I am gay!
It looks like the nipple might be visible.
If I get lured by this, then I guess I’m gay too.
I’m not gay.
And Gundam is saying.
Well, it’s not like being gay is unusual these days…
Looking at the vibe of the bulletin board, it’s easy to forget, but being gay isn’t necessarily a bad status.
Oh, I see, homo.
He’s completely a feminine boy.
It can’t be helped if it’s homosexual.
99% of homosexuals are lured by their own lewdness and fail to notice the thighs that are out of view in the back.
I don’t want to become a homo and have to see Shuji NTRing Machu.
There are more and more erotic Shuji thumbnails lately…
Is it weight training?
I’m not gay, you know.
It seems like there’s a lack of money, and it looks like they might be working as male prostitutes as well.
Village… village…
So this character is the type to undergo special training like this…
Are you going somewhere after the Clabato is over?
It sometimes feels like I’ve gained strength when I level up based on Arsenal.
Where are you focusing your training?
Look… at my Shuji…
Is it okay to air male back shots on terrestrial TV?!
I’m glad that all three main characters are the topic of conversation.
Why are you doing a plank?
Do you want to train? I don’t quite understand the reason for that.
Boys in puberty generally become aware of strength training.
And Gundam is saying.
The person inside Machu seems to be having fun, and it makes me feel proud too… so noisy…
It’s also the person inside Anki.
I thought I had disconnected the microphone, but it’s still loud the second time…
Too easygoing homo
Stop with the power words.
“I want to go to Earth!” They said, and they are probably training to endure Earth’s gravity.
The colony has artificial gravity, but it might be weaker than Earth’s.
It feels like I’m quite often together with Nyaan.
Well, if you don’t have a house and are a refugee, you probably spend a long time together.
Isn’t the next shot with a sidelong glance better?
I want to have a rhythmic back-and-forth movement as if being pressed down from behind in the thread image.
If it’s before the new announcement
If I hadn’t shouted.
The microphone is on, female voice actors!
Don’t blush!!! Show me your nipples!!!!
It’s the naughty older brother from the house next door.
It feels like Shuji is taking on a role that was expected of Nyaan?!
Is that okay?
A man with the same name as the undefeated of the East has become such a lewd sexy character…
Was Nyann really expected to be that sexy in the first place?
What is the thread image doing?
I had heard it was too much of an inner perversion, but I didn’t expect such explicit depictions to be included.
Excited Machu Kurosawa
The macho stick is getting excited!
I can’t believe that Shuji and Shaliabl are in charge of the sexy role.
Nyaan is in charge of food.
The broadcast time being late at night means that, right?
What is Gundam saying?
What the hell is this cut anyway?