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[Pokémon Sleep] Espers are weak!


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1: Japan Otaku Reviews

Just as expected, Gon.

Is it also coming out at the Munnah Power Plant…

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It would be good if this could settle the Ralts selection, Gon.

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Hey! Release the dream smoke, Gon!

5: Japan Otaku Reviews


Dream Catcher, fruit type… is that the point, Gon?

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Please let me change the position of the sub-skills freely…!

Please let me change the position of the sub-skills freely...!

Berry SP 434 Lv. 12 Ralts Assistance time 1 hour 18 minutes 14 seconds Maximum hold count 9 Main skill / Sub skill Full Recovery S Lv. 1 Restores 5 health points of the assistance team’s Pokémon Research EXP bonus Skill probability increase S Assistance bonus Number of berries S Skill probability increase M Detailed status Character Docile No characteristics due to personality Encounter date March 7, 2025 Return

7: Japan Otaku Reviews


8: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

What was it that Arorai was coming?

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

Gon laughs at “Cresselia vs. Darkrai”!

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Snorlax & Neroli vs Cresselia vs Darkrai

17: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


VS yet another researcher who knows nothing.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The ending features Neroli, who says, “Thank you for your hard work,” while sinking into the molten furnace.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s all Darkrai’s fault, Gon.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

Muna has an image of being good at skills, like Gon.

But I no longer need the dream-catching skill, Gon…

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if Munna is in fruit form…

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m curious about the performance of “Yametage te yo.”

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you draw it, it will appear.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Unable to participate in the sleep battle…

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

Our gender? Hehehe… Everyone is male!

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

It doesn’t really seem like a berry type… although I don’t really understand what a berry type should look like either…

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Once you become an Esper type, it gives off an image of being skilled, doesn’t it?

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since there are no good Ralts, should I go for a selection?

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t finished selecting Ralts, but it’s over level 40.

Update it quickly, please.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the rumored Alolan Raichu here yet?

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

What was Alolai in the end…?

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Mero Mero Munna

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t know much about Alola, but is your Raichu also a baguette?

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

Alolai is a pancake.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want Ralts, but considering the possibility of Snorlax being picked up, I might go to the power plant.

I kind of want a Beedrill candy too.

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Munnah has obtained a fragment of a dream!

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like there was an event in BW2 where Munna appears in the ruins.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

On Monday, I’ll get it and do an Amebu, Gon.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

Next week I’ll have a lot of night shifts and my sleep will be messed up, but I’m glad it’s a week with nothing going on.

Gon commits to leveling up by the lakeside in preparation for next week.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

Next week is GSD Gon.

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Hey! Give me the fragments of dreams, Gon!

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

Stop it, please!

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking at the calendar, it seems that the full moon in April coincides with the last day of the Darkrai event.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon is securing a Pikachu for Black Gal Arolai.

We are waiting for the implementation, Gon.

Gon is securing a Pikachu for Black Gal Arolai. We are waiting for the implementation, Gon.

SP 942 Lv. 16 Pikachu Main Skill and Sub Skill Energy Charge S Lv. 1 Increase Snorlax’s energy by 400 Number of Berries S Lv. 25 Helping Speed S Lv. 50 Maximum Carrying Capacity Up M Lv. 75 Maximum Carrying Capacity Up S Lv. 100 Helping Speed M Detailed Status Character Bold Helping Speed ▲▲ EXP Gain ▼▼

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

What was that mysterious arolai all about?

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I get a dream fragment as a skill with this, I would definitely laugh.

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Despite the surprisingly thin layer of espers, they have the guts to hold an event.

No, increase it more.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please come to Alola quickly for our sturdy Pikachu.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

You’re a dream catcher representative of the berry type, right? I can tell that.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

Color self

If you think of it as a seed-shaped thing, it might be acceptable…?

Color self If you think of it as a seed-shaped thing, it might be acceptable...?

Helper Ability 48B Level 14 Manene Ingredients Level 30 Level 60 Helper Time 1 hour 9 minutes 48 seconds Maximum Carrying Amount 10 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Mimicry (Skill Copy) LV. 1 Randomly copies the main skill of one team Pokémon and unleashes it. Level 25 Increases maximum carrying amount L Level 50 Berry S Level 75 Increases ingredient probability S Level 100 Increases maximum carrying amount M Detailed Status Nature Naive EXP Gain Amount Main Skill Activation Probability Return

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

There is still a possibility that Alolai could be targeted by a terrorist attack like Fuwante…

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

There is still a possibility of an announcement.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the Psychic type sufficient with Gardevoir, Espeon, and Mewtwo?

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you come to Arolai, I’m wondering if I should give this guy, whom I’ve been letting rest for about a year, a chance to shine.

Ingredient SP 391 Lv. 13 Pichu Maximum holding capacity 10 Main skill/Sub skill Energy Charge S Lv. 1 Increases Snorlax’s energy by 400 Skill probability up M Number of berries S Maximum holding capacity up M Assistance bonus Maximum holding capacity up S Detailed status Character Calm Ingredient assistance probability EXP acquisition amount Date encountered March 30, 2024 Encounter field Wakakusa Main Island Return

If you come to Arolai, I’m wondering if I should give this guy, whom I’ve been letting rest for about a year, a chance to shine.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, since Alolan Raichu evolves from a regular Pikachu, the sleep aspect doesn’t fit well for additional events.

Maybe if they add something, it won’t be an event right away, but they’ll just add it normally and later it will become an event involving Pikachu.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because there’s no Alolan Pikachu…

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

The gathering of Dratini, Swinub, and Bagon candies has noticeably worsened, so I’ve been holed up by the lakeside, but it seems like I’m going to end up staying there.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The image of an Esper as a skill user gets in the way.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Munna definitely won’t be ready in time, but Arora will be ready, Gon.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like it’s much better after putting in the silver seeds… it’s connected though.

I feel like it's much better after putting in the silver seeds... it's connected though. Is it possible to have multiple Gardevoir formations during the week?

Assistance Ability SP 475 Lv. 13 Ralts Ingredients Assistance Time 1 hour 18 minutes 4 seconds per time Maximum Holding Capacity 9 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Full Health S Lv.1 Restores 5 health to Pokémon in the assistance team Assistance Bonus Lv. 25 Skill Probability Up S Lv. 50 Maximum Holding Capacity Up L Lv. 75 Ingredient Probability Up M Lv. 100 Skill Level Up S Detailed Status Nature Height Main Skill Activation Probability Ingredient Assistance Probability Encounter Date March 7, 2025 Back

Is it possible to have multiple Gardevoir formations during the week?

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

It's a smorgasbord...

Here is the extracted text from the image:
For Pichu, material time: Max storage 1 hour 9 minutes 48 seconds; every 10 items.
Main skill & sub-skill: Energy Charge S Lv. 1 increases Snorlax’s energy by 400; number of berries S Lv. 25; max storage increase S Lv. 50; skill acquisition rate increase S.
Detailed status: HP recovery amount; mischievous; return;
User: Pichu, material time: 1 hour 2 minutes 57 seconds; Max storage 10 items.
Main skill & sub-skill: Energy Charge Lv. 1 increases Snorlax’s energy by 400; dream fragment bonus Lv. 25; ingredient acquisition rate increase M Lv. 50; max storage increase M; help speed S.
Detailed status: Ingredient help probability; HP recovery amount; lonely; return;
For Pichu, material time: 1 hour 2 minutes 41 seconds; max storage 10 items.
Main skill & sub-skill: Energy Charge S Lv. 1 increases Snorlax’s energy by 400; number of berries S Lv. 25; dream fragment bonus, ingredient acquisition rate increase M Lv. 50; max storage increase M; max skill acquisition rate increase S Lv. 100.
Detailed status: EXP acquisition amount; return.

It’s a smorgasbord…

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why are you so stubbornly not implementing the main Pokémon, Sleep…?

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s insomnia.

64: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


But Nightmare will be implemented, right?

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


The ones with the characteristic “motivation” have been implemented!

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gardevoir is already here, so I’ll aim for S Gallade instead.

Why isn’t this guy a psychic, Gon?

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since Muna came all this way, I wonder if Makomo will be a guest at the event.

It’s impossible because Doctor Neroli’s hardcore fans would be shocked.

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Actually, I haven’t been in a remake for 15 years!

Do you know Dr. Makomo?

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Makomo appears, Gon will have a nocturnal emission.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s also possible to find out later that someone is married, like with Barnett.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Is Parmot married?

108: Japan Otaku Reviews


Pam’s wife watch

Cute, cute, right?

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was waiting for the candy... Finally starting to look like 60.

SP 3,094 Type Gender Favorite Item Ribbon Favorite Ingredient 100% Lv. 51 Winner Kangaskhan’s Candy 489 Remaining EXP 136 Level Up Assistance Ability Berries x2 Back

I was waiting for the candy…

Finally starting to look like 60.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ralts has already exceeded level 40… what should I do?

73: Japan Otaku Reviews


We can only wait for the friend point reform to come.

Give up on Esper Week.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even with a boost, I’m always short on fragments…

70: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

R18 Image Spring

R18 Image Spring

TRIGGER’S Support Makomo’s Assistance Keep tossing coins until you get tails, and draw twice the number on heads. Draw from your own deck. You can only use one Support card during your turn. Illus. Yusuke Ohmura 047/047 ©2012 Pokémon/Nintendo/Creatures/GAME FREAK.

71: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I found a relatively nice one when I searched through the box.

I found a relatively nice one when I searched through the box.

Assistance Ability SP 908 Lv. 18 Pikachu Ingredients Assistance Time 39 minutes and 7 seconds Max Holding Capacity 17 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Energy Charge S Lv. 1 Increases Snorlax’s energy by 400 Berry Count S Skill Probability Up M Max Holding Capacity Up M Assistance Speed S Ingredient Probability Up S Detailed Status Nature Lonely Assistance Speed Energy Recovery Amount Return

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please give me skill probability L… and ingredient probability L too.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

Without a buff of about three times the power of the Esper fruit, it seems stronger to line up S-type fruits instead…

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to level up my spoiled Pamochan on Ameba, but I don’t have any candy.

Anonymous examiner, throw more candy!

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s like just the feeling of motivation is being made to doze off, and the details are quite intricate here.

85: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I like how the sleep types are classified with attention to detail, but when I see the densely packed cave sleeping areas, I can’t help but think it might be a challenging element for game balancing.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it weren’t for the Arolai berries, all the Pichu I’ve stockpiled would go bad.

Well, looking at Upa, it seems fine.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the Pokémon world, there is already a Delibird that has no intention of sleeping.

The Pokémon world does not yet have the most sleeping Koala.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was wondering who Dr. Makomo is, but then I remembered he’s one of the top-ranked researchers who gave us dream abilities…

81: Japan Otaku Reviews


It feels like there’s a completely useless doctor.

82: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I definitely think evolving into Aralye is impossible.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews


It will be alright if we get to a field that resembles a remote island in Alola.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t this a convenient setting that can be used in any region?

The Pokémon that appear are easy to understand.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

However, it starts from Esper Week 17.

Could it be that Cresselia is really going to be available from the 31st or something?

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re done too quickly, there won’t be any fighting strength left…

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it evolution if you keep feeding them pancakes?

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’ll be held in late March! So if it starts on the 31st, I guess it’s not technically a lie…

89: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Dream Island… Ice Cream… Pelipper…

Stop it! Get out of my memory…!!

92: Japan Otaku Reviews


Did you pack the ice properly?

100: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Hehehe, they are all males!

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

The stubborn Gardevoir that I raised on a whim is finally about to shine.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Wakakusa Islands are increasingly becoming a magical realm.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

Arola can also be fed pancakes.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews


Evolvable from a researcher who has reached pancake level 60!

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Wakakusa Islands are expanding rapidly.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

The setting of a remote island in the countryside is nice.

You can bring together a lot of underrepresented generations and make them a highlight.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

The new Pokémon is cute.

I hope it’s a fruit type.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it would be fine to create an island where regional Pokémon gather, not limited to just types.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

Hey! Give me the berries!

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

Stop it already!

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

The problem is the effort to gather all the Pokémon…!

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it too late to ask if you’re full from the sablé?

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I’m not full, I don’t need the supermarket, hypermarket, or master, right?

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

At least eat three cookies, Sabure.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s understandable that the small ones end in two cards, but when Iwark ends in two cards, you have to wonder if you’re just not eating enough?

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please hurry up with the nerf for Ote Spirit; my Barriyard is going to become the strongest!

Please hurry up with the nerf for Ote Spirit; my Barriyard is going to become the strongest!

Berry SP 3,892 Lv. 55 Mr. Mime Assistance time 39 minutes 22 seconds Maximum holding capacity 22 items Main skill・Sub skill Mimic (Skill Copy) Lv. 7 Randomly copies the main skill of one Pokémon on the team and unleashes it Assistance speed M Ingredient probability up M Skill probability up M Maximum holding capacity up S Lv. 75 Ingredient probability up S Lv. 100 Detailed status Personality Timid Ingredient assistance probability Assistance speed Return

110: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

This is the first time I’ve seen a Barrier’s skill at level 7.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a bit of a stretch to say this over healers, but I want to use gold types on the current Ditto and Mr. Mime.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pamo isn’t crying today either.

Have I exhausted their patience?

113: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The pick-up of the Snorlax tribe is too annoying.

There is nowhere to go except the sandy beach or the power plant.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

It's usable because there's a chance for ingredients, but I would prefer it to become skill-based, Gon. Why a food-themed Gon?

“`plaintext Assistance Ability SP 911 Lv.22 Pretend Skill Type x1 x2 x4 x4 Lv.30 Lv.60 Ingredients Assistance Time 44 minutes 42 seconds Max Capacity 17 items Main Skill・Sub Skill Mimicry (Skill Copy) Lv.1 Randomly copies the main skill of one team Pokémon and activates it Ingredient Probability Up M Lv.25 Skill Probability Up M Lv.50 Skill Level Up S Lv.75 Max Capacity Up S Lv.100 Sleepiness EXP Bonus Detailed Stats Personality Sassy Main Skill Activation Probability ▲▲ EXP Acquisition Amount ▼▼ Back “`

It’s usable because there’s a chance for ingredients, but I would prefer it to become skill-based, Gon.

Why a food-themed Gon?

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

The pickup in the snowfield was too sad and it was no good.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

The sleep type is scattered with Sonano and Sonans.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although it was hiding in the shadow of Wobbuffet, Sornance is also quietly annoying.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Sounance weak, Gon?

119: Japan Otaku Reviews


Probably the highest number of enhancements, Gon.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

Skill copy is fun when it occasionally activates with berry ingredients, but I think it’s not ideal to equip it to skill types.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

The skill copy itself is all about luck.

The more times I try, the more stressed I become, so it’s fine as it is now.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the Soneance line had a lower appearance rate, it might not have been so disliked.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

I need to go to an island where Snorunt isn’t present.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

The health boost isn’t strong, and the base power of the berry is low, plus it’s slow and doesn’t have a unique ability like Slowpoke, so it’s currently one of the worst Pokémon.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the Uuurobo were permanent, it could be used as a source for Esper Ame.

126: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I am Gon, running away to the power plant.

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to go search for the strongest Ralts by the lakeside, but there seem to be too many people picking them up, so maybe the power plant is good instead…

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

I adopted Mimikyu just for fun, and it activates its skill quite a bit, but it doesn’t get knocked out very often… that’s how it is.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s make Sounance more like the original and turn it into a counter-type.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

The more knowledge you gain about this game.

One of the Pokémon that makes you think “it’s not strong…” is Solgaleo.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought about continuing to hunt for Gallade, but seeing Solgaleo made me hesitate.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews



Kōkai sleep, Kōkai sleep, paper.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


Giant Kabuki chips!

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

Would Ralts also consider moving to the power plant?

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

Sornance, it’s way too late, Gon.

It feels like Ralts could be used with a Berry S to operate as a Berry role.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why is it that in the battle between Cresselia and Darkrai, the Dark types aren’t being picked up? Is it discrimination?

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


The battle with Darkrai will probably be after that…

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Maybe the Darkrai side isn’t informed of anything.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

There might be a dark Pokémon pickup in the Darkrai’s Revenge event.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s the same speed as Kirlia, I’d rather sleep beside Kirlia than use Sonans.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we have a vs event, I feel like we should also do Mew vs Eyelash.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Alola comes, it would be easier for Pikachu since there are already other candidates.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

VS Darkrai is an official gag, huh…

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

Groudon vs Kyogre

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

What are we even comparing this to…

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

It felt like Cresselia was confronting a Darkrai that suddenly attacked.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to become a researcher who watches the battle between Dialga and Palkia together with Darkrai.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want a UMA.

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