This is a Pro Controller that was tossed into a blue box at Hard Off.
The condition is beautiful.
When I got home and checked, the left stick didn’t return to the center when I pushed it to the left.
I will disassemble it because it reacts just by touching the home button or gets stuck.
It was in a terrible state with fingerprints when I bought it, so I cleaned it.
I wonder where it’s crazy.
880 yen?
It seems there are many problems with the left stick.
Why do you buy junk from Nintendo so quickly!?
Are you really going to collect that much junk and start a Nintendo shop?!
I want it for parts if it’s cheap.
After all, I can’t help but concentrate on the stick.
It must be nice to be able to fix things like this; it’s rewarding and probably fun.
I often watch repair videos like this.
The sticks really break easily on the pro controller…
On the contrary, there’s no element that breaks other than the stick.
It seems like selling it as a repaired and rebuilt item could generate income.
Is that going to solve it!?
Will it maintain strength…?
I don’t understand.
I’ll keep using it for a while and observe, but there are no problems for now.
If it broke for reasons other than being defective, it should be fine as long as it is not handled roughly.
It took me quite some time to notice the differences just by comparing the images, so I can’t pull off such a feat…
It can be fixed with glue…
Well, when it comes to someone like me, no matter how many times I compare the images, I can’t tell at all how the left and right states are different.
The left side is probably feeling a bit elevated.
Isn’t it getting dirty?
I seriously felt overwhelmed and it didn’t work out.
Wasn’t the original owner probably the type to really show off their gorilla power…?
What did I do to end up like this…
I wonder if a gorilla was using it?
Did you spill something?
What is this?
Does this happen when using it normally?
Is the home button something you press that often…?
Can this be fixed?
Even if it was spilled, it would also deform other things if it was hot water, so I wonder what it could be…
No matter how frustrated you are, there’s probably not much reason to repeatedly hit that spot.
It’s quite scary to see people repeatedly pressing the HOME button for no reason…
I saw that pro controller repair shop the other day.
I wonder if it was a type of gorilla that corresponds to the controller’s owner.
I want you to fix my pro controller because it sometimes gets stuck.
When I lost or felt down, I might have been just pushing the home button with all my strength, saying “Damn it!”…
It becomes that beautiful…
This nameless person is always doing repairs related to the Switch…
The repair is too good…
Regardless of the button, I wonder if there have been similar cases of the stick malfunctioning like this before.
Cleaning will fix it…
It’s at the level of tapping the home button with a hammer.
You can return it so beautifully… that’s amazing…
A skill that seems likely to make a living.
Do you have the parts?
It’s not that it’s chipped or anything…
The fact that it can be wiped off means that something must have been spilled, right?
It’s kind of too funny to see someone furiously pressing the HOME button like, “Damn it!”
If it was an easily removable stain, then it’s even more unclear what it was.
Well, it was a hassle with the stubborn tar, so it was nice that it was easy.
The grip always stays shiny.
Isn’t there a compatible part sold there?
The quality of the shell is high, but the grip part that comes with it is not very good.
It’s slightly too large, has uneven bumps on the back, and there are big gaps.
It’s too smooth and slippery.
I reused the original grip because I was really curious about how it felt when holding it.
It seems that various things have changed.
Stop waiting for a punchline.
It’s really beautiful!
Who are you!?
Has the exterior not changed?!
The color has changed, hasn’t it?!
Was it the anonymous one fixing the too smelly controller?
It must be fun to be able to do something like this.
Box 1 sells repair kits, so it looks like I could fix it myself.
I realized that after I bought the second one.
Who?! Who is it?!
Have you ever bought junk items that turned out to be good, but you couldn’t fix them?
I’m doing repairs for work, but since the Switch is handled by kids, there’s a ton of dust, pet hair, sand, and sticky juice that could trigger an allergy in an instant.
Did you not make it transparent?
Repairing junk can really transform it into something unrecognizable.
Get it together.
I love the grip of the pro controller, it fits my hand well.
I can’t stand the D-pad that makes everything sink when you press the center.
A long time ago, when my PS4 controller was acting up, I disassembled it while looking online, cleaned it, and put it back together.
Instead of getting worse, it completely stopped moving, which scared me, so I haven’t done anything like that since then.
What is the best way to wipe off the fingerprints and dust on a controller without damaging it?
Anhydrous ethanol
Since it’s ABS, you can use alcohol if you want, or you can wash it with water using a regular neutral detergent.
Baby wipes are the best for cleaning bodily stains.
Since it doesn’t contain alcohol, there is no invasion to the resin adhesive.
It’s educational…
Baby wipes are so versatile…
Aren’t you different from your picture?
I wonder if it’s the work of people who disconnect during Smash Bros. and stuff.
Are you seriously mashing the home button so hard that it might break?
Please compare.
It’s someone else!
Such… even the appearance has changed…
The pro controller is also happy.
It’s a bit interesting that profiling of the previous users will start…
Pane magic
What a thing this is!
If it was something that a cutter used, then that’s kind of unpleasant…
It’s more like a rescue of the abused controller.
He seemed to have come back to life like a different person.
When you have plastic surgery, you can’t know what’s inside!
Is this Kumagoro-sama?
It might be an uncle.
For someone who can do repairs like this, junk must be a treasure trove.
I can’t do it, so I can only buy something that comes with verified operation and compensation.
Wiping a baby’s bottom is the greatest honor.
It seems like people might get mad during a match and start mashing the home button.
I’m envious because the soldering we did in class was disastrously bad.
I thought it was going to be a skeleton.
It was just a vicious cycle of pushing it in because the taste was deteriorating…
I don’t think it’s anything more than just spilling something normally.
Since the area below the home button is round, is there a circular mark on the circuit board as well? What exactly is the scene where the home button is being pressed repeatedly…?
Was the keyboard, mouse, and the dirt on the desk all from the baby’s bottom…!
I’ve only rummaged through things like the power supply junk for the notebook.
If something I want has been thrown into the junk, maybe I’ll give it a try and pick it up…
So this is how it feels when the stick doesn’t return to the center…
Usually, the cause is that the spring-related components or base inside the module are worn out, allowing for play, so it seems like it has been handled roughly.
It probably wouldn’t have turned out this way if it had only been handled roughly, so I wonder if it was frequently hit hard.
Isn’t that outside the realm of being treated roughly?
Roughness and carelessness are different.
The person is probably going crazy at home because they lost a match and are smashing the home button repeatedly in anger.
Office products can sometimes have strange coatings, so if you wipe them with alcohol, they may peel off and lead to a sad situation.
So here are these wet wipes.
Oh, I wonder if I should try disassembling it when it breaks next time.
Can’t we substitute it with my baby wipes?
I wonder how I can take a clean shot of the accumulated fingerprints in the grooves of the controller.
Even if I poke at it with a thin, precise tweezers, it still remains slightly, and I might even scratch it.
Apart from taking it apart, soaking it in detergent, and scrubbing it with a toothbrush, there may be no other way.
The outer part is cheaper compared to the inside, isn’t it?
The Pro Controller can be completely disassembled with a plus driver, which is rare for Nintendo, so it’s easy.
The screws that hold the grip are incredibly hard, to the point that they could strip, so be careful.
Well, it’s just resin after all.
Isn’t it best to take apart and wash the exterior?
Just soaking it in lukewarm water, about the temperature of human skin, will remove a lot.
The original owner seems to be having a blast.
It’s scary when a gorilla keeps pressing the HOME button until it melts.
But if it’s a gorilla, the buttons used for playing must be in a big mess…
How did you fix the home button…?
I wonder if they wipe it with anhydrous ethanol or something?
Wipe with anhydrous ethanol after scraping off the verdigris as much as possible.
I made a paste of citric acid and cleaned the remaining parts.
Because it’s an item that cares for the world’s most delicate and expensive existence, baby wipes.
The button is fine, and since I can’t really tell how deep it goes when I press it, I was probably pressing it hard or something.
Did you save a controller that was treated roughly and ended up being tossed away as junk?
It seems that the person only had an unusually developed left thumb because there was nothing particularly wrong with the other buttons or frames.
Is it an era where fiddler crabs play games on the Switch?
It’s diversity.
Baby wipes are great…! There was a bit of a mini buzz about it a little while ago, but we were warned not to be foolish and panic-buy.
It makes sense that it would be a problem if the most necessary item can’t be purchased.
If it’s so bad that it’s necessary to hoard, there are other lifestyle habits that need to be reconsidered.
It’s easy to replace both the exterior and internal parts, so instead of buying new, it can be fun to try repairing or modifying them.
Sometimes there are people with really sweaty hands who leave a lot of hand grime in the gaps of the controller…
I will not forgive K-kun for getting my brand new PS2 all covered in fingerprints.
I’ve never broken a controller, so I don’t really understand how someone could break it to this extent…
I wonder if it’s hitting the controller…
I’m fine with taking off the screws, but I’m too scared to remove the clips.
When disposing of it, it’s going to become junk anyway, so breaking a nail or two is fine!
There aren’t many electronic devices with fixed components that are easy to repair unless there is limited space.
There were also anonymous people who bought a junk GBA and replaced the LCD.
I wonder if someone without a name will wipe my butt if I ask them…
It’s gritty with citric acid.
If the repair of the junk fails, just sell it as junk.
I wondered why the base was getting dirty, but after thinking about it, it could easily get in through the gaps in the buttons.
I knew there were gorillas after all…
If you use it for many years, it seems like the salt from your hand sweat could get inside through the gaps in the buttons…
Gorilla vs. Poison Hand Man
Thanks to the Joy-Con, I can operate the left and right scissors separately, die.
Why do you say such horrible things…?
The pro controller has a design that makes it easier to repair than the box controller.
Every time I see repairs like this, I first think I want a Hard Off nearby…
I understand because I also enjoy fixing up a non-running car until I can get it registered.
You’re suddenly increasing the amount and scale, aren’t you?
Aren’t taxes tough…?
Basically, it is to sell.
But since I have secured what I like, well… it’s a hobby, so that’s about it.
I currently have 11 units.
Are you on the Discovery Channel?
I want you to try restoring the next tank.
If it’s a genuine pro controller for 880 yen, even if it fails, I can sell it on Mercari for 2000 yen, so it’s a good purchase.
Is that a hobby? Is it really a hobby?
Are you in the OS-1 commercial?
It’s surprising to see that there are people doing classic car dealers in Japan…
Don’t let owning 11 homes burden you with taxes…
But it’s not just because it broke that I’m throwing it away; there are people who sell it, so I can only be thankful to those who sell it instead of throwing it away.
Is this the bulletin board, Mr. Sakata…?
“I can’t help but get a negative rating on the bulletin board no matter what I do…”
Don’t talk about that sparkly world of cars in a shitty place like this, talk about it on Messenger, Facebook, or Instagram!
It’s sad because there are people who come to steal now.
I’ve seen a car with a sheet that says “NOT FOR SALE” placed on it.
I guess it’s also bothersome to be talked about as something someone wants to buy, even if it’s not being stolen.
And is it displayed in a different color on the Switch home screen?
What car model is it!?
What type of car is it!?
20 Soarer, Cefiro cruising, Silhouette, and so on…
I’m currently debating whether to sell or keep the D03W model Chariot that I’m fixing up…
You have a nice hobby…
Thanks to the people who buy parts, I’m happy that I could sell my broken first-generation Walkman for several tens of thousands of yen.
I think the person who bought it would be happy that the parts can be removed.
My EDGE controller has turned yellow from sweat; I wonder if I can clean it…
Talk about pro controllers.
When I take apart the controller and pry it open, I almost always break the clips that are hooked. Is there a way to remove them cleanly?
If you have a good grip on it, it might loosen a bit, but there are times when you can remove it successfully.
But fundamentally, it’s just a breakdown history checker based on the premise that it will break, so you don’t have to worry about it.
Junk repair is fun, but the room gets cluttered with stuff.