Can you win against GM3?
I think it’s about as good as Rick Diaz.
The Robot Spirits are being released from EWAC, which is absurd.
No, that’s the correct answer.
Even if it were to end there, the achievement of having presented something in a place that doesn’t often see successful commercialization will remain.
What is not acceptable is the refinement of the shape of the standard-type shoulder armor.
It’s not because it’s a luxury mass-produced machine that it’s strong.
I believe it is at least stronger than the Hyakushiki.
For now, it seems to be better than Gym III; it’s from the usual pattern of being too costly to be adopted, and it’s one of those that wasn’t made much.
Is it lower than Zekuain?
The one above is the λ Gundam and the one below is the S Gundam, so it’s essentially a Gundam.
Looking at the specs, it doesn’t seem like such a great thing, does it?
Anihime’s option parts business model
It wasn’t the mass-produced type of S Gundam…
The lower half was S Gundam and the upper half was supposed to be the design data of another Gundam with unknown details.
Within the Sentinel, there is a noticeable modesty in the description, stating that it is relatively high-end or relatively high-performance for a mass-produced machine, which gives the impression that it is regarded as nothing more than a mass-produced machine.
Jim is really bad.
It feels like it’s between the Hyakushiki and the Zeta Plus.
That’s quite high-performance…
Looking at the simple thumbnail specs, I don’t think there’s anything better than the Hyaku Shiki.
At first glance, it definitely looks like an S Gundam for the upper body, though.
Even if they look the same, there are cases where the internals are just low quality.
Will the day come when the details of the λ Gundam become clear…?
Aren’t those kinds of numbers useless?
Even though it doesn’t have anything like a psycho frame and there’s no occult correction applied,
If you can’t even believe the spec sheet, then what can you believe?
In Gundam, information displayed on the screen along with character dialogue is true, especially.
It probably means that the numbers are obviously over-spec compared to the information displayed on the screen, and are therefore just for reference.
For example, the range of the Guntank is 330 km.
The mood of the moment.
The Red Zaku is a representative of Minovsky weapons, but the headache when setting it up is the escalation of the specs. Originally, with specs like this measured in MW, it’s painfully powerful as a daytime shield, yet many gamers rely on it, so whether or not we can achieve total thruster output is debatable. Close combat is akin to a dinosaur child. Originally, aside from the High Mega Cannon from ZZ, beam weapons of Gundam-type seem to have become rather futile, and recently they’ve been subdued or published (Those who read the MG January 1988 issue know this, but the S-Gun MS-09 DOM has a mechanism attached to the left leg. It’s a type of weapon specialized for close combat. It breaks beam barriers and inflicts damage through sheer quantity. Continuous use is its strong point. It is, simply put, unusable as a power increase. “Is the domestic market going to stick with Pazone stacks or will there be an official development team someday?” “Ninjutsu and compassion. Well, if it isn’t like that, we couldn’t have set it stronger than ZZ.”)
This is the first time I’ve seen this kind of “Yeah” used correctly to mean affirmation.
Nero is made of Gundarium armor, and its armaments are generally stronger than those of the Jim III, and it can also use the specifications of the Jim III (since it belongs to the same Anaheim system).
Well, of course, even Nemo is saying it’s expensive, so the financial situation of the Federation is terrible, and the dream of becoming a fully mass-produced machine has died.
Well, if you only look at the output and thrust, the amphibious mobile suits would be in big trouble in the Universal Century…
Even old models can still fight relatively well.
The large Jegan type was impossible.
There are thrust values listed for only the main thruster, as well as totals that include the old apogee motor thrust, so you really can’t rely on it.
It’s common for there to be inconsistencies in depictions, even within the same work, as if they weren’t written under a unified set of rules.
I’m more concerned about the issue of the Gun Tank’s range of 330 km and how it would be used under the influence of Minovsky particles.
The Type 61 tank is said to be able to perform precision shooting through a data link with satellites, so I think that would be an effective range, although it can’t be used if Minovsky particles are spread around.
The heavy-armored Humbraibi, with a weight of 56.9t and a thrust of 59,800kg, is faster than the Z, which has a weight of 62.3t and a thrust of 112,600kg!
There are talks that the Full Burnian is faster than the Z, at least in terms of specs.
The specifications sheet for Gundam really isn’t reliable…
The generator output still seems to be set with considerations for the era and the model’s class, but regarding thrust, there are really many arbitrary things.
It seems that the thrust-to-weight ratio can easily flip like Hammurabi depending on the combustion efficiency…
The specifications chart is random, and many of the characters’ lines in the story are often said on a whim, so aside from the clear statements in the publisher’s supervised text that something is definitively above or below something else, one can only take the rest with a grain of salt.
Thrust is the total amount of thrusters in the entire body, so it doesn’t equate to speed.
The output seems to vary depending on how much power of the machine can be utilized.
It must be something like the low fuel consumption of the Hamurabi.
As the quality of the parts improves, the fuel efficiency will likely also get better.
Is it unrelated to Nemo despite the name?
There is hardly any commonality except for being an Anaheim-made MSA number mass-produced machine.
It’s given a grand setting, but even so, the specs are low.
It is an honor to be able to fight alongside the legendary Three Knights of Destiny!
Nero and Nero Tre cost 450.
The fact that Gym III has a cost of 400 is everything, right?
It’s strange to bring up settings that were determined for the sake of the game.
Also, the baseline values for the specs change according to the vibe of the work.
If it’s a Sentinel, there’s no need to say anything…
There was a story that in AOZ, some of the design of the ZZZ Gundam, which was created by taking TR-S, was used in Nero.
The unidentified Gundam being the basis for Nero has been part of the setting from the beginning.
The suddenly too light overall weight of the small MS isn’t worth looking at as a whole.
It’s probably Nero’s original and Gundam 8. There aren’t many details out yet, but there is a name for the Gundam.
There’s a μ Gundam and stuff.
They say this guy is actually a Narrative Gundam.
So when it comes to what to compare it to, it would be the depictions within the work.
This can also be difficult to reference depending on the pilot and the opponent.
Especially FAZZ.
In other words, GM3 is just really weak.
The base is the GM2, an outdated veteran machine that has already fallen behind since the Gryps Conflict, and during the Neo Zeon Wars, it’s just a GM2 that Karaba modified on-site, making it essentially a GM3.
It’s tough to deal with Axis MS, but as a support unit just spreading missiles from the rear, it was able to perform decently. So, the front line would have to be something like Nemo or the mass-produced Hyaku Shiki Kai; otherwise, it’s impossible.
There have been quite a few Gundams that were originally set between Z and ZZ, but haven’t appeared yet…
You don’t have to forcefully fill in the gaps!
No one cares about the thumbnail specs these days, right?
It’s been over 30 years since that lost its meaning, and that’s a path that fans of Gundam have already traveled.
I just recently learned about Gundam and now I feel like I know about it just because I read it on Wiki, like a casual fan.
I think there are always people who love comparing numbers like this, regardless of the era.
ε Gundam
η Gundam
θ Gundam
K Gundam
There are still this many Gundams that only have their names mentioned.
As for the θ Gundam, for some reason, the official θ Plus has come out first.
At least during the old MGZZ era, there was a setting where the ZZ was also referred to as the θ Gundam.
I mean, I’m thinking about that around Sentinel and marking it.
Even if something like that can be made, it will never be filled.
They were probably hoping for fan subs for the narrative and other things, but it ended up being a disappointment, like the μ Gundam.
It’s about UC, right? That’s what determines the output and such.
I feel like the only differences in the Another mobile suits were their size and weight.
The thumbnail specs are all a path that 0080 broke through.
But I still don’t understand why such numbers were inflated to 80MS back then.
Works based on Gundam Century, which involved many first staff members, tend to have inflated numerical settings.
In the Century setting, the 1st MS also has high specs, but it is not part of the official Sunrise setting.
Even so, the influence of Century was significant, and in the past, there were two factions: the Sunrise setting and the Century setting.
Epsi is coming out with a design, right?
If the thumbnail specs are reliable information, it would be really bad for the mobile suits in 0080: War in the Pocket.
Even if the output or thrust is high, there are fundamental cases where the pilot cannot endure it.
If it’s things like Alex, Act Zaku, or Sinanju, then even Unicorn has to undergo body modification; this is the kind of thing we’re talking about.
Alex is relatively okay, but…
There’s also a defective machine called Hammer Hammer that only has incredible thrust…
θ is not ZZ.
By the way, the Dom’s chest beam has such low output that the standard Dom’s chest cannot be used even as a diffusion mega particle cannon and can only be operated as a flashing distraction.
However, the output-enhanced Dom S type and Dom R can be operated as dispersed mega particle cannons.
The narrative seems like it’s before ν, but isn’t there no Greek letter?
There are various things like Mew, so it’s the one before the new one.
Huh? But wasn’t 80 a work from before the Doujin Century?
In 08, there is a part where the lie about Sydney is revealed, but the setting that most of the colony settled in Sydney and disappeared, creating Sydney Bay, originates from Century.
0080 is quite a bit later than Century.
In terms of description, when I made the specs for W0 assuming they would be around this level, there are cases like Greepe which ended up being top class even among all Gundams…
Relatively high-end models are set with mysteriously low specifications, and there are aircraft that hardly appear in the subsequent history.
It seems like it was used only slightly in relation to politics, and that itself has a certain romance to it.
On the contrary, the specifications of the Endless Waltz MS have become excessively modest.
SOZAI is good, you know, SOZAI, it’s like a catchphrase for groceries.
This one has a higher thrust! So if I keep attacking while retreating, I definitely won’t lose, which makes this one stronger!
That kind of argument has been around for about 20 years, like a pot.
The μ Gundam should be in some PC game.