2nd Evolution Jibacoil HP 140 Evolves from Recoil National Dex No. 0462 Magnet Pokémon Height: 1.2m Weight: 180.0kg Thunder Blast 110 Discard 1 energy from this Pokémon. Weakness +20 Retreat Illus. Yoshinobu Saito It is said to be flying around while emitting strange radio waves and receiving unknown signals.
My partner is a different color now.
Isn’t this guy more on the side of switching between Darkrai, Sawamurā, and Air Order, rather than the other way around?
There’s no time to evolve anymore!
Is there really not much demand for trading Magneton anymore?
I have only one, but there is demand for me.
I have two Rareko, but I want Jibako… I don’t need the steel one…
It’s not that I don’t see it at all.
The overall electric type is a bit lacking in punch, and not only Palkia and Articuno, but even Gyarados is making a comeback.
I think whether Gyarados is doing well or not depends on whether bench sniping becomes popular regardless of electric types.
I only have one Gene Rare Coil, so I ended up not using it even once before the trend ended…
Is Jibako already dead?
There are many battle decks and it’s tough.
Getting one-shot by Rampardos is pretty tough.
I wonder what is strong right now.
I was filling in the expert level, but the wig aggro is no good anymore.
What I often see are various water decks, aggressive fighting decks, and Diancie Arceus.
If it’s a mission of 3 or lower, Mu doji is fine.
In a low rare deck, Golem and Rampardos are too reliable.
I take it out occasionally, but it’s pretty strong.
Before, it was impressive that I could level up while battling with Darkrai and Weavile.
I feel like the trend right now is either Palpal, Freepal, or Wusokki Ramparudo.
I only have one copy of Kai-chan so far, but it’s basically a card that you stack two of, right?
Not really.
If you’re going to use water, it’s a power card worth putting in.
I see.
I never thought Dialga would prosper like this.
I put together a water Leafeon, but how should I put it, it’s nothing more than a one-shot joke…
In the 5 consecutive wins event, Usokkie unleashed an utterly unreasonable rage and knocked them down.
It’s bad that Eevee has a fighting weakness.
I feel that the battle with strong support and capable Pokémon will remain stable for a while longer.
I occasionally hold a Paljiba.
The robust rim gun still makes the opponent struggle when used.
The type with fewer varieties lacks the challenge of being assembled.
Is “Pal” referring to Palkia?
Even though it was treated like the worst trash, it’s trending.
At the time of information disclosure, it was said that she has good compatibility with Kasumi.
It feels like the compatibility is too focused on Kasumi, making the energy too heavy, giving the impression that water has come to an end.
Just when I thought that, an insane creature like Manaphy showed up and the situation changed.
What have you been looking at until now… It’s been a huge mess since the implementation…
I’m using one Glaceon in my Water-type team, but it’s quite convenient because I can bring it out depending on the situation with Vaporeon.
It’s essentially 3 energy for 100, so it has a higher attack power than Freezer.
Please give me a Lucario.
It’s a really important basic for combos, but I can’t draw it at all, which is really frustrating…
Right now, I have the image of Arceus being in this position.
Well, that’s how it was originally meant to be born.
Hey, team up with believers, don’t team up with exes.
Is Dialga already done for?
No, I’ll definitely see Dialga and Arceus. It’s so exciting!
Does Kai-chan join the Palkia freezer?
I thought it was a deck that was all about “strike before you’re struck.”
There’s no reason not to go in.
It’s pretty tough when you’re healed by ex with high HP.
Since Kai-chan arrived, it has become more durable, going from trash to serious.
Pikachu… Mewtwo… Charizard… Where are you fighting now…
Charizard can still do it!
I’m lacking Rampardos… Should I peel it?
The number 40 is definitely shifted clearly.
It feels like Mega Yanma has been replaced by Arceus.
I heard that ELLEGARDEN is enjoying good vibes lately.
Even after being belittled to the point of being called a Machamp EX!?
Those who say extreme things are generally wrong.
Finally, a virtual enemy that can be taken down with one punch has emerged in the environment…
Kai-chan can recover anything as long as there’s water, and the fact that it’s an overall recovery is too strong.
Erika is crying.
Erica is strong enough as she is…
Even now it’s strong, and the higher the HP this guy has, the more it shines, so it’s going to get even crazier in the future.
Wobbuffet is too much of a rebel against God.
Roughly, since the bad decreased in rock-paper-scissors, the mega yanma also decreased.
Since the introduction of the gallery, cards that can withstand 150 with a cape while dealing 100 damage are highly valued in a 2-hit environment.
Yes, it’s Jibacoil.
Lucario is popular in trades too.
I often see Crobat, Darkrai, and Arceus.
I want to include Greninja too.
It’s just too much of a luck-based game…
I haven’t seen Darkrai much lately.
If you’re treating it like I’m crying over Erika, there are definitely a lot of people who would take it to the level of seppuku.
The stronger the energy acceleration becomes, the stronger Elraid gets too.
Erika is probably doing a lot too…
Overall recovery doesn’t hit at all when it doesn’t hit, you know.
For grass, Erika’s 50 is fine; rather, having both is the privilege of grass.
I was most surprised that Origin Palkia became popular!
Although it’s almost Kingler, it can’t do anything until it has three energies.
Starting to raise Gyarados with Manaphy is just too much.
Kyō is strong in what they do, but because the addition is awkward, there is no opportunity for them to shine.
You have worked enough already.
I mean, I could probably still do it if I wanted to.
Matadogas is not breathing because of the evil god.
Well, as long as a new card with the same name comes, the possibility will continue.
Is it really okay for the water to stay like this with Kyogre and Suicune coming?
In reality, Leafia and Mega Yanma together can really handle both Kai and Erika toughly.
It’s a hassle that I have to change everything to water energy after messing with the deck!
Mata Dogas has strong specs, but since it’s a fighting environment, it gets one-shot by Jibako, and the fact that the evil god is immune to poison makes it a headwind too strong.
It would be helpful if there were different illustrations for important parts in the promo…
It’s unavoidable when it can’t be used due to rarity designation.
I was peeling open new packs, but I’ve still been managing with a budget deck, so maybe it’s time to update the deck…
The evil god kills Maiona too much.
Electricity, huh?
I’m really weak, so the water is too energetic.
If a strong one comes, it would be something like Zekrom.
Preparations seem like they’ll end up having low HP like Thunder…
Gallade can secure damage fairly well without relying on Master Lucario, which is quite strong.
I haven’t seen Thunder at all with three birds.
My physical strength is too low.
It was just focused on firepower and had no artistry…
It seems that Freeze is making quite a comeback.
As long as Kasumi and Kai are there, it seems like water will stubbornly survive.
Even if you only include the lamb, it might be wasted, but Arceus is just a bonus ability.
The preliminary information suggested that Palkia was evaluated in terms of the 30-energy wall.
Even if you give 90, it’s an environment where you get taken out in return, so Pikachu is struggling too.
It’s impressive that Thunder isn’t weak against fighting types.
I wonder if Rank Battle will come this week?
Pika (and Pachirisu) can’t do anything unless the Sudowoodo decreases for now.
The electricity is decent for Pachirisu and such, but that strange tree…
Electricity has many legends, so there should be plenty of material.
It’s unusually numerous for something singular, electricity.
It seems like I’ll just be completely weak against fighting types and end up getting beaten up by Wobbuffet.
As expected, it’s a Wobbuffet and Magneton.
Our Mega Yanma ex can recover a lot.
It’s sad news for me who pulled both Pikapachi EX cards.
When I’m endlessly stuck with Kai and the healing medicine, I just can’t take it anymore!
Electricity is just a lot of light energy, low hit points, and low HP; we need to do something about it.
Hurricane Thunder has an expected value of 100, considering it’s left to chance…
I haven’t seen Mew lately…
It’s really tough to begin with.
Haven’t you been working hard as Arceus’s insurance?
So I’ll put one of these on the Arceus Dialga.
♦︎I have quite a few situations where I can’t draw 2 cards with 3, and it’s troublesome.
Oriparu is commendable for not feeling pain even when hit by a tree and has 120 HP.
I thought Usokki was just a joke character, but it turns out he’s strong.
Jibacoil is strong, but since it’s a second evolution, it causes me to have constant accidents when I use it, so it’s no good.
After defeating the EX Pokémon, Freezer’s move to pull out the back Pokémon with Akagi and win directly is too strong.
Usohki… where did you leave your Usohachi?
Pachi-tan was weaker than furikasu even during the time when the previous environment’s battles were not popular.
Oripalu is also being used.
Well, I generally don’t see “super” the most.
It’s strange that there aren’t any strong ones right now, even though the Ghost Esper Fairy is packed with strong types from the original source.
I want Evolution EX, electricity.
The freezer is doing a good job of keeping both Palkia alive.
“Pacitan, quickly send me the Obon fruit.”
When it comes to Pachirisu, it’s definitely the Babiri Berry.
Hello, Sejun-san.
Don’t worry about the fact that eggs were not discovered in history, as the time for evolution was short.
There were also things like double battles and half decks.
If Darkrai is decreasing, it seems like there might be a chance for Mewtwo.
It’s usually slow.
If you think so, it’s best to give it a try.
I thought so too and tried using it, but I couldn’t keep up with the speed of the punches that dealt 130 damage.
First of all, the Electric types that aren’t weak to Ground are just Rotom and Zapdos.
That Rotom has a normal Fighting weakness in Pokémon Card Game.
Cibildon is being made weak to fighting types…
It feels like the current situation where there are no evolved forms of Electric-type Pokémon is quite impactful.
There are no Pokémon that can currently become key players to win.
I only see business trip Miu occasionally.
I think it will burst even more if a user-friendly seed EX comes.
Come on! Terrakion!
If you’re going to use Mewtwo, it’s still better to do it with Kiss Shiro.
Many decks are easy to play and strong without EX.
The battle is already quite amazing, so I wonder what will happen when the EX version arrives.
Mewtwo’s abilities of 50 with 2 energy and 150 with 4 energy are not in line with the times…
Since the cape came, the value of a 150 punch itself has decreased.
Zekrom is one that I want to be included quickly as both a Lightning type and a Dragon type.
In particular, the number of dragons is definitely insufficient.
The only attractive Electric trainers seem to be Kamitsure and Nanjamo, so it doesn’t look like there will be many strong ones added.
Isn’t Mewtwo going to become 160 with 4 energy?
Even Dialga has a bit slow energy acceleration, and it’s the first time you can accelerate with Sana…
Both Machis and Denji have specified names, huh…
Denji can only pick things up from the trash, which is also tough.
I just can’t help but be one step behind.
That means it’s okay to attack by using energy on the first wall role, so if you think it’s slow, isn’t it a matter of using it incorrectly?
There is no character in the Electric type that can play the initial wall role.
Like Electivire…
That’s more like a guide fire role! It’s specified to be used with Denji!
Male trainers are like this all the time… but it’s okay for Cynthia to join in too.
As expected, it’s the reliable Sakaki-sama.
Dragons are worthless until a multicolor rescue comes anyway.
It’s interesting that Articuno has always been strong as a top-tier Pokémon since the early EX era.
Everyone said that just because Kasumi is strong, if a strong Water EX comes, it will be taken out first.
I said it too.
If it’s 4 energy, I want to output at least 200!
It’s really unfair that you’re definitely getting one-punched as a sign, isn’t it…
If a Charmander comes that isn’t forced to trash, it would become easier to use again.
When you start talking about weaknesses.
It’s hilarious that Heatran has a weakness to fire.
On the contrary, the turtle that was said to have excessive firepower is looking lively…
I thought they would do it someday, but seeing them actually do it today gave me chills…
“` VS Garchomp ex & Lucario Deck (Light of Overcoming) Victory! Battle Log Active Cards: Freezer ex HP 140 Ice Wing 40 Blizzard 80 Deals 10 damage to all of the opponent’s benched Pokémon. +20 Order: First Turn Number of Turns until Resolution: 1 My Points: 1 Opponent’s Points: Damage Delivered: 80 “`
A sad present with a multicolored Giratina that no one can see a shining future in, no matter how you look at it…
The Flame team’s members are still too weak, and it’s bad.
Monkeys have a special skill, you know.
Fire is strong.
Liza EX is strong.
Charizard has the performance of the Showa era.
Both Liz and Monferno are a tailwind, right!
It’s true that being stuck in binary evolution leads to instability.
The flames are only of the fire type…
I think it would have been stronger if the name specified was Takeshi.
Akagi is…
There are quite a few with super high ex, but besides the Mew series, it’s just Gengar, Mewtwo, and Cresselia…
Once, in a net illustration, there was a Mewtwo being hit by a leek, so even if it’s only 30 damage for a significant cut, that would be fine.
If things stay as they are, it seems we will end up fighting Liza Fire for six months.
With the current speed, there’s definitely no way that could happen, so I want you to rest assured.
There were no Pokémon or Game Boy in the Showa era!?
I can’t stand Akagi so much that I can’t play without stacking recovery.
Frieza is too strong after obtaining Akagi and Kai…
Is the 200 one-hit KO for Charizard a rough benchmark like the 3000 for Blue-Eyes in Yu-Gi-Oh?
Goukazaru seems to have abilities as if it were born to defeat Dialga and Arceus, and it would be great if it had evolution support.
The water still has the Kanna Suzuna water lily and Rurina left…
Do you understand what this means?
It means “You’re a pervert… isn’t that so?”
Why are there so many crazy trainers obsessed with water?!
I repeatedly surrendered until I drew at least two heads on my first coin toss in Kasumi UUU and cleared the event mission of ♢3 or below.
Let’s continue with this approach from now on.
I really want candy, a daycare, and recovery.
The fight is doing well despite the poor support.
His natural physical ability is too strong…
The water deck has quite a few players without Kasumi, after all.
Manafi is really appreciated…
Mewtwo itself could dance again if the partner changes; it’s just that the hindrance is on the partner’s side.
I want to use Crobat, so please become incredibly strong.
It might be fine to use manual for bad fast attacks if it happens.
If a Rokon that can hit with flames comes, there’s a chance against Katsura…
The monkey deck is about 1.2 times stronger than you might imagine and easy to use.
Denji could be the best wall, and when I think about that, his compatibility with Jibako is just too good.
If you’re going to stack Jibako, there’s not much point in trying hard with Denji…
As the second strike…
Fighting requires living support.
The energy that was trashed in the thread image is taken over by Electivire for an attack! The strongest duo!
I can’t pull the coil, it’s the end.
Master Lucario’s buff is really strong.
I hope that the second evolution maintains a suitable level of destructive power, but since it will likely blossom at the breeding center, I don’t want it to be too strong.
American-style cards obviously increase without needing to be held back, so I think they’ll be released on their own.
I think if there is an Energy Acceleration that can be done with just one card, then Rhydon could start running.
The weight of the 20 pieces in the battle isn’t much of a burden without the side.
If it’s not a Sableye and an energy boost comes, then Mewtwo might be able to handle it.
Evolution accidents happen too easily, and it feels like a trick like Lightning Jibako is appropriate as power.
Rather, the overall middle part is pathetic…
The fist of anger from Usokki, whose grandfather was erased by the evil god, shatters the evil god.
Fighting with Sawamurama Shadow and being able to choose friends is great… It really feels like playing a card game…
I like that there are strong characters without ex and it has a subtle silver charm.
Come to think of it, there aren’t many decent support cards for the Electric type…
Is it like a time-space jivako?
The battle is overly focused on increasing the firepower of non-evolved Pokémon.
Gab’s stacking ability is surprisingly not to be underestimated.
If it’s just a pure type, there’s Sirohana, and if it’s EX, the bench is dangerous, damn it…
If Denji had matched up against Raichu, there might have been a chance.
Matisse? I don’t know that kid…
Jibako’s strength is that you can just pull from the Jibako series and go straight to attacking.
It’s nice that if you manage to complete 2 sets, it feels like a win.
It’s about time you give me a Raichu ex that can deal 160 damage with 3 Energy.
Even without Rampard, the battle is still strong.
The painful thing about Electric-types is that everything except for Thunder has a major Fighting weakness.
Defeated alongside Arceus.
I wish I could get Lucario Kabutops to appear more consistently.
The good thing about Jibaco is that you can just leave it alone until it becomes Jibaco, so there’s no tempo loss except for needing three cards. Plus, you can attack at least twice.
It seems that Dearal, Paloriparm, and Nafiy are often used, and they feel pretty strong.
Aggro fighters are really frustrating to deal with.
I tend to have accidents when I use it…