duel Masters and Yu-Gi-Oh! are finished…?
I don’t really see a future where the Digimon TCG anime becomes popular.
Well, an anime like Tamers that also involves cards is a good balance.
It would be nice if I could just raise Digimon through a regular smartphone app…
Well, a keychain toy is fine too, though.
I want to play a game like the PSP version of Digimon Adventure that includes the 02 arc and Tamers arc.
I started playing Saiful because the world view seemed interesting, and after more than ten years, I’m touching Digimon again, but honestly, except for the early ones, it’s all “Who!? Who is this!?” kinds of Digimon, so I can’t really remember them…
And breasts.
This is the centerpiece of the Digimon convention.
Did you spill it?
Digimon and poop have an inseparable relationship.
Since it’s no longer an era where you can easily create anime like in the past, I feel that the fact that Toei’s content is relatively stable in making anime is a significant advantage in the current situation.
Isn’t the new century a browser game?
It’s a social game.
It was released at the end of 2022 and ranked in the top 5 of the app store sales that year.
I hope they start increasing the enemy Digimon for model kits soon.
It has a name like Beat Hit and Break up, so I wonder if it will be a remake of 02.
In that case, I’d be disappointed, but…
I really messed up.
It’s rare for new information to come out at a Digimon event.
It was also announced that today’s streaming would have an app version similar to DigiCa, right?
I might want to take a quick look at Adokoro Time Space 02.
It’s been a while since Adokoro, and it feels strange to do it now.
It’s already a story where Digimon evolved into armored bodies without Digi-Mental and Shakkoumon is being unearthed around there, but I’m curious how it will align with 02.
I’m sorry for the poor information management!!
Good! That’s good…!
Blue Dracomon
Blue Coredramon
When I see threads that are calling out “Gosuge,” I always feel a different layer.
It’s about time you realize that you’re the weird one for worrying about that every single time…
It seems like Beat Break could be in Mini 4WD.
The movie and the ghost game had leaked their key visuals before the official announcement, so this is better than that.
I heard that the card app is coming, so I tried out the teething app, and I got totally beaten by Yamato’s deck.
What kind of friendship steel wolf is it to kill my WarGreymon alongside me?!
Because… it’s Yamato…
It seems to be popular in China.
I’m honestly happy that they’re making more anime.
I wonder why it’s such a hit in China.
What stuck?
It was popular from the beginning.
Due to Nintendo’s regulations, it entered the market before Pokémon, so it’s being treated as a copycat.
After a six-month rerun of GeGeGe no Kitaro, it will be Beat Break, I guess.
Simply put, China has a large population.
The phrase “Diga is banned by Yamato” makes me laugh.
Wasn’t the Last Evolution Beginning more of a hit in China?
The Wogre ACE, which can also be seen in the teaching app, is not really usable, but Metagal is still a strong card.
The Taichi deck was redone 5 times, while the Yamato deck won in 1 try, so I really felt the difference in power.
Some teaching app AIs are also unimpressive.
Taichi is wrong for casually attacking the companion blocker.
I feel like this time it’s just the Godzilla collaboration and D-3color.
Metagal was unusually strong in the Battle Spirits collaboration, and I can feel some kind of favoritism.
Just to follow up, it’s not that Wogre is weaker as a deck compared to Metagal.
The Wogure ACE and Metagal ACE have an unusually large difference in specs.
Isn’t the Digimon Elysion a new toy?
It’s strange not to release it in line with the anime.
In that case, since Elysium is the paradise after death in Greek mythology, it seems that the anime will also involve Olympus.
There are still plenty of themes from Greek mythology’s heroes.
What do Chinese people think of “tri”?
I heard it sold well and became popular.
Is that so…?
I thought it was still pretty much dead as usual, but then suddenly it becomes lively; it’s a classic Digimon series.
Domestic expansion → overseas expansion → domestic expansion… it’s been going on like this, so there are just quiet periods in between.
It feels like they’re going on the offensive this year, just like during the VB GOSUGE days.
It seems that Digimon is better simply because you can see their effort to incorporate newcomers.
I wouldn’t say I’m successful, but…
I think it’s because they’ve been catering to fans for so long that the bar for success among Digimon fans is unusually high.
Overseas Licensing Top 4 Total 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 10,672 13,662 14,516 15,790 21,037 Dragon Ball DRAGON BALL 5,231 7,876 8,763 7,751 9,328 One Piece ONE PIECE 2,755 2,806 2,723 2,481 4,394 Saint Seiya SAINT SEIYA 923 342 916 936 937 Digimon DIGIMON 717 731 717 1,532 Slam Dunk SLAM DUNK 2,608 3,126 Digimon DIGIMON Others Others Overseas Licensing 21,037 Dragon Ball DRAGON BALL One Piece ONE PIECE Slam Dunk SLAM DUNK Note: In this document, for the consolidated financials of local subsidiaries whose fiscal year ends on December 31, adjustments are made retroactively to the parent company’s closing date for significant economic transactions that occurred.
Originally, it was content that sold well overseas, but it has been tremendously boosted by developments like Adkoro and cards, so it’s certainly true that the anime power is incredible.
When I went to the Digimon exhibition, I noticed there were more children than people from my generation, so to be honest, I doubt there are any new fans.
Well, you can’t know children’s popularity just by looking at voices on the internet.
I think you’re too poisoned by the idea that you’re no longer a child.
Well, that’s just a story within Bloom.
That author really has a twisted mindset towards the Digimon franchise!
There is a possibility that parents from the Digimon generation are bringing their children.
If it’s being passed down from parents of that generation to children, then it’s not sufficiently new.
V Jump is also holding strong, and it seems that Digimon is blessed with good media.
The manga has been on indefinite hiatus…
Bloom is a typical Digimon nerd, so don’t take him at face value!