I thought the ranked matches were here, but it seems I still can’t play them.
Today, I’ll open one more pack before moving on to the new packs.
It seems that the number of decks has increased?
A new pack tomorrow, huh?
The production of Getchare has changed a bit.
It’s a time when analysis progresses smoothly.
The Crown of Monbo laughs.
The sense of intimidation is great.
Whoa, that’s a pretty big download…
My Dialga pack won’t end until Hikari-chan shows up.
When Hikari-chan appears, next will be the Palkia pack until Cynthia-san appears.
This is something that won’t end almost forever if you don’t spend money!
I thought the data addition would be just before the pack addition, so it’s helpful that it’s ready.
I wonder how the ranked matches will turn out…
Getchare has become redundant.
It’s already long to begin with!
The trainer doesn’t come out at all, right?
It’s not even a different picture.
Those without capital can’t even trade properly, can they?
There are probably people who will create threads with spoilers, so I might hold off on using the bulletin board until tomorrow.
EX is fully open to the public.
Have you become able to trade trainers?
The staging when flipping through is frustrating.
Someone who changes parts that don’t need to be changed, resulting in a deterioration, but feels like they’ve done their job!
The update isn’t coming.
Is it because it’s mud?
Can’t update in the store?
I see, I have to go and get it.
Thank you, just take a look for a bit!
Isn’t the performance of Getchare unnecessarily long?
Something about the Getcha-re has been worse… What was that production?
The new Getchare is provoking me and it’s frustrating.
If you have time to unnecessarily change the production of Getchare, add a scrollbar to the screen for selecting trade partners!
The new Getchare opens from the one that wasn’t chosen.
The moment the target appears, I want you to stop because it breaks my spirit with “Alright, you messed up…”
Since all cards have been leaked normally on places like 2ch, be careful if you don’t want to see spoilers, anonymous.
Then just disconnect from the internet.
I’ll talk about this under the assumption that there’s a leak here.
I’m glad.
I wasn’t the only one who thought that the production of Getchare was terrible.
When I did the Getchare, it turned out to be strangely stylish, and I laughed.
The stress from not being able to draw what you want sounds intense.
Why did you stretch out the time for Getchare…?
Getting Challen is frustrating! Daily rewards are frustrating! Trading is frustrating!
The shuffle of the deck in battles has become faster.
The card you wanted is here^^
The rare challenge isn’t coming, huh…
Rare challenge! Here it is!
Flip it, flip it, flip it! Stop it, Leafy!!
I seriously think that the UI update is aimed at provoking users.
I want to lead you towards peeling back the pack like, “Damn it, I missed the gacha!”
When will we be able to exchange the sand timers all at once?
That’s going too far… but after actually trying it, this is certainly just provocation.
Well… then the card I chose is… It’s something you do in manga or anime when punishing the villain…
Looking at the current state of trading and the deterioration of the Getchare performance, I believe there are people on the development team who want to create stress for the users.
Is there still no feature to suggest desired cards for trading?
It’s summer, you know!
I feel like I’m just changing the design and pretending to be working, like me.
I wonder if it’s similar to how important people in the company often manipulate HR to feel like they are doing their job.
Isn’t the DL size large?
Tomorrow’s new cards and the ranked matches the day after tomorrow, among other things.
There are so many things to change in the UI before changing the production, right!?
Seriously, nothing has gotten better.
Shall I break down all my decks now to prepare for the new environment?
When I saw the quick shaking, I thought, “Oh, that’s pretty good.”
We still haven’t had any updates on the store.
Did the number of decks increase?
The limit has become 20.
The UI is just too terrible!
The card you wanted is~~~
□ □ □
□ □
Here! ☝️🤣
Was it only the ex that was visible…?
I was saved.
The Gatchare performance is unpleasant, and it’s making me consider retiring a bit…
It would be great if you could just fix the UI for bulk exchanges in the shop and deck arrangement.
I want to see the performance of Getchare.
Can you stream the AR female trainer?
It’s good that the number of decks has increased.
The rest is trash.
If I had to be greedy, I would have liked it to increase to around 30, but even just adding 5 slots makes a big difference…
Wasn’t the content decided the moment you chose this for Getchare?
No matter where you choose, it’s the same.
It’s the same.
It’s just for show, and the selection has already been made at the point when it was decided to do it.
It’s the same as peeling a pack.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s decided or undecided; it’s the same.
That is a pack opening.
Gecchare cannot be verified.
Even so, there’s no need to have a design that provokes if you mess up the tempo.
I just wanted you to enjoy the tingling feeling of opening a card pack that I felt as a child…
It’s not about whether it’s decided or not.
It’s the heart.
At first glance, aren’t there not many strong exes?
Giratina is interesting, but
The direction of the card is interesting, so I’ll allow it, but…
I think there might be comments like, “Since they’re finally implementing ranked matches in Umitorio, they should do something about the water already!?”
The first Gatchare you choose will always be one of the three starters, but I wonder how that will turn out…
If it’s already decided where you choose.
🖕This is it, lol.
Isn’t there no meaning in being turned into something?
I appreciate that the newly updated Gecchare now has a new mark.
I wanted to check the evaluation, but after trying to clear the free challenge, all the new marks disappeared, and I thought, what’s up with that?
Isn’t it boring to realize that the one you picked last is a dud?
When I opened it, it was different! Damn it! So that’s where it is! The production of that is better, right?
I really don’t understand the recent deterioration of Getchare.
Was there an opinion that wanted a more elaborate production?
Isn’t that impossible?
Even if that opinion exists, there are countless improvement points that should be prioritized over it.
Creating a UI that irritates people’s nerves is top-notch, DeNA.
If you could do the same Getchare multiple times, it would make sense to provoke.
Here is the revival clock!
…Are you saying that the challenge won’t be revived!?
I think it would have been good if there was a feature that allowed a revival just once, even if you already completed the challenge.
Answer check time! Haha
Is this an update?
If there is no significant impact on sales whether you provoke or not, it’s better to provoke.
Isn’t it the kind of management that resembles a top-tier card gamer?
The deck frame 20 is really appreciated.
Everything else is garbage.
I wonder if there are people choosing card packs right now.
Telling you the result after completely disassembling everything.
First, I’ll tell you the wrong answer, then I’ll reveal everything.
There’s no difference at all there!
Are you peeling it up in a 10-roll? I’m peeling it carefully and with all my heart.
Like the Monty Hall problem, allow them to open a few wrong options before letting them change their choice again.
If it’s the Monty Hall problem, you should definitely switch.
☆2 Nanjamo was here.
Do you want to change to one of the other three?
Should I do the single missions and save up tickets…?
There should have been something to do before changing the Gecchare performance that had no issues.
I thought it was a strange star, but it wasn’t a star.
It seems that the rarity like “igai igai” is increasing.
Stone rare
It doesn’t come out easily.
The more I want you to come out, the more it imposes pain.
It feels good when it comes out!!
The most sought-after feature in Getchare is the ability to mark the cards you want and be notified when they become available; everything else, aside from free challenge notifications, is more of an unnecessary addition.
I only want to know the card I chose, so it’s fine if you don’t turn over the others.
But I want them to feel regret after finding out where the card they wanted was after drawing a dud…
Since the trading feature continues to be in disarray, I played around with Getchare for a break!
What is this crappy game?
What were you thinking to change it to this new specification?
If it can’t be poison or medicine, that would be better, but this is poison, after all.
Honestly, I don’t want to add a trading feature when playing DTCG.
Of course, it’s going to become something so mismatched.
If you’re not frustrated, it would be boring, wouldn’t it?
The deck slots should be available for purchase with gold, right?
I was thinking about winning with a single mission using only Thunder, but isn’t there a lack of variety in Thunder decks…?
The master rank has a rank display, huh…
It seems like it would feel amazing if I could take first place.
Do the emblems you can receive also have ranks?
I don’t know, but it might be in the TOP 10 or something?
I don’t know when it was implemented, but the trading feature is amazing, isn’t it?
You’re too kind.
Let’s play a luck-based game with Pachirisu.
Uso-ki: “Hey, nice to meet you ^^🪖”
If I enter the data now, will it not be analyzed?
The list of the new expansion cards is already out.
If you’re the type to worry, it’s better to cut off the internet.
I want the Master Ball emblem ranked 546th.
If we’re putting in data tomorrow at 3 PM, will that cause a breakdown?
When the super addition happened at 3 PM, it wasn’t heavy at all, so I wonder how it will be.
Last time was an unexpected addition, so there weren’t many people who had accumulated hourglasses, right?
This time, it seems there are quite a few people who have saved up, so I wonder how it will be.
It seems like the color variation is forming as a separate ★2 group.
I’m not that happy about this rare challenge…
Pickled shallots.
It’s better to do the update in advance so we won’t have to deal with crowds tomorrow.
It’s about time to check if there are any breaks with the tools and trainer.
The number of decks you can create is increasing, isn’t it!
But it’s not enough…
The Sea Trio is called Umi Trio, so I wonder if its performance is designed with the expectation that it won’t be used much.
If it looked like Urshifu, it would probably become incredibly popular for a moment.
The battle trial for overcoming hasn’t been completed yet… A deck with only Pokémon is a hassle.
The prohibition on trainers is probably set up incorrectly.
To be honest, I haven’t managed to secure the hourglass in time.
Thanks to Gecchare, I can keep up.
I just want to see the leaks normally, but I can’t find them.
I want to know about Mascarena’s performance.
Grass 2 at 60
For ex, add 70 damage.
Thank you
It looks strong with 2 energy, but it’s 2 evolutions…
If you’re going to do something here, could you please change the coins into sand first…?!
It’s impressive that Getcha NEW has been created.
For now, I can still see the usual promo pack stuff in the app first.
I feel that the light spenders are the ones being most tossed around compared to the free-to-play players and heavy spenders who have it figured out from the start in this game.
Red and ex-meta are coming in quickly.
I’m struggling with Kai’s playmat.
It’s a dilemma whether or not to actually use it.
If it’s just to enhance the effects when you hit, that’s fine as it won’t have any negative or positive impact, but what’s the purpose of intentionally making it a worse tempo with a provocative display?
Harassment from the management.
Kentauros… well, if it’s a two-stage evolution, the performance difference seems reasonable.
I’m making a colorless deck for one person.
I wonder which is better, the Arceus axis or the Pidgeot axis…
The issue of not being able to collect the three completed daily missions and the hourglass at once continues.
I think if you were just playtesting this normally, the first thing you’d say is “Why?”
Let’s have the last match of the Alshin environment around today.
It seems that there will also be a support card that allows you to flip a coin until you get tails, and then discard energy from your opponent equal to the number of heads, so the stress might go through the roof.
The Rocket Team is tough in ranked matches, huh?
If we’re going to talk about leaks, shouldn’t we have a separate thread?!
The unemployment issue was somehow resolved with Snorlax.
Colorless specification can be achieved by using Arceus and a suitable colorless Pokémon.
It’s a company that has refined its techniques to provoke a desire for gambling for nearly 20 years.
Colorless is definitely the best for Jun deck, right? It’s really strong.
Arceus is still not here.
When the new pack is added, I’m going to exchange Palkia and Weavile with the unnecessarily duplicated Gablias and Arceus…
I’ve opened 230 Dialga packs and tried to catch it about 7 times, yet I still only have one Rampardos and I’m about to snap.
You probably have plenty of extra ammunition already!
Is it possible to exchange it already? Or is it from tomorrow?
The time-space pack can be traded at the time of the additional overcoming.
Shirasoon… Ignoring Arceus and peeling Dialga, I’m like Palkia…
You idiot!
Can the deck not be duplicated?
What is the current high trade value ♢3?
That comes with a note saying it’s the ultimate genetic pack.
Because of the space-time.
If Choclo becomes a trade target, Origin Palkia might also be in high demand.
Well, it depends on the new environment.
If you peeled that much, you could just exchange it at the opening point…
Would you be willing to trade my Alcremie Tyranitar for your Alcremie Heatran?
I’ve come across spoilers, but isn’t this just a color variation of the same old thing…?
The abilities and illustrations really haven’t changed much in this new expansion.
I don’t know if I should say this, but it’s really just a difference in “color.”
Is it 120 points to use?
Right now, I only have 500.
If it’s 3, then it’s 150.
Well then, since it’s a good opportunity, I’ll try recruiting for a trade.
Please give me Rampardos.
I can provide Lucario, Shaymin, Rotom, and Dusknoir.
At first glance, it feels like unemployed Pokémon shine fairly well, but the others don’t seem that impressive.
I have the desire to have Spear play an active role as a hobby.
Giratina ex could have dominated if it had 3 energy; what a shame.
The trainer character that is not visible in the PV has a nice vibe.
The new Getchare is really helpful.
I don’t have to see everything.
The scale is just expansion pack 2 after all.
If you feel that it’s okay to aim for major Pokémon genes from now on, then it’s fine.
Is there only one type of new pack?
To be honest, the place I watch the most in Getchal is how much power it uses.
I don’t know about Charizard, but Charmander and Charmeleon have changed.
As long as the probability of getting a rainbow frame or AR trainer hasn’t decreased, that’s fine.
It’s decreasing, isn’t it…
I clearly think that the number of space-time rainbow frames is strange, but what about that?
Are there any Eevee evolutions that remain colorless?
I’m looking forward to the new pack because I want to have fun with Nanjemmo.
The Pokémon Center sister is nice.
That strange grandma came out sparkling like ☆☆, and it was stunning.
Unlike the main story of Gomi Trio, this seems like it could have some practical uses…
I hope that adding different colors doesn’t reduce the odds for AR trainers…
The crown monbo is nonsensical…
If it’s a golden deck for whales, then it might be needed, but for regular players, it’s the least necessary.
It feels like the number of rainbows has decreased, but the number of different colors has increased.
The workload has decreased.
The rate of old ladies bragging about their rare handheld features was incredible…
Even without considering the different colors, there are 17 types of ☆2, so even if the drop rate is the same as before, it will still be quite hellish.
I want to hope that something is loosening up…
It says in the encyclopedia that the promotional Mewtwo ex can be obtained at the shop, but I wonder if it can be bought with a premium ticket…
Different colored eyelashes… aren’t you just a rarity in slot 2…?