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[Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket] The fact that many people use water… means you already know what to use, right?


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1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

That’s Pachinko x1.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s better to use something like Electivire because EX gets hit by strange trees.

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

As expected, it’s Jibacoil…

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

As long as Lucario is around, I thought it wouldn’t be good to give 50 damage to Fighting Seed 1 Energy.

Wusoki is still an ex-limited power, so it’s forgivable, but…

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Electricity is subtly lacking in power and is currently even losing to water…

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if Pikachu will get stronger when Satoshi comes with a trainer card.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews


After all generations of packs have been released, I think we will see a Pikachu enhancement when the first generation is revamped.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Alshinn Raichu’s damage cut is surprisingly strong.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

The water is well-matched with Starmie, Freezer, Gyarados, Palkia, and Glaceon.

Electricity is no good at all.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I assembled a durable Raichu deck, I immediately faced a perfect mirror deck and got flipped over.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because the water has increased, it’s not that Pikachu appears; rather, it may be that Pikachu is insufficiently strong to handle the water, which is why the water has increased.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

I won five consecutive times in Pachinko while trembling in the shadow of the false tree of the god killer.

I was just lucky because I was the second player in 4 out of 5 matches.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was stunned when my Luxray turned the careless Freezer that came out to battle into ashes.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you win with a pachislot (pachinko slot machine)?

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Utsukushii is allowed to attack second, Pikachu and Pachirisu won’t be able to do anything and will lose, so there are issues on their side as well.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

I achieved a straight 5 wins with Leafeon Mega Yanma.

It’s fast, has great firepower, and above all, it’s strong because you don’t have to rely on coin tosses.

17: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Are you playing around, Pika-sama, by filling the bench and using 2 energy to deal a maximum of 90 damage?

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


Please take inspiration from Arceus, which can deal 130 damage with energy acceleration using Dialga.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Al God ex! Al belief Kippa! Monster Ball, Mitsuhoney, and Bequeen!

This is my 5-game winning deck!

…It might just be that I was lucky to go second in all five matches.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pikachu is at a level of difficulty that is irretrievable once it pulls ahead.

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


However, now it’s possible to transfer Rarecoil power using Hikari!

It’s tough, but the possibility is not zero.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pikachu will eventually get a Gigantamax form, right?

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

But we were able to win five consecutive matches in Sardoran, Pika-san.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

On the contrary, isn’t there a report of a 5-game winning streak from Pika-san? Chamo.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the fifth battle, not even a Nassy or Tamatsuma showed up, and Celebi was killed and it ended…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Renterra is surprisingly strong, isn’t it?

28: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not bad, right?

If a better partner or an electric-type support comes along, it might transform.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought of various decks, but I lost in either the 4th or 5th match due to my bad luck or my opponent’s good luck, or both, and I was feeling defeated. However, the Mukuhawk I saw at X was so strong that I easily won five consecutive matches.

But it’s too strong, and the enemies are just Jibako, so it’s not interesting.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I think evolution is a strong element of chance in this game, and that alone can lead to accidents.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews


You have to be careful not to use Pokémon communication in a rush, you know…

Just because I have two Pokémon Communication cards in my hand, relying solely on luck will just result in the same ones coming around.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I matched with a Pachislot at the free match, but I was able to win with the speed of charging energy after taking the second turn.

There’s almost no point in taking the lead if it’s between two exes.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jibaco Arserdan is good.

At its worst, the back attack 2T Ultimate Force bursts out and destroys everything.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

Denji feels that there are many people who neglect to care for him.

There are situations where you have to gamble even though you don’t have any money.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to crush that pitiful water deck that is forever being used by Misty, built with Alolan Raichu, Pachirisu, and Arceus, so I’m diving in with the mindset that it’s okay to lose to anything other than water, but surprisingly, I’m winning quite a bit…

I was able to knock down the Palkia used by Kasumi once.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

Despite having only one thing to do, Rentler is surprisingly not being guarded against.

Is it too minor?

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx14


Actually, even when I’m cautious in this game, there are few moves I can make.

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Alex still can’t draw.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if I know Rentler’s attack is coming, all I can do is pray to draw a recovery card or a mantle…

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to play Arshin Doran, but I can’t hit it…

We can only play with the Alshin Chu that everyone has…

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the influence of playing has become considerably less.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if a Pokémon that looks like paper will come.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

Electabuzz was designed with no evolution in mind and can fight fairly well.

When the first Elekid dies after fighting randomly, evolving the second Elekid into Electivire or preparing a Luxray makes it easier to transfer and strong with Denji… I think.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m so happy to finally pull an EX after a long time.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m facing the problem of how cute Glaceon is, so I want to build a deck, but I wonder who would be a good partner…

48: Japan Otaku Reviews


Let’s slowly wear them down and kill them while putting them to sleep on the bench!

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


Right now, it seems like Palkia or Leafeon is yielding moderate results.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought the Arceus pack seemed a bit weak at first, but it turns out it’s actually pretty strong.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want all the promotions with different abilities~

That would make it tough for newcomers.

But I want all of them with different abilities~~ I want to expand the card pool~~

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Since they conceded in the fifth match, I was freed from the event.

There are some kind guys out there.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s fine.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Dakumanyu has decreased, and my umami flavor is starting to revive a little.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t Arceus tough too?

67: Japan Otaku Reviews


Without tools, you can win relatively easily by using 3 energy and 2 punches from God and 2 energy and 2 punches from Umaji…

58: Japan Otaku Reviews


Nassie has disappeared and they are looking lively.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that Arushin has generally not been able to achieve results subtly.

Cockroaches and Crobat are strong, but I want to hear more about Arceus’s own achievements.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews


Arceus can become stronger with the support of Arceus, but it doesn’t support Arceus itself…

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m looking forward to the true strong decks being revealed with the implementation of ranked matches.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Darkrai’s hit rate feels like it’s significantly decreased.

There are probably many people who want to build decks involving the new packs, so it makes sense.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

The believer was not stronger than God.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like all the trust is difficult to use.

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I can only praise Heatran wholeheartedly.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not really related to being a believer in its performance…

Well, I think it’s better to be able to escape, but even if you die it’s just 1 point, so I think they would keep fighting until they die…

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s strong when I hold Darkrai after a long time.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

Darkrai is…

The user will also think, “The tempo is off…”

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

A frog in a well that can only associate with electric Pokémon like Pikachu, after all…

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Will Kasumi continue to linger in the environment like a cancer?

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dialga’s partner sprouted out quickly, didn’t it…

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if the time will come when Kasumi will no longer be used in the water deck.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since I only get the back side when I use it, I replaced it with Kai-chan.

Manaphy… please release the energy…

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

I only think, “So what?” when Heatran is all crusty.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews


If the seed 110 is dry and nothing comes to mind, then what is strong?

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even without Kasumi, it’s enough to increase the total energy with Manaphy and just switch it with Hikari to make it work well.

Even if I include it, it will only be one page in the margin.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Heatran getting furious from taking bonus damage in a blizzard on the bench.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I’m being greedy, I wish for 20 more HP for Batyul and Denchura.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kasumi, I also wasn’t hired.

Well, it would be strong if it were to surface.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kasumi can be amazing when she performs well, but there are times when using the trainer’s rights results in no effect at all, so if trainers continue to inflate, she might naturally fall behind.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not just that Manaphy can be brought with a Poké Ball; it’s clearly a card that needs to be in the starting hand or it causes problems.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the second Altaria is coming in with an immersive format, I’m thinking of dedicating myself. Which Shaymin should I include in Diancius?

Who can draw 6 cards in the setup?

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

Noo is quite good.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kai and the doctor deliver results 100 percent as expected.

I really don’t want to have to push those guys aside and end up getting a tails when I flip the coin.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why did Nassy disappear?

There’s no particular enhancement, but isn’t it still normally strong?

86: Japan Otaku Reviews


People who enjoyed using Nassie are now enjoying it with Water Leafeon.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it because the weaknesses to Grass-type Pokémon have decreased?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


It pains me to see underdeveloped Nassy in the harsh environment of Kanto.

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If I’m going to use one anyway, I want to use a new one. Leafeon is cute, but Nassy is like a testicle.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it because I can no longer win even by earning a little 40-80 damage?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can’t we do something a little more about Bangi?

There’s no energy acceleration, and it’s hard to escape, yet you’re demanding 4 energy. Don’t be ridiculous.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Arushi have a stronger image than the initial impression; some of it is as predicted, though.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s limited to some extent, but I feel like I can do more than I thought.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I have turns without using the trainer or when I’m about to lose, I use Kasumi for now.

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Is Nassy gone in the first place?

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

Heatran doesn’t deal much damage unless it takes damage, which is a bit disappointing.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


You’re nitpicking too much…

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

Alolan Raichu has quite an unpleasant performance.

With HP90, 2 Energy, 40 damage, 20 penetration, and the presence of Arceus, it has good performance in that it reduces damage by -30 just by being on the battlefield, which can disrupt the situation.

101: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If you carve it with Shin Chuu, you’ll be able to defeat it even without being able to unleash Lord Al’s maximum firepower.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want only Leafeon to be added to the target of the Seki.

Isn’t Leafeon your partner in front of Dearshine!?

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I really wonder what it is about Freezer, who has been said to be disappearing forever but has managed to survive all this time.

In the end, the two skills and their level of composition are much higher than I imagined…

108: Japan Otaku Reviews


Every time, it feels like they are getting strengthened with Akagi and Kai.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t believe you would say that after I achieved five consecutive wins with Nassy!

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once the five-game winning streak is over, I’ll suddenly have nothing to do.

102: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Alshin Kippa’s energy demand of 1 is impressive.

You can deal 50 damage while also being able to offer energy to Aru-sama starting from the next turn.

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Despite there being many users of Land Crush, it is increasingly recognized as a terrible move since, aside from Ptera, it is heavy and doesn’t deal much damage.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mukkuru isn’t coming at all.

It’s unnecessary, but it won’t be filled in with ◇.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think being an alcoholic would be quite unpleasant if you’re in a battle arena.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

Cards that can be used individually are almost directly strengthened by the increase in the card pool.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why has Land Crush turned into a general-purpose technique in the first place?

125: Japan Otaku Reviews


Originally, it was a general-purpose technique for paper.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like it’s the era of Machi Suraichu now.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

I occasionally see Energy Cycle’s Nassy.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

I felt uncomfortable seeing Raichu used as a CPU.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still haven’t been able to create a satisfactory deck with just Banquished in Al-Shin.

Normal Arceus is a nuisance, and even if you use Giratina or Rotom with Hikari, it doesn’t really accelerate anything. The final firepower is too high, so there’s no need for chipping away…

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

The damage to the bench is too compatible with Akagi.

For the time being, the EX that was put on the bench is being dragged out and is dead.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since we’ve had grass and water, I wonder if it’ll give us fire recovery this time?

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

What kind of deck can easily defeat event experts?

I’m currently taking a Nassy deck with me.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m generally able to win automatically with water.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


118: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Air Mardom Madam, which excludes difficult cards for auto, has a good win rate.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s amazing but fire is not weak against water, huh?

I kept facing water decks, but I managed to get 5 consecutive wins with Liza.

120: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

My favorite move is Sanagiras’s Speed Attack (3 Energy).

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

Matis Raichu, which is just a Pikachu transformed into a Spark, is surprisingly strong.

I mean, Magneton is strong.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I can get my tools and Airmdu in play with Dialga ex on the bench, I can’t help but grin.

123: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Akagi and Kai are just too compatible with Freezer.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s tough for BanG because Sanagiras requires 3 energy.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

Leafia’s excessive AR lewdness problem is making me want to use it more and more.

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

Steel is also quite suitable for CPU vs CPU.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m trying various things since my weaknesses are scattered and my durability is quite high, but in the end, I’m just using an auto battle with a free character.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s tough that with Nassy, the early Lucario can one-shot and crush Tamata.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

It might be unavoidable due to the concept, but I wished Sanagiras had 50 for 2 energy or 70 for 3 energy.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kai-chan is just a bit unbalanced, isn’t she?

Don’t you think anything when you see Erika giving her all to restore 50 health per creature?

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like it won’t move strangely in auto mode if it’s a pal single free single.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s tough that Wooper needs 40 energy for Manaphy even with Lucario standing.

I was wiped out by Kai-chan.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

Origin Palkia is active, but what about Giratina?

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

On the contrary, I’m wondering why you guys can go by different names?

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even Rhydon has 70 HP for 3 energy…

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speed Attack (requires 3 energy)

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was really surprised that Kai is water energy.

I completely misunderstood it as a water Pokémon on my first encounter.

140: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Speaking of which, I hardly ever see Dusknoir.

It’s performance that you wouldn’t expect to see.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


I tried to do my best with Hikari Rarecoil, but it’s especially tough that I can’t really hit until I get my energy set up; I should take a cue from the Golem species.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Hitmonchan trained by Lucario Coach is going to crush my testicles.

142: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When Lucario Coach stands up the fastest, it makes you go “Gueh…”

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

Sometimes remember Origin Dialga too, okay?

150: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wish they would at least give me 120.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that easy to spread water energy without involving Manaphy or Leafeon…

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please remember that Fione has an offensive move.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was honestly surprised that Dainose took the ex instead of Dosyidon.

It’s probably because it overlaps in color with Garchomp.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

The personality of someone who delays until the very end when victory is assured is just too bad!

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

While the performance of Rhydon itself is one thing, Rhydon was at least the final evolution up to Dialga and Palkia, so it should show more motivation.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even recovering 40 per unit, it’s still pretty strong overall.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Rhydon had the Fighting Charge ability, it could have been used.

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