Even those who don’t know Suikoden might recognize this famous line, so I think it will be done.
There may be a possibility that the situation is slightly toned down, but it’s a scene that expresses Luca’s brutality, so I hope they do it as is.
Huh, are you doing an anime!?
Even if you shed the leaves, you mustn’t cut away the relationship and connection between the protagonist, Joey Luca.
As for Joey, did he really have that much of a connection with Luca?
When the screen is displayed, it seems to be from a god’s perspective.
The protagonist thought that as long as they could defeat Luka, the war would be over, which is why the aftermath is so impactful.
The attack by Luka’s unicorn troops has begun.
In the first place, it’s unacceptable to reduce Luka’s portrayal in 2.
This guy is unnecessarily too strong, right?
If they’re just strong in terms of military power, that’s one thing, but having such a sharp mind with this character is just unfair…
Moreover, despite being a mad king, he has a strong charisma.
Was there a buff for the beast emblem?
I think there is charisma, but in the end, it leads to being swiftly betrayed by subordinates and being cornered and killed by a joint effort of enemies and allies.
It’s a bit questionable to make a woman imitate a pig and then say the pig should die.
It seems likely that when attacking the village, I could be mild enough to kill every single pig without leaving one alive.
The solid pig will surely enhance the depiction of a sad past after dying.
There is a sad past, but emphasizing it… isn’t right!
I do have a somewhat sad past, but I feel like I would have had a similar personality even without it.
From the way she interacts with her younger sister, I think she would have turned out quite normal if she didn’t have a sad past and her mother was still alive.
I can’t forgive that incompetent dad; I’ll absolutely crush the city alliance, and my resolve won’t change…
Making a woman imitate a pig is tough in this day and age, so let’s have a kid do it instead.
When I played the remaster after a long time, I was quite shocked by the scene where Paul gets killed by Luka.
I’m not very familiar with Suikoden, but I’ve heard it’s something like Lu Bu.
It’s mostly about Xiang Yu.
I don’t care about things like pig comments.
I was evil in the way I thought and desired!
It is a hundred times more important.
Therefore, the process must be properly described.
The intensity and wickedness up to that point adds depth to the firefly scene and the final words, so it’s not irrelevant at all.
Maybe impotent.
It’s someone who seriously hates the city alliance!
Since it’s a special occasion, I want the child playing the pig role to be drawn really cute.
Is it possible to bring out Luca-sama in this era, rather than in the Showa era?
If it’s a mysterious light, making it completely black should work.
Well, if my mother was raped right in front of me, there’s nothing I can do about it.
My father isn’t coming to help either, so I guess it can’t be helped.
After that, my sister was born at just the right timing, but I guess it can’t be helped.
It seems there are quite a few voice actors who want to play the role of a pig.
I’m just an unnamed village girl, but my position is such that I can’t be entrusted to a new voice actor.
I bet there are quite a few voice actors in their 40s who want to play the role of Luca…
Why is this person so incredibly strong against fire attributes…?
I want the woman playing the pig to give a convincing “oink.”
(Sad Past Being Amplified)
The city alliance has too many issues from the previous generation.
Where should I add more to make it better than that…?
Are you talking about ramping up the devastation during the unveiling of the flame spear?
No, it’s the sad past.
I expect the animation in the scenes where the Liberation Army corners its enemies to be intensely powerful.
As a child, I thought, what is this ending after Luka… what is this emblem…?
I couldn’t quite understand why Luca became so distorted.
The fireflies will do it sticky with about three times the amount.
6 people × 9 consecutive matches!?
Luca-sama is being clung to by three times the number of fireflies!?
You’re really cramming it into the charm…
Shining Luka-sama!?
Luca Bright is that kind of…
No longer a flashbang.
I think there are many voice actors who want to become pigs.
I want someone who is used to groaning in eroge to do it.
They’re officially promoting the “Pigs Die” T-shirts and “Pigs Die” badges, so I don’t think they’ll cut back on it.
Becoming a pig isn’t just a privilege for women!
A serious pig impersonation is not what you’re looking for!
It’s not really a problem to say things like “pigs should die” since even children’s organs are being animated.
If it is said that it was inspired by Xiang Yu
Even with this level of military power, I can only accept it.
The description of Granmeyer’s decapitated head should be such that it can be understood even without showing it directly.
The intense expression made possible by pixel art and text-based format adds depth to the characters’ actions.
Come to think of it, I didn’t even notice that Sorongy was being executed.
I thought they were just simply replaced.
The broadcast version has censorship, but let’s remove the restrictions for the BD.
Please describe the story of Rina in detail.
The relationship between Joey and Jill becomes increasingly intimate.
There are likely 108 stars that exist only in the background and 108 stars that aren’t even present in the background, overshadowed.
If they don’t do a proper anime adaptation, I think they’ll include all 108 stars, including the backgrounds.
It’s a point that’s easy to get attached to.
It’s impossible for everyone to have lines or moments to shine.
It seems that since not everyone can be displayed, they are planning to show them in the opening, ending, and eye-catch.
It seems they intend to somehow bring out all 108 stars.
Animal-related items are likely to be cut first…
If each person takes 1 minute, it would take about 4 episodes.
Flying squirrels just follow you around like that…
While defeating all the main characters on this side.
I have hope for Luka-sama, who is gradually becoming worn out.
Let’s have Georg die in the original anime.
What does it matter that an old man eating cheesecake loses to Luka-sama…
If the 108 combatable stars other than the main ones get killed off, the three-person journey route will be ruined…
The Urban Alliance is honestly so Mohawk-like that it would surprise the previous and the one before that, and I can understand the opinion of not wanting to unify them.
That doesn’t mean you can trick people during peace talks!
After the next episode preview, there’s the “Who is today’s 108 star!?” corner.
Isn’t it a huge bug that this is born just from something like raping your mother?
If it weren’t for Netflix, it would be blacked out.
It’s Water Margin, but this person feels like Xiang Yu.
There are many places where you can say this is that classic thing, not just in the thread image.
In the drama CD, it was voiced by Seki Tomokazu.
When I was playing the game, I was constantly imagining Suzuki-san in my head.
I guess I’ll have to make the gray future flash through once in a while.
As long as we can win because it’s so strong that it excites us, we can go crazy together.
When it becomes disadvantageous and the drunkenness wears off, I can no longer keep up.
That kind of feeling.
If you achieve results, they will evaluate you properly, so it seems there is good reception from the lower ranks.
Kinkin wa wa pokku kakin kakin pokku
I would laugh if this happened in an anime.