You have such a ridiculous status.
Even when tired, you did a great job as the villain!
Well… I think the Palmark farce is questionable.
I think it has quite unacceptable performance.
Magic Attack 70
A status that is only allowed with fire magic.
It’s troublesome that it can’t pass through Folseti because it’s fire magic.
It’s obvious that they’re telling you to use Tyrfing.
However, while I’m away getting Tilfring, Ares often defeats them.
A mere lack of luck.
I wish I could become a Loptous in my heart.
I dislike the enemy’s fire magic because it’s difficult to use against a Forseti.
Can you let the reinforcements escape after the priest Palmark in the bottom left?
Thank you for fixing the Tyrfing, send it to me faster next time.
It’s nice that the couple seemed to have a good relationship.
…Was it like that?
Uncle Thracia looked quite worn out, didn’t he?
When I sought my ideals in my own way and took action, I was brilliantly manipulated, ended up with dirty hands, and the ideals grew even more distant. For tired old men, relying on the young people pursuing those ideals to put an end to it has become a form of salvation.
Trabant, exhausted, left a dying wish to his son, saying “Do what you want, but do not let the people suffer any more,” yet his son continues the war out of his feelings for his father…
You’re such an idiot…!
The old men who lost their recoverings somewhere.
It’s beautiful how the uncles who were all ambitious and glowing in their youth are now all tired.
Only the Dark Bishop remained energetic throughout.
Alright, if I leave it to Julius-sama, victory is guaranteed, but as a nuisance, I’ll brainwash Yuria and send her out!
What was supposed to be the ultimate entertainment of watching the duel between Ceris and Yuria turned into a rather strange situation, as both Yuria and Julius completely ignored each other and chose to come after Manphroi instead…
It’s sad that even though I have a monster-like stance, I feel completely cornered against Julius.
If we consider various rings, it would be a good idea to have Julius as well.
Celes, understand the sadness of the uncle.
The uncles should know about Seris’s hardships.
The saddest uncle…!
Because the archbishop got all worked up, it ended up like that.
I was able to free myself from the frustration I had in my youth…
Grandpa, that’s exactly the kind of thing that made my granddaughter run away.
It’s so tragic that Uncle Thracia hasn’t even teamed up with Lopto…
A life that only tightens the country’s neck from beginning to end is too painful.
I wonder why we couldn’t just restore our relationship with Leinster normally…
Die! Hyena
The country was already on bad terms at the time it was established, and although it’s for the sake of running the country, engaging in hyena-like activities gives the worst impression…
The entire country is hostile toward each other, so it’s not something that can be easily done.
The relationship is harmonious only while Hannibal is in a dominant position.
If I win against Levin, I’ll have exhausted my luck, so if I act too quietly, the world will end…
Arion’s choice is really foolish, and the reason for it is because he thought of Trabant, so Trabant can only cry in the grass…
Even though I’m part of the group, I still hold Altena back because I’m an NPC…
If I had just captured her and immediately decapitated Yuria, it would have been a perfect game.
For the domination of Lopt, Yuria’s bloodline is also necessary…
Then don’t let her do something dangerous like confronting Seris!
The uncles escaped while being treated as rebels, having lost their mother in their childhood and their father dying in a fire.
When she grew up, know the struggles of Celis who was treated as a savior because the oppression of Lopt was so terrible that she abandoned her individuality.
The sadness of the gloating old man spreads.
It’s not just Manfroi, but the members of the Lopto cult are surprisingly tough, which makes me laugh a little.
It shouldn’t be anything special in terms of lineage, though…
Is it dark power or does it keep moving even after using some strange medicine and dying?
Ariōn was really, like, why…?
That guy was probably extremely talented as a general and a staff officer.
I should not have entrusted the steering.
Both Brother Eruto and Brother Arion have clumsy lives.
Eltoshan had no choice but to uphold chivalry, as no matter how he acted there, the country was in complete chaos.
Elt brother can still understand because he holds the position of the divine tool owner of Nodhion.
Arion was supposed to choose the path of reconciliation and was prepared for it, but since that preparation made him decide to prioritize his own feelings, it’s beyond just being clumsy.
But the brainwashing was working perfectly… somehow they came here ignoring the Barahara…
Why has Thracia been in a stalemate for over 10 years when they seem to be in a situation where they can defeat the neighboring country’s leader and even take the divine artifact?
That’s because it has become the hunting grounds of Granbell, so you stray dogs were told to stay out of the way.
I’m being treated as a rural barbarian by Lopt, so I’m not being taken seriously…
Freji suddenly came.
Lenster was almost annihilated, but no matter how many sacred weapons the Grandbell regular army has, as a mercenary nation, their national power is just too different…
The Trabant clan married one of their sisters into Leinster in an attempt to achieve reconciliation.
But can I really get along with hyenas? I’m such an idiot that I’ve been harmed by the Leinster side and completely blinded.
The incident in the desert was terrible, but there was really nothing we could do about it.
Arion is annoyingly strong.
The division of the country into fertile grasslands suitable for horses and desolate mountains suitable for flying dragons is a mistake made by the close-knit siblings.
If it’s Altena and Arion, they should be able to successfully unify Thracia…
That thing just started fighting…
After the war, Celis-sama is too enlightened and lacks human qualities.
Given the circumstances, it can’t be helped, but I am being asked by those around me to be a king…
A legendary child…
I sometimes become afraid of people’s enthusiasm.
She looks at me with eyes as if seeing a god…
My son is seriously scary, Celis, hurry and come!
It was to protect the honor of Trabant that I ended up imitating foolishness rather than fulfilling Trabant’s wishes.
I can understand, but that’s just a toxic fanboy.
Since they don’t hate you, do as you like.
→You want me to agree to a ceasefire? I cannot agree to that!
→So I am saying do as you like, but do not make the people suffer any further.
“I will fight until the end, for the pride of the Dragon Knight!!!”
I believe it means that the 100-year conflict between Thracia and Leinster has been nurtured in this way.
One could see that the flow was somewhat good until Leaf was defeated by Trabant, after killing Quan and mostly burying the old generation of the Lenster forces.
I really can’t stand the fact that Arion made such an awful move…
Since a rich Lopto can be created from the brother-sister pairing born from the thin Lopto, it should be properly managed, or there might be a chance that a strong Naga will emerge from the wild, so Yulia should be kept under close confinement.
Ariōn has a survival route, so that’s good, right?
Look at these knightly orders that are used as pawns by Loputo and are perishing in this final chapter.
If those guys are still alive, they’ll interfere with Celis’s reign…
Although the numbers alone indicated a complete loss, it was Manfroy who hit Levin with HIT23 at that moment.
It’s as if I’m being supported to bring back Loptous from the heavens.
Since neither the combo nor the finishing move has been activated, that victory is really a fragile win with a win rate of less than 10%.
Well, if Arion is persuaded, then he can stop right there…
A little different.
Originally it was one country, but independent regions like Leinster won rich lands.
Regarding the situation in various countries Q8: Why have the siblings Tharcia and Stark become so estranged? A8: Dain (Dean) and Weiss were siblings whose close relationship was envied by others. Together with ten other holy warriors, they liberated the people from the oppression of the Lopto Empire and developed the Tharcia Peninsula based on agriculture. However, after several decades of peace, one of them passed away unexpectedly along with a certain evangelist. The young successor who became the king of Tharcia, Dain’s son, was not a fitting ruler. Fearing the collapse of such peace, he called the people to action and established the rule of Levins. In contrast, a rebellion was led at the forefront by the mothers and children of Tharcia, which took over the ruined empire. Later, under the mediation of the nation of Gracia, the northern skirmish caused a split in the Lenster tribe, officially establishing the Tharcia kingdom. Q9 Q10 A10
I like the interpretation that Julius, who holds power in the anti-holy war, is just playing in the arena because he has free time.
It’s terrible that even with a ridiculous magic power of 70, I’m completely shut down by Loptous.
It’s absolutely impossible with magic.
According to Thracia 776, Travant suffered a crushing defeat against Grannvale immediately after the unification of the North and South and lost all of his occupied territories.
The hyena cannot laugh because it is being hyenaed.
At the time of playing, I thought, who does this guy think he is being mocked by Stone, but now that I look at it, I get it.
It’s a terrible thing to say, but it’s good that you captured Altena.
Completely destroy Leinster and form an alliance with the other Ulster.
I completely secured the north and south and confronted the empire with Merugen.
Due to an unexpected betrayal by Alster, Tracia is now on the brink of destruction…
Trabant is a bad guy, but he’s not a skilled one.
Why are you treating me like your real daughter when you could handle Altena and others better?
It’s not the dragon knight’s magic defense.
I wonder how many years of peace followed after Celis summarized it.
At best, it might last until the grandchildren’s generation.
It’s the same thing being repeated since the first generation.
I think that the world will be relatively peaceful until the grandchild generation of the Celis generation, which is still alive.
Isn’t that the era of each relationship from there on?
Ishtar is knowingly siding with Loptous, but Brian is just too pathetic and ridiculous.
That guy’s divine weapon is holding him back, after all.
It should be incredibly strong status-wise…
If it’s not against a divine weapon, I can dominate without any complaints…
If it’s Aira’s two children, we can mostly win.
It’s not that sweet.
If you don’t load support onto the mountain, you’ll get hit normally and charged at, getting smashed.
Swan Chika is not a threat even when facing the enemy, but she is still normally strong…
The Thracian Peninsula has little grass, and the seaside is all cliffs surrounded by mountains, making it seem pitiful to see that you can’t even reach the castle without going all the way around.
The situation in the country that requires one to become a bad person to make a living is pathetic.
Manfroy was probably challenging Levin, just like Gharnef, by using his doppelganger until he could win.
Well, she’s the rightful successor who put an end to the dark age, after all, Lady Celis.
When I was about to capture Leinster, Granbell intervened, and I thought I had no choice but to fight, then Raidric betrayed us, widening the gap in our forces, or something like that.
I feel like the negotiations around that time were mentioned in a conversation in 776 where Berudo was praised by Manfroi.
Lenster was properly conquered, but afterward, they were beaten up badly by Granbell.
When Deirdre was killed by Julius
I wonder if there was an attack on Julius.
If Prince Kurt hadn’t engaged in NTR with a married woman, this wouldn’t have happened.
If the Holy War’s special attack is not double the attack power…
Well, even if it takes long, in about 100 years, the Yugdral people will end up killing each other again.
But the uncle in the thread was also having a hard time because his son ended up in a terrible situation.
The younger generation is fighting while carrying the burden of the negative legacy from the previous generation. Thank you very much.
Was this really okay…? I mean, even though my father and grandfather brought it upon themselves, they were still killed by the Shiarufi family, and as the head of the family, there are various things to consider.
The second and third sons are a bit too transient, aren’t they?
It’s stronger not to use the Brian axe…