The successors are not growing up enough…
“Peace through oppression! That’s the motto, so we need strong power for that.”
Well, I think that’s being said in the same tone as Frieza and the like.
It’s better than Stasuku, or rather.
It’s said that they have the best leadership potential among the entire Decepticon army.
It’s not at all ideal…
There’s a notion that Convoy doesn’t seem very commander-like, and this contrast isn’t entirely absent from the discussion.
Because it is Megatron, a dictator, against Convoy who is succeeding to the commander’s seat as Prime…
If I were to choose a boss, it would be Commander Convoy.
The fact that Starscream is so eager to betray others is ultimately because he wants to become Megatron! And in the end, even if Starscream genuinely becomes the new leader, he will just be a Megatron 2.
The depiction of a dictatorship becoming seriously dangerous when the leader goes crazy is quite profound in Galvatron, making it a deep anime…
Even Convoy has failed his good idea just once.
An image of constantly failing due to information pollution.
To be precise, I added Convoy’s advice to the strategy proposed by my subordinate, but it felt like Megatron was one step ahead and it didn’t have any effect.
No, when it comes to this kind of work, you’re number one!
There are rarely any enemy leaders who would only exile a subordinate who has rebelled and tried to kill them multiple times, even as a maximum punishment…
It’s like a gang that Megatron just whipped up.
In the main story, my impression changes as Convoy also gets somewhat tossed around by his subordinates.
Since I didn’t kill Starscream, I was discarded in the movie, so I understand why I became a character who immediately cleans house after becoming Galvatron!
The Cybertron warriors are pretty brawn-heavy.
There are some aspects that are being lifted by the delinquent and stray dog theory.
If you only see the scene where they admonish Stasuku for trying to commit unnecessary killings, it does seem moderate.
Commander Convoy actually acts like an ideal boss when you see him in person.
The elderly dictator vs the young person who doesn’t want to inherit is an amazing composition of 2010.
Well, I feel like it wouldn’t work out well even if Convoy is at the top of a group that values power and practical benefits above all else.
Within the group known as the Decepticon army, they might be an ideal boss.
There’s a sense of a one-man management style in the way we somewhat casually forgive Stask.
Simply handling the task means there’s no one else who can be used as a number two, which is significant.
I feel like the combo of jetpack and “it’s noisy!” is generally bad.
That scene itself was a rare moment where the commander was on edge because if the Decepticons had escaped, it would have been a major crisis for Cybertron with total domination of Cybertron and defeat for the Autobots.
If I hadn’t had Rije, we would have really lost.
Rather, everyone except the commander is too absent-minded!
“What’s up with Rije!!💢”
Strength is everything! Peace through oppression! This kind of thinking ultimately means that if you become weak, you will be ruthlessly discarded by your strong subordinates, and you will have no choice but to submit to even stronger individuals.
Even if someone other than Stasuku starts a rebellion, it seems like it ends up that way, and the people who should be in charge are in charge…
I don’t mean to mock, but I truly feel that Cybertron has a really homey atmosphere at work.
Sometimes we have big fights, but we don’t have any fatal splits from conflicts among the members.
It’s nice to have a workplace where we can play football or basketball on our days off and watch “Teletran 1: Kitchen Romance Theater” together.
The way of pausing right after Galvatron killed Starscream
It was supposed to be the usual punishment, but I got carried away and killed them, and now I feel like I’m covering it up.
I really don’t want a boss who can easily do things like brainwashing and forced labor…
It’s clear that Galvatron repeatedly getting deceived by the information about the Decepticon Matrix stems from a desire for the absolute proof of leadership, which reflects a certain harsh reality.
It could also serve as a countermeasure against the Unicron, whose return is unknown.
Looking at it this way, Destron really seems like a terrible small to medium-sized enterprise.
Without Mega and Starscream, the Decepticons have minds and personalities comparable to that of heavy machinery, so it’s a miracle that they were even able to operate as a cohesive organization.
Without Stardust, it’s just a group of fools who can’t do anything voluntarily.
It feels like Megatron is portrayed as being more skilled in scheming.
It’s not said that we are a people of deception for nothing.
Anyway, they are extremely good at talking.
Compared to the Cybertron army, the rate of internal conflicts is just really high…
It’s quite impressive that even when the debusters rebel, they can still manage the situation properly.
When watching the original 2010MFBW2 in succession, I feel that the best Decepticon boss is BW2 Galvatron big brother.
I think the image of the triple changer’s rebellion is strong.
My subordinates are just a bunch of clueless people running around in confusion, and Megami is going to beat them all up and come back.
Soundwave can be used as a strategist, but I only have doubts about him as a leader.
Destron Minabaka Bakari
That said, the person himself is just a statue without any particular vision!
It’s often lamented that the organization can only retain yes-men of Megatron (excluding Starscream), resulting in a lack of initiative, but I also think it’s partly due to Megatron himself.
I mean, Megatron himself takes the stance of “Don’t do unnecessary things, you guys!!”…
Both Soundwave and Laserbeak have strong loyalty, but they are basically the type to wait for instructions, and among the executives, only Starscream really takes initiative.
If it’s an organization that can be settled in one generation like Megatron, then it’s fine to operate it like in the story, but for some reason, it ended up remaining as an organization in 2010.
The attitude of those under the command of the army, who just want to ride on the winning horse without any intention of taking proactive action, is very raw.
Megatron essentially looks down on humans, but he really knows how to make great use of human infrastructure and psychology.
I’m not sure what to do next! Even if I get motivated, I’m afraid I’ll be told to wait for instructions and not do anything unnecessary! I might end up being a person who waits for directions.
Megatron never listens to his subordinates’ ideas.
Of course, everyone would become a yes-man.
It’s difficult to say if it’s okay to connect ONE, but workers who were originally in the same company shifted to the Autobots as they were.
The Decepticons, led by leaders from different backgrounds who dominate by force and follow various stances, have differing directions, right?
The origins of Cybertron mentioned in 2010 are based on the idea that they are labor robots, while the origins of the Decepticons are based on the concept of low-intelligence combat robots.
As expected, B127…
In that regard, Convoy has an atmosphere that makes it easy to express opinions, and they actually adopt ideas with a sense of understanding.
It’s reassuring that the commander will take responsibility once we come to an agreement.
In the Master Builder sessions, before rejecting a subordinate’s proposal, they first praise the subordinate’s suggestion, then ask about concerns, point out issues, and request resubmission, so it’s really methodical.
There was a joke about how villains are the ideal boss about ten years ago, but recently I feel like people are just saying these guys are totally useless.
When I look back at it in the streams, there are many that are far from ideal…
If Cyclonus had been under Megatron when he was sane instead of Galvatron, would things have been easier?
Megatron was a shiny new model robot at the time, and since he was quite the hotshot, his personality was quite different, right?
I like that Mega praises me when they praise.
I hate Gal-sama.
It feels like the organization, which was kind of chaotic since the Megatron era, is bursting out under the Galvatron regime.
In any case, the necessity of a Starscream is well understood in the disaster of the 2010 Decepticons.
As for the program…
I like the Convoy in the episode of Lije’s betrayal too much as a leader.
Villains are often just compiled scenes that seem to fit the ideal boss image.
When looking at the whole thing, it’s only natural to think it’s just crap.
After all, they are a people of deception…
In the Japanese version, Mega and Gardevoir might be treated as different characters, I wonder.
Aren’t you mistaking that for a fortifications officer?
In the narration of Episode 1 from 2010, Megatron was treated as missing without being directly stated.
After several episodes, it suddenly became clear that the true identity was Megatron, and it feels too forced to have Masamune say something like that to fix it.
Megatron being an ideal soldier who moves according to his commands like a robot is a consistent theme across various works.
It seems to be a contrast with the Autobots that advocate for freedom, as well as a denial of ultra-robotic life forms with self-awareness.
Looking at it this way, even though it’s a beast, Returns Mega, which dislikes beasts, seems to have a somewhat similar stance.
There are quite a few evil bosses that appear to be generous on the surface.
It’s great that the differences in organizational theory lead to interesting outcomes.
The corporate culture of Marvel, which has been involved in literary settings around here, is coming through, isn’t it?
In both good and bad ways, it’s human-like and raw.
In fact, the beginning of the story often starts with the Decepticons having the advantage.
In the second half, things fall apart and Stask betrays, leading to failure.
The members of Destron other than Starscream lack initiative too much…
I think Soundwave and Cassetttron look excellent because they are dedicated to being pieces that move the story forward.
The fact that Destron looks appealing is not necessarily wrong from the perspective of selling toys.
I also like Megatron, who properly praises you when you do what you need to do.
I like the Convoy who will forgive you with a shoulder pat if you properly reflect on your actions.
The focus on solar towers is excellent, but did you properly hedge the risks?
The one who really became that way.
Megatron is cool as a villain, but it’s also true that the organization is messed up!
The way of thinking that promises are meant to be broken and others are meant to be used is just plain asshole behavior; that’s the original Megatron.
In the past, there was indeed a trend on the internet where people praised Megatron while putting down Convoy.
The good looks and charisma on the outside also mean they’re a real villain…
I think one of the attractions is that you can perform tricks that can’t be done with a convoy.
On the contrary, the fact that he can’t do combos is also part of his charm.
I like it when viewed as a villain.
It seems that Convoy is really not interested in the role of a ruler, regardless of being a commander, based on his behavior during the Beast Wars era.
On the contrary, Rodimus gives the impression of hosting peace conferences and governing.
This is like having a military commander also serving as president, so it’s a fully-fledged military regime.
As a result of the total war, we were able to defeat the Decepticons, so I ended up having to handle all the domestic affairs afterwards…
Jetron has a decent level of autonomy and can also do the job.
Jetron, which lacks autonomy and cannot work.
It’s already bad that the destruction emperor from a different faction, not a subordinate, has become the next-generation leader in both the Japanese-made G1 and the Marvel G1.
It’s sad to see that even though the organization name remains in the anime, its scale keeps getting smaller and smaller.
I mean, Destrons believe that power is absolute!! So I think it’s impossible for them to make calm judgments and come up with things like inheritance, like Prime does.
A system where you succeed if you win by strength!
Convoy fundamentally has a personality that feels deserving of inheriting the seat of Prime.
If you look at the insectron pin, I think it will generally turn over in the palm of your hand.
It’s helpful that you’re lightheaded.
The image of Megatron being strict yet kind to his own is partly thanks to the voice.
I think it’s significant that those who have messed up so much haven’t really gotten their lives taken away.
Thanks to that voice, it gives more of an image of a stubborn old guy from the Showa era rather than a power-harassing boss.
While I was sleeping on Earth, Deathzaras was acting as the Great Emperor.
It’s the kind of guy who looks down on humans, calling them meat bugs.
Since the insectron is increasing rapidly, we need to focus on the core three-body and further streamline to avoid getting completely devoured.
The Prime Megatron had completely lost his mind, and by the end, he just disappeared, saying that destruction was fine…
By the way, how is the development in Japan going…?
GO! Look!
Also interrupted midway.
Even though we finally have the bulkhead and combine with Bumblebee,
But a charismatic one-man dictator with leadership is appealing in fiction.
While calling themselves the evil army Decepticons, they form alliances with Convoy in truly dangerous situations, and that looseness in their style gives a sense of security.
Even though they have the same emblem, this person is treating the Insektron poorly just because they are an independent squad.
Since it devours everything by converting it into energy, giving it the Energon Cube would only be a loss…
It’s just a difference in stance regarding the energy issue, so offering help in a major pinch is absolutely acceptable.
Don’t involve the Earth in the energy problem itself.
It’s not that he is an ideal boss, but whether it’s due to the circumstances of the anime that can’t reduce the number of people or simply a manpower shortage, he is oddly lenient with the mistakes of his subordinates, and when they do well, he genuinely gives them praise.
It’s nice how happy you look when you praise someone.
I wonder if these guys’ planet had a primitive era or something…
Wasn’t it created as a work robot from the very beginning?
I feel like there was a mysterious area in the center that had a medieval fantasy-like world view.
The surface seems like a planet of iron where Quintessa’s specially made robots have started a rebellion.
Well, it’s more scary than foolish because it’s so erratic, Insectron…
When Starscream said, “I’m the new leader starting today!”
Everyone is just following along with the Decepticon army, which feels strange, doesn’t it…?
It’s not so much that it’s strange, but rather that since Megatron has taken away his ability to think, he can only obey, no matter how much things change above.
If we think extremely positively, the existence of someone who can take command without losing morale even if the leader collapses is…
It might be grateful for the group of fools.
The original version of Megatron has a voice like a really hoarse old man.
It’s the same voice actor as Curious George.
In the PS2 game, I feel that Commander Convoy himself didn’t see himself as a great commander, but rather as just a soldier who loves peace, similar to his other companions.
The scene where Billdrone is brainwashed by a weird tentacle machine and turned into a subordinate has an incredible sense of props.
Stasuke is too capable to be treated this way… He may be underestimated, but he also has charisma…
Buildron has been brainwashed by Megatron!
Buildron created Megatron!
Having both will drive you crazy.
The Buildron itself can exist as long as there are multiple groups beforehand, even if Mega applies Robo-Smasher afterwards.
If it were me, if I were told in Seizo Kato’s voice that you’d be number one at this kind of work, I’d easily be swayed.
Let’s find out what happened to Megatron in the mystery of Convoy!
I don’t understand…
If you don’t watch the movie, you won’t understand that Megatron and Galvatron are the same person.
At that time, it was not being aired, and there are no means to watch it currently, which is a trap.
If anything, they’ve made it so that the character is missing in the anime, so even if I watch it, there are inconsistencies, which is awful.
Well, only Cyclonus knows that Megatron became Galvatron, and for others, it’s a fact that Megatron is gone.
Commanders are truly merciless to those who commit crimes and do not show remorse.
That is the difference in the outcomes of Mr. Burger and Lord Chaimley.
Mr. Burger was simply corrupted by his ambitions intertwined with Destron, and fundamentally, Destron was the real evil…
On the other hand, Lord Chumley, who was completely selfish in capturing and torturing Cybertron warriors without the Decepticons, was silently sent to the Soviet Union.
When thinking about it in the future, that burger seems better to just kill off in one go…
Chamuri is worse, so it’s safe.
I can’t accept anyone other than the destruction emperor I want as my boss or brother Gal.
It was bad that Prime quietly had Knockout join the team and survive.
Is that okay with him…?
It seems like they were genuinely reforming after what happened…
Gigatron gets excited in SL…
The birth of Optimus Prime is depicted properly, but the birth of Megatron is surprisingly casual.
The origins, from ONE to Megatron, are depicted thoroughly when they are drawn…
There are some that are similar in shape like Omega and Gadep, so there might be buildrons around before and after they were chased out of Quintessa.
Lord Chamley, who was able to return alive from the Soviet Union with Japanese toys.
It seems like you might have experienced something that would be better off dying.
Since they are robotic life forms, it’s not surprising that there are many of the same type, but that said, it can be a source of confusion.
That’s why human animators are amazing!
It’s already tough enough that there are so many color variations of the same design, but they even have different names in America and Japan, damn it!
I like Mega because they are so playful.
My laser firefly and car mode.
I think the bad-mouthed nature of the live-action Convoy leaves a bad impression on people who haven’t seen it yet.
The live-action commander has an incredible violence fight…
Well, there were parts that I watched for that reason, and I was happy that even after leaving Director Bay, I literally went to get Scourge’s head with Bee.
Chamuri’s lack of ethics… looking at it now, it makes me think about various things…
The burger was still saved because Spike was knocked off by the condor to protect him and was made to work underground like other humans.
(Galvatron in the Galvatron search team)
In the end, Knockout says something like, “I can’t become like you…” to Optimus, so it seemed like he was changing a bit.
An element that seems to have endless depths to explore, the evil brainwaves that are nesting within the body.
I heard that during the translation of Beast Metals, they aligned it with the original Japanese translation and settings, but I wonder where that was.
It’s more effective to make someone suffer worse than just killing them outright!
Chamlee is just doing things that would seriously make someone angry…
It was like in Inferno, but taking advantage of the good faith of the Cybertron warriors to abduct them is definitely something that would make Optimus Prime angry.
A strict commander to those who threaten people’s freedom.
I don’t want a boss like this mental health issues person.
It feels more like a power-harassing female boss than just a power-harassing boss.
I love how Commander Bee responded to Unicron’s plea for mercy with “Your life!!! (Then die!!!)”.
The B-class character uses a lot of weapons, but in the end, the usual blade is too strong.
Earthspark’s Megatron is great, isn’t he?
I still struggle with my past decisions, but I think being in an environment where I am cherished by grandchild-like terrans is really wonderful.
Who would it be better to follow among the legendary Mega and Gal?
I am BW.
Brother Garu has a bad drinking problem, and my younger brother is a bit foolish, which are minor flaws.
If you make the first Megatron even colder and ensure he doesn’t throw tantrums, he’ll become BW Megatron.
Galvatron big brother doesn’t abandon his foolish little brother, and that foolish little brother actually loves big brother a lot, which is nice…
Magma Tron seems to have the image of someone who struggles, as he gets knocked down by the Big Cannon Go! in the first few minutes of the first episode and is troubled by his foolish subordinates and the cheeky D Navi.
Well, that’s actually the case.
A person who has struggled through hardships, including their purpose.
There was even someone in the series claiming to be Megatron’s child or descendant…
There are even guys who call themselves Megatron even though it has nothing to do with anything…
On the contrary, I think I don’t want to be subordinate to Beast Megatron…
That guy is scary enough that even the occasional Chiba Shigeru voice can’t disguise it…
I really don’t like Devil Z’s subordinates…
The BW II and neo characters have elaborate pasts and settings, yet many of them are pastoral and positive.
Chiba Tron is a strange, knowledgeable evil old man who calls himself Megatron without a clear origin related to foiling, and that’s scary.
Considering the deeds of the Returns, they are truly the legitimate successor…
Just to clarify, I’m not just a fan of Megatron; I’m also a devoted admirer.
I have a vague memory of Galvatron from My Transformers being cool.
It’s not that Magmatron is weak, but isn’t it strange that Mammoth solves things with Big Cannon GO!?
In terms of bloodline, the rightful heir in the Decepticons seems to be like big brother Galvatron…
It’s impossible to win the trust of a commander who should simply jump in to protect their subordinates if something happens.
The impression is that the ideal boss is often described with images of a handsome Megatron from American comics.
A beautiful Megatron from American comics…??
Rodimus can never become like Commander Convoy!
It’s a story that ends with “What are you saying to a villain like that?”
I think this guy is competent, Beast Megatron.