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[Xenoblade] I’m trembling with excitement because it’s going to be my first playthrough…

Xenoblade Xenoblade Chronicles X

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve also got a hand that increases.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews


Experiencing risks on Planet Mira

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Did you take a shower?

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

I forgot to buy it, so I went and bought a ticket to exchange it.

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx13

How envious it is to see it for the first time…

120: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, but I’m sure that even the anonymous person’s memory has faded quite a bit…

I only remember place names like Yorupikka Forest…

5: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Is it already going to be released?

It feels unreal…

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m troubled about what weapon to carry.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

I received an email saying that the production of the bonus metal keychain from Joshin is delayed, so they will send the bonus separately after April.

Retail is tough, isn’t it?

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t wait for Fresberg.

It can fly in humanoid form, yet it can intentionally transform into a fighter jet shape.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews


Deformation is nice, isn’t it?

13: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you say that, then why not just put roller dashes on a humanoid form instead of transforming into a motorcycle?

Transformation is romantic too.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews



9: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think weapons will have to be switched depending on the opponent, but I don’t know what kind of adjustments have been made…

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

My holiday is going to be wasted on this guy.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m also seeing it for the first time, so I’m really looking forward to it.

I was warned so much not to expect too much from the story in the exploration part of the main game, so I’ll just play with a light attitude.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ten years ago, everyone had high expectations, so they were quite taken aback.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s nice that I can play Mira in handheld mode.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wish they would let me fight in my transformed state.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews


I hope the behavior where vehicle damage reduction exceeds 100% and HP increases when receiving attacks in vehicle form remains unchanged.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are so many side quests that you forget what you were doing in the main story; in terms of ratio, it’s almost just like the side quests of the Elma team that are called the main ones…

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s like it’s unfinished, regardless of whether it’s good or bad.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

While you’re at it, drop the difficulty level of the side quests as well.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m also seeing Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time, so I’m just looking forward to it.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a sequel to Xenoblade and has a prologue that pays homage to Xenogears, so it’s understandable to have excessively high expectations for the story.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought it wouldn’t be possible to have a complicated plot since I’m just an avatar.

I think it was not good to keep it a secret that the avatar would talk fluently before the release.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

The premise of developing a base while exploring an unknown planet filled with primitive life forms to ensure the survival of humanity is already enough to make me go “Wow, this is it!”

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

I bought it, but it’s been so long since I played that I have no memories of it, so it’s basically my first playthrough.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

A game that is so unique and diverse that it cannot be compared to any other work.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re new, it’s better to bury the hurdle in the ground.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews




29: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t have any dissatisfaction with that kind of ending since I’ve been following Xenogears, but I accept it; I’ve taken the story to a good stopping point.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the switch streaming starting at midnight?

I wonder when I will be able to do it…

33: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can start at midnight with the DL version.

The package version will be sent as soon as it arrives.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews


Around 0:00 to 0:30.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

I might wake up early and do it instead since if I start playing at midnight, I might not be able to sleep at all.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering the sub-events, it becomes a farce when people who commit suicide after finding Central Life or the eaten team members are involved.

When I think about it carefully, I can understand that ending.

When I cleared it, I thought, “Why didn’t you let me finish it right before that!?”

I never thought I would be made to wait this long in the following story.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

Thank you.

Tomorrow, after work, I’ll sleep and prepare.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m not enrolled online, but is there any online element?

41: Japan Otaku Reviews


Material exchange tickets will become easier to earn.

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Honestly, it was done ten years ago, so my memory is quite fuzzy on some parts.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

A large number of side quests are more about the overall content than the specifics of each one.

I remember having a sense of fulfillment from being immersed in a world that felt very much like science fiction.

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It can be done by midnight on the 20th, so there’s really only one day left.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aren’t there a lot of existing players in this game who have memory issues?

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s still 33 hours and 19 minutes left, isn’t there?

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


Not yet!?

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

Stop hiding the identity of the hero from the OP for 10 years!

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Enjoy the one-of-a-kind experience of being thrown onto an unknown planet.

Trying to randomly punch a really big guy.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

No matter how vague the memories of the story or side quests are, everyone remembers the sword, Granada GG.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Granada GG really that good?

52: Japan Otaku Reviews



50: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not good that the official site’s mini-novels and promotional videos seem to put effort into making it look like they’re focusing on the story, but they’re not really.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

That’s rude.

The galaxy leader remembers too.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to play soon.

Do I still have to wait for two more days?

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Not yet!?

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the mystery is revealed and the story is concluded, I won’t wish for much.

55: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Since I really enjoyed playing 1 to 3, I’ve been looking forward to playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, which I haven’t played yet.

The only complaint I have is that the rumored adult equipment has been omitted…

127: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it’s based on the overseas version, only 13-year-old Rin-chan should be facing regulations.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews


Are you saying there’s something wrong with a 13-year-old girl wearing a swimsuit abroad?

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


Are bunnies and fundoshi being erased?

139: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not that it was erased; it was originally not included in software outside of Japan.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

No, I will spread out as much as possible for the sake of 2.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought it might be better to let someone who creates music videos take charge of the direction.

If anything, I thought that again during the DE’s PV.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there really a possibility that Cross 2 will come out?

Is it depending on the popularity or reception of this cross remaster?

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It seems more likely that there is a greater concern about whether there’s the motivation to create, even if it receives a positive response.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews


The new Xenoblade game is in a definitive state, so the focus is on whether it will merge with the numbered series or take its own independent path.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

People who create PVs are too skilled at presenting things, for better or worse.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the Wii U promotional video, there is a scene where Elma and Mardores point guns at each other in opposition, which doesn’t appear in the main story at all, but the editing is so professional that it creates a similar atmosphere just from the quality of the material.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

I didn’t like that this game has subtle variations in equipment.

Why include such a meaningless treasure hunting element…

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is this a remake or a remaster?

64: Japan Otaku Reviews


Remaster + α

65: Japan Otaku Reviews



66: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought this was about as good as it gets since it was still a rare time for Japanese-made open worlds.

Back then, the open world was the peak era of Western games.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a remaster, but there are additional elements.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Not yet!?!?

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are too many additional items, and it feels like a remake.

72: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

There are too many nameless girls.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if the president’s eyes bulged out this time due to the debugging costs.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


BB Iwata is debugging for free 24 hours a day.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the BGM the same as it was back then? Is it remade?

78: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are new songs as well.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


The vocals are being performed.

Various things are being posted on Xenoblade Community X.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews


It can be switched.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you play it on Wii U?

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if the Zelda editor is used in other games as well.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve heard that there are a lot of sub-quests that are really frustrating, but it feels similar to Western RPGs, doesn’t it?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s simply that the security is bad.

It feels like it’s because it’s a pioneer thing, but it also feels like all the races are trash.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was still the era of President Iwata when MUJI came out, huh…

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

The original version was an unfortunate masterpiece, so I really hope it sells well this time.

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Simply put, there’s a demand for a Japanese-made SF open-world RPG where you can ride a giant robot and brawl, so I want a sequel just for that.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

The newcomer will fully experience the feeling of “I didn’t intend that…” with suddenly presented choices!

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

As I mentioned before, I’m looking forward to seeing around 20th place in Cross, like watching a first-time streamer getting caught by a Mimic Overdrive.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s about time we can take down that big one…

That head, huh~~~!

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are times when I think that despite crash landing and struggling to survive on an unknown planet, the civilization level isn’t great…

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

I knew what was happening because I had seen it moving around the white tree before I faced the guardian deity, so I went to die knowingly.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still can’t believe that a remake is actually coming out because the sales on Wii U were so disappointing.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m glad that we can now go to the floating continent group.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


95: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I'm waiting…

I’m waiting…

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

Guardian God Go=Raa

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m not really sure, but I wonder if people will gather for online play. If they do, I think I’ll join.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since there are limited games available to play while waiting for the Switch 2, I feel like it will gather quite a bit of interest.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews


Online multiplayer is more of a bonus, so you don’t need to expect too much.

The biggest advantage of doing it online is that it’s easier to farm materials.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

I saw the commercial and I was really surprised at how beautiful Eruma-san has become.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it better to play Xenoblade 2 after playing 1 and X?

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s better to do 2 after doing 1.

The cross is not connected at the moment, so it can be done anytime.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it might be better to play 2 after finishing Cross, including the DLC.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


The cross is a different entity from 123.

It’s just a little smirk in the DLC of 3.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can enter from 2.

After that, you can do 1 or X doesn’t really matter.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s fine to start with 2, then do 1DE and 3 afterward; this is good, and 3 can be done later.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews


It should be fine to touch 1, 2, or X in any order.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since 2 is mostly unrelated to Xenoblade Chronicles, do as you like.

I think playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will help you understand it faster.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s fine to play with 2 by itself.

If you’re going to do 3, you need to do both 1 and 2; personally, I don’t need X.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

People die easily with options chosen lightly.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t remember where the monsters come from at all, so I was just saying whatever, and I got really insulted.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wasn’t the original supposed to be Elmarin?

106: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In my 35 years of gaming life, this is currently my top-rated game.

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2




109: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


So much

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are you okay? You’re raising the bar so high.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s okay, no problem.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction of the newcomer when they witness the yakuza’s intimidation.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Thank you

I got hooked on the game because of the boobs, so if I really get into it, I’ll try other ones too.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews


Have fun!

126: Japan Otaku Reviews


Breasts are the best at a 2, so if you can find something you like based on other factors, that’s fine.

119: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

It’s not a game that appeals to everyone, but its incredibly peaky style captivates those who get hooked by it, almost like being cursed by Mira.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems there aren’t any other Japanese-made SF open-world games where you can operate giant robots, so for some people, it must truly be unique.

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Newcomer nameless raid blowing out in La Mancha.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like doing the cross right after doing 2 is about the right timing.

128: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s better to play 3 after doing the other Xenoblade games.

Feel free to do as you like with the rest.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

Huh? Is the official countdown illustration gone?

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

I had not been very motivated to play again since I had already played it, but after seeing the footage on the official website of running around next to the giant creatures, I feel like playing it again.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s better to have the cross early on without any preconceived notions.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m looking forward to playing on a big screen or lounging around in handheld mode.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay to go all out with a cross and big breasts?

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


I heard that the oppai slider has been omitted.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fundoshi is too erotic, so there’s no helping it.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

You don’t have to worry because you can customize your avatar.

It would be good to come up with a name that can be shared by both genders.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s fun to pick a fight with something like a Brachiosaurus from the start and get instantly killed.

140: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I understand that it’s impossible to please everyone.

But it really resonates with those it hits.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

A memory of being angry at the lobster that doesn’t appear unless you trigger a quest.

146: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


It’s strange to leave it on the spaceship that arrived later!

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

I need to finish my errands soon…

144: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The moment I could explore while listening to Sawano’s sound, it struck a chord with me.

145: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I like the combat system the most.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

The story is about as significant as a main quest in a Western open-world game without DLC, so you can think of it that way.

What became a problem was more about what happened after the ending.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve played through other Xenoblade games, but there’s a sense of satisfaction that can only be obtained from Xenoblade Chronicles X.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

Character creation can be adjusted later, but it will be unlocked in the mid-game, so make sure to take the initial character creation seriously.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

Unlike other works, auto-attack is just for show.

180: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can earn TP.

If you stack up the magazine extension device…

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t decided on the protagonist’s name yet, this is bad.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews


Should we decide with matching numbers?

156: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


A name that becomes a repeating number.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once you start mentioning the dissatisfaction, it gives off the vibe of a terrible game, but when you start praising the good points, it starts to look like an unparalleled masterpiece of a game.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is “World Enemy” also required to be online?

It’s a hassle when there’s equipment that you can’t get unless you join.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not an exaggeration that I can go anywhere that’s visible.

159: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


As a result, the mountaineering club was born.

158: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I thought that open-world games would become more common as they gained popularity, but even after 10 years, it remains a one-of-a-kind game.

163: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The shape of the terrain is remarkably unique…

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

In a penalty-based system, the score will be quite low, but in a scoring-based system, it’s a game that can exceed 100 points.

161: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In an open world, when you first explore and feel wow… that’s huge… it’s a good open world.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

The theme of Ko-jan has also been revised, hasn’t it?

165: Japan Otaku Reviews


The song often gets more exciting during the chorus, making me want to hear it.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

Which is wider, Breath of the Wild or this?

167: Japan Otaku Reviews


5 times

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Xenoblade series is also broad in the vertical direction.

The most impactful thing was the God Machine World field in No. 1, or the fallen arm.

168: Japan Otaku Reviews



177: Japan Otaku Reviews


5 times

169: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1




170: Japan Otaku Reviews

The feeling of space changes significantly between walking and using a robot, so comparing them doesn’t really have much meaning.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

That said, about 70% of it is ocean.

172: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The density is indeed higher in games like Zelda and its sequels, but I still think it has the best scenery.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

The original area is about 399 square kilometers, and this time there will be additional maps, so it will increase a bit more.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

The robot’s traversability is too good…

I took a detour around the continent near the end of the story…

184: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


This time, let’s conquer the two northern continents before getting the robot.

175: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When it comes to density, there are basically no interactable objects in the field at all.

Zelda and Bethesda games are quite different from anything that can be influenced in various ways.

The scenery is wonderful, and Aksena is cute.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews

The discovery of hidden realms is not related to the development rate, so even if you achieve a 100% development rate and think you’ve completed everything, phenomena can occur where you find new hidden realms.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

Were the fundoshi and bunny images erased?

It’s a shame because I wanted to dress them in sexy equipment with the latest graphics…

179: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

I feel like I’ve come to another world thanks to the unrealistic scenery that throws reality away.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still don’t really understand the map structure around Sato Spring.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t want to, I want to wear a bunny outfit and a loincloth!

183: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

I wonder why I could play this on the WiiU even now…

185: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

After this, there were a couple more, but I think the cross was better because it stood out in terms of scenery.

190: Japan Otaku Reviews


2 is the Archipelago of Liberitas.

I like the sense of decay in the area from Fujigahara to Izanahira.

193: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The combination of fantastical landscapes and enormous creatures is one of a kind.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s no other game where every shot you take can literally become a breathtaking view.

I can say that for sure.

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fact that it’s much bigger vertically than horizontally is incredibly attractive about the cross terrain.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s fun to test how far you can go without flying, and regardless of whether you can place FN points before obtaining the flight pack, you should be able to explore everything.

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When you transform after flying in a vehicle, you can jump in midair.

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It’s super fun, like bouldering, searching for that slight snag of a few dots to jump on.

Also, using enemies as stepping stones for a stroll in the air; there are many high places that can’t be accessed without this.

189: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that it got erased; it’s that the overseas version of Xenoblade Chronicles never had it to begin with.

The Definitive Edition is based on the overseas version…

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

The cross is truly amazing because it’s a world that has been realized precisely because the production costs have gone completely crazy.

192: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you create a sexy character?

195: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can no longer play with my breasts.

203: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you’re expecting something like PSO2, you’ll be disappointed. The costume’s level of eroticism is about the same as the early Monster Hunter, but the face can be customized in more detail.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s good to explore various things while you’re weak.

The addition of stealth exploration elements makes it fun!

196: Japan Otaku Reviews


The bird’s search range is annoying!

197: Japan Otaku Reviews

Saving screenshots was a hassle on the WiiU, wasn’t it?

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought it might be okay to get it used.

It was just under 3000 yen after using the discount.

I ended up reserving the physical version.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews

123 doesn’t enjoy TOZAN very much…

Even if you can go up, it usually ends up being via a cave.

201: Japan Otaku Reviews

The original character model was already good, but the latest graphic of Celica is so beautiful that it’s surprising.

202: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

After playing Xenoblade Chronicles, when I play Zelda, I really understand how those map cost increase points are not good.

205: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s unique to Xenoblade Chronicles that ancient weapons have turned into ruins and blend into the landscape.

It would be interesting if we could properly explore the inside too.

206: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I want to experience ball clenching soon…

207: Japan Otaku Reviews

Surprisingly, even on steep slopes, there might be confusion in determining footholds, and I was climbing those.

As expected, I couldn’t use techniques to climb during the battle.

208: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s impressive that such a large and complex game has only a handful of bugs that can actually be counted.

The only thing that can be called fatal is the Trecen bug.

209: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s terrible, Anonymous!

I can’t decide on a name!!!

210: Japan Otaku Reviews

Climbing is good, but using arts to climb indefinitely is a divisive issue.

211: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it pathetic to wait for performance improvements in the new Switch?

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