Home » Game » Street Fighter » [Street Fighter 6] When playing ranked matches, you find yourself getting angry not at your opponent, but at your own ineptitude, right?

[Street Fighter 6] When playing ranked matches, you find yourself getting angry not at your opponent, but at your own ineptitude, right?

Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Despite gradually increasing my overall rank, I still can’t seem to eliminate the mistakes that lead to self-loathing.

I am still weak…

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx15

I’m angry at both sides.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m only angry at the characters and the adjustment team, so I’m healthy.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’ve carried me to the wall, then go for an offensive with rock-paper-scissors! Why do you back off and return to just poking around? If you’re going to beat me, do it in a more satisfying way! I’ve become increasingly frustrated by this.

5: Japan Otaku Reviews


What about the character?

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I lose because I can’t deal with a one-punch opponent, I punch myself once.

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When I go for a wake-up attack, I’m countered with invincibility, so I’ll just swing from a safe distance.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

I will make the same mistake my whole life.

I want to die.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

I tend to forget the good feeling of winning ideally quickly, but I only remember the resentment from losing.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there is a difference in physical strength, it seems that taking a replacement might lead to a higher chance of losing…

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There’s no need to play pachinko after getting the lead…

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

Actually, even though it seems that way has a better expectation value, Terry really just stays close to the wall and only pokes from a distance.

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I’m mixing up my wake-up options and losing them all, should I wrap my head in aluminum foil?

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

It often happens that it seems like they are picking options, but the other side is just taking low-risk actions.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you lose even though your opponent makes mistakes multiple times, it really hits hard.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

Regularly practice ideal movements in replay to maintain mental control.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

In lethal misses, you have to convince yourself that neither you nor your opponent made a mistake, otherwise you won’t be able to endure it…

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like throwing on top of it is the strongest thing to do.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m always angry because my opponent can distinguish between weak K and medium K and counterattack.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m not angry at the other person.

I’m only getting angry at the character when I’m fighting Begalily.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m always frustrated with Mai’s weak K target combo, but I end up doing the weak K target combo right away too.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s really frustrating to have low combo accuracy and miss chances.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was thinking that the dance was too big, and then I started to notice things I hadn’t paid attention to before, like Cammy’s butt and Ryu’s nipples.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve been trying various strategies for the dance, and I realized that Honda’s belly shakes a lot when he moves back and forth, and now I regret it.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ero characters get old really quickly, huh?

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m the one doing the ground combat more carefully…

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There is often a bug where only the opponent’s medium kick is longer.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are so many people inputting crouching medium combos into the frame I stood up in, I start to wonder if ranked matches are full of bots.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s incredible that we can immediately move to replay and recreate the situation… this is amazing.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m practicing against a level 7 CPU.

I’m annoyed because it hits me with the impact that I won’t allow placing regular moves that can’t be canceled.

Hitting small punches and getting drawn in by that impact.

Playing with impact returns is a meaningless game…

39: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it better to practice by doing something like that?

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I didn’t know there was something like that now…

I think I’ll go to the hub for dance practice.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s fine if the opponent is good or if it’s my own judgment mistake, but it really takes the joy away when I lose because of my own combo mistake.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

The chance that came from the opponent’s combo mistake, but our mistake rate is way too high as well!

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

When it comes to practice, all the combos I practiced in training mode go out the window.

When I try to calm myself and do it somehow, it doesn’t connect well and I get panicked.

nki kikiki

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

In CPU battles, actively aim for the combos you have learned.

I think it would be good practice to be aware of dropping the anti-air during the positioning at that time.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m more annoyed with the character than with the opponent.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

When the impact hits, my mind goes completely blank.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

When the opponent keeps backing down and firing shots, it makes me feel a growing hatred.

But I’ll do the same even if it’s against me.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t help but wonder if I’ll awaken to a wave of murderous intent when everything is shattered by the leap and live impact.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I stopped playing ranked matches until the dance boom cools down because I can’t win against the dances.

My overall win rate is just over 50%, but my win rate in dance battles is below 20%, so it might be really difficult.

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I’m a dancer, but my win rate with Ryu is only 20%.

That guy is terrible.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the decline of fighting games trending again?

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7


Only inside you?

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like I’m putting in tens of times the effort compared to Dhalsim to become able to win normally.

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Try using Dhalsim.

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you’re going to the master rank, please start the master.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ah, I’m getting upset while telling myself I’m no good.

Once you start feeling that way, it’s time to quit for that day.

I finally learned after playing fighting games for 10 years.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s unfortunate to make mistakes in a match, but…

When I go back to training mode and suddenly can’t perform combos that I usually can, it frustrates me.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Everyone is struggling…

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It’s nice to fall back on an old circuit and lose the combo as a result.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

Returning the impact makes you panic instead and results in a super cheap combo.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am Platinum Marisa! Vega is really tough!

Can you secretly tell me the secrets of Marisa, like how she can be tough when Vega does this to her or what actions are quite effective against Vega?

Both Gradius and Phalanx, as well as Quadriga, are all crushed by Double Knee, and when the activation timing of Devil Live from above is thrown off, it’s really tough…

59: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s tough for Vega when he gets hit with a double knee and goes vertical.

The rest doesn’t really matter, Vega.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


Damn it! There’s no effective hit that pierces through!!

Thank you!!

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

I hate the opponent who just keeps spamming small punches when I’m in a millisecond.

It’s unavoidable since just getting hit by a small bullet can lead to death.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I’m not actively trying to get better anymore! It’s more like, if I just keep doing it, I’ll eventually get better.

Trying to improve and not making progress is stressful.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ah, I got flustered! Ah, I missed the combo! Ah, I let the Shoryuken slip! Ah, ah!

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you don’t notice the two patterns of screen freeze with delay and input delay without screen freeze, you will be forever frustrated with combo mistakes.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t tell the difference between whether the fastest hit after an air counter Jasper results in an aerial hit or a ground hit.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

When dealing with characters that frequently use raw rush, your inputs tend to disappear into the void, right?

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Characters that are included in the countermeasures against Zangief, such as Mariza, are those that can handle vertical spacing.

I’m still standing here and dying like this.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I keep getting hit by an opponent who just relentlessly attacks and I can’t return their impact, it makes my head feel like it’s going to break.

I can respond in Tremor, but I can’t respond at all in Tropical.

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I’ve been asked by a friend I’ve recently started hanging out with to coach them, but I realize I don’t know anything about characters that aren’t my own.

I cried because there was nothing to say other than “Don’t press the impact, don’t swing random attacks, use assist combos.”

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like I timed the vertical engagement perfectly during the live rush, but then my input gets dropped and I end up frozen; is there any way to fix that?

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I was taught that when putting in the upper entry here before, you should press it longer with a white.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s normal to only know the combos and strategies for characters you’ve used.

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This character basically uses techniques and set plays like these, so these actions are strong.

“Let me show you an example, and you’ll see how to do that.”

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

I just found out that the input for invincible moves gets erased due to the opponent’s rush blackout.

Is this allowed?

71: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Everyone is suffering.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

Didn’t Mari-chan’s weak punch reach Dubney?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Losing to an opponent who keeps hitting with impactful moves makes me feel like I’m going to lose it with anger towards myself.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

I really want to stop feeling like I messed up…

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m getting annoyed by the medium kick during the frequent landings.

Why are they kicking the ground while looking up? What kind of reasoning do they have for that?

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


Unaware of the lower stance against aerial attacks…?

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t know.

Please tell me!

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Normally, you wouldn’t make an impact in a place like that! What are you reading?! Just getting through something like that makes me feel like several blood vessels in my brain are straining.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

The most common soliloquy during ranked matches is “You wouldn’t normally do a reversal like that.”

The second place is “Don’t use Kimberly!”

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I was rushed and hit while standing still, I realized my input was dropped…

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Street Fighter 6 is too difficult for reversal, so I hope it gets easier because I keep getting hit by strong punches on wake-up.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

When the other person makes a mistake as silly as my own, I realize, “Oh, you’re human too…” and come back to my senses.

80: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Beginners who win with a suitable impact and gain successful experiences will end up struggling much more later to correct their pushing habits than those beginners who can’t return and are in trouble.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

But sometimes, when I throw something casually, it hits hard.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

It feels like they might do a long feint here! When I use Esper Impact, the guilt is overwhelming.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like making it so that pre-input works really well during the rush blackout would solve it.

I wonder if it will fail somewhere else.

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Isn’t it just fine to say that they’re great instead of being an esper?

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought I should graduate from being a video player, so I started with C Juri over the weekend, but I kept losing because I couldn’t execute my SA well, and I’m lamenting my own foolishness.

When we can win, it feels like it’s just because we’re winning the reading of the rise-up janken (rock-paper-scissors).

91: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


In the end, I think it’s a game of predicting what your opponent will do during the offensive wake-up and inflicting damage.

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You may have to struggle in the future, but it’s okay to prioritize getting things done over the neatness of the commands, even if it gets messy.

Also, winning at the rising rock-paper-scissors is important.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

Haven’t you been using Vega’s jump heavy punch quite a lot?

Isn’t that judgment quite strong?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dash with the shield and get hit by a Panic Can Impact.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if I learn how to move from videos, it sucks when I lose to someone who’s all over the place!

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Weak against opponents who don’t understand reading the game and just charge in recklessly.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Gold and Platinum ranks are generally like this, so if you try to win and rise in those rough waters, you’ll end up in hell at Diamond.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews


Let’s remember to learn the one-scam flying connection.

Sometimes you can win just with that.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Is “sagi tobi” referring to the move where you try to hit someone in the air but they block it?

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Only guard when it’s released, and otherwise, the jumping attack overlaps.

If a person only has fighting and chaos in their brain, they can hunt everything with that.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

Due to various circumstances, it has been restarted for the first time since its release.

At that time I was using Mari-chan, but it was a bit tough, so I want to use a character that’s a bit easier to move and has decent power.

How is Honda doing now?

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It’s quite rough.

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It’s fine to be Honda or Vega, Vega.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is your understanding of getting hit by a reversal shoryuken when you go for an early wake-up pressure?

A draw?

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Gauge advantage

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I wonder whether it’s because of their personality or if they want to make me think that way.

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If the opponent’s SA gauge isn’t filled or we have enough OD game, it’s common to quickly use Shoryuken during the first wake-up pressure, especially in ranked matches.

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I recently noticed that the player who plays seriously tends to win in Zangi.

No wonder this guy is disliked!

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

Do you think you can learn more from Mamen than from CPU battles?

I don’t get the impression that it’s a very good read…

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s good to fight at a rank higher than your corresponding rank.

They generally use the popular set plays.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ah, this person is moving in a way that makes no sense, so they’re definitely going to come in with an invincible reversal… When my prediction hits two times in a row, I can’t help but grin, and it’s so much fun.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ha! When I get mad saying “I’m not doing it at all!” about ○○, I can feel that about 30% of it is really starting to hit the controller.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

In my dreams, the rising dragon appears.

107: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The investigator Oshige’s Mone-mon didn’t respond at all, is that what you mean?

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s hard to get a Reversal from a gacha.

It is painful, so I will force it.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since I’m at Master 1300, I’m still spending a time of calm where I don’t encounter Mai at all.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

Oshige will self-destruct if you mix in meaningless movements.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m doing 1600 side-to-side jumps, so I’m out of breath and can’t keep up.

Also, there are a lot of Zangi.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

After two years since the purchase, I had found it difficult and had thrown it aside, completely forgetting about it, but when I randomly tried the combo trial, I was able to do everything properly, and I felt a sense of growth.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you choose Shimmy every time, you won’t lose.

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“Low kick during a reversal.”

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A shimi that takes a counter (ribasa) middle kick can’t be called a fine shimi.

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Well, it might change depending on the wake-up situation, but it is an option.

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I’ve been practicing shimmy recently, but it’s too difficult to make it a great shimmy…

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

For example, if there’s someone who always uses the rising dragon every time, there are people who can confidently say, “This guy will definitely use the rising dragon!” and then there are those who become cautious and think, “Maybe he won’t use it this time…?” So using it every time becomes a choice.

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A professional said that it’s easier for the side that sets up the play to read the situation if they tilt rather than distribute evenly.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

I miss the step-and-walk overlap wake-up attack about once every five times.

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I occasionally do it twice.

If blocked, next I’ll do a lower attack.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

Copa crouching chef SA won’t come out, hehe.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to spend it anyway, you might as well spend it while you have plenty of energy.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I tried to do a medium punch rush with M Luke, it would accidentally come out! …But then I realized that if I hold the assist button and press parry, I can cancel it!

You did it!

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because I’m garbage, the sumo step’s fastest cannon isn’t stable.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

Skilled players can tell that they can go for a deceptive jump just by looking at the advantageous frames after a knockdown, but I wonder what the reasoning behind that is.

135: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Because the frame for fraudulent jumps is fixed.

The situation in which I can do it is limited.

127: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I’m sorry for turning into an impact when I tried to shoot D-river…

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I can get +11 with a jump guard upon standing up, does that mean it’s a scam jump?

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there was a stable theory in reading each other’s minds…

One theory is to also dig into that.

133: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I recently started because of the dance.

Cannot win.

147: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I started with dance too.

I heard there are a lot of beginners because of the large population, but I got wrecked by an opponent who was super good at combos, and when I checked their details, it turned out they had over 1000 hours of playtime, which really surprised me.

I can’t help but wonder why they work so hard for Platinum, but then I also think, is this really how ranked matches work…?

150: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


After 1000 hours, a platinum rank is just a sign of being a bad player.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews


Let’s stop.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s not entirely accurate to say that because there are cases where people who initially got discouraged in ranked matches and left it below platinum come back after becoming extremely strong in hub or casual matches.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if you bring up such an extremely rare case…

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


Those with talent usually master it in about 1000 hours.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m worse than that, so I’ll cook!

158: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you’re saying that even with a master character, you’ll definitely start at diamond 1, then if you’re at platinum, you probably dropped down from there after losing continuously.

I think there is a high possibility that it is properly appropriate in terms of strength.

168: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


If it’s a 1000-hour tremor, there’s a considerable chance that I’m dozing off.

In the battle hub, there are either people playing with avatars or sleeping.

I’m dozing off.

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For example, transitioning from characters like Guile or DJ to Mai.

A manly instant rank match! If I do that, I might end up losing a lot in the qualifying matches.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once you show them an invincible Shoryuken, they won’t even try to wake-up attack anymore.

In other words, it’s worth the effort.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once I thought that if I took even one impact, this guy wouldn’t send it back, he just kept spamming the impact, and since I took all of it, I understand how someone could break a display.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Everyone already knows about scam flights, so they probably won’t come at you; meanwhile, someone who neglects their guard ends up getting hit by an invincible attack.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s all about the way you think about OD, huh…

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once I started being able to easily catch 4500 with easy fishing, my brain broke, and I became obsessed with that, leading to a ridiculous increase in match-making situations.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

The shimmy back entry is a low-level throw like a lisabow walk throw or a mediocre one.

As long as I don’t get hit on the lower level, I can play with cards that allow for a slight retreat, so in the main game, it’s a bit of a crouch and retreat.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please stop returning my soul’s OD Hanachō Life Rush with OD invincibility…!

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I thought it would smell bad even if I put in the crumbled flower butterflies, but it’s just all rising dragons and not fun at all…

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


Once you realize you’re up against someone who does that, you can throw out a raw rush immediately to brake, and the opponent will fly away.

The gauge efficiency is not good, but it’s fun.

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That’s where the reading can be established.

No way… I thought I stopped, but I’m still getting hit…

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if you fail on the third time, there’s a 1/3 chance of failing, so the next reading won’t be that skewed.

If you succeed on the first try, it’ll be a 1/1, so it has a significant effect on making the opponent hesitate in the next mind game.

Sorry, it’s a lie. I just thought it was a waste since I was rolled over before I could use my gauge, so I just thought I’d use it anyway.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I just jump in randomly during pressure, they’ll probably think it’s a fake jump…

148: Japan Otaku Reviews


This is quite common, seriously.

149: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Fraudulent scam fraud

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

Only my shimmy can be thrown around.

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A shimmy that is thrown is not a shimmy.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve reached a rank where I have to deal with things like backstages and reversal low attacks.

Which one do you put more emphasis on, pitching or hitting?

160: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It depends on the opponent.

In the beginning, you just have to try it for now.

Just stay sensitive to trends and changes.

There’s something about trends and fads.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

One piece of advice I can confidently give to beginners is to not look at the other person’s profile.

159: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

That’s enough about Platinum and such.

I’m tired of seeing that opening move.

170: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


As new members increase, the same topic will keep coming up due to this ranking system.

163: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Let’s watch the replay from the profile.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, I’ve started to think that focusing on hitting might have greater returns and be stronger, right?

167: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I always get thrown because I misjudge the throwing range when I shimmy with zangief.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, Vega.


Isn’t it unfair that there’s a long regular one even though there’s a spin throw?

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I play a character that I left at platinum in the first season and win consecutively, I feel sorry!

172: Japan Otaku Reviews


Characters with modern suitability are generally like that.

171: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Platinum is not meant for beginners, you know…

180: Japan Otaku Reviews


From an ancient perspective, it’s a class for advanced players.

According to current common knowledge, it’s understandable to still be considered a beginner.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews


I started with dance and I’m fluctuating between Gold 5 and Platinum 1…

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought there were people doing amazing things with Tremor in their profiles, but in reality, some are just leaving it running unattended.

Playtime is honestly not reliable.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve never looked at my opponent’s profile while playing this game.

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Only idiots do something like this.

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Looking at the profile won’t do anything anyway.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s stop doubting the rank system just because I can’t win.

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On the contrary, if the opponent has been playing for such a long time, then it’s no wonder I lost… I’m comforting myself with that thought.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it’s quite different from the Platinum of the V era.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

The streamer who has been streaming continuously since the release date is still at Diamond 1, so that’s how it is.

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Ryu that I briefly touched at the time of release is platinum.

I don’t really feel like using Ryu now, but when I suddenly want to use him, it seems like it’s going to be a hassle to level him up.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking at the opponent’s profile is something I only do when they make suspicious moves during the match, and when I watch the replay, it’s just perfectly inputting dragon punches or special moves one frame at a time.

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After the match, I can now replay it, but surprisingly, it doesn’t play back.

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I especially don’t feel like it when I lose due to my own mistakes or because of predictable actions.

When there’s behavior that I don’t understand or when measures are needed, I watch carefully.

192: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t the replay after the match not counted in the view count?

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was a silver for years at 5, but I was able to reach master at 6.

I don’t know what the difference is.

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I’m also a master at the highest silver rank.

I wonder why…

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even I played for 150 hours and got the platinum.

Rush…? I don’t understand…?

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

Unlike past fighting games where the definition of a beginner was vague, in Street Fighter 6, there is a beginner hub, and since Platinum rank is available, it clearly indicates that Platinum is not a beginner!

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I go to check the profile of someone who has been processed with a diamond, I feel relieved to see they really are a master sub.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was playing and forgot the combos for my main character, and now I’m panicking.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s frustrating to be called a Grandmaster at 6, even though 4 has always been B and 5 is Ulpla.

200: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a different game, so that’s how it is.

There are people who are the best in KOF but just average in Street Fighter V, and vice versa.

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to stop going back and forth between Gold 5 and Platinum 1 with a win rate of 42%.

I want to get used to the game by dropping to around Gold 3 and winning or losing against Gold players, but it’s tough when I’m getting hard countered by Platinum players.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather, when I watch streamers and their broadcasts, I think everyone below Gold is managing their plays with a solid awareness of set plays.

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    [The official English title is Garou: Mark of the Wolves.] There are many people locking themselves in ranked matches, so it hasn’t been mentioned much, but I feel like the room match UI is incredibly terrible.

    • February 21, 2025
    [The official English title is Garou: Mark of the Wolves.] There are many people locking themselves in ranked matches, so it hasn’t been mentioned much, but I feel like the room match UI is incredibly terrible.