So slender…
Isn’t that raccoon big?
The raccoon is thicker, right?
Wife’s Production
Has Miorine grown taller?
Like a CA (Cabin Attendant).
Miorine has a more voluptuous lower body.
Sleta is wearing a very rare feminine outfit.
It seems like this is the uniform of a JR (Japan Railway) conductor.
In other words, are you working under the guise of traveling…?
The rather indiscriminate company Gundam takes on jobs.
It’s a collaboration, after all.
Just because it’s a collaboration doesn’t mean I’m only on the employee’s side…
Miorine, you really pull off such beautiful clothes.
The mysterious beautiful girl in the OP.
Unlike at work, you have such a calm expression, Miorine.
Being able to completely forget about work is the best thing.
My wife is beautiful, isn’t she!!!
I wonder if Mioirine is the one who does Sleta’s hair.
Do it between Hakata and Shin-Osaka too.
I feel like both of them are lacking a sense of plumpness.
It has a cosplay feel.
This cat couple is often selected for travel-related projects…
These guys have sex while traveling!!
Hasn’t Sleta’s breast grown larger?
Why do you think that is?
Gundam Corporation is now a big name in the advertising industry.
Aren’t you working for an advertising company?
Since selling in the Gand area has effectively fallen through, a change in operations is unavoidable.
Since Gand is dangerous, I will change direction.
It’s not a mess, right?!
I even took out my prosthetic leg!!
It seems that there are side effects in the side story, so it probably isn’t practical.
I raised it! 💢
Both are really cute, so I want to be taken care of by them.
It looks like CA clothing.
Gintama’s event was also sponsored by Gundam Corporation.
“Isn’t that Gundam? How nostalgic.”
“Gundam, it brings back memories, doesn’t it, sir?”
“It’s not Gundam, it’s Gintoki Katsura.”
Gundam Inc., connecting with all industries.
If the president and his son-in-law do advertising, it sells well…
Looking at it this way, Mioirine really does have that elegant lady vibe with the way she carries her bag…
Do it in that outfit tonight! 💢
Aren’t the president and the bride working too hard? Other (Corp) Gundam employees can come out too, you know?
The head of the tutu is not allowed because there are complaints coming from Oriental Land.
Then the three remaining girls can do it.
There are random goods for the three main families and Nika Chuchu, but it’s a uniform.
The matching hairstyles are cute.
What, it’s not a collaboration with an airline company?!
It’s unusual for the official artwork of Mercury to have the shadows and wrinkles around the chest drawn so distinctly this time…
It may be because the ethics restrictions on Saturday evenings have been lifted.
It’s JR… By the way, SEED and G-EIAX are also coming up.
I wonder why SEED looks like a comedy section in this lineup…
Why can it only be exchanged in Osaka and Nagoya?
Make it possible to do it in places like Tokyo or Fukuoka too.
A couple’s trip while on business.
So, in the future, will Kira be in a parser outfit?!
Shin! Stop making noise in the passenger car!!!!!!!!!
This idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
The only one who can interrupt these two is probably my older sister.
The girls from the Earth dorm can break in too, right?
I like how Sleta is holding it effortlessly even though the president is holding it with difficulty.
In the SEED collaboration edition, I wonder if Kira and Athrun will be the conductors?
White gloves are nice, aren’t they…
It might be the most erotic among collaborations…
Platform 3!! Athrun Zala is coming out!!!
Please stand back behind the white line!!!!!!!
Is Nika-sister a railway photographer?
It’s a shame that everyone except for the two people is wearing the high school uniform.
If I dressed up Sremio, I wanted the three starters and Nickachu to have collaboration costumes too.
The Astikashia uniform isn’t ugly, but it doesn’t have this kind of cuteness.
The uniform of Giga Ax is better.
It wasn’t a uniform that emphasized gender too much.
When you dress them in this kind of uniform, it makes you go “Whoa…”
The manga starting in spring also makes me think the Sremios skirt is good…
I like that Sletuta’s skirt is a little longer…
Sleta seems likely to follow the school rules, but it’s a shared interpretation that Miorine might cut it short.
These guys are always together, aren’t they…
Shin!!! Step back from the white line, you idiot!!!!!!
When Srettha dresses in a feminine way, I go crazy.
I thought the image was all pixelated, but it turns out the source is pixelated too…
It’s hard to predict who Giga Ax will hire…
Well, it’s probably just Machu and Nyan without any twists.
The Green Uncle and Char.
Interestingly, there are separate versions of No. 4 and No. 5.
The Three Families should have let the conductor wear a skirt instead of just Nikachuchu.
I wonder if the real-time feel of this collaboration will come out in either one season or two seasons of Zeke Axes.
I mean, there was a story about aiming for Earth after all.
It seems that besides Guell, the other three major groups also have popular merchandise.
Is it Kiraas or Kirarak?
Zigax is probably quite safely like Machunyaan Shuuji, right?
Only Mercury has two people, but the others seem to be able to have three or four.
If Sharia and Char come to the big hole, the older sisters will go wild.
It seems like all the conversation is going to be taken over by these two.
The uniform is definitely better with a skirt.
The pants are a bit…
Maybe just having Aslan around is enough to make me smile.
Aslan and Char are just funny just by being there.
It’s really appreciated that there are regular supplies from the official sources, isn’t it?
That aside, I’m not being greedy, so I want the special radio to be available for sale.
The danger lies with Gundam, not with Gando.
That being said, there are many in the advertising industry.
It seems like a typical school trip scene with Machu Picchu.
Well, in that case, the couple is doing fine, but these guys are just friends for now? It is a school trip after all.
Did Sleta have big breasts!?
I have it.
The outfit in the main story doesn’t show the body’s lines.
That uniform is really awful, isn’t it?
I like that as it is.
Sticking is not allowed.
The tanuki face tends to have a big belly.
Could we purchase the uniform?
If I’m going to buy two acrylic stands, I might as well buy an acrylic panel too…that’s the pricing setup.
However, it’s a bit lonely that only new illustrations of these two will be released for the Mercury collaboration.
The uniform that Matu from Zeek Ax wears is completely cuter and better.
If it’s a girl character wearing it
It can’t be helped; since they are the main character and the heroine, these are the ones that will be chosen.
I think if you’re going to include other characters in the collaboration goods, you should give them collaboration outfits as well.
I might have wanted the mini character acrylic stand to have a costume change.
I understand that.
If you’re going to release merchandise for the three great houses and Nikachuchu, I wished you would have coordinated the costumes as well.
So I’ll have them wear modern high school girl uniforms in the spin-off.
Simply put, it’s the most appreciated when these two are featured together…
Miorine really looks good in anything she wears.
What is this beautiful raccoon?
If it’s said that these two and other characters are going on a trip together, it’s not really that kind of relationship, so well…
There’s a distance even between Sremio and the Earth dorm.
There is no distance greater than that between a couple and friends.
We’re close, you know.
Well, if anything, if I can go on a trip with SreMio, it would probably be NikachuChu.
I think there is until the Earth dormitory + Sremio.
Wasn’t the event held in Osaka something like that?
It’s just a side job, but…
The MBS event is, well…
At the school assembly, everyone was quite lively, and at the end, Tsuremio kissed.
Did these two finally kiss?
It’s finally an event that happened not long after the broadcast ended.
I think the only ones who could interrupt those two are Mama, Eriku, and Nikachuchu.
The Earth dormitory might be able to go on a trip together during the company trip, right?
If it’s said that Slemio is likely to separate and take different action midway, then that’s true.
Looking at this, the president is too pale.
I wonder if it’s an albino.
I think my mom today would normally just say “Have a good time, you two.”
It seems that Jikax has just finished its first cour, but I wonder if it’s going to be split into two cours.
Why are you in Nagoya?
Because it’s a collaboration with JR Central.
Since there are many characters in the protagonist heroine role, it’s certain that Kira will appear, but it’s hard to predict who else will come.
I feel like six people might be too many…
There are fewer main characters than the seven in Mercury.
The protagonist heroine role is something you can understand through the flow of the story.
This project requires transportation costs that are not insignificant from places like Kyushu or Hokkaido!
If you’re going to release random goods, I wish it would be railway uniforms instead of AHS high uniforms.
What about me?
In the era of Mercury, Nagoya is the most prosperous.
The people of Kakogawa can’t go home.
I think it would be the most exciting if both Kirara and Kuaska come.
But if you’re going to include that much, shouldn’t you include Shin Luna too?
Well, there are collaboration goods featuring Mercury as the main character, so wouldn’t it have been better to include everyone?
It’s better to have more characters.
The merchandise is normally available.
I’m talking about a newly drawn story like the one in the thread image.
Wouldn’t it have been better to feature everyone in a new piece?
If Sulemio is in a Parsa outfit, I wonder if Kira would become a conductor or something.
Although it has probably been said a million times, Suletta is the first protagonist of a TV broadcast Gundam series in history.
Excluding Domon from G Gundam, it’s the tallest.
Even though a kiss is fine in a drama CD, I want to see it in a video someday.
If we send out 6 seeds, we could have 3 Jik Ax and 2 uncles, and maybe it would have been better if there were more people in Mercury as well.
Whether Char is dead or actually alive, it can’t be revealed at this stage.
Do a pie slice!
Is there a restriction that only the key visual for Mercury is Slaymiou even in collaborations?
During the trip around Japan, it was only Suremio, unlike the seeds.
It’s kind of lacking in presence, isn’t it?
A clear rival or someone who seems like a second unit pilot.
It’s not so much a constraint, but rather because those two are the main characters.
The seeds had various combinations and were interesting, but I think Mercury can also have various combinations as well.
The seed didn’t have a voice instead.
Mercury was fun because it had voice actors instead of two people.
The combination of Aslan and Shin was the funniest.
The species had no voice, so there might also be a cost issue.
It feels like we’re always on our honeymoon.
Since I couldn’t do couple-like things much during my student days, I want you to enjoy being lovey-dovey to the fullest.
Mercury is a month-long project with voice included, after all.
I want the school parody manga to feature various characters interacting without being bound to the dormitory.
Unlike other species, Mercury seems to be specialized solely for the popularity of Sremio, so it’s likely to become all about Sremio, right?
The popularity of the Gosan-ke and Nikachuchu is questionable.
Well, the popularity of characters like Tane and Kagari is pretty questionable, isn’t it?
Kagari was actually popular and ranked first.
Kagari is quite popular, isn’t she?
Those guys didn’t have much of a role or spotlight other than Guell.
Sremio tends to get flirty during collaboration projects.
Talking about the radio in the lane might mean conversations linked to the outside scenery.
In that case, this seems like it could have a powerful attraction in various genres.
I think the three great houses are popular, but making Sretta and Miorine a set now just feels… you know?
The Three Families, other than Guell, aren’t that popular, and Guell has also been declining recently.
If it’s as friends, then it’s totally fine.
It gives the impression that everything other than Slemio is not perceived as anything other than friendship.
Looking at the treatment of the theatrical version, Shin Luna doesn’t seem to…
Those who get killed are the ones who do things that lead to being killed.
In the main story, there is hardly any lovey-dovey interaction; on the contrary, it has been a long separation, so it’s still not enough at all.
With Sremio, it’s easy to pair with Nikachu-Chu or Earth Dorm, but the popularity of Nikachu-Chu and Earth Dorm is catastrophically low…
Guell would be interesting even if paired with someone other than Sremio.
Tutu or something.
It was made for a drama CD, but it didn’t quite take off.
Once, Guell was extremely popular, but now it seems that people are shifting their interest to characters voiced by the same voice actor in other works.
Since “Zeke Axis” just finished its first season.
I hope the friendship of the three isn’t broken…
First, when it comes to forming a friendship, Machu and Shuji have some connection, and so do Machu and Nyaan, but I wonder how Shuji and Nyaan are connected…
It seems there are also combination goods featuring Shuuji and Nyaan, so I guess it’s looking forward to the main story.
When it involves the three powerful families, chaos ensues in the café.
Even if I get tangled up with Nikachuchu, it won’t become a topic of conversation.
I have no choice but to keep printing with Suremio.
This isn’t an anti-thread here.
There is technically a Sremio + Starter Pokémon, but…
Well, I still feel like only having Sremio is probably more well-received.
I think it would be fine for the Three Houses to release a male-only version, but they hardly do…
A thoroughly merchandise-driven Gundam with a protagonist heroine is relatively rare, so I actually like this as it is, even if it’s from Mercury.
It’s about X, unlike other things.
Up Down
In the Gundam series, it’s quite rare to have the protagonist and heroine so clearly connected.
The free slot for the breed seems to be Kiraraku from this feeling.
I don’t dislike Suletta, but the one I think is the cutest is Elan. Go for it, Suletta!
You were cute, loveable raccoon.
It’s common for Aslan to come instead of Lux, so I can’t read it at all.
Anyway, try to hide just a little bit the fact that you are itching to hit.
A raccoon in love with Miorine is cute, especially with the humidity.
Even if they get together, the heroine side doesn’t have that much popularity either…