Gardevoir: 8066 cases
Lucario: 3190 cases
Mimirrop: 2619 cases
Mascagna: 1,894 cases
Tailner: 1512 cases
The difference in rank is huge.
I would like you to investigate how many of those 8,066 cases involve breast enhancement.
There were 2,037 sleepers.
Surprisingly few.
There are times when the role of the “pole” isn’t specifically tagged for registration.
How far did you research?
I just looked up the doll Pokémon that I came up with, so I haven’t gone into that much detail.
I wonder if there are any others that might get involved?
Just off the top of my head, there’s things like Ferocebrelimon which is more like a humanoid metal plate, Vaporeon as the main from Yotsukemono, and simply due to name recognition and that certain something, there’s Pikachu and the demand for Zangoose in the homo category, among other things.
If we’re leaning towards mascots, it’s hard to ignore Elfun and Jirachi, and for a rod role, I’ve seen Gorliki and Kairiki as well, plus the Metamon spot for Metamon.
Why is Tealner more popular than Mafoxie… I wonder?
I understand, but…
If we include overseas, Lucario should have turned the tables.
There are surprisingly many erotic Pokémon, so when it comes to predicting the top 10, it gets confusing, doesn’t it?
On top of that, we have to consider the demand for Yotsukemo and the muscular type as well.
Lucario is a bit unclear, huh…
Considering the timing of its appearance, Mascarnah is incredibly strong.
I feel like I also see Pokémon like Mahoip and Drednaw and Numelgon and Meloetta quite a bit!
There’s always someone who draws even the most obscure Pokémon, and since there are artists who have drawn erotic art of all Pokémon, you can usually find at least one piece unless it’s a brand new release.
The Pokémon that appear in Pixiv regions are incredibly skewed!
In regions like e621, the distribution is a bit different, right?
Aren’t things like Geodude and those inorganic ones tough?
I briefly thought about whether there might be illustrations depicting something like being sprayed with a squirt during a fuck and taking heavy damage.
Recently, I’ve been cheating on Tetsunobujin.
I see, the main thing isn’t the rod.
There are a lot of Feroce.
Basically big breasts and big penis.
Most Pokémon are drawn by Youjyo Modoki.
I find it quite surprising that the Eeveelutions are not ranked higher.
Isn’t it crazy how Muscana, despite being a newcomer, is quite competitive?
Isn’t it amazing that Mascarena has come this far in just a few years?
There was an old ranking, but has the number of members doubled in just a few years?
TOP 100 Pokémon Pixiv R-18 Illustrations by Number (Rank 1-50) Creator @azuraPKM1542 @LokwerDee @yomogi_tkl ※ As of May 9, 2022 1st place 4441 illustrations Gardevoir 2nd place 2051 illustrations Lucario 3rd place 1350 illustrations Pikachu 4th place 1238 illustrations Glaceon 5th place 1201 illustrations Lopunny 6th place 1198 illustrations Eevee 7th place 944 illustrations Umbreon 8th place 924 illustrations Sylveon 9th place 923 illustrations Fennekin 10th place 914 illustrations Kirlia 11th place 878 illustrations Charizard 12th place 876 illustrations Hypno 13th place 794 illustrations Zoroark 14th place 756 illustrations Gardevoir 15th place 751 illustrations Vaporeon 16th place 729 illustrations Cinderace 17th place 678 illustrations Espeon 18th place 592 illustrations Gengar 19th place 578 illustrations Leafeon 20th place 577 illustrations Hawlucha 21st place 534 illustrations Absol 22nd place 534 illustrations Blaziken 23rd place 515 illustrations Tsundere 24th place 515 illustrations Jolteon 25th place 492 illustrations Goodra 26th place 457 illustrations Vulpix 27th place 448 illustrations Pumpkaboo 28th place 447 illustrations Greninja 29th place 412 illustrations Flareon 30th place 401 illustrations Braixen 31st place 396 illustrations Raikou 32nd place 396 illustrations Latias 33rd place 394 illustrations Gallade 34th place 385 illustrations Primarina 35th place 372 illustrations Ne 36th place 394 illustrations Incineroar 37th place 338 illustrations Ditto 38th place 329 illustrations Umbreon 39th place 375 illustrations Lycanroc 40th place 375 illustrations Flabébé 41st place 352 illustrations Manectric 42nd place 338 illustrations Samurott 43rd place 331 illustrations Jangmo-o 44th place 322 illustrations Galvantula 45th place 321 illustrations Raichu 46th place 321 illustrations Incineroar 47th place 468 illustrations Dugtrio 48th place 451 illustrations Riolu 49th place 281 illustrations Honedge 50th place 275 illustrations Flygon
The revival of Mega Sableye will accelerate even further!
I found an amazing erotic Mascarene doujinshi before, and it awakened something in me.
A guy who makes a Nyaoha♀ with an injured leg his partner.
When it comes to erotic Pokémon, it’s Reshiram.
I was surprised to see that the drawing suddenly had legs… Did it coincide with the timing of the 3D model being created?
It seems like there are legs at the time of Pokémon Colosseum.
It was already growing in Advance Generation.
I’ll do my best to get Numelgon to number one…
Sleeper R-18
When I looked it up, I found illustrations of choke sleepers and sleeper holds, and it didn’t work out.
I won’t go as far as to say I’m number one, but there are a lot of guys like you who could try harder, like Habatakukami.
The erotic scene of the female futanari trainer being lovingly turned into a masturbator by Sleep was really great.
Gallade♂ is a good thing.
Rather, Gardevoir hasn’t even surpassed 10,000 cases…
I’ve already long exceeded that.
Give me more of Mascarena♂’s naughty stuff.
I thought Meteono wouldn’t exist… but when I searched for it, it turned out to be there.
Too scary…
The inside has a pretty cute face, and it’s one of the few Pokémon that clearly undresses, so I think I can understand it.
All evolutions should be researched thoroughly.
It’s impressive for a newcomer like Masukanya.
I wonder how Blaziken is.
Is there really that many female Lucarios?
It’s popular because it can satisfy the needs of both genders.
Monsters and spirits…
I think Oonura is really sexy, but it’s not increasing very much…
Personally, the strongest Zoroark I had was about 1200.
I think the reason we don’t see more Meloetta’s erotic content than expected is due to the low number of distribution instances.
Stop the Gardevoir♂ traps.
Even though it’s almost humanoid like Tekkaguya,
I was really surprised when Mascarene evolved…
By the time of Nyaroote, expectations were already quite high, but I never imagined it would be something like this.
I understand Zangoose, but does Cinderace have the same demand?
I’m really into Nyarote because of the influence of Anipoke right now.
Sableye and Kirlia have somewhat divided preferences, but when it comes to Ralts, it seems to drop significantly because it’s too much of a pedo.
Is Rhydon still being used as a benchmark?
Lucario has noticeably increased female eroticism since wearing the outfit in Unite.