I tried to log in, but I couldn’t!
If there’s no other way, I thought I would just read it, but then I can’t read it!
This game has zero active players.
It’s an anniversary, but nobody is playing…
Since I can’t play, I’ll just organize the warehouse!
I guess I’ll take a look at Lyria’s notes or something…
I can’t log in.
It’s an unpopular game with zero concurrent players.
I’m relieved that I didn’t get a codex from the memorial gacha.
No, no, no!
It’s great to have a character confirmed!
Maintenance started in the middle of the fight.
I’m not at home right now, so I guess it’s fine. Take care… what’s going on?
Was there some kind of malfunction?
It’s an announcement for a major update.
For now, if you open it, you’ll become the Boogeyman or something like that.
Since it’s generally a late-night Menchi, I think it’s fine for the anniversary to also be a late-night Menchi.
Only the anniversary event is being held during the day.
It’s because Gachapin will come at midnight.
It’s fine at 5 o’clock or 7 o’clock!
It’s an unpopular game that nobody is playing!!!
Send me the apology crystal!!
I can’t log in!
Send me a compensation stone!
I have nothing else to do!
You don’t have work or school, you know?
Let’s go to the arcade and play Fight Girl or Uma Musume.
Dia-chan is also a sign judging girl, you know?
Compared to 000, Ororo isn’t used that much, you know?
I’m thinking about using the Shero ticket after the Anniversary ends, but I have a feeling I won’t use it as much as possible.
It’s not weak, but since it’s not generally at the level of destroying systems like you would with a triple zero, I think it’s fine.
I almost destroyed it.
In high difficulty, it can be used for 1T5 attacks or 6 attack warnings.
If it’s short-term, I can only gather meat.
I feel like it’s fine for Gachapin to be at 5 o’clock.
Are you telling me to work at midnight…?
Fenni is a demon.
I want the weapons to drop randomly if I have all the characters confirmed.
What is this Codex?
I have no idea what is going to be implemented today and to what extent.
I thought about leveling up with the 10,000 times experience points campaign to achieve the Ten Celestial Transcendence, but…
It was impossible because I couldn’t bear to waste the blue paper.
I want to mate with Nanashi-chan.
The first thing to do after maintenance is to lift the level cap.
It’s good to make a note of this.
I don’t know any characters besides Sis that are worth leveling up because I’ve been slacking off.
It’s everyone.
Everyone is strong now.
I think even if you do the rank cap later, you’ll reach 400 soon anyway.
I’m going back to the casino.
It’s been 11 years and there are zero players.
They said this level cap quest is pretty challenging.
I don’t need any crunch!!
It’s fine to fight against the BBA’s three bodies, but I absolutely won’t allow rock-paper-scissors with chess pieces.
I want to rip out the hair of the guy who said we should go with that.
My hands have started to shake.
Don’t forget to immediately lift the rank cap after maintenance, or you’ll waste the 11 times experience points.
It sounded like a combat-like way of saying it, so it’s probably better than something like “mystery bull” or rock-paper-scissors.
I want to spin the gacha already…💢
I was going to say something, but I forgot.
It’s been happening a lot lately.
I feel like usually there’s a sense of resistance, you know?
What is the texture of food?
If we’re talking about difficulty, isn’t it fine to just go with the challenge?
You can normally say it as “texture.”
I have gained more hands.
The current ⚫︎⚫︎ mission is really helpful because it allows me to deal a certain amount of damage with the main Triage Zero and also gives EXP to the training slots.
Considering the virtual scams, it might be a higher priority than Beelzebub now.
You can go ahead and delete rock-paper-scissors anytime from now.
I don’t think it’s wrong to say it has a good texture, right?
To be honest, I think announcements about maintenance could be placed a little higher up.
You only need to read about the cap release.
Why are you making them fight?
Rather, I feel that having extremely strong enemies released in rank battles would be helpful for rank cutoffs in co-op play.
Is there an answer to the question about the teeth?
After the cap lift, I have the impression that it will generally reach the limit during the old battlefield after the anniversary.
I’m going to have to fight either an old lady or a robot anyway!!
In other words, you’ll be forced to fight an old lady in a robot like in the cat event, right?
I think “hand feel” refers to the impression of the results.
I think it’s good to have a good texture when it comes to things.
There’s no handwritten thread for the regular maintenance, so there’s nowhere to post.
I can’t stand with the usual people during the day!
I was farming the campaign quest with 🍆 summons, but now I’m farming it with Ororo summons.
Well, either way is fine.
I want to look back at Lyria Notes at times like this.
Rather, the sense of satisfaction is a reflection of the creators’ impressions, so I think it’s correct to say that this is the crunchiness that users might feel.
Unless it’s something extraordinary, I can generally destroy it with Rael, so I have a feeling it will be a single Tengen.
Don’t underestimate the old lady!!!!!!!!
I really wanted the single Tengen to come today…
If it’s a single Tengen level, then I suppose I can forgive it.
But if you’re going to go out of your way to say something like “crunchy,” it sounds even more dangerous.
If it’s something that can’t be cleared without a specific attribute, I won’t allow it.
It will end the main, so I’ll align with that.
It might finally be an event where we discover the true identity of the old woman from Zanktinsel.
The true identity is already revealed…
I will play Granblue until the maintenance is over.
It’s reverse and destruction.
A quiz with a good bite.
What is this gacha?
I really want to be spared from rock-paper-scissors.
Let’s settle it with a dice game.
I want to ask if this was implemented because you thought it was interesting, not as a provocation.
Just let us have the casino open.
It’s rock-paper-scissors in v2.
For the first time, the level cap will be lifted when you reach the maximum rank.
Bring all the old ladies together!
I have a memory that we have already fought the old hag triplets.
Next, the fourth daughter and the fifth daughter will appear, you know?
Having a good texture is nice, but the kids who reached level 375 during the old battle might end up suffering.
But it’s probably a good thing since you won’t suffer more than with rock-paper-scissors or weird blues.
There is also the possibility of a mysterious blue with a good texture.
Mystery Blue should be dead by now.
I was disappointed.
It’s a trick.
Only the first few people will be able to unlock the rank.
There are guys clearing it at clearly impossible speeds!
I want to reach rank 400 as fast as possible and start doing handstand intimidations!
Kids these days don’t run 100 turns on rank caps, you know?
I feel like it’s better to pull from the current gacha since all characters will be featured after the update.
I feel like rank unlocking could be done through solo clears at the Spar Bah level.
I think at this point, it wouldn’t be wrong to go that far.
But there are guys doing solo Spa Bah who are under 40,000…
There are probably many people who just aren’t doing it.
It’s a silver sky thief!!
I liked the nostalgic quiz with three questions from some time ago.
This person is definitely the fastest in the world.
If you don’t do the same thing, you will definitely lose.
This year, we will finally arrive at Istalcia and finish the game.
Sorry, I thought to myself while writing that it wasn’t good either.
I don’t want you to suddenly post scary links.
Phoenix… I want you to lend me 35,000 yen…
In fact, if the DPT requirements in the late game have become more lenient for solo Ten-Gen, I feel like we could manage anything by focusing on Yamato and building around durability.
I finally fully enhanced my god stone today after pouring it all into the gacha classic.
Now I can spin the normal gacha without any worries.
If the rank cap quest only has strong enemies, that’s fine, but I really want them to stop with the mystery blues and just pure luck games…
The next rank unlocking quest seems fun, like winning 10 times in a row at rock-paper-scissors.
It’s worse than poker.
I’ll do that just for you.
I’ll go call Spé-chan and Oguri.
I don’t know… it’s somehow scary…
The mystery box was annoying because the Japanese was strange, and you couldn’t clear it unless your thinking process was at the same level as the creator’s.
I’m envious of how passionate you can be about Granblue Fantasy right now.
I think it’s about time for club activities.
I think winning rock-paper-scissors 10 times in a row is quite a rare probability.
By the way, many people don’t know that there was a cute handwritten note from Fenny outside of the Granblue Fantasy thread in the morning.
Escape games that come out in apps usually have a somewhat defined search area, so as a last resort, if you search methodically, you can usually manage to solve them.
The exploration range in Granblue is just too wide to manage.
It’s an all wind rabbit.
Using a jackal in rock-paper-scissors would guarantee a win every time.
This guy is estimated to be a middle-aged man!
Fenny also needs to start club activities soon; I’m at rank 375, but I only run enough to get about 1.5 billion in rewards.
Solo is a content that only those who really want to do it can engage in, just like now.
If I lose 10 times in rock-paper-scissors, I feel like that’s something I could do when I’m not in good spirits, but I just can’t imagine winning 10 times in a row, even if I stood on my head.
Feny is going to buy the training pack, okay?
The Luci HL Supabah Ten Gens and Luci Zero are impossible to handle alone due to their mechanics!
I used to think that way about Fenny, but before I knew it, I was able to solo Super Bahamut with fire and light.
Below is a collection of everyone’s reactions to the fact that Granblue Fantasy is celebrating its anniversary, yet is experiencing a decline in players, lol.
The reaction is 6000 years old.
I wasn’t playing Granblue Fantasy 6000 years ago.
The management is having a kimchi party right now.
I was thinking of trying solo spaba, but why do I need to conserve so much tank to take on 99999×4 with a 10%?
It’s so annoying.
I seriously recommend Fenny.
With a 75% Daedalus, you die once and protect 10% of Sirius.
By the way, if you have the Black Kirin, you’ll be able to withstand the final CT move as well.
The Tengen solo title will be added, but I feel like it will be ignored for several years… I keep hearing that it’s more difficult than Luci Zero.
I’ve heard that it’s a drawback because it’s a random game where you can’t just beat it up too much once you peel off the attribute barrier.
The way the crucible rises is frustrating because no matter how hard you try, it’s random.
I was shocked to see it at Crucible 6 or 7 even though I was sure I had canceled all the premonitions.
Is that random!?
To be strict, the dragon energy that becomes the base of the crucible rises randomly.
It definitely decreases with Abilities or Ultimate Skill Precognition removal, but whether it decreases with Cooldown Precognition is random.
When it comes to solo, Ten Gen is definitely easier.
Lucizero’s debuff for the end gauge and anything after 20% is pretty useless.
New!! Gawain has arrived!
It can be used…?
If it were light, it would have long been over.
It was usable in the early implementation.
It sounds like you’re saying that making players start over from the beginning after a serious TA luck-based challenge in the latter half of a 10-match series is somehow a bad thing… What is that?
If I mess up in the Ten Heavenly Battles, starting over from the beginning is really frustrating to think about.
Huh? The maintenance team is working hard while the other team is having a kimchi standing party next to them!?
I thought that after a 10% spa-bah, it would force a total wipe if the CT filled up, but you can normally defend, and after it’s over, actions become normal, which is way too inconsistent and funny.
If that weren’t there, I could fully enjoy it completely, so I want it to go away.
The already easy wind solo has become even easier with the enhancement of Shiete.
About half of the combat time, I’m stuck in the technique’s cooldown.
You can do it even with a Magna, you know?
I’m trying to challenge Zeus solo, but it’s difficult.
It’s not about Magna regarding the wind ultimate technique.
If you put in a lot of Schyte swords, that would be great.
It’s fine to line up the Siegfried swords with Lucil.
You will fight the Super Ultimate Granny in the trial to unlock the rank cap.
When Supabaha was implemented, I thought the divine intention buff was too strong and that solo play would be impossible, but now that I’m trying it, I’m dealing more damage than I expected and can withstand attacks better than I thought, so I’m like…?
I forgot if it was the 100 unlock quest for Octo, but there was something like it would be stuck unless you drew a TA, right?
The random increase in Dragon Qi level at the origin point is really annoying.
Moreover, the existence of those below Theodoric, who can hit enemies while the barrier is up, makes it even more difficult.
When I tried to do the light relive 10% wait for the first time in a while, it was too early and I ended up surpassing 75% before finishing my preparations, got hit by Daidalos, and died.
The 20 million premonition of Spaba is so gentle it’s hilarious.
Even with someone like Babu, inflation has made it so that just casually going through 20 million with auto mode is enough to achieve it…
Thanks to the inflation of the summon power of Lushi and divine stones, it has become incredibly easier.
If you include the Bahamut and rotate it well, it will be fine right away.
I like the nullness of Spabaha; it feels like an introduction to high difficulty.
If only there were no one who goes out of control in the last 10%.
In the past, Bab was the high difficulty entry level!
Times change!
Babu-san became weaker because of inflation and nerfs…
I feel like there were three fools who could recover rapidly with some logical actions, although I can’t remember who they were.
Well, maybe Bab Zero will come eventually.
You can set up a team that can reduce 1 billion health from the first turn with a 10% standby in Spaba.
The wind is just about stacking swords with attributes and that’s it…
In Spasolo, even if I go with the most confident soil, it’s painful after 50 and I don’t feel like doing other attributes.
I think the soil is hard as a rock with Kaimu and Furuchin…
I can’t play Granblue Fantasy, so I’m going to do [something from within Granblue Fantasy].
I’ve been repeating it since a while ago.
I’m sick…
Finally, I can fight with the Tengen!
Now I can also hold a cool weapon!
The Tengen single is not today.
I feel like it would be better to implement the Ten-gen as a single feature after we have some equipment prepared.
I feel like I mess up every year by not being able to clear the mission of spinning the Gachapin at midnight.
I’ve only prepared for light Relicva and sent out rescue missions, waiting until 10%.
Hmph… I still have Babzero remaining…
I was surprised that after the adjustment, Funfu was so strong that I could easily solo Luci Zero…
I heard that Funf is a higher version of Krizo, and now I’m lost about where to use my anniversary ticket.
It definitely isn’t an upper compatible version, no matter how you think about it.
I didn’t want to see someone like Babu who gets excited from killing people but doesn’t recover HP.
The only accident element of Babu-san is now the lingerie field.
It’s disappointing that the inflation over here is so severe that we can’t align our steps at the top, but it’s already not functioning as a multi anymore.
The game mechanics are terrible in many ways.
I want something like the Tenzen Free Quest to be included in all high-difficulty content.
A small multiplayer session without real friends is no joke.
In the early days, Bab was really in trouble because V2 was too sensitive and inadequately adjusted.
Babu-san received a shiny new outfit, so it will be unveiled soon at the Babu Tower.
Pub-san has a HP setup that includes a recovery gimmick upon death, but without that, it becomes too fragile.