The coordinator is also a part of the pure, blue world…
Why are we at war?
I’m only treating you as a person, but the other issues still remain…
It is a battle for the independence of the Plant, a colony of the Federation.
Even if it is to win independence, we must at least uphold minimum humanitarian standards in order to proudly declare our independence after the war.
The space whale has come attacking, right?
Did the Foundation mess up before the main story?
There are no churros or popcorn.
(That aside, I will create a biological CPU.)
Raul Kruse worked hard to rise through the ranks, to the point where he doesn’t reveal his true identity among the candidates…
It is the enemy country that brings harm to my own country that I hate; I have no resentment towards the soldiers fighting under orders.
In reality, Marieu and Admiral Halberton must have fought in a similar way…
Will the Triple Alliance end up like Celestial Being, whose sole purpose is military intervention?
It seems like both the leader king and Patrick are going around in circles and will self-destruct.
I think Cruze is the type who feels reassured if there is something worth protecting in that world.
It seems that the day of prophecy will not come during my time…
In this world, there are doors that won’t open unless there are two people.
The sense of madness is stronger than the original!
There are no grudges among soldiers, but we’ll spread the N-jammer and launch nuclear weapons.
There are no grudges between the soldiers, but…
I know! Human dreams! Human bonds! Human potential!
I was able to charge ahead because I didn’t know!
Now that I know… well… you know.
There is a strong sense of discrimination, but it still feels like there is a facade of treaties or appearances holding it back, making it seem like there is still not enough hell.
Perhaps it is precisely because we have tasted hell that we restrain ourselves with reason to remain human…
Is this your wish! Yours!
Your eye colors are different!
Actually, the spirit of thinking “this is cute” or “this suits me” is important, isn’t it?
The expression of trying not to laugh in a situation where you shouldn’t be laughing, like in a Clouseau film.
Former Genetics Therapy Research Institute, now Mendel Memorial Hospital
Did Cruze keep the natural thing a secret?
I don’t know!
However, I can listen to the story.
The orb is the enemy.
It’s tough enough just fighting with the plant, so we can’t afford to pick a fight with unrelated third countries…
It’s already tough just fighting against the alliance, so we can’t go picking fights with unrelated third countries…
But what if we could make that orb our ally!?
Will I be accepted in this world?
I don’t like it, why is Zawuto in the thread!
I’ll protect you… my feelings will protect Zauth…
Destiny Plan: Finding the Best Career for You Through Genes and Thought
He who is able does what he must do.
This is the grace bestowed upon humanity by Doctor Durandal’s development and the Destiny Plan.
In reality, since we are killing each other, I felt that resentment towards enemy soldiers naturally arises, which I realized when studying past wars.
It was a beautiful song.
I wonder if that singing voice comes from not just genetics but also from effort.
This is a weapon that swiftly destroys only the operational systems and weapons of MS and fleets within its range without affecting the soldiers riding them.
Let’s call it Genesis, meaning the dawn of a peaceful era.
Gungnir: “That’s my effect!!”
The truth behind the Blood Valentine is that the transport ship collided, and for various reasons, the plant collapsed…
Compliance consideration version
Hospital Gundam
However, you are a civilian student.
There was a doctor who was a high-maneuver driver, right?
In the battlefield, there is a strong natural discrimination awareness, but when they come as patients, they take responsibility and care for even the former Allied soldiers they previously fought against, ensuring they are fully healed.
That’s cool…
Instead of sending subordinates to the battlefield with the command to die.
I think it’s much kinder for me to fight directly myself, don’t you?
If your voice comes out on the front line, it would be too strong.
That is your virtue! It is you who has accumulated it!
(I realize that even though people can understand each other so well, I was created as a substitute and discarded…)
Even so… the alternative is not all that you are!
Do you understand that…?
Thank you…
Since Kuzer was able to set his father on fire during his childhood, he has relieved some of his pent-up frustration to a certain extent.
The main story has already finished the revenge, and this side that is split with the historical Char element Aslan is just in extra time.
It seems like all the leaked NJC data is going to the good side.
The color of your eyes is different!
Well, that’s fine, nice to meet you!!
Even if you’re messing with genes, you know…
Since we can communicate, we’re both human, right!
Fighting is not everything about you!!!
I don’t know about that!
I’ll help you if you’re in trouble!
That’s all, isn’t it?!
(Video of a Major League Baseball player not being shot)
“Tama” is “tama,” but it’s the ball type.
Stabbed with a knife and shot while in the infirmary as a prisoner with injuries!?
In this world, half coordinators can smile happily.
It’s scary how things suddenly turn like this when I’m in my usual mindset during war…
That aside, I’m also making a Requiem and a Destroy.
It seems that Patrick will still be shot by his subordinate.
It can’t be helped! It’s because I’m scared of you guys…!
The cowardly soldier who ran away…! (Izark glares but lowers his gun, watching him leave)
I hate cowards who shoot unarmed or defenseless people from behind…
What a beautiful singing voice!
It must be tough for the coordinator to maintain this voice; they must be doing vocal training every day. They’re really working hard.
As expected, the national evacuation movement is Asuha’s specialty!
Blood Valentine
The incident in which several battleships and numerous mobile weapons were sunk during the plant offensive and defensive battle that occurred right after the outbreak of war, landing on the agricultural colony “Unicus Seven” and causing massive casualties.
As a result, the Earth Federation was compelled to apologize and make concessions, and ZAFT’s hardline stance intensified.
A memorial service co-hosted by the Alliance and ZAFT is held annually.
Everyone would desire it! To live as oneself!
A world where telomeres were short but had no particular relation to lifespan…
The war must end immediately; otherwise, it has no meaning!
Great! Both the quantity and quality are amazing!
We’re going to blow away the terrorists attacking the plant with nuclear missiles!!
Has your kind and serious natural boyfriend passed away?
Either way, I’m going to get stung by this.
(Nicole’s death scene has all new cuts every time.)
The camera angle is different… probably.
(There are about 20 cameras)
A world line where the tragedy of Copernicus did not occur and Siegel was just treated as a latecomer.
The Break the World was barely stopped as countless MS attached themselves to the wreckage and pushed back.
It’s a world I want to simply protect…
Nicole and Thorne survive thanks to a mysterious mercenary.
SRW W has arrived…
Is that the one that was amazing since ancient times?
If you’re not an early coordinator, you can’t operate it properly! I wonder if it’s because it was physically connected through neural links, and the brain can’t keep up…
It might be like the difference between a manual and an automatic.
This is a human, Kira-kun!!
Kira-kun! You should thank your parents!
Absolutely the best! People!
Everyone must think so! Your weapon is the love of Lacus!!
Everyone acknowledges your efforts…
Yes! Thank you!
There are prisoners of natural!
I won’t mention how to make a coordinator!
You are a coordinator who cares about your friends!
Kira and Krouze console each other with sympathy for their situations during their coming out at Mendel.
That being said, both have their positions, so when they return to the battlefield, Kira and Cruze will fight for their respective factions.
Kira removes the cockpit and survives; after the war, Kira and Kuzzey become drinking buddies.
Is the captain unable to use a sword?
It’s a time when people like that are more important, isn’t it…
Dad died!? …That’s unfortunate…
But Kira, there are people like you, who are coordinators, that can understand us.
We should be able to fight to eliminate the war that caused Papa’s death.
It’s unforgivable that Renoa was killed in a terrorist attack, but it doesn’t make sense to hate all of Natural…
A world as gentle as a song!
You won’t need a compass anymore!
A world without it is better!
World Peace Observation Organization Compass
Perhaps disaster relief and similar tasks are the main responsibilities.
An international organization against terrorism is necessary, so a compass can be created.
Unlike the original world, Eurasia and Asia are participating, and the funding from each country is increasing, so Kira’s burden will be significantly reduced.
Using gamma rays to cook is far too inhumane, so we use microwaves instead.
Genesis that limits the severity of headaches and abdominal pain.
A demonic weapon that causes pilots to become enamored in the cockpit.
It was a V Gundam… a demon.
…Nuclear missiles? Of course, they’ll be used for the recovery of the Earth. Are you stupid?
Orpheus married Ingrid.
Ah… you really are the person… (A head of state who protected themselves using innocent citizens as a shield)
You and I are going to talk! Today! Right here!
The Destroyer Corps is making great contributions to reconstruction support with their massive bodies.
Perhaps a dagger is directing traffic at my feet.
It seems that they also feel a sense of fulfillment in bio-computers.
Doesn’t this just make Aru the best jerk ever?
For the time being, the Union asks if they can use the mass driver as a long shot, but Orb firmly declines, saying that’s just not possible.
That’s why it was named that, because it destroys rubble…
Isn’t there no meaning in waging war anymore?
I have to win my independence, not just because I have no grudges…
In a world where there is no discrimination against coordinators in the case of a plant, there would be no need to be independent…
It’s not that I want to eliminate my opponent; I just want to gain independence.
Of course, after the battle is over, we will also rescue the survivors.
We made concessions where we could and reached a ceasefire.
It seems that the Compass has become more like the United Nations and is no longer just a small, reckless unit.
A slaughter dagger that launches puffed rice from the tip of the toes into a refugee camp.
Planting flowers multiple times is what this is all about…
“You are a coordinator who cares about your friends.”
“You’re working hard even though you’re a coordinator yourself.”
“After all, they must be putting in effort without being drowned by their genetic qualities.”
I thought kebabs were meant to be eaten with yogurt sauce, but chili sauce is also good.
You shouldn’t drop your daughter’s gravestone…