Home » Game » Pokémon » [Pokémon] I don’t think there are many weak starters that are as bad overall as Chikorita.

[Pokémon] I don’t think there are many weak starters that are as bad overall as Chikorita.

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx17

Also, I don’t think there are many mysterious creatures that are more mysterious than Chikorita.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

This is a life form that is thought to be dinosaur-themed, at least in some sense.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews



3: Japan Otaku Reviews

The repertoire of techniques is dead during the scenario progression.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even during the ongoing events, and even after the story is over, there’s no usable technique at all in battles.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews


On top of that, the gym is targeting weaknesses in a row.

Even after getting past that, what’s waiting is the nightmare Akane and ultimately Matsuba who will exploit my weaknesses with poison.

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx30

But Chicory is cute.

5: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

In the rejected version, the appearance of the intermediate evolution is quite mysterious, making it even harder to understand what the intention is.

In the rejected version, the appearance of the intermediate evolution is quite mysterious, making it even harder to understand what the intention is.

41: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


They probably wanted to do a story where it becomes a cocoon in the middle evolution and turns into a monster (dinosaur) in the final evolution.

That topic has shifted to Tyranitar.

49: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Rather, I feel like I’ve understood that this image shows the flow from seed → bud → flower…

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are no particular strengths.

202: Japan Otaku Reviews


Cute is powerful.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there no time when you could endure with Giga Drain?

14: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems that in the second generation, measures against the rattling became necessary, but I’ve also heard that it became unnecessary as research progressed.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews


First of all, Giga Drain became usable in the 5th generation.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s tough that they’re not an attacker in the Three Houses, but it’s amazing that they’re not even given decent support moves.

Dream abilities are trash.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

If only there were plenty of support moves… What is this poison powder?

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I think Akane is easier to overcome than Hinoarashi.

Well, three-quarters of the opponents you fight in the story are at a disadvantage against you!

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ishitsubute’s Sauce

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Learn at the level of mistletoe.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

The original three houses all have a sense of a smooth common base.

Gold and silver somehow have that atmosphere only this guy has.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

First of all, it’s more like a situation where I have to do endurance because there’s no way to play as an attacker, so this is a status that seems to be doing endurance.

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

In the first place, having 5 weaknesses in defense and 7 types that are halved in attack for Grass type is just bullying.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews


There should be techniques like powder techniques or mistletoe for that…

26: Japan Otaku Reviews


Doing that at the gym is awful.

It’s about you, Strike.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

To be frank, it would be better to cut down on speed and allocate that to durability.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are times when learning the leaf cutter is the peak.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx15


(Due to the specification change, it’s not strong.)

28: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


I was so happy to learn at such an early level! But then it got terrible…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fact that its base stats are set to be a degraded version of Venusaur is already a failure.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

Honestly, I think Kimori is having a good match.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I might have succeeded in another region.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

The grass-type gym is only in Kanto, and the ground-type gym is gone.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I don’t do something about the skill, the story is going to get tough again.

33: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s tough because the poison that comes up along the way really stings, not just in the gym.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews


You’ll get stung by the hornets too!

Isn’t this bullying?

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think giving this guy Leaf Guard is filled with malice.

It feels like saying, “Suck on this.”

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

The second generation is so weak with Giga Drain that it’s more about using something like Leaf Blade or Leaf Storm.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t know if it will Mega Evolve or become a Regional form.

If we think without any intervention, among those three, Croconaw still looks the best.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews


Single Water has a lot of rivals, but Oardile doesn’t have such bad specs.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

First of all, it’s bad that, aside from the many obvious weaknesses, there isn’t a single strength.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can use my own power.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

After the subtle grassy continuation of the 2nd and 3rd generations, Dodaitose leaves an even stronger impression of being extremely reliable.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

Orderil is certainly tough compared to other generations, but at least in the Gold and Silver story, it’s quite a strong Pokémon.

There are few wild Pokémon that can be evolved into sub-ace with gold and silver.

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45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12

Even if I can’t get outstanding results due to inconsistencies, I have no choice but to make this burden my main weapon…

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kimori was quite terrible as well.

The level where Iaijutsu becomes the main focus.

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Is the Leaf Blade special in this era?

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Rather, with Sceptile’s base stats, special moves deal more damage.

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It’s fine to be special, but I’m just really slow at remembering.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

Grass has a strong image of being unfortunate, but recently gorillas, cats, and snakes have been regular top contenders without the legend rules.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews


The gorilla cat seems to be overtly reflecting, but I also think Jaro might just be acting contrary without thinking too deeply about it.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the past, there was a return of favors…

Well, whether it’s there or not doesn’t change anything…

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

But were there really that many reliable Grass-type Pokémon like gold and silver that you could encounter in the wild?

No, I don’t need it.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s about as useful as a Budew or a Mystery Seed.

Well, it’s completely unnecessary, so it’s out of the question.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although there is the hell of Kimori not learning any matching moves at all, the presence of some subtly effective sub-weapons is an advantage compared to Chikorita.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I don’t want to include grass in my travel party unless it’s an excellent combination.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Depending on the version, even Beedrill, which frequently appears early on, can pose a struggle.

57: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Stuffed animals are overwhelmingly cute!

Stuffed animals are overwhelmingly cute!

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


Like Funassyi.

58: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Huh… are we fighting up to level 30 with suction and continuous cuts!?

63: Japan Otaku Reviews


A, a seed machine gun…

64: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ah… there’s also a counterattack…

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it’s strange that the Nyahoha tribe can use ice techniques through gathering for some reason.

Considering the media treatment, Pikachu is overly favored as the main character of the anime as its successor.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

The quick acquisition of strength in Ruby and Sapphire is at least some consolation.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have no choice but to keep pushing forward until I remember how to cope…

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I’m grateful for the leaf blade, but…

Despite having no additional effects, its power compared to Surf and Flamethrower is…

75: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s easy to hit a vital spot!

Even with this, it’s top-class power among grass moves that had no drawbacks at the time!

Well, it was so terrible that it will be strengthened from the fourth generation…

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

The three dogs of gold and silver can recover from status ailments when they escape, making them a subtle factor in causing sleep powder.

71: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


This guy can’t even make sleeping powder…

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Personally, I want to use Totodile, which has a wide attack range and balanced base stats, but…

But what if… just what if the Kalos starters could also obtain Mega Evolution and could be received during the story?

I’m feeling unsure about what to do since it overlaps with Greninja’s type.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Chikorita is weak.

I was called “Kawaii” and loved as “Chincolita.”

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can normally endure with a reflector and mistletoe.

It was cute in the anime, so there’s no element to diss.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Days of struggling to overpower opponents who aren’t affected by grass…

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

When traveling, the only fun I have is seriously bullying Geodude.

76: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11

I don’t want to do endurance in the story.

77: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

At that time, I was partners with Chikorita, but I don’t remember having any trouble choosing it.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


There is both burden and repayment, isn’t there?

As expected, it’s tough to find the right moment to use Matsuba.

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


If it’s the second generation, it might not be that tough, but I don’t think it’s easy unless you’re leveling up a lot.

In the remake, the enemies are stronger, and Chicorita remains unchanged, so it’s at a hard mode level.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

The power of a self-sufficient technique below 40 for Kimori is also quite unusual, but I don’t really have much of an impression of it.

79: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Being in the position of one of the Three Houses, the only things I can do are Reflector and Mistletainn, which is already a letdown… and there’s nothing more I can do, and my durability isn’t particularly high either.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t grass weak?

Isn’t the ice defense aspect terrible too?

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jalorda has too low base power to be suitable for the journey, but in the late game, it can stack Toguro and can somewhat compete against gyms and the Elite Four, so it’s better than the Chiko series.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

KIMORI’s most powerful move that it learns on its own is Tackle, which is also a surprisingly nice point.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

The strength of the types in the story also depends on the tendencies of the types that appear along the way…

The grass type is indeed strong in caves, but it feels weak against poison and flying types.

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I thought I wanted at least 100 for one of the starters using the thread image and Jellicent.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jalorda is a pure Grass type, but it would be strong if it had its dream ability.

If you change types with Terastal, you become even stronger.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think this is the worst lineup of status ailments.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews


Poison powder! Mistletoe! That’s all!

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it amazing that even though the cat’s shapeshifting ability has weakened, it still climbed up to the 5th most used?

99: Japan Otaku Reviews


Being fast is really impressive.

Also, the specs of Trick Flower are high.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, they are making adjustments with the assumption of weakening.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

The grass starter Pokémon are tough if they don’t have a strong hidden ability.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a problem that relates to Chikorita and the second generation, but since wild Pokémon aren’t that strong, you end up relying on the starter Pokémon, and if they’re weak, it becomes tough.

In that sense, the fifth generation has a variety of strong wild Pokémon, so it’s not that difficult to choose anything.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kimmori was used in ORAS, but it’s not that strong.

I’m not weak to the point that there’s nothing I can do, but…

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s weak, then you just shouldn’t use it.

100: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I left it behind during my journey…

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In the second generation, if you do that, the only options left are to somehow raise things like Machop or Geodude…

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s tough to travel without remembering Mistletoe at this level.

Instead, there is photosynthesis.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it’s fine to let the Night Owl take care of it.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s somewhat unfortunate that there aren’t too many enhancement elements in later generations.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

At that time, it was said that Poison was a hindrance, but I think Bulbasaur was strong.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


The first-generation poison type is especially outstanding because bugs are messed up…

102: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

What’s up with the lack of increased sub weapons in HGSS?

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder what they’ll do about the Mega Meganium problem.

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I wanted you to notice by the time of the Sernight night.

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Implement Mega Mega Yanma simultaneously to distribute it.

105: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

For now, it seems like choosing water won’t let you down.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the time the remake comes out, I realized the sexiness of Magmortar, so I didn’t choose it.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like the special techniques of the three starters are getting stronger year by year.

Trick Flower is absolute hit and absolute vital point.

Flare Song has a guaranteed boost to special attack.

Aqua Step guarantees a speed increase.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews


Flare Song is a technique that shouldn’t be given to those three.

The story ends just by pressing a button.

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It’s terrible that it’s a throat spray target because of the sound…

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

Tilting the thread image will turn it into a boiler.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

Water surfing is a scam.

However, in recent works, Flame Water has also improved in its techniques, so there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference.

112: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The golden and silver Geodude has potential that can be used until the end, even if it can’t evolve into Golem.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

This guy was that weak…

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Ishitsubute can play a big role in the story, so please sense the enemies along the way.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the same with Jalorda, but I really think it’s not good for the starter Pokémon to have high defensive base stats.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pokabu, go out to Gold and Silver.

Use fire techniques, thunder punch, and martial arts to dominate.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wanted Inteleon’s target shot to be a water special version of Trick Flower.

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It’s going to become something incredible when combined with the sniper.

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It’s okay, because my teammate was going through something outrageous with the libero and the glass relay.

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After all, it’s just a specialized skill, so it shouldn’t turn into anything outrageous.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s terrible that that move only has an additional effect of +1 critical hit rank in stories and singles, yet it’s assigned such a low power of 80…

I feel like it should at least be the same as surfing, which is 90.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t remember exactly when, but I only had something like Giga Drain that I could use properly.

The added Energy Ball and Leaf Blade looked dazzling.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

Suddenly rolling, the unbeatable Harimaron is amazing!

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it would be nice to receive a few more traits, techniques, and various other things.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that I’m weak, but I’m slow on my feet, and I can’t take them down in one hit, so the damage adds up.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

Grass tends to be associated with slow speed due to the image of having roots.

Compared to fire and water, it tends to be treated as more technical due to its inferior striking power.

It often seems more like it’s just difficult to use rather than being technical.

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When used again, Venusaur is quite fast.

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It would be fine if I made it the worst secret factor, but somehow that feels off too.

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

I chose Chikorita back in the day, but I feel like it was mostly Ampharos that was putting in the effort later on…

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

But Jaro is really great for learning to use Mistletoe on its own.

Since the opponent is a Yadomamo, it can force its way through, and for regular use, it has Leaf Blade, which allows it to handle advantageous types.

If we can discard the fixed idea that being one of the top three means being at the forefront, it would be quite reliable.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that because Gekkouga was well-received, the performance of the starter Pokémon has started to be considered more seriously since Sun and Moon.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m doing it with grass every time, but since I’m an anti-Chikorita, I’m wondering what to do about ZA.

What is this creepy creature with an incomprehensible motif?

At first glance, being cute is the worst.

133: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Muskarnya’s exclusive move, Trick Flower, is of course…

A cunning move should be prioritized for a surprise attack.

If you want to increase maximum firepower by crushing your belongings, you should knock them down.

The sub-weapon is the ice technique Triple Axel.

If it’s cycle awareness, then a dragonfly return.

Having so many options like that is unfair.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

I get a somewhat disappointing impression of Pochama in water-type.

Don’t bring in type overlaps until Dialga, at least for Palkia.

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A trap typical of the cute three families, where one nearly dies because of the steel.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like the design; it’s cute.

I prefer Totodile and Cyndaquil, but…

136: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Is my rival’s team really Cyndaquil, Zubat, Gastly, Magnemite, and Sneasel? Is this a grass bullying?

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


Do your best with the burden!

142: Japan Otaku Reviews


At that time, Newra was weak, so you could just crush it by putting pressure on it.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews


Zubatto is also soft, so you can just press down on it and crush it.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ghos cannot be crushed underfoot…!

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


I really hate being on the defensive because the ultrasound keeps coming in!

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gorillas were being used quite a bit even before the glass maker was allowed, which is amazing.

There was also a deflationary environment.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews


Special techniques are normally in the strongest class.

It seems that it has been unused.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t know if it’s Mega Meganium or Calo Mega Meganium.

I would like at least a healing shift.

At the very least, with an aroma veil…

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t think there is much difference in the weakness of Chikorita and Snivy when it comes to travel.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Plasma Gang doesn’t really use poison much.

Even taking that into account, the firepower and range are insufficient, so it’s often overshadowed by others.

141: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I have seen people say that Dodai is also late, but I don’t have many memories of being troubled by things like consistent earthquakes or crunching.

149: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


Even now, a magnitude 32 earthquake is still too strong.

153: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Thanks to its grassy terrain and base stats, it’s impressive how clearly defined its strengths are.

Support can only do things like shoot steroids, but it’s fine to go all out.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


In BDSP, Torterra shined by being able to use Crunch effectively against the difficult Bronzor line.

To be honest, I wanted a karayabu at this point.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pochama’s special type as a traveling companion is just fatally incompatible with the water-steel combination, being slower than average.

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Luska doesn’t learn on its own, and it’s not worth specifically teaching it due to type coverage; it mostly just holds back with its Steel type combination.

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It’s only manageable because I have secret techniques; my self-acquisition skills are terrible…

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even NPCs are pretty much bullying grass, huh?

Police officers, fire breathers, bug catchers, bird trainers, and Team Rocket.

145: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

Mr. Dodai is more than enough to make a profit even considering all his shortcomings.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

The biggest drawback of the final evolution is something that can’t be helped anymore.

151: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s not as bad as Meganium, but I think Decidueye is also quite terrible in various aspects aside from its appearance.

Moreover, it’s in a losing state among the Alola starters, and it didn’t change much in the region either.

Both of the exclusive moves are excellent, but while the Pokédex description mentions speed, they are slightly slow.

The skills are focused solely on physical, but they are only partially allocated to special, and while the durability isn’t too low, it just feels like that’s all there is to it, in terms of Hoenn value.

I really can’t think of many ways to use the dream abilities; remote ones are really useless.

Furthermore, the already few strengths, such as changing moves, are further diminished in Galar and Paldea.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

The minions of the evil organization usually seem to use Pokémon that look like they live off trash.

Those hit the Grass Three Starters, don’t they?

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

In reality, there aren’t that many favorable matchups for Greninja.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

Snivy might still be able to take the initiative with its speed, even with low firepower.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews


In a competition, speed matters, but for travel, average speed is sufficient, so it’s just unnecessarily fast.

The low firepower makes leveling up take a long time, which is extremely inconvenient for traveling.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s garbage called a grass deck.

167: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


The grass itself is stable on the ground, so it’s not bad.

The worst thing about Meganium is its offensive capabilities.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like the appearance of Bayleef, but the antennae of Meganium look creepy like a bug.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

Many of the people who reduce their grass won’t change much.

There weren’t many scenes in the story where I struggled after choosing Nyaho.

170: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Isn’t there a lot of sub-weapons?

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

Travel can be quite tough for Juniper too.

It often appears that flying is weak against evil.

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Somehow, after evolving, I became weaker…

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Biting is a bad technique, and that’s the problem.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

In travel parties, it’s usually just the fast ones who are considered righteous…

174: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


For better or worse, they want to differentiate from Bulbasaur, so status condition moves are being reduced.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


Although it’s called grass, the only proper flower is about a banana…

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think Brigalon has a really good strength, although it hardly ever comes up in conversation.

183: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


There’s no element of struggle no matter which XY you choose, so there’s nothing to talk about…

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It’s easy mode for him at the beginning because he rolls and remembers.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

The only Grass starter with Sleep Powder is Bulbasaur.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m tired of it, but it’s still strong, that evil fighting ghost dual-type.

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

In Generation 6, the three types of starter Pokémon are complete with Torchic and the Kanto and Kalos starters, so besides Delphox which overlaps with Fire type, both are quite similar.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is there anyone who wouldn’t choose a female Fennekin?

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s silly to say that being weak is an excuse when a cat and a gorilla are already outstanding in a competition.

You should think about it in terms of base stats, moves, and hidden abilities.

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

Junaiper has overly focused on its stats in appearance.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

But Satoshi’s Chikorita is voiced by Kanae Mikako…

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the animal-like moves of biting and crushing are easy to learn, I hardly ever use bad skills during my travels.

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

When traveling, being slow on foot makes you get gradually whittled down by weak enemies.

It’s tough that not being able to deliver a strike first slowly turns into stress as battles drag on a bit longer.

192: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jaro’s moves have an excessively strong feeling of being tailored for battles…

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

The overwhelming story suitability of Emboar, which destroys all frequently appearing Dango with sheer force and sweeps the trainer battle with a stacked Nitocha.

201: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


The drawback is that it’s just strong in flame fighting again.

I’ll avoid it because I don’t want to deal with that again…

205: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


You won’t have any trouble with attack techniques.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dodai can somewhat take the initiative in battle with its effort values and level difference, unless it has a downward S nature.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s tough dealing with a Pottai-shi that is slow and has weak attack moves.

It’s not a metal claw, remember water gun.

196: Japan Otaku Reviews

Junaiper’s weakness is exploited a lot more by the jade type, so it’s on a different level.

203: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t this guy’s special move a bit too over the top?

197: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The Alolan side is all slow.

But Asgore and Gengar have no trouble at all while traveling.

Normally strong.

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Alolan starters, or rather all the Pokémon from Alola, seem a bit slow…

199: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I don’t think any of the weaker starter Pokémon will come out in the future.

200: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Since recently, all members in my roster can grow with the new training equipment, so as long as I complement them with the chosen starter Pokémon, it’ll work out in any way.

204: Japan Otaku Reviews

Goukazaru is somewhat difficult to use due to its slightly narrow move range and the recoil from Flare Blitz every time, or it might not have enough power with Heat Wave.

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