If only there had been just one coin toss…
It’s frustrating to think that if the opponent manages to execute their ideal moves even once during a 5-game winning streak, it’s over.
So I’ll be using a deck with a higher reproducibility, like one with more seed Pokémon.
It’s quite a tough pressure to not have an accident for five consecutive times.
Heracross will be filed together with Bulbasaur.
I feel like ranked matches are better than a 5-game winning streak.
The five-game winning event has ended with Lizafire.
In the final match, I panicked when Charmander didn’t show up even after using Communication 2, but Hikari Akagi’s Fire was amazing.
I also finished with a 5-game winning streak with Liza.
The number of accidents has really decreased thanks to PokéTalk, so it’s strong.
I chose a monkey because when I hold a lizard, I often lose due to evolution accidents, and I only get 0 or 1 coins.
As expected, 0 is problematic, but if I can at least get 1, I’ll manage somehow, which I am thankful for.
During the 5-game winning streak, the opponent got a lucky break and achieved 4 wins for the third time…
The fourth attempt at a 5-game winning streak was achieved immediately after matching due to the opponent disconnecting.
Achieved five consecutive victories, with the first match resulting in an immediate forfeit and the second match due to an opponent’s accident.
If we can win, that’s fine.
Dialga and Arceus are too strong.
Darkrai, Machamp, and Registeel are still strong.
After four consecutive wins, I was scattered by the fastest Rampard and the leading Furikasu Fubuki.
Heart is broken.
I was too lucky and finished after 5 matches.
I managed to get a 4-game winning streak, but I got swept away when I had 4 energy cards attached by Kasumi on the first turn…
After all, water is bad.
Sorry for stopping your five-game winning streak with Frikass!!!
This is the first time I’m really getting into it.
I want to return to the era of stable Mewtwo.
I won because my opponent’s Celebi threw 6 cards and showed heads twice.
I feel like I’m really sorry about something!
I had a three-way battle with Water using Goukazaru, Heatran, and Arceus ex, but somehow I managed to win with a Manafi fan deck-like strategy.
I was finally looking forward to Dialga and Arceus, but I was thoroughly defeated by their use of mantles and healing items.
I noticed.
The fact that there are only losing matches coming first.
It’s tough to play a game that feels like an emptiness, where you go first with a mirror and just lose in a straightforward manner.
I completely crashed once, but the opponent only had Wobbuffet and I won.
Changing decks moderately rather than playing five consecutive matches with the same deck feels fresher and allows me to concentrate better.
I was using Frikass and was feeling good until I lost midway, so I switched to Gyarados and won.
If you properly establish your value, you won’t really lose, huh!
I used a Natsume on a Celebi with a bulky card and an Energy card, but when I brought out a Celebi from the bench that had nothing attached, I got disconnected.
I won 5 consecutive matches using Frikass, but there were many times when I barely won by recovering even though Kasumi kept using back attacks.
Everyone is taking a few turns to build the strongest board, so suddenly encountering aggro is very powerful, too powerful.
No, I’m not talking about Freezer.
I’ve encountered Darkrai quite a bit at this time.
In the evening, there were a lot of Arceus.
I thought everyone would rely on Kasumi, so I held onto Pachirisu, but I’m not hitting water at all!
Today, the one that hit the most until the fifth consecutive win was Arceus Dialga, and the next was Palkia…
When I had five consecutive wins, two of them were wins by resignation in positions where victory was not at all certain.
Even if you don’t score 3 points, if you can make your opponent think it’s a hassle, you’ve won!
In the end, playing with a no-coin Rampardos deck was the most mentally soothing for me.
There are quite a few battles where defeat can be seen from the starting point.
There are cases where just seeing the color of the other person’s energy makes you feel struck.
What are you trying to do? It looks like a lie, but when you see the colors, it’s scary in its own way.
Even though Celebi is behind, the energy is water…
I only have bad feelings now.
Eevee that doesn’t evolve
Celebi that cannot hit.
Cloak, cloak, leaf, Shaymin, please start ahead with Erika.
In the 5-game winning challenge, my opponent is on a winning streak while my board situation has turned out badly.
It’s a bit hidden, but they set up two Lucarios in the second turn of the first move…
The damage that battling Pokémon inflict on the opponent’s battling Pokémon with attacks is +20. Sudowoodo, Manaphy, Ocean’s Gift, Manaphy, Ocean’s Protection, Shaymin, Sky Forme, Trainer Hikari, Trainer’s Natsume.
After achieving four consecutive wins with a single Freezer deck that countered the disadvantage, I encountered my nemesis Pachirisu and was defeated.
I wonder if Pachirisu can win on its own now.
The feeling of having completed the fastest Monferno ahead of everyone is amazing.
It would feel even better if there were Heatran and Arceus on the back.
I was able to smoothly achieve 5 consecutive wins with just Palkia…
Kasumi managing to handle things even in tough situations shows how amazing Kai-chan really is…
I didn’t get Arceus or Dialga.
Maybe it’s the time zone.
I feel like it has rather been increasing little by little.
I hit really well, but since that deck can set up the bench, it was easy to bring it to the Pokémon battle arena with a lot of flexibility.
Right now, building Recovery Form Shaymin is trending, so there are increasing cases where you can’t really pull off Freezer.
If the board is set up, won’t it end unless we launch at the fastest speed?
It heals with Shaymin.
It might be that the deck I hit included Sky Forme.
Even without that, you can still place Dialga and Arceus, so continuing to disrupt the energy supply targeted by Akagi and Natsume can lead to significant victories.
I was using a hobby deck with a 5-game winning emblem and laughing at the 100% thank you rate.
I feel like my brain is frying in less than 5 minutes.
I feel like I can easily get five consecutive wins if I start right after the event begins.
It was the same for the previous two times.
If you procrastinate and do it in the second half, you’ll end up facing battle junkies constantly.
So, by tomorrow evening, will it be all about the battle decks…?
I finally achieved five consecutive wins! It’s so much fun! What an amazing event!
I lost to the Serena deck.
I will kill you.
You too, grab the Serena!
Back back back back back back back back!
It’s done with Usolgaleo, Lunala, and Marshadow.
They are relatively strong against those who only participate in events.
This time, I won 5 times with Liza.
Sometimes, a reliable Hikari with a quick 70 damage.
The warrior has arrived…
With 5 consecutive wins, I already have the emblem, so there’s nowhere to put it. I’ll just take the rewards.
Do your best!
You can do it.
Somehow, it usually takes about an hour to finish, so I might prefer five consecutive wins over 45 victories.
Shaymin is strong, but when I draw only the seed Shaymin at the start, I feel like I might let out some foul language.
Is this deck really capable of winning with so many accidents?
It was no good.
Where on earth is Leafeon?
I’m going to draw it on PokéCom now.
It… it’s dead…
Shall I try the trending Dear Alde deck?
If you have Mew as a companion, you can return to Palkia in one hit, and it’s fun!
It’s nice that you can get an hourglass, but I wish the emblem had a bit more Pokémon color.
The 5-game winning streak often leads to multiple attempts, resulting in a record of 4 wins and 1 loss, and I end up afraid of the future where I can’t back down, so I try out a few decks and call it a day.
The thing that duel deck users dislike the most is duel decks.
I’m aware of it, but isn’t there no way to interact with Akagi and Natsume?
It’s annoying that the coping methods for Natsume and Akagi are contradictory.
If you don’t want to deal with heavy Pokémon, you can hold them in your hand.
I occasionally get thrown out in Red Card Mars.
Depending on the deck, it might be possible to include a healing item instead of a cape, within the construction range, I suppose…?
It mostly depends on the deck.
A damaged Magneton and an uninjured Magneton are on the bench, and by evolving the damaged Magneton into Magnezone to increase its HP, it will not be defeated even if it is dragged out by Akagi.
Akagi Care, which I thought was impressive after seeing it.
I was wondering if they would hold an A2 limited construction event…
I saw Lapkus for the first time.
After winning three consecutive matches, the opponent spun around and lost…
In the second turn, Leafeon used Healing Potion, Erika. Healing Potion, Erika is impossible against a Pachirisu…
I recognize it’s a game that ends once a flow is established, so I don’t trust Mars, but it’s actually quite common in tournament builds…
Since many tournament rules allow you to know your opponent’s build, Red Card Mars is easier to use than in random matches.
I think it’s strong that if it’s a deck with EX walls, you can definitely make one of your opponent’s cards in their hand.
Just like the old Recca, tournaments have a strong role as a showcase, so that’s how it turns out.
I think the way energy is applied shows that they are aiming for quite an evolution, so I believe Red Card and Mars can be used.
Right now the electricity is almost out, so I really think Rizamaru is strong.
I thought it wouldn’t be easy to get chipped away by fire, but it turns out it gets hit hard by Usokki.
To be frank, even if we recruit Kai and Erika at the same time, it doesn’t really seem necessary, right?
I have other support I want to use.
That’s because it’s a trainer, so you can only use one at a time.
Kai-chan and others often seem to be unnecessary.
It’s only when I don’t have any bandages on hand that the opponent is holding an Akagi…
Since there were many decks that required preparation, I was able to easily win by using Weavile to attack opponents.
Mars is a card to ensure lethal damage.
Akagi is boring because there are too many lethals if there are any.
I want you to erase it.
When Akagi seems likely to take damage on the bench, there are care methods like not using the bench or recovering.
Natsume gives up, thinking it’s just like an accident.
If Pika-san let other types join the circle of friends, we could definitely do it as much as we want.
Do you really like your family that much? Accept the bad type.
“Because it is an excellent delay factor, Natsume 2.”
I want to interfere accurately, so Akagi 2.
Hmm, in that case, I can’t level up my evolution anymore.
Maneyura is really powerful after all.
The spinning Maneyura Darkrai has too much early game firepower…
Natsume is a bit too skilled at messing up the tempo. What the hell, is this really a card from the first pack?
I’m happy that the UMA deck has been strengthened with BBA and Sky Shaymin.
We were so close to a 5-game winning streak…
Dialga Arceus 5 consecutive wins
Air Mowd, Jibacoil, and Deinoise achieve 5 consecutive wins.
Squirrel has won 4 consecutive times.
Goukazaru, Heatran, Arceus 4 consecutive wins.
It was like this.
I can easily win all five in a row.
I wonder what deck can strongly compete against Dialga and Arceus.
The winner will be determined by who can conserve Liza better.
In the end, I finished the second Liza one turn early.
Why did we have such a close match in the final game?
I prefer opening Natsume over lethal Natsume.
I really dislike being disrupted by the opening Natsume with Ene Loss.
I think Mars is quite strong.
I have it included in the deck that fights in exex.
If you see your opponent’s Steel Energy, starting with Sudowoodo in the battle area can slightly increase your win rate.
(Coming out is Skarmory)
It’s fun to hit Mars with those who want to act all cool.
But the situation where I have to get rid of my hand early with Mars Care is boring…
When Darkrai couldn’t push through in the beginning.
A maximum score of 100 is unsatisfactory.
This type is limited to aggro.
I tried various things, but I felt like the encounter rate with weak players was higher than in regular random matches, making it easy to win five in a row.
After all, the random matches that separate beginners from serious players have a higher encounter rate with the environment.
I feel like once ranked matches are implemented, it will be a hell of a lot worse than random matches.
It seems that Helgar is strong in a steel environment, but is somewhat lacking.
I’ve been recommending it several times before, but Celebi, Leafeon, and Dialga are really good.
If you don’t put out Leafeon before, you can’t hit Celebi or Leafeon, right?
On the turn Dialga is defeated, you can just send out Leafeon first, attach Grass Energy to Celebi, and attack with Celebi.
When you can’t pull Leafeon with an Eevee start and the Celebi start is weak, Dialga is perfect as a reinforcement. You’ll understand once you try it.
I finished the mission without ever encountering the Heatran that I thought was strong.
In the 5 consecutive wins event, I thought, “If I use Akagi in the fifth winning match, I’ll win!” but then Mars was used, and I was like, “Ahh~~!!!” But then Akagi returned to my hand and I won…
I thought my heart would stop.
I faced off against a Pachislo single deck several times, but every match where I was going first, I definitely would have lost… it was quite terrifying.
I don’t have many memories of winning against an opponent going second in pachinco!
Even without Kasumi’s high rolls, you can still win in Palutan, and that’s strong.
I finished with five consecutive wins in Lisa, but I was nervous when Mew appeared in the final match…
I made a move a step ahead and won, but it was too close and really stressful for my heart…
Somehow, Mew is still really strong, isn’t it…?
I managed to get a 5-win streak with a randomly assembled Manucrobat Arceus.
I tried Pachirisu, Leafia, and Celebi, and while the win rate for going second definitely increased, going first was completely useless, so I stopped.
It’s over… I had 4 wins and 1 loss and then 5 consecutive wins with Arceus, Darkrai, and Jibacoil.
I got five consecutive wins at the staple I heard about here.
I was really happy to feel that Starmie is still active.
But I didn’t feel a sense of stability or solidity, which made it difficult.
It’s definitely different from Nassy.
A deck that can’t win on the first move is weak.