I love how it suddenly flips after being built up for so long; it’s incredibly intense.
My favorite evolution episode of Digimon.
BanchoLeomon is seriously noisy.
Is that so?
On the contrary, I like that they’re chatting away during the evolution bank; it gives a sense of specialness.
Did Rose and Yata have a burst in Ra?
I remember swinging around a blue iron ball.
I have it. Duftmon became a pawn.
I found it.
To be honest, I think the bursts other than Shine were being consumed more like a quota.
There was a burst mode, but everyone except for Aniki and Thoma seemed to transition into burst mode smoothly.
It’s funny that the strong enemy, Rhodoknightmon, was defeated in just one episode.
To begin with, even the Rave Mon itself was struggling from its first appearance.
First, Yoshino and Ikuto were grouped together.
Well, I think it’s relatively fair to give everyone the burst mode, after all.
If we’re talking about the history, both the ultimate forms and burst modes are distributed to everyone, so it’s quite fair.
I was watching, thinking it’s amazing that they can defeat the Seven Great Demon Kings.
It seems that Rosemon’s Burst Mode is just a different color.
I thought all the main characters in Tamers would get ultimate forms, but then in Frontier, it feels like we’re going back to before 02, so the character activity level in Digimon lacks stability.
The two guys have a proper burst mode, but the other two should have color change or makeshift burst modes.
I think Thomas’s betrayal (not really a betrayal) that triggered the dark burst mode is quite severe.
Frontier should at least let everyone have something like Double Spirit Evolution.
The final form is also Agumon’s Burst Mode, and there was no special power-up that could only be done in one set.
Even the sub-characters can evolve to their complete form, and the average strength is high for the Sabers.
Usually, the long, tedious intro song fits perfectly here.
I’ve been waiting for this for a while, so I’m really excited.
In savers, the insert song only plays when victory is certain, so when that intro starts playing, it feels great.
Dede dede dede dede den!
Ravemon is probably designed with burst mode in mind, and the fact that the color of the wings becomes a single color is cool, but Rosemon does feel a bit half-hearted.
Kurata is too unscrupulous.
I feel like Rozemon’s selection was quite influenced by adult circumstances.
I love how everyone naturally shouts “Go! Masaru!!!” in that flow; it’s quintessentially Saber-like.
At the point of Rosemon, it feels kind of off…
Is it because too many female elements other than big brother’s mom and sister have been invaded?
I feel like there were also the Bishop and Rook’s older sisters.
I remember that Rosemon Burst suddenly shook its breasts.
The strength of the sub-characters was quite high, wasn’t it?
Wasn’t there someone other than the commander who hadn’t reached their complete form yet?
I liked how Ikuto was the only one in the main group who could evolve to the Ultimate form while still using the Digivice ic, it felt special.
Creating a path of flames is nice, isn’t it?
When it comes to Sabers, the ultimate forms appear early and many of the enemies are strong, so it can be said that it is a work with an overall inflation trend.
Forbidden Temptation still has an incredible performance even when watching it now.
The children took off their clothes, but…
The captain is the ultimate form of the Royal Knights, Sleipmon.
The complete form of the Opus combo: Luke Chessmon & Bishop Chessmon.
The director is a complete Shoujin-mon.
Also, even though she’s not a member of DATS, Chika evolved Piyomon into Garudamon.
It’s incredible how much they’ve evolved without a Deji-vice…
In the final episode, the fact that the other three besides my brother also evolved suggests that if the feelings are strong enough, it might actually be possible.
Yoshino’s voice sounded like Gakki, and I was surprised.
It’s not so bad that I can’t hear it, but it’s just not good from start to finish.
I had the image of being the worst, but I was surprised that you were just really good at it.
From the flames in Shining Greymon’s palm, Brother appears shouting “Woooh!!!!” If you can relate, it’s proof of being trained as a proud Savers fan.
Dukemon’s villainous performance is really cool.
Because I was on the side of justice in Tamers.
Even though they are separate entities, it was a visually spectacular episode with the ultimate form of the main character’s Digimon facing off.
Alphorce Veldramon also wanted a chance to appear.
Because this is an era close to Yukana’s peak performances.
It’s great that the feeling of being unreliable stands out!
The effects are too bulky for it to be released as a model kit.
I’m just happy that you released the normal form.
Of course, I want to see both the thread image and RiseGreymon come out.
I can play all four forms: Lalamon, Sunflower Mon, Lailamon, and Rosemon…
Ah, that’s right… strength is something to be borrowed or given, not just taken.
Strength is… something to be combined! That’s right, Shining Greymon!
The animation quality suddenly increases from around episode 30, right?
So far, it’s great that my brother Agumon (Shining Greymon) says that’s not right, brother.
The area around the Bio Digimon was pretty boring, so this is really refreshing.
The Geo Guilrei Sword needs a bit more work…
Rosemon is equipped with gem funnels.
Ravemon’s arms turn into wings.
The bio trio isn’t very strong, and their characters were lacking…
The humans of Sabers have a strong influence on Digimon, so it’s somewhat unavoidable that even higher-level Digimon might think it is not good for Digimon education.
Lylamon’s appearance and voice are a bit too sexy.
The mystery of not being able to obtain a digital soul without only hitting the big one remains unresolved.
I just think that if I don’t do it that way, I won’t be able to focus.
Sometimes I could do it without hitting.
Digitalsoul consistently states that it is something humans ignite with determination, so Aniki can’t get motivated without punching a Digimon.
It was good that the person who can’t say it even if their mouth is torn had a strong character.
I don’t really understand what Digital Soul itself is in the first place.
I think they just created a setting with a boy’s manga-like vibe as a justification for why Digimon can evolve.
It’s strange that the bio corresponding to Yoshino, who has the thinnest family portrayal, is Ivan, who has family-related stories, but I wonder if Yoshino’s episodes were cut down.
Did Bio-Rotosmon come out before the original Rotosmon?
Attaching Digital Hazard to MirageGaogamon was definitely just for fun.
Digimon are influenced by humans who cannot produce Digital Souls, so even if it doesn’t take the form of a Digital Soul, something emitted from the human spirit probably has an effect on Digimon.
Geo Grey Sword! Geo Grey Sword, appear!
I heard that all the Royal Knights would become enemies, and I thought, “Here we go again,” but when I actually saw it, the Royal Knights were all in a terrible state of motivation and it was no good.
All the remaining ones rebelled, right? The Royal Knights.
Yggdrasil, you see…
It’s better if they fight with enthusiasm rather than just showing up like Alphorce did in the anime.
MagnaMon might have stood out more in the opening.
The part where a few people jumped and spun from the whole group gathering was perfect.
I also like the Mirage Gaogamon which goes from a classic design to something that absolutely kills it, right?
It’s amazing how Digimon and humans team up to take down Cranialmon, so it’s worth watching, and the one who surrounded Aniki’s father is from Yggdrasil.
It’s said that it’s pretty unusual for all the Royal Knights to become allies, but it’s even more unusual for all the Royal Knights to become enemies.
It’s impressive and terrible that most of the antagonistic relationships prepared in the story were made by Kurata.
SaberLeomon has died again.
It’s said that the way they were killed was quite terrible, or rather, what Gizmon did is too gruesome.
I remember the new outfit of the op-con duo being sexy.
Entry cost 4 TAMER copyright belongs to Bandai and Niori Japan. You can believe that this network is necessary for food policy and can be included in your hand. In particular, you can deploy one Digimon card that includes “Porchesmon” without paying the cost. (During your turn 0, when this card’s Digimon is deployed, by resting this card, draw one card and gain +1 memory. BT13-101 C 02 Miki & Shirakawa SECURITY This card can be deployed without paying the cost.
It was cardized.
Gizmon’s strength is unreasonable!
The mass-produced XT was more modest compared to that first one…
The first one was really strong, but…
He’s worthless, but he’s a genius, Kurata.
Toma is even more of a genius than that.
You have a pretty face, brother!