My wife is beautiful.
The Federation wouldn’t undertake a counteroffensive operation with no chance of taking Solomon.
If you don’t have a mindset that would allow you to live and separate from the fall of Solomon,
Because I am a newcomer, I was confused and mixed up Dozle and Dren until very recently.
There’s also that guy named Drel.
Isn’t it that Gihren and Kycilia should also absorb some Slego to strengthen their own factions?
Since the Dozle faction is also large, they might consider crushing it and incorporating the remnants rather than doing something like that.
The Kishiria faction has such excellent ace pilots and ace units that it feels like they’re collecting talent.
I’m not very interested in the power struggle, so I have no one to move this gently in accordance with the hierarchy within Zeon, which means I have no choice but to leave Kishiria alone, and Gihren has nothing to do either.
Seeing ORIGIN’s dad giving a cold response makes my stomach knot.
Dozle’s child looked like his wife, didn’t he?
If I’m alive, my wife is beautiful and my daughter is beautiful too.
My daughter’s husband is the son of a big company’s executive, and it’s unacceptable for him to be the type to engage in a fight with my father-in-law.
If there were ten Dozuls who wouldn’t die from car bombs, the situation would have changed!
Should we have made a clone of Dozle instead of a clone of Gihren…?
I pulled a daughter SSR, so I’m in the winning group.
If Dozulu were alive, there might have been a drama like the Terauchi Kantaro family.
Isn’t your daughter going to appear in the new Onee-chan Gundam?
The guy who’s like a clone of Dozle is already dead before the war starts, so no matter what he does, he’s dead.
Is everyone in the Dozle faction muscular?
Char, Ral, and the Black Three Stars.
Maybe everyone’s wife is beautiful.
Aren’t the Three Stars the Assault Mobile Forces?
Considering the operational time of the Big Zam, it’s not suitable for base defense; getting in it is like going on a suicide mission.
The fact that it was originally intended for ground invasion and not designed for operations in space was shocking to me.
Since it is based on air cooling, it will not be able to dissipate heat adequately in space as it is.
That huge machine with a powerful mega particle cannon must be a lot harder to cool than the swimming club.
Gihren didn’t send reinforcements, probably to conserve military strength, but it seems that Kisyrya sent reinforcements from Granada (although they were too late), so it seems Kisyrya wanted to cooperate if possible.
Kissiria cannot be trusted for real… She kills Gihren at the worst possible timing and lacks a sense of the bigger picture.
Those who killed my father can’t complain about anything that happens to them, right?
If it comes to landfall on the mainland, it would be unbearable to watch.
As Ghiren, I might have thought, “What are you saying after losing 12 Rick Dom units due to personal reasons?”
Since it emits a grudge that envelops the Big Zam entirely, it seems that the Newtype power was probably the strongest among the Zabi family.
The Dozle faction has an image of meritocracy.
Gato is supposed to be under Dozle, but he is often mistaken for the Gihren’s elite guard.
Your ambition, Gihren.
I think it’s partly due to being bald.
I ended up working under that guy.
It’s complicated because there are discussions about that bald guy just believing in the Imperial Guard on his own.
For better or worse, the spirit is too much like a warrior…
It’s not so much about conserving resources as it is about drawing them in to set up the colony laser, with the final battle planned in Aoba Ward. We’re even mobilizing student soldiers for that, so there’s no room to send anything to Solomon.
It was supposed to be about stalling for time with the Big Zam, but Dozle’s pride wouldn’t allow it.
Rather, how did you defeat the Big Zam, Seira?
Look at the hammer with murderous intent!
Big Zam is weak to the Gundam Hammer, as stated in Federation vs. Zeon…
The light cannon might be a legendary machine.
Regarding the content of the initial plan.
It is thought that there was a Sleggar attack.
Even if I survive, I will probably get caught up in political strife and suffer greatly.
It seems you were fully prepared to serve under Garma without understanding your place.
I wonder if there is a game like Angelique called “Dozuru’s Ambition (Searching for a Son-in-law)” or something.
Even so, the son-in-law who keeps saying that is too much of an “old man killer”…
Isn’t the Black Tri-Stars part of the Kycilia faction?
The fall of Solomon = Behind me are the soldiers I let die.
There’s no way I would run away!! Here I come!! (Sound of the large megaton particle cannon)
Subordinates, hold this guy down with ten people and put him on the escape boat.
Is it enough?
It seems that the conflict between Kshatriya and Giren is intensifying in Zieg Axis, but I wonder what position Mineva is in.
To my family, I’m just a good person, so I can’t take sides.
Since I have no intention of becoming part of the Third Army, I can only be excluded from either one or both, right?
No, my relationship with Kshyria is terrible, so I’ll side with Gire.
Before Garma died, Char was also his subordinate and while he is a side story character, there’s Shin Matsunaga too, so Ramba Ral and Gato have quite a few ace pilots under their command.
Rather, Gihren is too cold to Dozle and trusts Kyshiria too much, especially when watching the First.
As long as we are facing the same direction, I think it’s certain that things will proceed more smoothly with Kisyyria.
No, I’ve ordered you to concentrate your forces because we’re going to battle at Abao Akuu.
I will defend Solomon! What am I supposed to do with someone who won’t listen to reason…?
I told them to run away using the Bigzam as a decoy, but somehow they got in and charged in, ending up dead…
As Deggin said, if it’s Dozle, you can understand that he would do that.
Giren didn’t think so.
Degin thought it would turn out that way.
Deggin turned out as I thought… and while I was resigned to that, Ghiren snapped, saying it’s cold-hearted of this old man to do so after his brother’s death.
Giren is really sweet to his family.
Even though it’s almost a dictatorship, neither the hostile king nor Kishiria are excluded until the very last moment.
I think that Dozle’s intention was something like “I can’t send reinforcements, but use the Big Zam as a decoy and escape.”
Giren is not in a confrontational relationship with Degwin.
Degwin himself didn’t have much of a different direction from Gihren until Garma died, and after Garma’s death, he ended up in a hollow state, completely delegating everything to Gihren.
The reactions after Dozle’s death and whether to cease fire or not became fatal.
Garma seemed like he would become a general who could even master me in the future… and he also seemed to get along well with his younger brother.
Brother Sasuro…
Since my son-in-law Banaji is the type that will hit back if he’s hit, there’s no future other than recognizing it after a big fight.
If it’s a commander class, then Admiral Maharaja and the Dozle faction as well.
The Cosmic Attack Force doesn’t seem to get much spotlight in side stories or games.
The assault mobile forces are on Earth as well as in space…
Someone who is not suited to nobility, for better or worse.
It’s understandable since it’s been less than 20 years since the establishment of the duchy.
The Spacenoids themselves are a people with less than 80 years of history…
As expected of a frontline commander, the subordinates are an impressive lineup.
Under Dozle, there are quite a few good pilots like Matsunaga and Gato.
Please escape!
I think there were quite a few people who said, “I’ll support the Gihren faction because General Dozle is here!”
Until Char was demoted, he was Dozle’s subordinate.
Let’s have Zeegok defeat them and crush the Vincent plan.
If Dozle were alive, he might have managed the military police part.
The military police is a separate entity because other sides not related to Zeon cannot possess an army, so they have armed the police force instead.
If a former naval captain were to share the fate of a sinking ship.
There was someone who was forced to escape by being held in a headlock by their subordinate, right?
It’s definitely better to have various parties involved for investigating why it sank and determining responsibility.
If valuable personnel were to die so easily, it would be a problem, just thinking normally.
Well, isn’t it just after Dozle withdrew from Solomon?
I took down a member of the Zabi family! It’s something I can prevent…
If Zeon wins, the post-war politics will change.
I think it would change quite a bit just having this guy as the commander at A Baoa Qu.
This person stays calm the whole time while conducting.
Since the entire Zeon is moving to win with the Solar Ray, it’s pointless to stick around in Solomon and die in vain.
Is there a Dozle Master style to counter the Mab style?
In the origin, there were some nice depictions added, but is it Akihiko’s favorite?
It’s cool in pretty much any medium when it comes out, right?
Because he is the most human-like person in the Zabi family, it’s easy to create stories about him.
In the Annihilation version, Dozle is portrayed as the warrior, while Cécilia is a psychopathic character who kills instantly.
Giren has become a politician with intense emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure.
Also, the feeling of Garma being a young boy has increased…
Is it because Amuro isn’t here that Ma Kube is still alive?
Well, usually I’m not the type to go out in an MS.
In the movie version, they don’t die, so there are times when they are carelessly killed in the side story after the One Year War.
The Odessa operation may not have existed at all.
It seems like it was quite tough for others besides Amuro as well.
The Zeon swimming club exists, so it’s not odd to have a Dozle women’s club as well.
The Big Zam itself has good performance, and since it’s effective in the A Baoa Qu battle, I can feel the consideration to buy some time while letting Dozle retreat.
In reality, I rode out and died in battle, and I think Gihren was also at his wit’s end.
Well, it’s true that with Garma’s survival, the interpretation aligns with the idea of him being in a regency or faction, but the fact is that Dozle has died.
Rather than saying that Dozle is excellent, since Dozle is alive, even if Gihren is killed, full authority won’t be transferred to Kycillia, so the assassination of Gihren probably won’t happen at all.
If there is a plan to get Dozle involved in the matter of the parricide, then it will no longer be necessary to assassinate him amid the chaos of battle.
Duzuru really loves his big brother, so it’s impossible.
Put a Dozle Zaku inside the Big Zam, okay?
Giren was probably planning to have the Solar Ray ready before the fall of Solomon, so he is definitely considering his brother.
Deggin interjected, but…
Well, I guess the mass production of Big Zam had an effect after all.
There is a possibility of a new type, right?
I don’t feel anything for Amuro, so there’s nothing.
What appeared was probably something different that won’t be staged.
Isn’t that something like the fighting spirit or obsession of Dozle that Amuro sensed?
Speaking of which, since the Solar Ray has remained unused, there is a possibility it could appear in the main story.
Looking back at the original work, Garmar is casually making statements about abandoning Zeon.
If I wasn’t executed, I would run away with you.
He’s a good boss, but he’s not necessarily a person of great character.
Deggin seems indifferent to the solar ray that posed a challenge, as long as it means winning.
Tegin is a Hiyori Kas, so it’s better not to think based on the Deggin standard.
There is indeed such a depiction in Origin.
Lambarral, who values dignity, had a fierce clash.
Are you going to ride the Big Zam in the new Gihren’s Greed Dozle scenario? → I said YES to the combat delegation and then Sleggar came charging in, which led to a game over!
The real trouble is neither Amuro nor Sayla, but Sleggar.
If Duzul Papa is alive, Minerva won’t grow up to be a good child… No, it’s actually Haman who has a much worse influence.
In the initial draft, thanks to Amuro not being around, the result was that the Acguy went wild, leading to Gihren thinking they could mass-produce the Big Zam, which is quite funny.
To put it plainly, Degin is a traitor.
If you secretly let them go, they’ll probably settle things nicely…
“No soldiers in Zeon!!”
Isn’t Girelle also unable to see the bigger picture when he would blow up his own father to kill Revil right in front of him, causing a rift within his own family?
I didn’t understand anything about the big picture or the closest family matters at all.
If you leave Deggin alone, he’ll try to make peace on his own, so it’s better to kill him.
To begin with, it was most likely Degwin who released Revil captured at Loom, and from Giran’s perspective, he has messed up multiple times.
This was exactly it with Origin…
After secretly releasing Revil for the sake of peace, he returned to the Federation and gave that thorough resistance speech, causing Degwin to snap and say, “You damn Revil!”
I thought I finally completed the solar ray, but it seems like it’s going to be unilaterally suspended.
From Gire’s perspective, this would have meant victory.
In the short term, if we don’t kill my father there, we will end up having to reach a ceasefire, so from Gihren’s perspective, we have no choice but to kill him, even if it means taking on future risks; considering the bigger picture, we have to do it.
Honestly, it makes me wonder if Degin is the one thinking… ?
Have you become weak and timid with age?
If Aoba Ward breaks, it’s a decisive battle on the mainland, right?
The Zions know better than anyone that the colony is extremely weak against external attacks.
If we were to use nuclear attack tactics like Cosmic Illa, we would be in trouble.
The Antarctic Treaty exists, so nuclear weapons are no longer used, but the public originally had that role.
A life hack to seal nuclear weapons under the Antarctic Treaty in exchange for doing wicked things through colony drops.
Well, Zeon was also firing nuclear weapons like crazy.
If there’s no plan, that’s one thing, but having a plan to win with Solar Ray is just being wishy-washy.
What are the Dozule faction soldiers supposed to do?
No matter what I do, I’m going to die.
This is where we endure.
As expected, isn’t it because this person has no substitute voice actor?
Backward-looking consideration
I don’t really get it, but in the third movie version, Dozul’s voice changes from Daisuke Gouri to Tetsu Kaneda…
Originally, it was rather Sleggar who charged at Dozle, voiced by Tetsu Akira…
Revil was more aggressive than I expected…
Deggin is completely incompetent, really.
If we were to confine them in advance, it might cause a rift within Zeon as well.
Should I have just told Kishiria in advance that I would kill Papaan?
In the first place, Kycillia shot Gihren not out of emotion, but out of the suspicion that if she didn’t kill Gihren here, she would be the one killed in the end, and I think she also had the ambition that if she killed Gihren here, she would become the supreme ruler.
If they were to include Giren, it would make sense to change the voice actor, but I can’t imagine anyone other than Banjou Ginga.
Kissilia’s character changes depending on the medium, so it’s hard to grasp her feelings; I wonder if there were any emotions towards her family other than Gihren.
Degwin was suddenly filled with a sense of war weariness after Garma’s death.
Amuro just handled something, and with Hermes also holding back, it feels like if we properly go wild, we might be able to manage relatively well.
In fact, without Amuro, Char’s bit attack is hitting really hard.
Gilren is also thinking, “Why are you suddenly trying to give a talk when Garma has already died?”
In other words, if Degwin hadn’t let Revil escape in the first place, Garma wouldn’t have died.
I understand why Gihren gets angry.
I can understand why my sister would abandon me after I killed our mother.
You’re not really doing this out of some childish desire for revenge for your father, are you, Purple Granny?
It may have been a few percent, but it was not the majority.
I’ve done it! Now I have a just cause! It’s kind of a vibe of wanting to kill!
To be honest, if they had just kept Revil in the hands of the Zeon as is, they would have quickly ended up in a favorable position for peace talks.
Wasn’t it that in Origin, Kishiria Ghiren knew Degwin was trying to kill him and turned a blind eye to it? What was it again?
Far from being tacitly approved, they are cooperating.
On top of that, it’s about the assassination of Gihren, so from the beginning, it’s a character who is a psychopathic type consumed by the desire for power.
Perhaps they feel that there are no choices left when it comes to killing a family member.
It’s not just about avenging my father; it’s like those who would kill my father are next in line, so before I get taken out, I have no choice but to act!
From Kshyria’s perspective, it probably seemed like Dozle got trapped by Giren, which made her think she absolutely had to kill him or be killed!
Origin Kirishia cooperated in killing Saslo and in killing Degin.
“How many family members have been killed in the situation of wanting to kill Gihren?”
Well, since the daughters have escaped, Dozle also had a chance to escape.
But the Zabi family’s members aren’t escaping at all.
So foolish that even Gihren would collapse in disbelief.
It’s a pretty big mistake to have killed Gihren at that crucial moment, as it left our defenses weak and vulnerable, so even if we had to kill him, that timing was quite the blunder…
If you’re in trouble with your voice, you should let Sugita-san handle it.
He will manage somehow.
Consider Sugita’s hair roots.
Even though my brother properly told Dozle to escape, why didn’t he?
I can’t win against the demon’s younger sister!
If we consider national defense, exterminating the federal-aligned colonies is something that must be done, otherwise it would be quite bad, so when it comes to war, the colonies are at a disadvantage at that point.
If you can lay a hand on my dad, then you could probably kill my sister too.
Kishiria also doesn’t run away at all in the Siegaxus time space.
Well, you should run away.
If my home base in Granada disappears, I won’t be able to do anything even if I escape…
If there’s no Granada, I’ll be at my older brother’s mercy for life.
It’s a bit odd that Dozle is risking his life even though it’s not even the final battlefield.
Both the Federation and Zeon were using nuclear warheads for anti-ship purposes.
The Federation was killed by Minovsky particles because of nuclear missiles, but Zeon is attacking with Zaku using anti-ship bazookas to launch nuclear warheads.
Because none of the other sons have good visuals except Garma…
You’re the worst!
I don’t know how to say it, but this family is unbelievably poor at communicating.
Everyone misunderstands the intentions behind others’ words and actions and ends up suffering a lot.
The excessive probing and scheming has made it hard to be honest…
From the British Operation to Luum, the Zeon had the Zaku equipped with nuclear bazookas and was shooting them off indiscriminately, right?
Well, in space, it’s just a powerful bomb, so it’s not particularly immoral in itself.
Fleet battle in Solomon?
The Federation wouldn’t suddenly engage in a losing battle now, nor do I think Dozle would run away from it.
……This is dead…… See, just as I thought……
Duzer would probably be satisfied too…
Even if Solomon isn’t attacked, this person chases after and dies, doesn’t he?
Wasn’t the person behind Dozle already replaced by someone else in the recent Gundam games?
It’s no good because everyone is too caught up in factional strife to come together as one.
So it’s necessary for everyone to become one whole.
Both the top general of the Federation and the king of Zeon are actually Jewish.
That’s the story.
Well, I guess Zeke Axu Kishiria trusted Char to the point of death.
In that world, there would almost be no failures in the operation.
Too reliable of a subordinate.
It seems that Kishiria is written as not trusting anyone, but they actually get along well with Ma Kube, who is quite similar to her.
If this family, specifically the eldest son and eldest daughter, got along well, wouldn’t they have been able to go pretty far?
There is too much waste in Kyciria’s special forces to counter Gillen, yeah.
I don’t know, though.