How could the Astrea family have settled the situation without complications…?
No matter who kills, it will create a problem, right?
In other words, if it’s not Reinhard, everyone else will just be killed off and that’s the end.
Normally, there’s no choice but for the grandchild to kill.
Tereshia is simply incredibly strong in her prime, so there’s a chance the old man could lose, and the son has zero chance of winning.
Well, the hero has no choice but to wipe and kill.
It’s fine to kill.
The response after that.
Grandpa Vil’s subsequent actions were all wrong.
Tereshia should say something like, “Let’s get along as the remaining family.”
In a state where I can barely see, my recognition is also unclear.
The men of Astraea’s three generations all have the perception that they are kind children who see me off…
Reinhardt does not understand the human heart.
Old man’s response.
It seems to be made so that nothing can be done.
But I can somewhat understand the old man’s feelings…
At your age, still feeling lovey-dovey…
Keep the communication line open and seek help from those around you to repair the relationship.
If the old man had killed himself, it might have ended smoothly, but since that was impossible, it became a situation where the grandson had no choice but to do it…
Reinhardt normally has a human heart, and the trauma from his childhood affects his current personality…
There was also a sense of retribution for the old man Vil’s accusations against Reinhardt when he was five years old for killing Teresia.
In the end, it’s Grandpa Vil’s narrow-mindedness that is the problem.
The old man is fighting with the feeling that being killed by Teresia at that moment wouldn’t be so bad.
In a situation where there was no choice but to cut, the person who couldn’t do it took on the role of the villain in their place… isn’t it a bit childish to involve their grandchild in that?
If you think about it normally, it would have been a difficult role for Reinhardt as well…
That’s right.
The Sword Saint Temple is always correct.
Please continue to fulfill that mission from now on.
Grumpy old man!!
You’re really not being mature, are you…?
Killing was probably the best option.
Don’t let your grandchild kill.
If Reinhardt, who can only be a hero, had shown a little humanity and hesitated to cut his grandmother, it would have been better.
That’s just a corpse being moved by simple magic.
I understand that you love your grandmother, but the person over there only has the appearance and sword skills, and no substance.
If you let someone kill over that, it’s an insult to the old woman; you should have just told them to stop.
It’s too harsh that all the adults are completely focused on cleaning up after the kids.
Grandchild, that’s one way to say it! But Grandpa really needs to do something about it.
It’s not bad to cherish your wife, but it’s not right to take it out on your grandson, who had no choice but to bear the pain.
This sword saint doesn’t care at all, though.
My grandmother said a few years ago that I killed her, so I think she might be concerned…
If you cut it, it’s bad that there’s a little room to flirt with the old man.
Then, they don’t mention anything about family and only touch on the old man.
Old man Vil seems to have forgotten his current position a bit too much, which is also a problem.
From the very beginning, they have thrown away their position by being in the Kurush camp…
Since Mimi and the others are in a major pinch due to the Grim Reaper’s protection, we have no choice but to ignore our pride and emotions and kill them as quickly as possible.
If Reinhardt had shown a little more human-like emotion, maybe things wouldn’t have gotten this complicated. Even in a future where something happened, Subaru is the one getting angry because of that attitude.
Reaching a state of mind where you think it’s acceptable to forget everything and die in that situation is shameful.
There were moments when I could have taken her down, but I hesitated, thinking, “Is it okay to kill my mother in front of my son (Heinkel)?”
This might be the first time I’ve seen a scenario where the living characters don’t either overwhelmingly crush each other with their abilities or confirm their love for each other in a mutual exchange before the curtain falls…
If the vice captain hadn’t wandered in, the match might not have been decided…
Wasn’t it the coolest that my grandfather worked hard and won?
I feel like Reinhardt tends to be quite talkative and spouts logical arguments when he is feeling rather emotional.
At least win with your own hands…
Against Regulus, Reinhardt is uncharacteristically provoking him deliberately.
The old man is foolishly infatuated despite his age, the son can do nothing, and the grandson lacks a sense of humanity.
Such an Astraea family.
At the point where the old man can’t beat his former wife due to aging, Reinhardt has no choice but to cut him down.
Since there is no one else I can beat, it’s going to turn out like this no matter what.
If you really aren’t feeling anything, I think Reinhardt would have a lighter or more refreshing attitude.
It’s already over, cat faction.
It’s so cruel that if Subaru hadn’t existed, it would have naturally disappeared.
At this age, this parent-child relationship spanning three generations can’t remain complicated any longer…
It’s tough that this comes after the super classic development of Garth vs. Kurgan.
Why has Grandpa Vil, who was so cool during the white whale battle, ended up like this…?
For better or worse, I could defeat the white whale because I only thought about my wife.
In the first place, I’m also someone who ended up in the Crusch camp as a result of blowing up and shouting at my grandchild and storming out of the Astrea house…
From the protagonist Subaru’s perspective, he was a reliable and helpful handsome old swordsman.
For my grandchild’s sake.
The devoted old man for his late wife hasn’t changed at all, you know?
Do you like that sort of thing?
Even in the narrative, there are very emotional aspects written, and Reinhardt’s sense of correctness seems to have the flavor of an obsessive notion due to trauma and his family environment.
Because I was properly loved and protected by my father, who was decent during my childhood, I am unable to rebel or fall into darkness.
I’m in a checkmate.
Before Teresia died and their parents became like that, Reinhardt seemed like a fairly normal child…
It seems that because I caused the death of the Sword Saint Teresia, I now have no choice but to take responsibility as the one who took away the Sword Saint’s blessing.
Heinkel is severely having his mental support meticulously broken.
He was still a good father who could be a man, even if he broke one or two bones.
Avenge my wife (not really revenge) by slaying the white whale → Kill my wife’s corpse, have a final conversation with her afterward, and say a true goodbye.
If I could have killed Teresia, wouldn’t that have been the last growth event of Grandpa Vil’s life…?
(Tsuda Kenjirou suddenly appears)
During the white whale battle, I was fighting with a lot of brute force, so I didn’t really feel like age mattered at all.
Grandma’s unconditioned blessing, not her sword saint abilities, is way too overwhelming.
It’s not a presence that can be left alone as an enemy.
There is the part where I am caught up in a compulsion because I have to be recognized as a swordmaster by my family.
I’ve heard that without the Sword Saint’s blessing, Teresia is still one of the strongest in the world, and the fact that they were able to clash with her in that image means they are strong as well.
If there had been anyone other than the Astraea family, I think they would have intervened in everyone’s behavior and changed it.
Isn’t the white whale too weak? In its prime, it was strong enough to win overwhelmingly against the white whale, even if it couldn’t take it on solo. It’s just that it’s grown old now.
It’s definitely the result of Heinkel’s upbringing that Reinhardt is behaving well, and I find it both terrible and amusing.
When dealing with someone like Subaru, a person who used to be a charming older guy suddenly says, “Oh, yes, yes, I was the one at fault; you’re completely right…”
This house is cursed, so it’s better if everyone except Reinhardt dies…
In the end, it felt like we weren’t a family at all; I wonder if each of our relationships will last a lifetime…
Let’s look forward to some future day.
“If I don’t have this, I can’t even swing my sword. You thief!!”
My father and Reinhardt will have more appearances after this, but the old man hasn’t appeared in a long time, so I don’t know what to say…
When Old Man Vil thinks after this, when he joins Subaru, “I wish this child was my grandchild…” right?
I can’t help but wonder, is it really okay for a person to be like that?
The person is aware that it’s something they shouldn’t say, just thinking about it…
It’s impressive how they were able to portray the once heroine-obsessed protagonist in such an unlikable way.
Subaru keeps giving words that hit critical points in Vil’s heart…
I want you to visit your wife’s grave.
Mr. Reinhardt, weren’t you able to receive any blessings that would help you come up with words to read the atmosphere over there?
The reason is that Heinkel taught us that manipulating people’s hearts is inhumane.
Because my wonderful father taught me the important things about being human, I don’t twist everything with the power of protection.
That father broke.
That’s right.
The response from the Sword Saint Hall is correct.
So, this thread is over.
It’s too popular…
It’s not that the Reinhardt people are heartless, but there’s no other way for them to act except as sword saints.
Subaru sincerely respects me and praises how much I love my wife.
Is this my grandchild…?
Well, since the sword saint has become a noise and no one is trying to see the real person, of course, there can be no communication.
In the original work, there was such a scene, but it turns out that it was Pandora who killed Teresia, and the revenge hasn’t even ended yet.
The old man’s sulking is making the forced conversation cut-off too strong.
You’re already over 60, so that’s not right, is it!?
You are right. I am wrong. — So, I have nothing left to discuss with you.
Old Man Vil…
This old man is secretly so smitten with Subaru…
“Because you give me the words I want, Balus.”
Moreover, he is a great benefactor who allowed old man Vil to finally fulfill his long-cherished dream of defeating the white whale.
Subaru himself is a hero who has defeated the Archbishop of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Subaru’s words have more influence than Subaru itself realizes.
Because it resembles my former self and affirms my way of life… for my grandfather, it’s quite a convenient position.
That Subaru only has high popularity because it earned a lot of plus points related to the wife, so everything is too much based on the wife’s standards.
The one who says “just die” thinks that the other person will definitely not die, so when he learns that Reinhardt is actually in a situation where he might die, he becomes incredibly unsettled.
That is Heinkel.
Your grandchild is just clumsy in strange places, so you should pay more attention to them.
Stay just as you are, right now.
I have nothing more to say.
What is this old man?
It can be called a love in old age, I suppose, haha.
It was great to see Old Man Vil talking about love stories with Sebas from Overlord in Isekai Quartet.
Subaru is so cute for working hard as if he would die for the girl he likes and for saying words that make himself happy!
Isn’t that my grandson Subaru?
The man Heinkel, whose heart was crushed between crazy guys.
My strong father, my strong mother, my strong son, and my wife who supported my weak self is in a coma from a sleeping sickness.
It’s cuter to hang out with other kids who actually want to interact than with my creepy real grandchild who doesn’t care about my emotions.
I hope Subaru will be a saving grace, but it seems like Reinhardt is also going to get complicated with Subaru…
Reinhardt is in a pretty pitiful position all the time, isn’t he…?
When my wife gets involved, it’s so shaky that I don’t even look like the same person as before.
Subaru only knows about the superficial issues and conflicts of the Astrea family, and has no connection to them.
We had such a fun cooperative battle right up until Reinhardt…
“Don’t kill me! I really find it pathetic and I love it.”
Heinkel isn’t a bad guy, but his demeanor is at a terrible level, and on top of that, he seems to be the kind of man who self-destructs in the bad atmosphere he creates.
It’s mine~
When it comes to my wife, I can definitely become more uncool than Subaru at one point, which might indeed be similar to Subaru.
Heinkel and Reinhard are family, despite that.
Old man?
If Heinkel were here, I would be so distracted that I’d get bitten by a bug while worrying about my son.
My father was clumsy, but he was there for Heinckel.
Grandchild is trash.
When I tried to make a little compromise with Subaru’s mediation, Heinkel got in the way…
Well, from Heinkel’s perspective, it must be annoying to see the father who insulted his son and left home putting on a facade of being a kind old man while creating an atmosphere of superficial reconciliation.
Seeing Reinhard struggle, Heinkel instinctively tries to rush to help, even though he knows there’s nothing he can do.
Having both parental affection and a past makes it hard to honestly hate them.
If I had followed after Teresia when she died, everything would have ended smoothly.
Heinkel probably has the worst timing of protection.
If Reinhardt is favored by the world, it feels like Heinkel is at a level that the world hates.
It would have been nice if I could think, “That’s true, it was a clay figure that was being forced to move by a technique…” in response to my grandson’s words.
The old man, who was weakly wearing the cloak, gathers ashes and wraps himself in them…
Even if Subaru is my grandson, won’t there be a time when things get complicated?
I think Subaru won’t end up like that because he seems like he would bare his feelings there.
It’s funny how the remaining parent and child can become close again once the old man has passed away.
Heinkel certainly has parental affection, but compared to Vil, who only has a facade of it and would abandon everything if his wife got involved, Heinkel is definitely better…
Even trying to mourn just the ashes of Teresia, and then self-mocking it as “a pathetic and meaningless attachment,” I get hit with a barrage of best communication saying, “That’s not true! What’s wrong with cherishing someone you love! That’s admirable! I respect you!”
It’s my grandchild.
It’s a perfectly good conversation, but it feels somehow unsatisfactory when I understand one side’s circumstances.
For better or worse, my wife accepted the thread image as it is, so I have completely lost the intention to work on my own flaws.
It’s not that I’m going to adjust; you all should adjust to me.
I feel like everyone in the Astraea family has a bad side that resembles Subaru…
A certain kind of hybrid of the Astraea family, where a man who is somewhat blind to women, gentle yet emotionally weak, is doing his best to play the hero.
When you mention it, it does seem like that.
Grandma herself is a normally good person, you know…
If grandfather had won, everything would have been settled smoothly.
Did they even have the will to win?
I wanted to claim my wife’s death as my own, so I had the intention to win, but at the same time, I think it wouldn’t have been so bad if she had killed me.
In other words, the old man has no way of knowing, but the true enemy is still alive.
It’s likely that even with the protection of the sword saint, it’s questionable whether I could win against this opponent…
Even though I’ve just learned the manners, this guy’s strong-willed nature from his younger days hasn’t changed at all.
If you want to show me a grandchild-like affection, couldn’t you at least act like a proper grandfather first?
You know that thing is just a puppet, right?
“At least you’re right, but since I can’t sort out my emotions right now, just leave me alone.”
Grandfather, even though everyone is working hard bearing their missions, there is one person who has come to think that it’s okay to be killed by their beloved corpse.
Father: Even if I have things I want to say, I don’t have the power to express them.
Son: What are you getting sentimental about with a corpse? That can’t be Grandma.
As expected, Reinhardt is right.
Grandma: I’m happy that everyone came to see me off. Let’s continue to be a close family.
If Subaru had heard all the conversations at that time…
I might be saying something like, “That’s impossible…” while feeling confused by the gap between my usual admiration and reality.
In the end, was it a good idea to revive those two with Capella?
In other words, if that future comes where we part ways with Subaru, won’t Reinhardt’s mental state be completely shattered?
Season 3 is really interesting!
The difference is so vast that it makes you wonder what that was in Season 2.
Regarding this, I thought that the Sacred Realm arc would be difficult to animate ever since I read it on the web, while the Water Gate City arc would look better in animation.
To be honest, I feel like if I knew various circumstances and talked about them, I could probably get along well with Heinkel too, Subaru.
I think if I returned to being the family-loving dad of old, I would probably be someone they couldn’t look up to.
You can’t put the three members of the Astraea family together.
We should work on repairing our relationships two at a time, but whenever someone tries to get along, the other person shows up.
Even legendary warriors were merely obstacles for the Gorgeous Tiger to move forward.
The members of the Astrea family were too deeply pierced…
Subaru and Heinkel are similar to the level of having quite a familial dislike.
I believe that the buildup in the second season is like hell, but the catharsis is unparalleled.
The third season is flashy with many characters and is more entertainment-oriented.
“Just get along with the dead by yourself.”
I wonder what would have happened if Heinkel hadn’t come.
It seems like the corpses and the old man are flirting endlessly, while the sword saint watches, and it’s probably time over.
The difference in physical age and fatigue will eventually show, sooner or later.
The Sanctuary Arc would have been tough without Echidna.
Well, without any suspense or mystery and going straight for a battle development, it must be easier for the people making the anime.
Based on the original personality, it’s closer to Heinkel, but after installing the old man’s mentality for the sake of women, Subaru ended up walking a hero’s path like Reinhardt.
Season 2 had too strong of a gimmick aspect and focused primarily on mental care…
The second season had a cute Satera-chan, and the witch gathering was great.
I mean, starting from the next chapter, it will return to the usual pattern where the buildup is hellish for Subaru, so the fifth chapter that’s currently being adapted in the anime is relatively different from the rest of the work.
Chapter four is really good for seeing the resolution in a text-based format.
This old man was depicted as really pitiful, but in reality, he was just sulking after being told by his grandson that his wife had passed away, which is really sad…
Indeed, Reinhardt, who threw cold words, is 10% at fault, but shouldn’t we at least show gratitude to our grandchildren?
If he could do that, then things wouldn’t have gotten this complicated.
But Grandma died satisfied.
You shouldn’t take the words of a puppet seriously.
In the final stages of the second season, it rapidly rolls into solving the problems.
What mattered most is that there was nothing lingering that felt unclear, so I didn’t mind the long wait.
In Season 3, it’s already certain that it won’t have a refreshing ending since it escaped into lust.
It’s rare for a game to be purely about battles with little to no puzzle-solving elements throughout.
I talk a lot of trash, but there are pitiful and cool aspects that coexist, making it profound, so I just can’t bring myself to hate even the original image…
I think things wouldn’t have gotten that complicated if Heinkel’s wife had been alive.
Chapter 6 also seems quite interesting.
Mainly scenes where Raid-san goes on a rampage.
It’s all your fault that my Teresia died, you are the one who killed her. How can that old man, who was berating my grandson and fighting with my son before running away from home, have the nerve to talk like this?
After gathering all the pieces in Chapter 6, it’s time for the Donpachi Festival to begin.
The standout ability of the work, “Return from Death,” only activates a few times during the first Sirius in Chapter 5 and then ends…
If we had at least won, it would have ended smoothly, but now I’ve lost the one thing I could boast about, being stronger than my wife.
In a way, it’s Subaru’s chill arc in the third season.
The unveiling of the Emilia camp, completed after chapters 1 to 4, feels like chapter 5.
In Chapter 5, instead of Subaru being bullied, it’s Astraea and ○○ who bear the sadness.
It’s okay to be pathetic, but being too childish about Reinhardt is a negative.
It feels like Emilia’s side is much stronger than expected, while the others are falling apart.
The Emilia camp, or rather, Emilia-chan is much stronger than I thought.
I’m looking forward to the original work’s impending clouding by Heinkel.
It was good to see that Subaru no longer clearly returned from death regardless of the situation he was in…
This season, all the deaths were just confusing and unexpected.
Rather, why didn’t Reinhardt get twisted up like Heinkel?
Basically, it’s a flow where Subaru experiences hell and then comes back to life for a while in a dark atmosphere, and once the pieces come together, it shifts to a flashy conquest!
The mercenary group, which was the only force in the absence of knights, is in pretty terrible shape, and the Anastasia camp is quite significantly miserable.
Kurushu’s place is already in tatters.
It was chapter 4, not chapter 3.