PROMETHEUS 1 IMBER Height: 38.83m Weight: 232.27t
The rough ends and the skinny design of the body joints are great, right?
At first, I thought a pink chest was uncool, but now this is a bit unsettling for me.
Huh? Inbel looks best in pure white…
👩Mi 💥
A single punch devastates Shinjuku!
My back is amazing.
I still can’t understand why this anime is considered a bad work, since it was so interesting.
“This is not what I expected! This is not the Idolmaster!” It’s something that was often said back then.
I think those who label it as a bad work as an anime haven’t actually watched the main content and only know about the treatment it received at the time through hearsay.
A friend who loves Idolmaster hates it like crazy, and when I asked why, they first said the voices are different, and all their comments sounded like summaries from the internet, which made me realize they hadn’t actually watched it.
At that time, the Idolmaster was a content that had passed its peak and was withering… I was really happy that it was able to come out properly among the various projects that were being pushed as revitalization measures.
The poop was cute, wasn’t it?
For Invel and the others, records represent memories and reminiscences, and I really like how it conveys the idea that there is a true understanding between them, which is very hard science fiction-like.
I think it was something like gravity control, where if it doesn’t remain active, it would collapse under its own weight.
I was amazed when I saw the waist of the Gundam Barbatos.
I think the complete recasting of the voice actors was a problem, but it is still a masterpiece nonetheless.
But there were some confusing parts towards the end.
It seems that it’s part of a forgotten series called Mai-HiME, but I don’t know how it all connects.
I want the Modeloid Nubium to be released…
Zero victories for the protagonist machine against iDOL.
It felt like the developments around Chihaya were inevitable to be turned into a joke…
It’s probably a coincidence that a female doctor like Tomoka appears, but it’s interesting.
Haruka retreats into isolation for the second time.
The very after-EVA feel may be a point of differing opinions depending on the person.
I don’t know where the Eva element is…
Well… I feel like calling it a masterpiece might be a bit of an exaggeration…
It’s definitely not a bad work, but if asked if it’s a masterpiece, I would hesitate a bit.
Personally, I liked the episode that seemed like a swimsuit special on a deserted island in the south, but instead featured serious activities like thruster jet tests and checking for frame distortion after removing the exterior.
If you like it, that’s all that matters.
When Iguchi-kun came to audition for this, he was a countryside girl in a school uniform, but now…
When people say that going to get the Hiems core and the attack on Moncler’s Japan feels like Eva, I can somewhat agree with that.
I can’t actively recommend it to others, but I like it… in that regard.
Chihaya fans can be a little angry.
I watched it without knowing about Idolmaster, but I felt the strength of the content with many familiar names!
In later years, after watching Ironblood, I thought, “Ah, maintenance scenes are this director’s kink…”
If I could choose how to die, I would want to protect a girl like Nubium, keeping the promise of my younger days.
It’s good, right? I like taking home the Tempestars’ sister, protecting her from Ulthurias, and having just the core.
I like it, but if this is presented as the first anime adaptation of iDOLM@STER, then it’s okay for the fans to get mad.
Moreover, the voice actors are different.
The characters are completely different, and there are guys, people turning into lesbians, and even dying after turning to dust…
Is the designer of Inbell Akutsu-san?
I want them to eventually release something with a lot of detailed upgrades like the MG and Metal Build SEED series.
For the 20th anniversary…
Be patient with the modeloids.
I bought two modelroids because I can’t transform when I equip enhanced armor.
I was happy that they included a activation key as a bonus.
So I kindly ask for your continued support for the rest…
Is the 20th anniversary next year?
The old version had a simple color scheme and relied heavily on ball joints, resulting in a somewhat mediocre product, so I was surprised by the level of effort put into the Moderoid that includes Faust Schurrak, not as a luxurious version but as a general release.
It’s nice that a activation key comes with the Good Smile Company special edition.
I have no choice but to buy it.
I really like how my arms move along the ring on my shoulder.
It feels like a good integration of mechanics into a humanoid form.
Well, if you were a big fan who followed it closely back then, you have the right to be mad… probably…
I liked that anime so much that I still do now.
The Modelroid is just fine as it is, so that’s good enough.
The feeling of wanting a sequel for the same season’s 00 Gundam, but also the feeling that it might be better to be satisfied with its recent good treatment for the sake of the fandom…
Haruka is strangely erotic.
There are a lot of service shots that are typical of the times, but even without those, there’s something strange about it, isn’t there…?
It seems that Sylvester from Leelia also has a place name derived from the moon, similar to iDOL, and is becoming interested in GakuMas.
I want new supplies of Xenoglossia.
When it comes to My Best Iguchi-kun, this is it.
I wonder if a BD box will be released.
I really love the setting and often looked at analysis sites.
Good evening, Yayoyo~
I got hooked after seeing it last autumn, so I really want the Good Smile bonus for the Modeloid… I wonder if they will do a re-release.
Smooth-skinned Manju Crab
You’re a good kid, but who are you?
An employee of Mondenkint JP who is excessively strong in real fights.
People who have had their brains completely messed up by 8-star anime are praising it.
He looked like he might betray me, but he was nothing like that at all—Joseph Shingetsu.
The ending theme was good.
Inbel is treated as a pervert for taking secret photos, but it’s probably because memory storage depends on that…
But this guy is secretly filming in the bathroom.
I should have a hard drive with recorded Yayoi-style radios somewhere in my parent’s house.
It has come to light the reason why Iguchi-kun became a dirty character…
I really like the concept of a stand that connects a mobile phone to a wired connection because the signal is hard to reach.
I wonder if they could make outfits inspired by Inber, like MS Girls or FA:G.
I really feel the times when I think about how Miki wasn’t there until the very last moment.
It looks a little different, but Haruka will be coming out in 30MS, so I’m going to display her in front of Inberu…
It feels like the Inbel didn’t shine much in battles since it’s not a robot designed for combat.
I liked Nebura, including the pilot.
Rather, since shooting weapons hardly come into play, there are many grappling and fistfights, so isn’t the battle quite impressive?!
I learned of its existence quite a while later, and because I was watching it alongside other anime, I mixed it up with Captain Earth.
When a swimsuit episode is broadcast in “Death Man,” it gets a ●REC comment.
Maybe it’s Inbel’s fault.
Inbel was evaluated as a “virgin fan.”
I didn’t know anything about the game, so this was my first Idolmaster experience…
It seems there won’t be any activity for the 20th anniversary of the Idolmaster, so I’m hoping for some movement for the 20th anniversary of the broadcast.
I wish they would implement the Tamakaze High School uniform for all brands.
I have all the DVDs.
I want them to release it on Blu-ray, but well… it’s probably impossible…
Saito Momoko’s Zabungle was good.
I can feel the determination that they won’t let us forget, being the first to register on video streaming sites or hold screenings at events.