It seems like it might be until the first season, so maybe I’ll show my face…
I don’t know yet because not all the participants have been announced.
Wasn’t there a better selection of participating works?
Can you use mental commands, big sister?
Love, friendship, and soul…
The soul is probably that way… love and friendship…?
There is love for my sister, and I also ended up forming a friendship with my sister’s wife…
He suddenly comes in Hotts-san mode, doesn’t he…?
The Gundam in your world is probably so unhealthy that characters from other works would be put off by it.
There’s a talk about prosthetics in ConV, right?
No way…
If it’s for medical purposes, it can be used normally…
If my older sister had a extreme one, I might end up laughing.
I dislike the older sister who brings a fully modified aerial.
Is the Gundam participating at the same time the G Gundam? Is that okay?
Aren’t you also moving with DG cells, sis?
Do you really want to see me as such a shiny silver naked biological unit? Well, I guess I have no choice…
If you have a big sister, it would be nice if guardian spirits could also use mental commands…
In the main story, my older sister is the final boss, you know.
I think Shin Evangelion, Bravern, Dynazeno, and SEEDFREEDOM are included.
By the time of Mercury and G-Gundam, Earth is already in a terrible state, but on top of that, Shin Eva… wow… that’s going too far…
Is it the master who is despairing at the sight of Earth collapsing near a star?
I want Sleta’s Caliburn and my older sister’s Aerial to perform a combined attack.
I want that too, but I also want them to recreate the dropkick that was done in the main story.
Friendship aside, I definitely have love.
Sletta might have both love and soul, if not careful.
Isn’t seed freedom quite strict in terms of the development period?
Even so, I think it’s normal to have it released after two years since the announcement.
Right after the release, Fukuda was putting pressure on Terada too…
I’m already trembling from being rubbed together with Bravern.
Bravern hasn’t officially confirmed its participation yet, you know!!
Bravern is a robot companion who loves pilots and hides its true identity…
It seems that the older sister’s pilot transformation might become a secret.
I hope Shin Eva is indeed present.
Finally, the story from Q will likely be released.
If you focus only on the fight between Shinji and Gendo, you can get through it quickly, but if you get deeply involved, it becomes really damn complicated, which is a dilemma with the Shin Eva scenario…
What is Miorine going to do? A supporter?
I might talk a little during the combat scene.
If you fully upgrade the Aerial, it will carry over to Caliberan and also transfer to your older sister’s Aerial, which is a good deal.
As long as I can keep going until the end without dying, is it okay for me to get beat up mercilessly, big sister?
Since it’s Bandai Namco, even AC6 is within reach; it really makes me feel that a lot of robot-related stuff has been released after all.
It’s okay for Hotts to become the sub-pilot for Suletta.
Is it a fairy slot?
If you’re going to keep Calibarn, you have to do something like that, otherwise, Sleta will end up just continuing to ‘huh’ all through the second half of the game.
Suretta is quite loving, isn’t she?
But it’s a bit emotional when my big sister brings a blessing.
I can’t do the final Gundam disassembly in the game, so I can’t use Sleta’s magic…
Just transferring it to you, big sister Hotts, is already quite a magic trick!
Aren’t there a lot of robot anime where the Earth is in ruins?
At the same time, if a creepy robot shows up, it’s instantly a gag character, isn’t it, big sister?
I guess it’s a choice between Caliburn and the modified Aerial with Sub-nee-chan.
Goodbye, big sister…
Are you okay with getting hit by things like your big sister’s super electromagnetic spin, Stoner Sunshine, Hyper Aura Slash, and Seismic Breakthrough Fist?
I want to see an NT in fear, wondering how many people can ride in the Aerial.
Are there any confirmed works now with characters who have psychic abilities?
Surely Cham will notice.
There are quite a few like Sheila and Ella who can sense distorted aura energy.
Surely, it won’t be designated as an evil aura.
Each of those bits has a ghost with a will of its own at the level of the evil spirit Lalah riding in it…
I don’t need Sleta anymore!
Until the Gundam disappears and is imprisoned in Hotz, it drifts in space and starts to interfere with beings like NTs and Innovators, driven by my sister’s will.
Can I expose you to Getter Rays, big sister?
Don’t worry.
I can see it… the world! A new world!!
Big sister isn’t free material, you know?
I think it’s a problem that the official released the correct answer in the main story epilogue.
Mr./Ms. Suzumura
When you make your big sister a supporter, every turn all units receive a blessing…
I want my big sister to give her full support so that Miorine can ride the Aerial-Kai.
If you have a good man, please introduce him to Sleta.
It seems like they will continue to use something like Falact in the game, and they might manage it somehow thanks to the Super Robot Wars adjustments.
It seems that Faract’s Colaki, which grants inability to act, might be useful for high difficulty levels…
After becoming Mr. Hotts, it seems convenient because I can do whatever I want as it’s turned into free material…
If Episode 0 is included, then it can be released, right?
Character 4 is probably a hidden character.
If there’s a Gundam fighter, I can infiltrate and rescue in person without any issues.
It’s the one where my older sister helps me and I come back with the body after I forget about it.
Even if my older sister participated, she’d be an enemy.
It seems like I can get along well with Ide-san…
Despite having died in an explosion, she has been turned into an AI, the poor girl.
If the main story can be played, I want Cecelia to appear.
Let’s go! Slatter!!
It seems that the reinforced parts have more potential.
Big sister will become a reinforcement park and be mounted on the Getter.
I thought SEEDFREEDOM would come, but maybe it was impossible due to the development period.
The love-struck special move is coming!
(A falact and a Schwarzet that come in between and disappear)
Is it the old Shuffle Alliance?
I want to raise Felsie-chan.
But looking back, I want to see a back-and-forth where I think, “Ah, here he’s trying to trick Prospero, isn’t he, Bravern!”
There are reactions from 13 people, but only one person shows up.
From each small bit, which has no space for a human to board, the presence of humans can be sensed.
There may be various reactions of shock or response, but there is no doubt that Camille will lose it.
Isn’t it strong if the parts treated as enhancements increase the mental commands of the unit?
Are you okay? The G-Gundam people have the technology to move the MF freely without any lethal effects.
Wearing a suit is tough.
Recently, there isn’t a cutting attack in the Super Robot Wars, is there?
There are no sisters who are cut down because their thrusts are weak.
Sometimes in Super Robot Wars, there are cases where the notation is separated for simultaneous participation in the first and second phases.
If you keep this up until the end, you’ll become my enemy, won’t you?
Listen, Sleta! I am not a human from this planet!
Which star is it!
Depending on where the start of the Brayburn loop is, everything can get completely messed up…
The Elan-Keres series with the same face, whether friend or foe.
Kyōji and the German ninja, with the same face, whether they are enemies or allies.
The next Gundam after this one, with a high sensitivity level and NTs rolling around, being the Zeke Aks, is quite interesting.
It might be about five years until we perform together, but I hope the sparkling space and the permanent space connect and cause a disaster…
It seems like it will connect to the GN space as well.
Mr. Hotz’s possession is like a miracle, so he might have the mental command “miracle.”
Since I wasn’t killing people other than telling them to stop, I guess I should be considerate and assume that the universal escape device will work when dealing with humans?
If it falls within the scope of when big sister shows up.
Without a doubt, the big sister is definitely saying a lot of lines and has become a great character.
The performance is fine with degraded aerials, so please make it possible to use Lubris.
By the way, is it that Zieg Ax will also have a setting where the colony side has power?
Since the resource extraction development of both Mercury and Jupiter is progressing, it seems interesting that humanity’s range of expansion in the solar system will become quite wide.
I don’t know why it’s labeled S1, but there must be an S2 as well… probably.
By the time it’s released, it should be complete, and I think it’s possible for Zeek Axis to participate as well, since there are similar settings in the Duel Gundam Fight Clan Battle.
The number of weapons in Super Robot Wars was considerably reduced.
It’s a saber rifle bit, probably about four of them, like a special move.
Is it just my big sister in the willful robot category for now?
Too much expectation for possibility in Gundam.
Getter Robo and G Gundam, Earth is in a terrible state.
I’m really looking forward to the final episode of the Mercury original scenario, filled with blessings for you…
What are they going to do at the end of the arc?
Are you going to stay on Calibur, Suletta?
“How about going for a ride with two people on the aerial, Sleta?”
I definitely think there will be a connection between Hayato and Mioline.
Even without considering the voice, there seems to be a pretty good character compatibility.
Is it a long time since Radical Getter Ray and Devil Gundam have shared the stage?
In the Gundam works, Mercury has often been treated as a negative existence.
In the final phase, Guel shouldn’t be riding in a Gundam.
I said so.
Although hope was seen, it ended up remaining a cursed weapon in the main story…
Because it’s dangerous…
In the parmet space, glittering space, and GN space.
I imagined the endlessly flowing song of Bravern…
Goodbye to Gundam and Eva?!
Score explosion! Calibur
The curse of GUND technology is finally lifted in DG cells.
Self-evolving, self-reproducing, self-regenerating Elicto
If we’re participating in the second season, we could attach DG cells to Quiet Zero and create Devil Quiet Zero.
In the past it might have been different, but I don’t think the current Super Robot Wars would be that unreasonable.
I’m sure we’ll get to see the Mercury group living school life together with the Geass characters.
I don’t want to, look at that, it’s Getter Robo. That’s my judgment, I’m saying it.
I want to have all the MF Gundams evaluated by Derling.
I wonder what the definition of Gundam in that world, including the G Gundam group, would be… I can’t believe the Mobile Trace System could somehow be connected to Gundam technology…
Well, it’s an international exchange project between colony nations, after all… and the history is fairly long.
Burn, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
The damage from GUND technology ultimately seems to be that the body can’t handle the amount of information, so it might be possible to do something with DG cells.
I trained this body just in case something like this would happen! (GUND)
I wonder if my older sister was talking in season 1.
If you include the prologue, it can somehow work.
After the battle with Shadique, the viewers couldn’t tell, but it was at a level where something could be heard.
I want you to also carry out the Ultimate Gundam theft operation along with the raid on the Gundam research facility.
Sister Miorine, please don’t yell in my ear…
Let’s go! Hyper mode!!
Elict: “Sletta, to the left!”
Miorine: “Stupid! To the right!”
Suretta: “Isn’t it right in the middle?!”
Could it be that MJP and Mercury are a good match?
Devil Gundam DG, huh…
GUND and DG cells were originally technologies for good…
It seems like big sister can communicate with the Getter Rays.
Is Devil Quiet Zero purifying the Earth?
If it’s DG cells, could I have a body too…?
If that’s the case, does it mean I have to kill my big sister, even if it’s just a simulation? Is that okay?
I don’t want to! I can’t do it!
Don’t be so spoiled! Remember the suffering of me who is bodyless and has fallen behind!
I don’t like my sister wearing a mask with Schwartz.
Right now, I am a woman of Neo-Germany…
Domon has important brother-related matters… Should we do a brother-sister masked duo with Schwarze and my big sister?
I think it was unnecessary to include the setting that my older sister is also in the BIT.
Since there’s a Dunbine, it’s like a Ferrari…
I hope Gundam also connects with the Iron-Blooded Orphans.
Mika will be able to move…
To be honest, I feel that two Gundam works are a bit few, and it seems that Tekketsu might be announced alongside the second season of Mercury in the “and more” section.
It’s also concerning that there are hardly any UC series Gundams.
It’s entirely possible that they haven’t released it just because it’s the usual guys.
The Earth is a ring! I’m looking forward to seeing how Dubsta combines with it.
It seems that the worldview on the Earth side of G, where Shadik is such a loser compared to Mercury that it can’t even rebel, might become even more complicated than the main story.
I’ll create your body with DG cells and expose it to Getter rays while I’m at it.
True DG Big Sister!
I wonder if there will be more support for Super Robot Wars 30.
I liked how it seemed like they were participating in the fight even if they weren’t pilots.
The captain was too strong.
I think there might be support.
It seems like Miorine’s total unit funds might double.
In terms of Super Robot Wars, the Faract is a highly mobile sniper, so it’s a tremendously valuable asset.
You probably have H&W too.
(The song of Bravern that can be heard in place of the voices of the thread images)
There’s also Macross.
Actually, it seems impossible for me to take all the blame for Shadyk because the scale is just too big.
Shadik is responsible for the rampage of the Devil Colony and the nuclear missiles in Tokyo.
The Ultimate Gundam becoming the Devil Gundam is also Shadik’s fault.
Not everything in the original work is entirely my fault.
Since there isn’t a successor model with good performance, it seems that in Super Robot Wars, there will likely be a lack of power in the second half for Mercury.
If it’s Super Robot Wars, I’ll just increase the abilities normally.
It’s okay just being able to attack from a distance since you can use it for support and other things.
I didn’t use it very much, but there is a high-output beam; however, it’s probably not the strongest move.
There are bits and there are Pamefura.
Don’t worry, it’s not that common to be weak in your first participation.
Because there are Majepuri who have cloning and cultivation technology, my big sister might really end up with a body.
In the Gundam game, Camille was aware of what was inside the Aerial.
Let’s tie in Macross Δ and make it so that a buff is applied through the song.
The song of the playbarn will become impossible to ignore.
I think a Bit and Gambit rifle is enough to be an MS.
Please write well the character trait of a cheeky and precocious older girl with a delicate balance…!
I will create an appearance that is appropriate for my age, just like Nadeshiko’s guy!
In the first place, it’s said that the main story lacks power.
It feels like, what can you say about a work where space monsters battle Gundam?
It’s about which one will be the final machine.
If there isn’t a second season, it will probably just be the remodeled version, but if there is, it will likely be either Calibur or Score 6 big sister.
Caliburn and Score 6 big sister, huh?
Is it like you can choose between a modified version with both Sleta and your older sister?
The main character will probably come up with some kind of special move, so think of a nice name for it, okay, big sis?
It’s a full weapon combination to finish off in close combat using all weapons in order, Suleta.
Is it that each company from Mercury is supplying Gundams to the G-Gundam colonies?
KMF is doing its best at that size, you know…
It’s not a score of 6, it’s 8 for Kua Zero.
If we present it exactly as the original work, then Daigard can’t fight in Super Robot Wars.
I want to ride on the Caliburn and sparkle⭐️.