Why are you finishing the race?
(This is not a line of his.)
(I see you haven’t cleared the humanoid dragon protector Nataru…)
Watch me, Nata.
Icelandic Dragon Weapon
“The revival of the ‘weapon equal to a dragon’!”
I wonder if I can eat this?
In the end, it was the hunter who was the true cold dragon weapon.
Looks like Nicolas Cage.
Your father was the same way, Nata.
When the product of excessive science intersects with a seemingly kind man, the nameless air player accelerates.
…You’ve started to resemble your father, Nata.
That guy was also thinking of doing something foolish like breaking the dragon lamp.
With the use of the Dragon Guardian, it’s easy to make the people from the west kneel.
What does it mean to complete 2 threads?
No matter when I see it, it’s funny how naturally Werner is assumed to have switched sides to Air Tashi.
I don’t think I did anything wrong.
And thinking that way, there must be something wrong with me.
“It’s fine to start by thinking about ‘creating’.”
Watch me, Nameless!
What the hunter does.
As for me, I wonder why my aunt became that kind of character…
The lines are scary.
Quest: Monster Hunter Wilds
Objective: Defeat the artificial dragon, Ta-Shin.
Order/Participation Conditions: HR51 or higher, up to 4 people.
Reward 82,000z
Failure conditions
Time’s up – 6 rounds exhausted.
Requester: Nata
Those western barbarians!
I will definitely say it.
Soshi knows too much…
Watch closely, Nata.
The sight of hunters disgracefully losing!
Thank you for finding the location on my ear.
It was really helpful.
Sea wolf? Ah.
Is it about my hands and feet?
Having the ability to invade human settlements and kidnap is just too convenient.
I never thought a white dream would be about me…
There is some reason, right…?
How have you been lately?
Reason? It’s power, Nata.
The power that ancient people endlessly sought.
That is more than enough reason to kill your father.
Modulated Guardian
So it was completed… The mass-produced dragon guardian…
Freedom for the Guardian Dragon?
You are just as foolish as your father…
I wonder why this uncle has such a black curtain vibe… He should be a nice person.
Because I was casually alive in a situation where I should definitely be dead…
This old man has completely fallen under the black curtain.
Soshi “knew too much”…
In the end, just like my father…
SSR (Guardian of the Dragon Light) Tashin has appeared!
Oba za ku
“Death is falling!”
I won’t stop anymore!
Grand Commander
Thank you for delivering the pendant.
There’s no feeling that fits as well as the airhead aunt.
I wonder why.
Why, Arushubeldo!!
I am the one who created you! Why are you so fixated on that kid!!!
Ah… I don’t remember anything after that…
Uncle, is it really okay to eat this vegetable?
I’m glad to hear that…
Has a character with an aunt-level lack of experience been born…?
There is also this way to use dragon milk.
Nata… are you also “the same” as your father…?
“Nata! You’ve grown up!”
I want to show you your face right now!
“I’ll become the ‘father’ that you hang around your neck!!”
I think 9 out of 10 people believed they would definitely die.
If anything, I thought that when the protective dragon Leus attacked, I would defeat Leus, but the uncle…
I… I’m alive…
I didn’t think the village would still be here, so I was really surprised to find it alive.
I laughed so hard at the fan art that my stomach cramp.
The first fan art of Uncle Tashin that I saw made me feel frustrated…
This brat! Hurry up and give me that pendant!!
The village, the dragon protector, and the mission of the guardian have been there from the beginning,
I couldn’t help but hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it!!!!!!
(Oh, son of man… Can you hear me…)
You fool! A mere hunter could never defeat Zosia!
You’re foolish… that bird is the hunter who even hunted the ancestral dragon…!
A scene where everyone gathers around the table to eat.
I felt a chill when they said that Uncle Tashin hadn’t touched a single bite.
Guardian Dragon Ta-Shin
It was hidden in that cocoon…
I thought for sure it was the mastermind here.
The hatchet is dangerous…!!!
In other words… it’s like Monster Hunter Wiles.
(Aunt shrouded in death suddenly intrudes)
It is.
I was surprised to learn that you were alive after crossing that desert.
As expected, controlling the Barahara, which is not a dragon guardian, is not going well.
It seems there was a message board that said something like the village chief might betray or conspire, or that a hunter might stab from behind, even in the previous work…
Those who actually betray you are out of the question.
You kept watching me with a worried expression.
The moment Nata chose to throw the pendant and break the dragon lamp.
The scene where it becomes the face of the thread is really scary, isn’t it…?
It looks like the tavern master from FF16.
Are you going to do the same thing as your father after all?
Without realizing it, someone anonymous was getting excited about some strange topic again.
What do you mean by “the ear part”!
How can a mere dragon person, who can do nothing but survive, speak so boldly!
Foolish…! Why is the ancestral dragon here!!
One! The village chief is definitely
To rebel is not allowed.
Sakura Blossom Blade… I shall return the favor.
Impressive… indeed…
You’re just an owl if you’ve gone that far.
I can hear various things… including that man’s grudge.
I’ll turn you guys into milk servers too.
Those who do not take lives are sweet fools…
As long as I’m alive, there are endless opportunities for revenge!
(Alshubeld, battered and bruised, barges in)
Why is Uncle Tashin the mastermind???
(You really realize that Uncle Tashin is no longer around, don’t you…)
A row of cocoons containing replicas of a machete.
I never thought the energy I absorbed from the dragon lantern was flowing to the old man…
As expected, it’s certain that killing with my own hands is the way to go.
A plan to create humans as dragon guardians…
You are the first success story… Nata.
Come on, Nata! Bow down and beg for your life!!
Just like your father did at the end!!
I’m going, Alshubeld!
Get in line, kid!
I thought it looked familiar, and then I realized it’s AirPods.
I feel like whenever a good person with a bad-looking face appears, this flow tends to happen with a high probability.
Alshberdoh! Send me your attribute energy!
A suffering knife.
I’m starting to wonder whether Famitsu Emu is an emulator or the real deal.
I’ve been thinking for a while, but isn’t this air-player black curtain just too likable?
I like template development.
It’s not a place where the Toei Anime Festival begins just because a movie is being adapted.
Your father was a troublesome guy!
Air Pastein
Real Verner
Isn’t it that the aunt who didn’t particularly seem bad is being turned into an ancient dragon without her consent?
I guess I’ve started to think like my father, huh, Nata?
Nata, your father had an important role.
The role of being a sacrifice offered to the dragon lamp is naaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!
Uncle… did you kill Dad just for this pendant…?
You don’t understand the value of this.
With this, I can control everything in the Dragon City! That is equivalent to being able to control the world!
The ear?
Ah, I just want to get rid of that old man already.
Because of something like this…! (throws the pendant into the magma)
Laughing with Surprise Mira
The forbidden area will be closed for another 1000 years…
Nata… I am always watching over you from the Dragon Lantern… and please stop Tashin.
Request for the extermination of the nata.
The dream of the white shadow.
Defeating Ta-Shin
Waking up from a dream
Subjugation of Na-Ta
Beep beep beep beep… Human… Mass destruction program activated…
This dragon guardian could easily bury you!
Nata is an artificial human… a dragon-protecting human.
I never expected to merge with a scythe and become Nata-Shin…
N-no, this is wrong…! It shouldn’t have been like this…!
I can’t stop anymore, it’s just like the energy that has started to flow out.
Why can only you keep up with 100% concentrated liquid?
The worst-case scenario was having the pendant taken away at that moment.
Well, Nata… will you give that pendant back to me?
It’s bad that Nata’s father is dead.
It’s the uncle instead of the father that raises the betrayal flag.
It seems that you’re highly valuing the hunter, but what about the axe?
You get along well with the person who killed your father…
That’s right, Nata.
Alshberld was created by using your father.
Alma-kun… I don’t mean to say it’s a substitute, but I’ll prepare a new machete. Would you be able to use that?
However… what you have is…
Do you intend to defeat my dragon guardian with such shabby equipment?
There were certainly some suspicious parts, you know!
When you said you would share a secret and took the hunters underground, I thought to myself, this guy really did it!
I just wanted to create something good…
I also have an old secret name, Nata.
My name is Ta Shin Uru Ryune.
Your clan and my clan were originally one royal family.
When the dragon city fell, it was split into two.
But you know, I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong.
In the first place, this world is already strange.
I thought you were long dead, but you were alive, and right after we reunited, I thought you were going to die, but you didn’t.
When I went to look inside, Alshubeld appeared and suddenly disappeared with a knife, which made me wonder if something was wrong, but then he came out right away.
Every prediction was off…
Why does Nata have a weapon?
Is there such a thing as fan art…?
It didn’t work.
Probably the world’s fastest Ta-Shin fan art.
Is it okay to spoil the final boss?
Yo! 🤚
I must be crazy, after all.
I am no longer a Dragon Guardian… I am a being that has transcended the Dragon Guardian, a Dragon Ruler!!
The guild will request all the subjugations!
I thought we had separated and died in that opening scene, so I was suspicious when we reunited…
At that time… I certainly died…
However, I was able to resurrect with the power of dragon milk.
I have no memory of how I was helped… and when I started saying that, the feeling of “I knew it!” was intense.
A person as ordinary as you cannot understand the mission of the guardian passed down through generations from ancestors.
Are we going into the third thread!?
I seriously thought I saw a spoiler with such a character.
Why is there fan art?!
The sickle that emitted a white aura from the body was cool.
At first glance, I thought he looked like Nicolas Cage, and I’m relieved to know that others think the same.
The previous me failed, but this time won’t be the same.
Having too beautiful of a voice is also a problem.
In fact, in Stories 2, the suspicious character turned out to be a truly suspicious person, so… there was a possibility.
The lifeless eyes that have given up on everything at the time of resumption are bad.
A girl in a white dress looking meaningfully down at the mountain.
Inferior species…!
It’s surprising that the protagonist, who was a former Guild Knight, ends up fighting the dragon that became a human…
I told you to leave everything to me! Nata!
I haven’t played all the games, so I don’t know, but I wonder if there has ever been a character that was a stereotypical villain in Monster Hunter.
So this is the aunt character in this work…
It was obviously suspicious, but since it’s Monster Hunter, I thought it wouldn’t go in that direction.
Since it was forced in, of course it would turn out like this.
Fujioka: “At first, I didn’t intend to make Uncle Tashin a villain. I just wanted him to be a good person playing the role of Nata’s father, but he feels like an old-fashioned person who is passive and won’t try to change the current situation.”
Tsuji Moto: “I introduced this character for comparison with the outside Nat, but when I read the scenario that came up, Tokuda-san was like (laughs).”
Fujioka: “This definitely has some hidden meaning, right? That’s what I said about this old man (laughs). After that, when we rewrote the scenario, everyone really got into it. But in return, I think the scenario gained more depth compared to the original story.”
Let’s go! We’re hunting hunters, Alshuberd!
Can you do it!?
You dare to act like that!
You, the hero of the guild!
The hunter who should protect humans!
To protect humans, this eagle…
This eagle, which is a person I must protect
Are you saying “to take down”?
At that time, I said, “Lean on others” and “Live,” didn’t I, Nata…
Die alone!!
I thought it looked familiar, and then I realized it’s a flow I’ve seen a lot in Bio.
It’s intense that the barbarian (Wiles) becomes justice.
I like that becoming an air player leans more towards survival horror.
It’s almost like the scenario of a bio game is sloppy…
It’s bad to start talking about infinite energy.
I thought they were definitely zombified by Ryunu power, but then they were just living normally.
It was too suspicious that they were fine even after entering the dragon’s cocoon.
Is World Iceborne Wild a story about humans who become dragons?
I don’t know if it will be called Dragon Protection Disease, but there definitely is a Dragon Protection skill.
Nata is proving it.
Nata… no… Na-ta…!
You fool! If I die, the techniques of the dragon guardians will be lost!
It’s okay to go!
I’ll be waiting for you beyond everything… Nata.
It’s like my memory is fading away…
This analysis is seriously amazing.
In the final battle, Zo-Sia fused with Ta-Shin, but there’s a hint in the ending song that Zo-Sia is still alive and searching for a new host.
Did you just say that everything can be solved with viruses and bacteria in a rough way?
It can also be solved with muscle…
When Albedo attacked, I completely thought it was the mastermind when I disappeared with Nata.
I still have doubts, but they’ll definitely reveal their true identity with additional content.
It feels like the story changed halfway through.
Uncle: “I don’t know how I was saved.”
It’s strange if this isn’t a flag.
The way Ta-Shin’s face grows out of Zo-Shia’s third form was too creepy.
This is already bio, right?
Is it okay that I’ve been hiding inside the cocoon?
At that point, the real sickle was…
Nata can register with the pendant, right? Tashin is…
Honestly, I absolutely thought they were a traitor…
I was sure because I was alive…
It seems that the third form of the old man is so creepy that dedicated players have devised a way to skip it.
I thought it was suspicious.
“I’ll show the hunters who suddenly came the truth of the village.”
The reason for missing the opportunity sounded like a lame excuse as well.
Did you not think it was strange for the protagonist with healing powers beyond that of humans to be teased by the enemy kid? Well, I mean… I thought it was strange, but I just accepted it as how things are… to that extent.
The guild requests the subjugation of Zō-Shia, not Mr. Natan!
Blood noble Nathan!?
Both the Dragon City and Nochron are the same.
Hunter… thank you for breaking the chains that bound us…
Nata is mine!! Don’t mess with me!!
I can only imagine shooting a Magnum at the face of the uncle who has already turned into a monster.
Before long, it seems a mod will be made where Uncle Tashin becomes Nicolas Cage.
Considering the situation where we have to avoid the hatchet, there are way too many people still alive…
There are many graves…
Tell them it’s a lie… Uncle didn’t kill anyone!
Don’t become a God Eater just because a Hagan Congou has appeared.
I’m sorry for the analysis information, but it seems that there is a recording of Alshubeld calling Nata’s name in the unused data voice.
I can’t believe I was Arshuberd…
When the Guardian Dragon Secret came out just right, I thought, “See, I knew it!”
Well, even if Resident Evil is said to be rough, I’m not looking for a delicate story, so it’s fine as it is.
My memory is hazy.
Although it is supposed to inherit various things, it is said that there are books that cannot be read.
You understand now, right?
I… rebuilt the village of the Guardians.
Everyone, just standing by and watching the wisdom of God before them!
Nata! Your father was the same way!
I am a hunter who started yesterday.
I couldn’t help but think that humanity is finally the final boss.
Those with a keen eye must have noticed that the guardian’s costume is exactly like Alshuberd.
In every airptercin, they commonly refer to hunters as barbarians (WILDS), and I can’t stand it.
The guardian began to speak quietly.