Home » Game » Monster Hunter Wilds » When you get a bit tired of hunting monsters in Monster Hunter Wiles, it’s time to gather special products or collect resources!

When you get a bit tired of hunting monsters in Monster Hunter Wiles, it’s time to gather special products or collect resources!

Japan Otaku Reviews+

Due to the quests, I have accumulated materials from the Langosta…


1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12

Maybe it’s a good idea to play another game until the update comes…?

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx32


When you’re somewhat fed up with gathering, it’s time for monster hunting!

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Walking… fun…

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s nice to zone out.

A small corpse became a bone mound…

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It’s scary to become bones in 5 minutes…

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m going to join another expedition starting tomorrow…

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s fun to collect things like honey and mushrooms that are just lying around and not being used…

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I’ve prepared my equipment, so until the update comes, I’ll take it easy and make all the armor.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still have trophy completion work remaining.

It’s just that unlike before, I don’t have to do lengthy hunting to collect gold crowns, so the time spent in action is short…

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

The golden crown doesn’t end.

I want the title for defeating, so I’ll do it without any filtering.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

The volume is…

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

Go fishing.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s not enough bitter bug extract.

I want to make more enhancers.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the morning, it’s really easy to get into multi-tasking.

The crowd at night was so intense that I really couldn’t get in.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9

Ah… Mahidake… (Pashu)

Ah… Mandragora… (whoosh)

Ah… Evening Primrose… (pashu)

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Oh… the moment I think “ah,” when I move the cursor, the item disappears and it goes “sunn…”

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When sprinting at full speed, stability can’t be maintained without visual confirmation.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was able to get the trophy, so I can focus on the Atelier without any worries.

However, since I mostly gathered them on my own, I have a large amount of gold crown quests left that feel too precious to delete, but there’s nowhere to throw them away…

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I realized that it is correct to leave it as a local subjugation record instead of turning it into a survey quest midway.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m considering rearranging my mining gear.

17: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Since I was also collecting while using the dip net, I’m accumulating a lot of treasures, glass weeds, and sea squirts.

18: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

I can’t do it that quickly because I still have a lot to do.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

Glassweed mainly relies on currency exchange, so it’s completely insufficient.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m looking for a nice layered outfit!

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The golden crown is conducting a site investigation for rescue! A telescope! That’s not right!

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx18


Who do you think you are, barging in and complaining…?

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Watch what the hunter does…

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I want to earn armor spheres more easily…

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I finally finished up to Chapter 6 today.

I still have some side missions left.

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The gold crown is making me frustrated because there are no dragon protectors at all.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

I hunted 50 frogs in the event quest, but neither the minimum nor maximum gold crown dropped.

Is that event quest designed so that golden crowns don’t drop, or is my luck just terrible?

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


At least I got the maximum gold crown for the chicken!

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Probably but

Event quests are generally fixed in size or adjusted.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Whenever I have free time, I’m collecting aloe.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

I found the selection of the Dragon Guard’s gold crown to be too tedious to search on my own, so I ended up finishing it with aid.

Why can I glide with Secret but can’t fall straight to the lowest layer…

In the past, hunters would come down from any high cliff unharmed.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t know if it’s Kyomuton or Gyomudon, but don’t bother creating something similar…

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m going fishing.

Let’s go fishing, fishing buddy.

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Secret: “What are you doing?”

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10


You’re in the way!!!!!!!!!!

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When I fish near the forest camp, I often get disturbed.

Alma is fishing, so don’t disturb her! Don’t stand in the middle of the school of fish! So cute!

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

I finished the gold crown before the arena selection was revised.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

I started fishing, but it’s more of a hassle than Albedo and Gorou…

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if I should do a transformation and change clothes.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

Watch me, Nata.

The hunter is about to do dragon-guarding great wheel masturbation now.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gathering specialty products is limited to the harvest season.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

For some reason, the thread gets cut only by Garai-ba.

Even though we caught tuna, swordfish, and squid…

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The squid isn’t biting at all…

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If you hop around, the squid will bite.

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Thank you, Monster Squid Hunter…

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After casting the lure as an egi, wiggle it gently 2 to 3 times under the stick, then stop it for about 5 seconds. Repeat this process.

If you didn’t eat it, throw it again.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

The gold crown rate is around 1%, right?

It is not particularly strange for neither the minimum nor the maximum to appear in 50 trials.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


A certain streamer got stuck for 8 hours doing the minimal selection for Uzutuna…

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Uzton should definitely appear in Area 17 during abnormal weather in the forest, but for some reason it rarely shows up…

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I’m not a seasoned warrior nearby base camp; I’m just a minimum-sized chubby guy in the weather!

The reward is so meager that the only thing I can do is take someone with me on this investigative quest…

48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s changing at an incredible speed, but originally the periods of desolation and abundance are probably on a yearly basis…

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

The gold crown quest is roughly posted when they say it’s in the nameless lobby.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m too scared of multiplayer, so getting the trophy is just a dream within a dream.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because I didn’t even aim for large fish, fishing serves as a change of pace.

Make sure to transfer the person who designed the specifications for the large fishing update to a different department before the update.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

Small-scale subjugation and collecting local specialties.

I wish there were some quests for that kind of survey purpose at ★1 to help with understanding the pathways and map!

I barely remember what small items or specialty products are needed for this work!

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


There are few small enemy farming quests, right? I wonder why that is.

I’m hunting low-level enemies in the field for now.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even though I’m in a hurry and only doing key quests, there were places where I wanted to do small, idyllic quests as a sort of atmospheric quest.

It’s saying to explore on your own, but it serves as a little guide…!

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve gotten tired of Albedo, but before I know it, I’m hunting Albedo.

At this rate, I will become Arshubeld.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Just touching weapons I’ve never used before is fun.

In extreme terms, you can play 14 times more.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s frustrating that the Honey Hunter and Explorer’s luck can’t activate at the same time!

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

Big-game fishing isn’t bad, but I’m catching Grand Escanite without knowing which method or lure is correct in the first place.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have come to recognize that fishing enthusiasts bring nothing but harm.

Don’t incorporate specialized knowledge and terminology into the game.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fishing is over.

All that’s left is Sunanoryuusei…

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I’m going to go capture it after receiving the request.

If you do it earlier, you’ll end up having to catch it again.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve only seen the motion of petting the companion once when clearing the quest.

Increase the probability more…

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

Large ones are fun, but at the very least, I wish they would show the line durability gauge.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

After defeating one of the two monsters in the quest, I immediately went for the other one, and when I put off carving it, I was surprised to find its corpse was decayed.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

The guardian dragon doesn’t rot even when left dead; instead, it crystallizes, which is a subtle yet intricate detail.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

The big dorsal fin that appears in the nabra doesn’t bite any lures!

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t received the rare specialty product badge.

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This is quite easy.

Limited specialty products are easy to gather.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

It would have been better if the binoculars system was only for the person who posted the quest.

74: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The number of stored investigation quests is too small…

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If the storage limit remains as it is, I at least want to have unlimited usage…

75: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I started in World and I’m a hammer user with around HR90.

It might be inefficient, but I can totally manage it.

When I see other threads, I notice people asking for various weapons other than hammers to be made stronger, and I can’t help but wonder why when hammers can still be used effectively.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews


Everyone thinks they can produce that much damage based on the TA results they’ve seen, so they’re saying that after looking at the TA of other weapons.

96: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I’ve been holding a hammer for a long time, so I should probably be able to take almost the optimal actions.

The hunting speed with a smooth hammer and a clumsy, unfamiliar weapon is about the same, which makes me want to cry a little.

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Since it doesn’t cost anything to say, when your weapon isn’t the strongest, a hunter will just ask for one anyway.

Well, it is true that since the monsters are still weak, there is currently no particular problem with any weapon if we don’t compare to others.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought it wouldn’t trigger while using a guard weapon even though counterattack was recommended, but to my surprise, it activated more than I expected.

This is… I’m terrible at this…

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like people will likely say that the rewards from the seasoned Albedo and all the red Artia for the frog are not gems anymore.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

Collecting 10 rare specialty items may seem straightforward if you think you just need to go pick up the ones that have appeared in the environment summary, but there are also items like Night Bloom, Rafflesia, and Winter Dragon Summer Grass that don’t show up in the summary, which makes it difficult if you’re not aware of this.

93: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Rafflesia blooms on its own, so that’s one thing, but how does everyone notice the full moon exclusivity or the randomness of leaving monster carcasses around…?

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think that’s a frame for finding something that just happened to come up while you’re doing it.

Well, that’s terrible for being random.

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The place is just too few for it to be a coincidence…

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Don’t say unreasonable things like to grasp information that isn’t displayed, like the full moon!

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m saving the guaranteed gem quests for the abandoned site Gora, but I haven’t been able to use them.

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After finishing collecting medals, I found something to do on my own and then it sparked a pointless fire.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

How long did it take for those who completed the gold crown?

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I collected the crowns for 15 types of quests, but I don’t see them often, so I have no opportunity to show them off…

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I wish they would give me a little more return on the offset.

If you cancel it with a hunting horn, they give you a chain note or something…

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I thought it would be nice to be able to follow up with an attack if I could offset it with a regular performance.

The melody of the offset should turn into a ridiculously powerful attack.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if we set aside the firepower, it’s clear from just a little use that the defense system is quite underwhelming.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

Do you have time to play the sub flute?

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While on the move, prepare the melody and engage in combat, then perform right on top of the secret.

It is recommended to simply switch hands.

This should also ideally be able to allow for playing while moving…

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It was possible in β, but for some reason it was omitted.

It was fun to dive in while performing…

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, I was supposed to go catch some Komochi Ami. Alright, I got one!

Huh? Do I have to display the quest to clear it?

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like fish have a golden crown, but there aren’t golden crowns for environmental creatures, right…?

By the way, does Escanite not have a gold crown now?

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Currently, there is no size for environmental organisms.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t catch any marlin at all, but when it jumps, is it correct to use the direction it jumped (up, left, right) plus R2?

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If you enter the correct command and the teacher doesn’t let out a painful groan, then you have succeeded.

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I really want a home after all.

I like collecting environmental organisms, but since I don’t have a place to display and show them off, my motivation has dropped significantly compared to when I was in W.

106: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Even if I can tolerate getting obsessed with fishing, you really need to tell me how to do it in the game.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to stick Gyomdong and Gyumton all over one wall of my home…

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I want to float baby octopuses at home.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m glad I collected 300 full moons before the update.

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I collected 3,000 of them.

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Well then, I’ll take 30,000 pieces.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are there few lance production weapons that balance sharpness and skills?

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that a community center will be built, but it’s different from the current lobby in some way.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

I got the pollen of the moon flower overnight, but why won’t Nata exchange it for gold tickets?

The sturdy armor sphere is good, but… come on… you get it, right, Nata?

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to be able to arm wrestle and drink with the other hunters soon.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t tell which way it’s bouncing…!

119: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If I play another game until the update comes, I won’t play Monster Hunter anymore.

It’s the path I took in the world.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

I tried to create an Artia, but isn’t it weak for how much effort it takes?

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Having three slots is a big deal.

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There are also weapon types where Artia completely outperforms all production…

139: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Wow, that’s tough (while doing a full burst).

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In terms of raw performance, it varies depending on the weapon type, but the advantages that can be attached to jewelry lovers are quite significant.

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If you focus on the attack, it’s stronger than Rabara.

Even without a single attribute enhancement for paralysis, I can still inflict paralysis without any problems, and I have slots available.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

It says to talk to Olivia in Rata’s village, but where the heck is she?

The map is also confusing, so stop messing around.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

The gem collection won’t end.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

Big game fishing really feels like it’s shortening the lifespan of the controller.

Should I just switch to a cheap controller for fishing?

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Do you want to go that far for fishing?

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why are things like Weakness Exploit and Coalescence for armor, but Attack and Mastery for weapons?

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

Choosing the right artifact can be a struggle, but it’s good to try out any weapons that catch your interest for now.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that when fishing for big catches, the line’s durability gets worn down during the fight after reeling the fish in. Is there any way to counter this…?

131: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I want someone to do something about Secret getting lost and acting silly.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


While I was lost in multiplayer, the quest was completed…

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

The side mission of catching this and fishing for that has been taken care of by the corporate wiki and X.

If you properly filter and select information, those kinds of places can be helpful.

135: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I want to invite friends to my home where a lot of Nu-Yaya and Shiu-Shiu are floating…

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Tentacle lover’s response

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think I’ll avoid doing moon pollen too much, as it shortens the lifespan of the game.

If it’s going to be corrected, I thought I might as well gather around 10 of them for now.

Even if I gather this much, the target exchange items don’t line up well, so it feels pretty pointless.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews



It is a Hard Armor Gem.

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2



How about a gold alchemy ticket…?

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137: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m only fishing with a keyboard.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

What do you want to say?

Outside, there is an item equipment box and.

I want a base camp where I can always eat the best food.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

I did a lot of rerolling for the first one in Artia, but since then I’ve been making them casually.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

When fishing for large catches, moving slowly works well, while for smaller fish, a slightly faster movement makes it easier to catch them.

Even though I understand that, sometimes I can’t catch anything, the line gets cut, or the secret gets in the way, and sometimes they bite on lures that aren’t even the target…

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

Guns are great, aren’t they?

Just by drowning in Albedo, it’s the optimal solution.

145: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

This time, the environment around the living organisms is unusually intricate, so I feel an even stronger urge to embellish it.

I want to display it in a way that feels like Animal Crossing.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ataria will probably be considered not master level, just like Hyakuryu.

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I remembered wondering what this was since I started with Sunbreak.

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At this stage, there is already no concept of reinforcement.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it reproducing the fact that twitching is fundamental to eging…? Rather, was the action of twitching incorporated for that purpose?

153: Japan Otaku Reviews


There is a fishing enthusiast in development…!!

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

I found out that there is a shortcut for the gear I recently equipped.

How would I know something like this?

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I was planning to create the Artia Greatsword for the first time and learned how to reroll, but since I got a base attack of 4 and sharpness of 1 on my first try, I just ended it there.

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Finally, I was thinking I could display the Kusei Bug!

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the strength of Artia lies in its gem frame.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

I enjoy fishing and love it, but please remove the tutorial.

Secretary-kun, sit down!

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the gunlance only the purple one that can be used? Everyone seems to be carrying that, right?

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


Chickens are strong too.

167: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Sort of true.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


Guns will get a weapon enhancement update for Artia, right…?

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Somewhat despairing.

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There’s no time to adjust strong weapons, right?

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Gallhoat is just a step ahead in terms of firepower, so if it’s slightly stronger in artillery, it can be useful.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

Paralysis weapons are originally strong, but I like that in Artya they can quickly release mediocre skills.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s interesting how I’m switching between various weapons.

I’m using a great sword with one hand, but the counter feels too good.

168: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

What’s with all the weapon skills that you don’t need to draw your weapon for in almost all weapon types?

172: Japan Otaku Reviews


Harassment… might be an exaggeration, but I guess they added it because adjusting was a hassle.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like if I make an artifact now, I’ll regret it soon, but if I don’t choose carefully, it will shorten the game’s lifespan…

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you didn’t intend to focus on dodging attacks with proper weapons, you might as well have invested in armor skills.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m using a sword with a red flower on the shield…

176: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I started using guns, but what is artillery power?

Isn’t that just a rephrasing of the level of bombing?

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A little different.

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This feels like the time when I reunited with Arshberld, just like Nata.

198: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Give it back!

Give me back artillery level 5!

177: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Somewhat strong


Incredibly strong.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Hyakuryu weapons are at the Master level, and since the Hyakuryu Night Parade itself has disappeared…

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A hunter who could say that was fun is rare, and saying that they like it might even feel like contrarianism…

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder where the usage rate of weapons increases.

Is it the moment of defeat or the ratio of the time it took to defeat?

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it the real deal for Artia once you reach 4-4-4 in the master phase?

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

Outrageously strong.

183: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It’s better to create production weapons that evolve by strengthening from the master in Artya.

Artia will be re-gacha with weathered whatever master materials anyway.

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

The current sword-drawing technique not only allows for sword-drawing attacks but also increases critical hit rate for a certain period after drawing the sword, so it can be used with any weapon!

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

For those aiming for the gold crown from now on, please remember this.

In battles, the maximum is more likely to come out, but the minimum is less likely to appear.

Typically, the minimum is somewhat easier to achieve, but the maximum is harder to reach.

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Let’s quantify the firepower and narrow it down!

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I’ve been told that adjustments are coming, but since they haven’t said anything about weapons, I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much.

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What is the decorative stone marathon all about?

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Not the seasoned Alshubeld.

189: Japan Otaku Reviews

There isn’t anything that makes it difficult to obtain accessories compared to before, so I ended up gathering a good set pretty quickly.

192: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Since it’s not fun at all, you don’t have to come, Guns…

If a strong person comes, that’s a different story.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the number of people imitating it in public matches will increase, influenced by videos like “Elder Gore is easy with a mounted Heavy Weapon!”

196: Japan Otaku Reviews

I finished all my achievements, so I picked up the flute to pass the time, but it’s too difficult.

It might be better to think of attack and melody as separate concepts.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay if Gravire◯p is not a seasoned veteran?

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