In terms of setting, it’s a bit unfortunate to be in a position like one of your favorite demons, Your Excellency.
Is it okay to be at the mercy of that old man? There’s a kind of pretense of that.
In the end, the only existence is the ending where you become subordinate, which makes me go “ugh.”
It feels like the character is officially designed to seem unintelligent…
From the beginning to the end, being a runner and getting scolded by Kagutsuchi, standing alone in the wilderness, this ending allows for the most freedom.
A person who is treated as the strongest for some reason by those who are not well acquainted with the series.
Even though I lost my virginity to you…
Isn’t it that either the thread image or Majin The Hero is the strongest?
I will become an Aleph that equally defeats Your Excellency, Satan, and the yellow bald person.
Well, I actually think Aleph is one of the characters with the most ridiculous settings in the series.
While they are impressive as enemies, when they participate as guests in a party at 4F or 5V, the former becomes a novice and the latter takes on a position of insufficient strength.
The hidden boss battle in Abachu was incredibly strong and very well-made, which is significant.
There’s an atmosphere that defeating Lucifer is taken for granted, so those in the True 3 and the period right after with Lucifer are getting the short end of the stick.
In the third part, although it may die easily during the particularly radiant end of the tornado era, it is far removed from struggles.
First of all, the name “Jinshura” gives off a strong vibe.
I wonder if they were expecting it to become something like that from the moment the strange bug was introduced.
The more people who played Shin Megami Tensei III, the more they wonder if the Human Shura is the strongest…??
Is it correct to understand that Shin 5 is the story after the end with Master, after Master has defeated the four characters?
It can be said that way, but it can also be said otherwise.
Whether the worldviews are connected is ambiguous, and even if we consider them as separate worlds within the Amara universe, there are contradictions that arise.
On the other hand, it is undoubtedly a spiritual sequel.
The demons of Menorah come from another world, so the world of Shin 3 is probably another world itself.
It seems like a world where true 5 is happening with the Tokyo conception, but it restored Tokyo with Shakaina Glory instead of creation.
It feels like a future world that is substantially like the true version of the third.
It’s been 20 years since Abachu came out… and now there are few environments where you can play it.
Is there no user who gets it at the dinner of the land register?
In a three-world scenario, it wouldn’t be surprising to be treated as the strongest demon as a result.
During the game, I’ll die countless times, but that will be forgotten.
Well, from the perspective of the mobs in that world, it seems to progress almost smoothly and is treated as the final weapon of the lord, so I think it’s indeed the strongest.
From the perspective of someone who is actually playing, it’s just a weak half-naked boy who dies easily, you know?
If I just do the Asakusa Puzzle, I can become the strongest…
If that’s not the case, it turns into a conversation where you should just create your own world instead of worrying about others.
Once you become a Human Outcast, you lose the qualifications for creation, so please support another person with a different principle.
In a typical Megaten game, there would be an option to rebel against Lucifer, right?
I think that in the end, the destination will ultimately be an end standing in the wasteland.
In the story, I’m often told that I’m a monster just like the rumors say… and although I spend a lot of time running around at the request of the teacher and Yu,
There isn’t a route that feels like the N route in Shin 3.
The lord’s battle ends with a feeling of merely testing one’s skills.
Doesn’t it seem like a teacher end N?
The three sayings end with a distorted L end.
Your Excellency, the C end.
It depends on the meaning of “ppooi.”
It feels like a chaotic chaos.
Is the teacher route N?
The setting of the strongest demon you created is probably very convenient for use as a secret boss.
The other protagonists are basically human, so it’s difficult to set the story where the character themselves is strong.
I don’t know how Nahobino will be treated, but…
In the case of Raido or Nahobino, you need a justification for why they’re here, but with this guy, you can just say there’s something.
That’s enough from you… and the ending where Kagutsuchi departs is N.
I think it’s fine if the Masakados equipment is considered the strongest.
I don’t know in terms of the setting.
Since there’s only physical immunity, I feel like if I don’t take measures against magic or Hamamud, I could easily fall…
Also guns and terra-type.
Dus is only ineffective against all-purpose!
However, it is limited to the attributes that were in True 3.
I thought this was good.
These days, young people are getting through things as if it’s a matter of course…
No matter how much I resist, it will end up that I can’t create the world…
In the end, without a vision of what you truly want, no matter how much you rebel against and deny what you dislike, all that remains is emptiness; I think this is one of the quite clear themes in True III.
What the hell, this is a demon, a sad existence that cannot create anything on its own.
Please stop. There are teachers who are human yet can only express dissatisfaction and empty beautiful words, unable to create anything.
Just like L and the Messiah religion are not absolute justice, I wonder if N and humanism are really absolute justice? This question has already been raised since the time of Shin Megami Tensei III.
I believe that these themes have reached a certain maturity in VV.
Although it is treated as a joke, I think the development where the yellow bald character is already dead before the opening is quite an important element for that reason.
Until now, it was simply about destroying the absolute evil, the bald man! That was the absolute justice! It ended there with a binary good versus evil theme.
V, so to speak, has taken up the issue that has been put on hold until now: what kind of world will be created after that absolute has perished, starting from that ending?
It couldn’t be helped because the world looked sad.
A harsh remark suggesting to search for oneself in the original world.
The sad me, getting flicked with a finger snap…
Honestly, I want to see others become the final boss too.
Nahobino and so on.
Well, since it’s a god, I think it can be a character that can say it just came to another world.
In scenarios, basically, god-killing is required, so it’s just right for a test cut.
Nahobino-kun often shows his emotions on his face, but the human Shura is truly a expressionless demon.
Isn’t it embarrassing to die in the game as the protagonist?
Other protagonists die in the mud, so it’s not much of a problem…
Well, the problem is that the human demon dies from both Hama and Mudo.
Masakados is quite effective because things that aren’t in Shin 3 can pass through it easily.
During the main story of True 3, Patrasche was a weak boy whose trademark was being poor.
Thank the surf that created a strong image and the video sites that made it trend.
If someone can survive in that vortex world, it’s not strange for them to become the strongest boss in a different game!
As a true series, it was shocking to think I would die in Hama, but once I started playing Persona, it didn’t bother me anymore.
According to the Abachour standards, the Surf side has a weak setting regarding the Human Shura.
I should have gotten stronger in Abachū 2, but the severely weakened Satan is like that, so Aleph is in a bad situation.
In Persona, the main character can die from Hamha, but in the case of Megaten, there was a resistance to Hamha aside from equipment compatibility.
It all depended on the armor for Storjany as well…
With great enthusiasm, I changed to the Masakado equipment, but was hit directly by the Hama, so I switched to Hackers.
In terms of intensity, god-slaying is superior, and if you had the goddess and Dagza at your side, it wouldn’t feel out of place as a boss, but Nanashi isn’t coming out.
Well, it’s a hassle to prepare the settings to bring that guy out, and figuring out how to make him win is also a pain…
I remember getting taken out by a Yahtagarasu that reflected all my attacks when I was making a lot of noise with my tornadoes in the Amara God Realm, just as I was thinking it was time to head back.
Humans being disabled in the game was the right balance adjustment, wasn’t it?
Just the fact that the ham works gives a crazy tough image.
Well, actually after the Amara End…
Masakadus + full penetration + supreme magic bullet makes it one of the strongest protagonists in history.
It seems that Rideau is considered the strongest, but not really.
It would look like everyone is beating up the younger guy who doesn’t stand out as the hidden boss due to Nanashi’s appearance.
Maybe that’s why Dugza appears as a standalone in the DLC.
It was treated quite pitifully.
That Dagza is probably Dagza from the 4th world, not the 4th floor…
Among the five DLC demons, the one with the most questionable performance evokes a sense of melancholy.
Abachu has resistance to Masakados, but attributes that are not present in True 3 can still affect it, right?
There are no actual earthquakes or gunfire, so you can pass normally.
If you ask whether it’s easy to defeat just because it passes through, that’s not the case at all.
The character is treated as the strongest when they were the hidden boss in Abachu.
It was strength that was too lawless.
The guy who gets caressed by kids and dies is acting all important…
I have a bit of that feeling.
In True 3, it’s quite difficult when a physical attack gets a critical hit from a back attack, and then it just continues to pat down…
Something about your face looks different, doesn’t it?
It’s not a Kaneko painting.
Steven…? Steven…?!!
It’s convenient and cool to be able to use special moves from the protagonist era when you’re bossing around.
It is often forgotten that as a Abachubosu, it was only through the efforts of those around that success was achieved.
Well, with a human protagonist, the job is just to throw items from behind and occasionally shoot, so it’s not really cool…
It’s probably about as good as Soul Hackers.
Recently, there have been quite a few enemy bosses that replicate that, but well, their methods are quite unpleasant and troublesome (a compliment).
The numbered main character has a unique technique created during 4F, so it’s a matter of just adding effects and motion to that.
Still, the human shura was quite energy-efficient…
If the opponent fights like a summoner, it can be troublesome, regardless of their appearance, says 5V’s glasses.
Speaking of the protagonist, it’s a normal attack powered by gorilla strength…
I want you to bring me Yahironohimorogi…
Having lines of light running all over the body makes it easier to create an impressive effect.
In terms of strength, the Devil Survivor group is quite formidable, but they don’t have any guest appearance opportunities.
I would like to see both protagonists as hidden bosses someday…
Dagza, who has thrown away various special skills and become a punch character.
The item department is probably around Hitonari too.
It’s really creepy how the Maniacs team, which just released the complete edition of Hashino’s true 3, acts like they’re the creators and keeps rubbing in the human demon in later works.
If you say that, it feels like the official doujin work since after Shinji.
The bucket equipment has appeared many times in Tadano Hitonari.
Muscle Punch is strong, you know…
To be honest, the Demonika doesn’t have a flashy appearance.
If they gather and appear as enemies, their otherness would be tremendous.
I think the superhuman Tadanohitnari is quite strong, but he just looks like a regular demonic suit man.
It feels like the opponents we end up facing are either those with four letters or the high-ranking individual, so I don’t feel any difference in the protagonist’s strength.
Even the hero cannot win against human society, which has a sense of melancholy.
If it’s just the setting, it seems that Devil Survivor 2, which has achievements equivalent to a great will, could be the strongest.
Having 14 fellow peers is also significant.
I think the status of the achievements accomplished is incredible, rather than just a classification of strong and weak.
Because humanity has been completely separated from the supernatural beings of the world.
YHVH has already lost to SJ and 5, and Nanashi is also defeating them all.
I had heard it was a masterpiece, so I tried playing Nocturne, but I can’t believe how many one-hit-kill bosses they managed to create.
I wonder if there really were any surprise deaths by the boss… Rather, I often got killed along the way.
I have a stronger memory of Abachu.
The gaze of a beast
A kind-hearted boy who will be sad if he decides his worth based on the opponents he defeats.
Well, there are certainly many instances throughout the series where Mikael’s evaluation is too low or his treatment is really poor…
This guy is too tenacious during the boss fight.
The gaze of a beast.
When trying to measure strength in a descriptive way, there is a cutoff line on whether you have reached the point of being able to defeat the bald one or not.
It gives the impression that there is a difference based on whether or not one challenges higher beings afterward.
The battle between Jinshura and Nahobino felt like a top-tier summoner showdown and was quite enjoyable.
In V’s system, when fighting outright, you can continuously summon your allies back and forth.
The hero of 4FDLC, who was called from the Kongō Shinkai point, cuts in alongside Aleph and the others in the latter part with a single sword strike.
In True 2, the ally is strong, so the weakest fairy is not a Pixie, but a High Pixie.
Because of things like that, there is a clear difference in power levels between beings.
It’s fun to have the freedom to do whatever you want once you grow up.
I don’t know about being forbidden! Supreme magic bullet!
With stacking Sukukaja, I dodge attacks like crazy and keep landing critical hits…
Guidance to Hell
The image of being rubbed with a nerve dart was strong, but…
Officially, the hero has a sword and Aleph has a gun.
When you mention a gun to Aleph, are you going to have him shoot a Megiddo Fire too?
I was using the Shomon’s sword all the way to the end.
There must be many nameless warriors who didn’t understand the gimmick of Ongyouki and just leveled up to beat it senseless…
Flynn’s combat skills turned into storytelling are interesting as a personality trait.
Since the time I’ve seriously reflected on Sukakajaskunda in the press, it has become quite weak…
As a boss, I think the matador is the most ridiculous adjustment.
If it’s not strength but rather danger, then it’s Flynn… that kind of outrageousness.
What is small talk? Why can we have small talk during the boss battle?
The fact that you can erase the press turn means that if you show a gap during idle chatter, you’ll get attacked immediately.
The anthology from that time where Jinshura is complaining that no one is having a proper conversation with him.
In such cases, Flynn said that if you incapacitate them, they will listen to what you have to say.
If you know the countermeasures, you can usually defeat him, but the fight against the Demon King Alshiel is just chaotic, isn’t it?
The scars left on the world seem impressive, but since the defeated opponent is only Michael, it feels like the first generation is being looked down upon.
In other words, it’s strange that there are people who can normally defeat four-letter characters…
In the first place, “Jinshura” is not an individual name but a species name…
Due to the absence of relatives, it has become a species name.
It’s a mysterious thing that changes its species name based on the master situation of the magatama.
In Shin 5, enemies will extort money from you.
Is it really okay for the Amala Route to be considered the true history?
I don’t want to fight because the enemy Flynn definitely comes to rob me after restraining me.
In Shin 3, even with the beast’s gaze, they come to shake me down asking if I have any jewels.
No bullying.
Yes Fund
There is no such thing as an official history.
Each story is connected somewhere or not connected at all.
I see, the shadow in the shining sky…
I cleared Shin 3 for the first time last week, but the damage from the Mother’s Dinner was lower than I expected…
There are too many techniques that are weak but are being showcased at guest appearances because they are unique!
The impression is strong that the benchmark for comparing strength through direct subjugation is His Excellency.
I’m more of a challenge boss than a human fiend, and when it comes out, it always finds some reason or another.
Is it okay for something that was added later to appear based on ED standards during an external performance…?
The other endings either leave the world in chaos or are completely abandoned by everything…
It’s annoying that I can only fire two shots with a 35% consumption in the dinner.
Death Game is 32% amazing.
Well, if you say that, Nahobino is not even a species name, but a state name…
I didn’t use True 3’s overall physics much because I was scared of accidents…
When I think about it again, it doesn’t make sense to reduce HP to activate a skill; it was a strange mechanic from back in the day.
The supreme magic bullet is the strongest, but its effect is lame!
The light bullet of banishment is really cool and has been a great help for quite a long time…
Back in the day, I was shocked that the Void Slash consumed 52% of my HP.
Summoners who say “Stop, I told you not to ignore my orders and use that.”
The spiral snake is lame, right?
I like the charge-type motions and battle cries, but even the strongest can’t match the Violent Wind Slash.
Why is it shooting beams from its mouth…?
I like the name Onikagura.
I love the motions from Death Battle and Javelin Rain, but I can’t forgive that they aren’t recreated in 5.
What was the motion reversed?
This was rather the opposite in 3.
I don’t quite get that bar throwing is the strongest in physical terms.
Javelin Rain and Zero Beat are reversed.
It was fixed when it came out in Abachu.
Devour the Mother’s Dinner.
I love the Magma Axis because it has strong power and cool motion.
Compared to the light bullet of evil-destroying, the supreme magic bullet is just so lame…
I don’t care, but I like the visuals of Vishnu Flin, so I want to see it used again.
It has strong Flynn elements to be presented as Vishnu, though.
I thought it was Raido.
In terms of the scenario, the teacher ending is probably the official one, but it feels kind of off to be dragged into a mid-life crisis of self-discovery as an adult.
So generally, what is often covered is AmaraEnd.
There is no such thing as a proper version, to begin with.
That idea itself is a philosophy that selects the one correct answer from countless mistakes.
That’s why in recent years, there have been many cases of settings involving visits from parallel worlds.
In the end, what users were looking for was a hero story framed in a dualism of good and evil that established “Four Letters” and the Messiah Church as absolute evil, while reversing N and the celebration of humanity as absolute justice.
I thought that Atlas is still pretty locked in by bringing out Shin V and VV after fully understanding that.
The difference in reactions to SJ’s Type N is really remarkable around here.
I have never seen anyone talk about the dance of primary colors.
Perhaps in terms of settings, the numbered protagonist is the weakest, so it’s the people of the underworld.
Rather, the difference in strength between the early and late stages is too extreme.
In the final phase, you can’t argue that it’s the strongest.
Considering that the other members are the ones who knocked out the four-character one and the next generation of four-character higher species, it seems that way…
Learning important skills early on has ironically become a trap…
I think Nahobino-kun is cool and unfairly stylish.
The motion is just too intense.
And a setting that makes it easy to go on external business trips.
Long hair really enhances the movement.
Only for God
The problem of boys being too bad at talking.
It seems that only the “Yosuga End” won’t be featured in the future.
It feels like the ordinary one might actually be weaker in terms of ultimate strength.
In Futsuo, all the protagonists from the 4F DLC went to thank Steven, but one was treated as special…
Nahobino-kun’s Tsukuyomi form is really cool; that’s just unfair.
Even though Tsukuyomi doesn’t look that cool when combined with glasses, it becomes cool when combined with Nahobino-kun; that’s really unfair.
Nahobino-kun has a good-looking face, after all…
His beauty is androgynous rather than masculine, making him relatively distinct compared to the other protagonists.
Well, it’s cooler to be the one who fused with Susanoo than the guy who had his jacket taken off and was forced to drink some weird magatama…
Even in a person they can’t trust, there is a pixie…
After watching the opening for about 30 minutes, it starts with the first battle being a back attack! I ended up dying and had to watch the opening again; I think this is the only work where that happened before and after.
If you speak to the wrong person in the tutorial, you’ll die right away and have to start from the opening.
Based on the mention of remaining artifacts and hospitals, it seems to suggest that while Tokyo’s conception occurred, it does not imply that True 3 took place.