Home » Game » Uma Musume: Pretty Derby » [Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Could it be that there are only 40 free gacha pulls left after today?

[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Could it be that there are only 40 free gacha pulls left after today?

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


2: Japan Otaku Reviews

What was the result?

63: Japan Otaku Reviews



3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Even though I’ve fully leveled both support cards, I still have no motivation and nothing is enjoyable.

I want someone to guide me.

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Huh? Isn’t it just 50 more pulls?

7: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s right…

But is it ending after 50 more draws?

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m running auto-factor rounds, but do I need stamina factors for miles?

11: Japan Otaku Reviews


Are you talking about Chanmi?

18: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s right.

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For this time’s championship, a stamina of over 900 is required.

If you’re putting in power, it might naturally increase.

If you don’t have confidence, please invest a little in stamina.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m starting to not understand Windy-chan.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is correct to have 50 consecutive until 4:59 AM on March 8th.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windy-chan seems like she can fully awaken in both paths.

I was luckier than I thought, wahaha!

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

I got North Flight with the monthly 3 tickets, but is this girl strong?

The appearance is somewhat to my liking.

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I dislike idiots like this.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was automatically producing a bunch of junk factors, with one UE left and all the rest UF, and before I knew it, it was already past noon.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems impossible to fully complete one ceiling, so I went up to one ceiling today.

So it’s a pretty decent result because of Ai 2 Legend 2 Slip-through 3.

I have already given up on the fact that all the slip-throughs are eligible for blue tickets…

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I reached Legend 3 on the ceiling, but I have 0 Amolot elsewhere…

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

When running on mile middle-distance dirt tracks,

It’s an auto, but it only goes up to UF…

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s way too difficult to go to UE in auto factor farming, but I don’t want to do it manually anymore.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that one clear of this group’s support is enough.

Should I really prioritize enhancing Amoi?

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I want two more Ai-chan cards.

Even if I don’t get out, I can fully upgrade with two ceiling tickets.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t Chanmi stronger with a rear-running style after all?

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

In automatic mode, UF is the limit.

If I go with the turf rotation, it should work.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

So far, I’ve done 130 pulls with 0 Ais, 2 legends, and 0 slip-throughs.

Simply put, it’s not a 3% discount.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it that the legend doesn’t want a 2nd break in the early bond?

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

The entrusted factor looping is too easy.

The descending factor does not appear.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve only done auto except for the first time, so I haven’t received any gacha tickets, haha.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since there is a bond relationship, I would prefer to have at least two dupes if possible.

Since there is a bond relationship, I would prefer to have at least two dupes if possible.

Full Reset Individual Link凸 Number 4凸 2凸 1凸 0凸 Condition-Based Unique Activation Activation Activation Activation Friendship Bonus 30 27 26 Training Effect 10 – – Initial Bond Gauge 25 25 10 Initial Skill Points 40 36 33 Speed Bonus 1 1 1 Stamina Bonus 1 1 1 Power Bonus 1 1 1 Guts Bonus 1 1 1 Wisdom Bonus 1 1 1 Skill Points Bonus 1 1 1 Race Bonus 10 7 6 Fan Count Bonus 20 17 16 Wisdom Friendship Recovery Amount 2 1 1 Event Recovery Amount 30 26 23 Event Effect 20 18 16 Speed Training Speed: 28 Speed: 25 Speed: 25 Friendship Activation Power: 9 Power: 8 Power: 7 Non-Friendship Points: 14 Points: 12 Points: 12

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Miles are not meant to be done at Speed 18?!

If you assume to include this training power support, it generally reaches around 900 stamina.

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

After saving up enough for 50 more summons and pouring in tickets and free stones to aim for two copies, I ended up with a terrible loss of 1 legendary and 0 copies.

I got angry, so after rolling for one more day, I ended up fully maxing both of them in the last 40 pulls.

This is Saige “doing” it.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think giving mercy to Makendi-chan is what Cygames is all about.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s an auto-run and factor farming, I would want UE if possible.

If you put in multiple strong Speed cards, it can work, but it gets tough if you want to include weaker Speed cards for the factors.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like my skill points are a bit overflowing, so I can take the core distance and Hanshin, and I don’t need to worry too much about stamina for this competition.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like there are a lot of people who are only auto-playing until the free period ends, so I think there will be a lot of half-hearted participants in the training competition.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

With 2 ceiling stones, it’s on pace for both to be fully maxed out.

Since Orpheus was the ceiling, I want it to rise a little more.

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

When I looked closely at the ceiling’s support card exchange ticket, I realized that the eligible items are rather outdated and that it seems cheap in strange places.

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Even though I finished maxing out AmoAi, I can’t even make a UC… It’s frustrating…

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Are you a beginner?

I got two bonds +2 with brain death, and after that, I took strong guidance, so it’s Seiko-chan.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

Right now, I have 3 Moai and 1 Manifestation at level 240.

Wait for the additional gacha until it’s free.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

After all, Speed 2 is easier, wow!

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The support cards that are paired in the same practice on the High Seiko route have an incredible stability, so it can’t be helped.

The part with one sheet is inevitably somewhat prayer-like.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

URA Auto ignores Meek Gun, so this is not good!

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Genes can all possibly be assigned if you distribute them using the grandfather’s red factor 6-6-6.

I want someone to create a perfect suitability gene factor…

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

So far, I’ve done 100 consecutive pulls and have 1 legend and 2 icons.

It seems like it will be a stable two-day course.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the early game, raising one bond before the summer training camp and then hurriedly compensating with a three-star bond increase is a viable strategy for High Seiko Route. It’s good to cover it by obtaining two special rates.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

After 450 tries, I only got two dupes of the legendary. Wow!

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Why haven’t you spun up to 550?

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

While saying “if possible, if possible,” in the end, I end up wanting a complete evolution.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that Taiki, who is quite smart, possesses a lot of desired skills.

But only the rich can fully max this out.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s only a 2-duplication of the Legend, but I’m already in full training and able to create UC5 or higher, so I’m looking forward to when I fully complete it.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I haven’t seen a single rainbow up to this point.

This is definitely… “being done.”

54: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1



55: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have just reached a state where I can hit the ceiling with the distribution, and I currently have 2 dupe legends.

Ai-chan is difficult, but it’s fine to borrow that, wahaha.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s best to prioritize fully leveling up Ai-chan, as she can be reused later.

56: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In the first round of the mindset gacha, there is no bond, so it resets.

There’s nothing good in the second gacha, so it’s a reset.

I can’t go out with my OB until December… it’s the end.

This scenario’s life is too light!!!!

60: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It would be tough if I can’t go out at least before the debut.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Until today, it’s the free version of AI Legend 1.

I feel like I don’t need to hit the ceiling after getting the four rainbows for free.

58: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

How many times do you have to bring up the free gacha? It’s annoying.

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx15


This guy can’t pull a rainbow and is in a bad mood, wahaha.

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It’s not good to provoke, huh?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if I’m trying to cover it up, hatred is penetrating through.


59: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there are two bonds in the early stages, it’s easy victory.

I thought so, but isn’t it surprisingly not coming together?

66: Japan Otaku Reviews


So, in the beginning, I’ll try to raise the gauges of the three as high as possible to increase the options.

Things don’t go well easily.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

As expected, the legendary rainbow stone can’t be used for a mere three months of service…

Ai-chan can be used for a while because of the environment.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Suddenly, Gacha-kun is not feeling well and seems low on energy…

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I don’t want to talk about the drop rate for the free gacha… this… that’s what it means… right?

71: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s an aluminum top load!!

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even for a relaxed child, I don’t feel like I can finish with such a tight rotation.

I want to check the answers quickly, haha.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Some people say to take performances that connect hearts, while others say not to.

Which one is correct…

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s guaranteed to fully power up in two days, so I’m completely relaxed.

If possible, it would be nice to let me complete the full pull and get the exchange ticket.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wished there was a skill gacha reroll feature once a year.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since I won’t be doing any serious training until the free gacha ends, there’s really no topic other than gacha and farming for traits.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you activate it before the second special gacha, you can get an extra outing after one turn, which can be advantageous.

If you challenge it a second time without anything, it’s terrible, wahaha.

77: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I already know it’s impossible to get a rainbow in 40 pulls, so I feel like it’s already over.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since the probability of a rainbow is 3%, you would typically get one in about 40 attempts.

It doesn’t come out? It doesn’t come out!

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Isn’t it just fine to borrow factor cycles?

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to try pulling 2 PUs in a 10-pull once in a while…

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Huh? If I do 40 pulls, I can get about 2 rainbows.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

Could it be that we can’t exchange the wise president up on the ceiling?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even Spifal-kids are eligible for exchange.

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82: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is tough for those with a third target race during the six turns from acquiring the skill to the next skill acquisition.

I at least want the target race to accumulate to 3.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s confirmed that I can get Spifal-kun on the ceiling! Po-wa-wa!

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

I did 80 pulls expecting free geta, and I got 3 Ai-chan cards and 2 legends.

Another free meeting card has come out, so now all that’s left is to wait for the free ceiling, haha!

What is the range of this exchange ticket?

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

So what is the best way to handle the deck in the end?

Is it okay to confirm Speed 2, Wisdom 1, and Group Support up to this point?

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


If the correction speed is 20 or higher, then it might be possible to fully enhance with just one AI card, so in that case, I think other compositions could also work.

100: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s difficult…

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was not fully maxed out, but rather at the maximum level…

Windi-chan is going to be buried…

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are you dating from your everyday life?

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

Today, the legendary character appeared, and I have confirmed both full upgrades, so I can rest easy and sleep soundly with my pillow elevated.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

What I’m saying is that the wise chairman can manage it with steps and vouchers, so drop your money!

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Spifal is reasonably strong, but it’s okay to just borrow it since it’s too much of a slot.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, it’s true that the practice performance isn’t exceptionally strong.

Still, I want to have one of either Daska or the other.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


If we’re aiming for someone, it would be Dasuka.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

How many SSR pickups do I need to get by the ceiling to become a winner of probability…?

101: Japan Otaku Reviews


The expected value is to get 5-7 SSRs with 200 pulls, and if you can pull 2-4 of the featured ones, that’s a great result.

But the real world is tough and painful.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


This means that if I can draw one more card in the remaining 50 pulls, Windy-chan won’t have to lose.

With 50 pulls, I’m sure I can probably pull it, wahaha!

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s two sheets.

If I can draw 2 cards at 0.75% in 200 pulls, I win.

Therefore, even with three ceiling hits including the W pick, there is a fairly good chance that neither will be fully maxed out.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s hopeless to slip through, I want to be able to spend on the free character. Wahaha!

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windy-chan seriously thought it was 3%, which was hilarious.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

With the step-up support card.

I drew three Power Chris Es.

I drew it because it was recommended, but isn’t it quite difficult to find the right situation to use it?

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you draw me in, won’t you definitely have to use me?

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it’s a sashi, it can be used roughly; for other running styles, it’s fine if you cut it off.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel it might be easier to skew the colors to increase Seiko-chan’s explosive power.

Just shifting things will cause the stats to overflow normally.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought about raising her since I have the Falco link, but this one is really something.

It’s tough not being able to take the lead from Falco, not to mention the target race. I really don’t want to go back to Bourbon from Dasuka now.

Are you going to pull out the one chance 1-dupe demon, Pamachin…?

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

Falco has become a cursed equipment.

Bon is watching.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

The support gacha is at your own risk.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that a five-card formation built on determination is currently trending.

113: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


What does this mean…?

Windy-chan just doesn’t understand at all…

In the first place, I don’t even have five decent support cards.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews


First, it’s Urara-chan.

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Next, there is me.

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Furthermore, it is both the lewd dormitory head and the lewd dormitory head.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


Uraru-chan! Yay!

…there is nothing else.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

With overflowing spirit, I’ll turn the tables.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to graduate from Falco as soon as I get the power to escape with a solid rock.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it already an update!? I thought, but I’ve been using it for over six months.

The sense of time has gone awry.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m aiming for blue with 2 or 3 plus red and green in anticipation of the report, but I’m just not getting any at all.

Is a red-green ☆3 good at 10%?

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want speed because power can’t be used for long distances.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a character with a 3-star ticket for three consecutive months.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the evaluation value really so high with just five pieces of Gon?

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

Hehe… Windy-chan has Gonjo Shichii…


124: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m wondering whether to include a power support card.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that I only had the generic resilience frame, Urara-chan, and nothing else.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

With 50 more draws, 2 AI cards, 3 legend cards, and 1 from the pity system, what a surprise!

129: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Are you okay?

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s a short marathon, isn’t it about having 1 in intelligence, 1 in power, 2 in stamina, and 1 in wisdom, with maybe a legendary trait? I don’t know if the speed will max out…

I’m not really sure about the medium-length; it would be interesting if it could mix power or do Highlander instead of just Standard 2, but it’s probably not possible.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the Gold Skill for Guts 5 is likely to get really messy.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Urara-chan were to make a comeback, it would be quite mysterious regarding this earliest distributed support card.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

First, when we include Urara-chan and remove Ai-chan, we lose three gold skills.

I think that even if the stats and evaluation values are boosted, what will be completed is just a gimmick girl.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

While the Spe2 Root2 Wise Transmission looks good at first glance, the lack of power is still a concern.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the factor has raised the speed limit to over 1900, it seems that Ai-chan will be able to perform quite well even with just one card.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m worried about being pushed for power support again this year.

Honestly, I don’t want to do power training.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m expecting the ceiling and have pulled 280 consecutively by myself.

The luck is too good, and I’m already overflowing with one card on the sixth legendary.

Ai-chan can also be completed with the ceiling reach at 3 cards.

At this rate, there will be even more leftovers, and it will end up being wasteful…

136: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It seems that children with power and tenacity adjustments are easier to train.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews


Has my father’s time come?

165: Japan Otaku Reviews


The rotation is garbage.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m doing it in Sp3 Kengen Den.

I think it’s a power training that can get a skill point of 90, even though the final stage speed is overflowing.

145: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


It’s like Ramen Discovery.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though it’s a mile, doesn’t it still require a fair amount of stamina?

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are many nameless Indie-chan wrapped in aluminum foil.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it true that speed enhancement factors are in vogue now?

They are creating factors with a power push…

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

The one that looks like a dumpling said, “If it’s about guts, please use Ikuno-san from the support card exchange.”

147: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was in demand exactly three years ago.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the case of power, is it Nishino? Is it Aldan?

144: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In terms of stamina, there should be a good amount of leeway because you receive significant fixed values for status at various milestones, and it also increases reasonably during the power training process.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aren’t there any additional campaigns coming?

Is the next seasonal event in March correct?

149: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s free but has zero SSR…

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

The latest in Reiwa is that Ardan is charming and powerful, so it’s difficult, wahaha.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like there is more of a demand for a thrilling heart experience.

I may get some charm from it, but I don’t trust it that much.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

I used the confirmed ticket. It was the biggest garbage in history.

Gacha results x20 x60 If you already have育成ウマ娘 (development horse girls), you will receive female exchange money. OK Gacha results Support cards that you already own will be sent to the storage room. OK

I used the confirmed ticket.

It was the biggest garbage in history.

156: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


I looked to the left and thought, “What is that?!”

I shifted my gaze to the right and went, “Ah…”

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Two days have passed, and it’s legend 1, Ai-chan 0.

Why am I being treated like this…?

157: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s Windy-chan from a year ago…

It must be hard for you… so hard…

160: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want to relieve my boredom with Windy-chan who got hit by this on the throne.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I could just get one more PU card from the free 50 pulls, that would be great… I’m counting on you…

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m left with 2 free and 4 legend Amulets at a pace of 0.

With two ceiling pulls, I will get Ami-chan to 1 dupe, and after that, I’ll manage with stones, wahaha!

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want the support cards to be discontinued more and more…

161: Japan Otaku Reviews

I plan to do it for two more days, but if I can’t pull Ai-chan, it seems I’ll struggle for a full year, so I’m going to retire until next year.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

Has Anshinsawa ever been in the spotlight among the female support characters for outings?

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


After practice, I feel lucky when I randomly get a bit more stats.

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Of course, there’s no way that’s true… I want to say, but…

It seems there was a demand to intentionally add purple skills in the open.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why can’t you wait until the free trial ends?

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve already pulled about 10 of the first-generation Wisdom Shaka, and I even remembered that I pulled one this time as well.

I’m fully leveled up with Stashaka, but what are you, Wisdom Shaka?!

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to try going around the factors, but I don’t understand anything, haha…

182: Japan Otaku Reviews


If I were to liken it to a blood marathon

If you want to do a 3-debu marathon (focusing on stamina), aim for the highest value parent with both dirt and turf capabilities.

Maruzen was popular until now, but…

It’s easy now to run in a cycle of Inari → Oguri → El → Inari without needing any preparation.

The rotation can produce the highest value, except that the emperor’s prize cannot be participated in by El.

So, I recommend El as the final individual to use as a parent.

Conversely, if you want an element that emphasizes specific attributes (running style oriented).

Combine parents with three crowns or tiaras (for example, Doberman x Flower, etc.) to create parents on both sides, and then, through inheritance, it’s good to combine the parents to get the most desired individual.

It’s easier to work with a suitable distance between parents until they are matched.

The never-ending marathon is fun, so you do it, wahaha!

197: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ll give it a try! Since I’ve been renting until now, I was starting to want my own strong factors, so I’m grateful for this…

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it were a specification where guidance other than Seiko fits a dense rotation, that would have been nice.

The blue person is bound by the rotation more than Seiko.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s been about a week since the new scenario, but so far, Seiiko-chan is the only strong one?

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It’s the most fun because it’s easy and I have a close friend. Other guidance is strong too, but I think it’s just as good.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


Compared to Seiko-chan, who simply strengthens through practice, the other two have too many quirks and are overly influenced by their training goals.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

Honestly, I had nothing to gain and managed to reach a 110 proficiency rate before the summer camp, but by that point, I had surpassed a speed of 1200, so it felt like a not bad guidance.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

Basically, a girl who goes out is only involved with Link’s scenario.

There seems to be something strange about the other woman who is being prominent.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the guidance of St. Light consumes turns in the race, I would like there to be a significant bonus applied to the response value as well.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

Finally, UA has come out.

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Brush off the sand from the skirt.

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

With Sue’s guidance, I was able to create up to UC8, but I feel like going beyond that might be difficult.

I have no idea how to turn the St. Light.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s not a big topic, I wonder if there are any issues with adjustments like there were during Yayoi’s time.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the lack of a turn display for acquiring skills or guidance during races is a mistake in adjustment.

184: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The number of turns until obtaining the skill is not written… ?

188: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I feel like everyone is so focused on the auto mode that they’re beginning to overlook the flaws in the scenario itself.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

When Seiko-chan glows, her position is fixed, so if you don’t create a clone, her outings may decrease a little.

On the other hand, this also means that one can evenly cultivate friendships at regular intervals regardless of the proficiency rate, so there is a possibility of incorporating ancient support cards with a uniqueness rate of 30 into the formation.

180: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

It feels like a lack of adjustment to only add +1 in the target race.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews


This makes it too harsh when there are too many target races or when the timing is skewed.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want a guide +3 update for my target race.

Also lower the indicator that serves as a reason for choosing guidance to ☆1.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, when does the event where you fight strong Umamusume to get a ton of that crystal and stone start?

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that I can achieve a high evaluation with any guidance.

Without stability, you can’t build up gains, so it’s only Seiko.

Yesterday, Seiko was ranked 1st to 10th.

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t done the new scenario manually even once, wahaha.

I want the free trial to end quickly.

194: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Windi-chan is the same.

Until the information is gathered, it is “to see.”

201: Japan Otaku Reviews


I guess you won’t understand this unless you try to move it yourself.

It’s better to work hard manually.

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mr. St. Light’s loving smile is the key to whether it can be picked up in a classic way.

193: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I sent the letter, but the gauge for my understanding is now at a point that is just difficult to see how much is left.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s strange that Seiko-chan is always activated while the other two have strict conditions and their explosive power doesn’t keep up that much.

Especially Mr. St. Light is definitely making a mistake with the turn consumption in the race.

196: Japan Otaku Reviews

Cultivating tenacity is essential.

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though it was just a probability in the field, the races became green, and the gauge amount for the mechanics was kept the same as in practice, so why are we going backward here?

199: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you are going to consume St. Light in the race, then you better give it an incredibly strong and massive race ability effect.

200: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s okay if it’s about 300% accurate.

202: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is “grit training” like?

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    [Cowboy Bebop] Jet is great, isn’t he?

    • March 3, 2025
    [Cowboy Bebop] Jet is great, isn’t he?

    [Final Fantasy] I finished FF16, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the end with the “sogebu” moment.

    • March 3, 2025
    [Final Fantasy] I finished FF16, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the end with the “sogebu” moment.

    [The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World] Band-Aid Killer Robot!

    • March 3, 2025
    [The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World] Band-Aid Killer Robot!

    [Dragon Ball] I like Cell’s second form the best, but…

    • March 3, 2025
    [Dragon Ball] I like Cell’s second form the best, but…