When you start to understand the game system, you finally realize that it’s just a one-man show of reroll characters.
Let’s get to the conclusion first: The problem with Kabuaki Kankanro is that the super, super rare character obtained through rerolling is too strong.
It’s great that they carefully used the rare effects from the Warthunder game as material for the collage.
Even if I realize it’s a one-man show, I’m too scared to start over with rerolling if I end up failing the gacha, so I can only pull during the limited-time gacha periods.
That’s an explanation that resonates well.
Common among social game beginners.
Smash Borders, it’s nostalgic.
It’s easy to push through with high stats of the highest rarity characters, but if you stop trying to learn the synergies between skills and the intricate enhancement systems, you’ll hit a wall.
The WATE (World Trigger) mobile game was good…
What should I say about that refreshing game system… I hope some followers come out.
Isn’t it a bit too much to have so many rarity levels for 7 stars?
It has been a game that has purely lasted quite a long time.
Smash Borders has the achievement of maintaining a two-year hiatus in its serialization…
Even if you’re used to social games, at first you tend to push through with the provided high-rarity characters while observing the situation.
It’s not like we can seriously think about building from the start and raising multiple characters extensively, right…?
Rework of the low rarity capable slot
At the time of release, it was rated as strong.
It’s quite common for things to be rated as mediocre after a while…
So how can I choose the optimal solution without any mistakes from the beginning, including cost performance?
Master the ability of foresight.
I will carve it.
Elements necessary to understand the character in front of you.
Use it a lot in the game.
Create small elements that you want to use.
That action is called effort.
Thinking about how many users are putting in this effort and enriching the strategy wiki is quite moving.
And then, seeing that, the users who started will also make an effort, creating a good flow…
That state is called circulation.
I was a little moved.
It’s true that you can progress using UR characters without much thought, but when you get stuck, you realize you don’t know what to do because you haven’t learned the basics—this is something that often happens in mobile games…
I’ve been playing a social game for a long time, and new buffs, debuffs, and systems are gradually being added, but aside from the challenge mission elements, I can push through with anniversary characters, so there are things I don’t understand at all…
If it can be utilized to a certain extent, it will make things easier, broaden the range of configurations, and increase opportunities for various characters!
It’s fine if it’s around that level, but if you can’t form a specialized team, it’s really tough because you can easily lose.
Don’t let them do that in the main story.
Sometimes I dream that when I wake up and check my feed, “Smartphone revival” is trending…
I have learned that I should not trust the idea that it will be fine without those characters that the long-time players rely on.
I’m stuck in a battle where I can’t use my friend…
(Since it can be covered by other limited characters or extremely powerful equipment) we can manage even without that character.
It’s quite common, isn’t it?
In the early days, it was so technical, but now it’s all about character power and pushing through.
In the beginning, I worried about various things and consulted with everyone in the game’s thread.
It was at a level where I was finally able to praise those who cleared it.
The initial frustrating quest during inflation can be completed in just a few minutes if you include the latest characters.
It makes you feel indescribable, doesn’t it?
It’s enough to try hard with wisdom and creativity just once.
I just want to push through it.
Isn’t Catherine around 5 stars?
Jackson’s response
Katori (swimwear) limited ★★★★★★★
The extremely rare Catherine is above average compared to regular SRs in shooting, melee, and support.
I feel like I might lose to specialized SSRs if I don’t train properly.
I understand that using a character with high firepower from the beginning makes you not think too much.
When I pulled Lucifer in Monster Strike, I thought this guy was all I needed, but after playing a bit, it got boring and I stopped.
Tamaki Second is a broken mess full of SSRs.
There are only specialized types, though…
Even looking at it with a lenient perspective, there are about two stars mixed in…
Katori from Smash Borders was a good character with low rarity and high strength.
Being able to take additional actions at the opening was strong.
10 Best Strong Side Effects of Reiwa! 【Latest】
Were there 10 of them?
I saw on wiki that there were more than 10 people.
Well, if you raise the difficulty too much, free players will leave, so as a result of adjusting it moderately, there are mobile games where all resources are concentrated on a single character, which is inefficient but can push through everything.
Even if the difficulty is low, once you introduce elements like PvP or rankings, the situation changes.
I pulled the gacha 20,000 times!
I wonder if a game for the expedition exam arc will be released.
I want it to be released on Steam.
I progressed through the story only using SSR character power, and now I’ve entered a high difficulty area without having any knowledge.
It’s been about a week since I finished rerolling.
I liked the way it looks, so I confirmed it, but I often realize that it’s really weak…
SumaBo was always convenient thanks to Jin from start to finish.
In the exam section, I realized that although there are a few problems with Catherine’s interpersonal communication, she was also very capable in the theoretical classes.
This guy is seriously a 6-star UR.
Even having just one person is better than nothing.
If that character isn’t even there, things could get really bad and you might not be able to progress at all.
…Buff? …Debuff?
It’s me.
I just remembered that the ☆7 in Smabo was a tag unit like the Highrain couple.
Stop rerolling the team members!
Sumabo was strong with additional actions in the opening three times with Jin-san, Katori, and Chano.
When was the last time Chano appeared in the main story…?
Isn’t being split in half by Kerydon the end?
If those two were a bit stronger, they might have had a chance to shine in the B-class rank battles arc.
In the rank battle round 2, there was a part where it was said, “Isn’t it Mr. Higashi’s commentary!” at the end.
There are more nameless potter’s wheel types than I expected.
I’m a loser who completely relies on others for help in raids.
I think it’s amazing that there are people who can come up with their own structure for social games.
I can only copy recommended formations carelessly.
Because it’s faster to use a character with a special move at the start of the game than to understand the system and coordinate.
Ah, I had a little stamina left and got counterattacked and died…
When I played the social game that had been going on for many years, it felt like this after several years since its start.
I think it’s already enough for him to be on his own.
The staff at Smabo were crazily good in a positive way.
The way of picking up elements from the original work is too detailed.
It’s good as long as there are parts where you can properly settle down and fight.
Smartphone games have parts where you just mindlessly grind, so you want to make that easier, right?
Well, in the case of social games, there are often situations where there’s no room for effort and you just have to bash with the latest characters…
There are sometimes social games that strengthen existing characters with updates, and I like those kinds of games.
Because it is friendly to long-time users.
There was a super rare Osamu connected temporarily from Chika-chan, but that game had quite a lot of costume change elements, so I had him dressed up like for a date.
Don’t you think there’s enough intimacy? Enough intimacy?
9999 trillion damage with a giant meteor!