It must have taken quite a lot of effort, so it’s simply a waste to finish it in one day; please make it public for about a week.
Hasn’t the number of places to play games increased after about a week?
I’m working on a complicated mini-game and setting up a special corner, adding to it after two days.
If you just want to see it, you can talk about how this kind of thing is happening everywhere these days, so you should be able to check it out later, right?
It would be nice if April 1st were a holiday, but since it’s just a regular workday, there’s no way I can take a break.
I want you to re-publish it.
Which one of me is it?
I guessed it was a taiko drum.
I think there is a higher possibility that I will be adopted by the main house for the music score.
It seems that Nikke has made it possible to re-experience past April Fool’s events, which is great.
I just started recently, so it’s helpful.
Bahamut hasn’t been singing much lately, and I don’t have the impression that Granblue Fantasy is currently making an aggressive move in the music scene against other games.
I want you to do it.
It seems that this year there won’t be a collaboration, but an April Fool’s without a collaboration feels rare.
Still, before Bobobo, I was fighting with him.
We have only been collaborating for the last four years, and before that, there was no collaboration.
…I thought about it, but was there a collaboration with Taiko no Tatsujin?
If it’s a one-day event, I become hesitant to go around to various places, and I end up just looking at the news sites later, thinking “Oh, this happened.”
I was really strong during the implementation phase, but there were some breakdowns.
Is it already a breakup? I was making a self-deprecating joke about how users have become strong enough to just brush it off…
It’s collaborating with both Theatrhythm and Taiko no Tatsujin, and Nazoburu is also technically a collaboration, right?
Have I done it alone about two times?
The pimp connect is a bit short for just one day.
2015 The one where the Glazies become idols.
2016 Shythrism Collaboration
2017 My first time
2018 My second time
2019 Nazo Blue & Oira 3rd time
2020, my fourth time.
2021 Bobobo’s First Time
2022 Bo-bobo 2nd time & Oira 5th time
2023 Sanrio First Round
2024 Sanrio second time
It seems like…
This year there are no collaborations, so this is my sixth time, huh?
Doing it six times already, it doesn’t taste good anymore.
Since we usually change every two years, I suppose there will be a change this year, but what will it be?
It looks like another silly collaboration.
I liked the one where Glazey talks.
Don’t forget that there is Saige All-Stars VS me, even though it’s me.
I wonder if they’ll have Auto Chess here this year.
It’s impossible with Granblue’s format, right?
I think it’s excellent every time I see it, the second day of April Fool’s.
I want them to come because I want to see characters designed in the Granblue Fantasy style, like Ohtani or Fujii, the seven crowns.
I wonder how much it costs to call all the Bobobo people…
A day is such a waste, isn’t it?
Both the viewer and the creator.
Nazoburu still can’t accept it.
When I outsourced it to a place doing real mystery games…
It was a company with quite a few quirks, so the issues ended up being quite peculiar as well.
I thought the scrap was in your heads.
It’s not good to be too focused on something like FGO for just one day.
The average age of players has risen, and everyone is now a working adult…
I haven’t done April Fools’ Day for a few years now.
Akko seems to have a lot of unnecessary pride and is particular about those kinds of things.
If April 1st isn’t on a weekend, it’s hard for working people to fully enjoy it.
It’s especially the change of the fiscal year, so it’s really a hectic time.
Ansta declared that they won’t do April Fool’s this year, but I hope there will be more places like that.
I wonder if a relink event will come in a parallel world kind of way.
There’s even a possibility that we might compete within the same company.
Even Cygames is wasting resources on Princess Connect every time.
Bo-bobo was actually quite recent, huh?
I thought it had been about 7 or 8 years.
I believe the Princess Connect event was scheduled for the 10th as well.
Well, if you’re going to create an app, I’d like to see at least this much effort put in.
The FGO April 1st limited app makes me feel a bit sorry for both the illustrators and the programmers.
The mystery bull was worse because it forced you to change friend stones rather than just distributing stones.
It was tough even with organizing friends.
How does the second-day shipping come to be?
Understanding Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
You should receive worker’s compensation.
I wish they would stop saying that lies are only in the morning.
There’s no way I can watch it while I’m working…
Many companies seem to put in a lot of effort when it would suffice to just do a parody illustration.
I had been playing Mahjong Fight Girl for a week because the infinite ceiling is too wasteful.
It’s a weekday again this year… I want it to be the first Saturday of April already.
If it seems possible, I will take a paid leave, but usually, I can’t.
The offline version of Megido allows you to play all past April Fool’s events as they are.
In the past, I would spend the day going around places like Irem and Tsuburaya…
At some point, it all just stopped mattering…
I’ve only started seeing places that I usually see regularly.
Type-Moon should release more stories like the Heroine Twelve Zodiac arc.
The second day of April Fool’s was seriously epoch-making.
The one from Tsuburaya on mixi was the most fun…
Well, it’s at a point now where the atmosphere is like, “Why not just do what you want?” so that’s nice.
There are a lot of things to do on the first day of the new fiscal year and various other matters.
I’m too busy with inventory.
It’s something unavoidable, but when I put a lot of effort into this in a game, the sense of despair increases when I end up not playing it anymore.
Gran and Zeta were coexisting for the first time and were siblings…
I want a skin! There are too many ideas.
Companies compete with each other, incurring ridiculous costs without making any profit.
Users have too many topics and can’t catch them all.
No one can be happy…
It seems that Granblue Fantasy will not have a collaboration for this year’s April Fool’s.
The characters in the story seemed to be having fun, and I loved the Sanrio collaboration.
Wales is already broken, but…
I want to take a look at the Hello Kitties being SENKA’d.
It’s fine to break things, but please stop leaving them broken.
Hello Land is the first to be concerned about the collapse of Wales.
We got married.
I’m not gay or anything, but handsome guys with serious backgrounds.
I understand that just being genuinely excited about cute creatures is fun.
FGO’s thing makes me want to keep playing the game afterward!
I can’t complete the collection anymore because there are just too many mackerel…
It’s not that I want you to let me do it, but I understand that I can’t keep up in just one day, so I end up opting for videos when the time is short.
The one-button easy special was the best, so I want the AC club to do it again this year.
It’s almost been a year since then…
I had planned to make cards for baseball and soccer in FGO later, but no… that’s not what I meant…
The concept of the second day of April Fool’s is truly appreciated…
It’s an unexpectedly amazing invention, isn’t it?
The April Fools’ joke in the thread is boring.
No, it was really interesting!
The reason you can’t enjoy it is that you haven’t lived a proper life and your sensibilities are immature.
Last year’s was easy to complete the Sabre collection in FGO, perhaps they understood that too.
The baseball thing was elaborate, but I wasn’t good at it.
If someone puts too much effort into it, those who want to enjoy it have to concentrate as well.
The burden becomes really big.
I just want to play the past works of FGO as a one-time purchase…
It seems like there is a romantic feeling in how each person chooses which character to watch, even amidst the fact that they absolutely cannot catch up with the CEO or the mushroom.
Well, I’ve heard it countless times, but I deliberately acknowledge the users’ dissatisfaction!
That’s how it feels, for better or worse.
There are situations where that’s permissible, I suppose.