It’s you again!
In reality, I was essentially abandoned by my real mother as a clone and said goodbye by my lover, so there is room for this level of descent into darkness.
It seems like the fallen Cruz was mentally really weak, huh?
In my childhood, although there were nearly no peers my age, I was treated fairly well by those around me, so my environment wasn’t as bad as Kruze’s.
Telomeres are weak as hell.
The environment is one thing, but in the end, it’s this shortness of life that is the reason for the reckless behavior…
It’s troubling that there are moments when I feel a desire to harbor resentment against the world or want to destroy things…
However, that’s not how it will turn out personality-wise.
The right to devour the ingredients in the refrigerator!
No way!
The right for all women to have a penis!
Abandoned by my mother and sister, harshly rejected by my girlfriend, and told that I was a clone.
I was told to get into a Gundam that would definitely kill me and go kill my mother!
It is somewhat seriously an existence that seems to have been born from the ultimate point of distortion in that world.
Hey, boss, do something about this guy.
Oh, ancient people who do not possess a Gandō chōchin!
As long as there is food, a wife, and family, things will generally be fine.
This guy is really weak at verbal battles.
I’m strong in fights…
Rendezvous (no body touch between each other in the main part)
There were plenty of Dark Fall flags, you idiot! There was plenty of motivation to just say, “Destroy the world!!”
But since my mother raised me with so much love, I haven’t fallen into darkness.
(Suretta is great, isn’t she…)
Because those two didn’t say it, from Sleta’s perspective, she was being used, you fool! And in the end, she was abandoned…
The environment is bad (born in Mercury, raised in Mercury).
Elderly people are generally friends.
If someone told me I wouldn’t get any rice, I would feel like crying immediately…
It seems like a mask that would make Kira worry, getting stuck for words in a debate…
Mercury itself is terrible, but even though the biological child is the priority, the mother cares for them, and while there were some crappy old men around, it seemed like they were treated somewhat like a grandchild.
It’s not that my parents’ upbringing was good, but rather that my mother’s love (even if I was the first-born) was genuine, so there was never an option for me to fall into darkness from the beginning.
“Getting rebellious? What he’s doing is stealing food.”
It’s a raccoon…
A raccoon that came down from the mountain.
The refrigerator door will soon open! I will open it!
It’s a big ham that many people are waiting for!
Even when I fall into darkness, I’m still hungry…!
Miorine says to love children equally, but from Suletta’s perspective, she is being a good mother and her affection is genuine, which complicates things.
Suelta, I hope you find happiness in a gentle world, even if you had to let go.
Basically, Mom is too much of a good person.
The conversation around there is all about getting married and becoming a family, so I’m going to drink too, which means you should drink as well.
It’s not really a matter of each individual element.
Eating meat will restore your mental health!
It feels a bit ambiguous, but it’s definitely because of Miorine’s father that it leads to “Love, after all.”
It’s a bit interesting that, even if you don’t love me at all, you still had some affection for your mom.
Just barely, my mother also made a plea deal (?) and secured an acquittal, and while my wife is also safe, I’m feeling a bit physically drained, but rehabilitation is progressing, so that’s a good thing.
Is there a possibility that it would have turned out like this if just one thing had gone wrong?
If you have a proper mindset, you’d be so depressed at the point of Miorine’s betrayal that you’d lead a life of despair. But if you have the toughness of someone like Creuze, then I’ll destroy everything, you idiot!
In Sleta’s case, she has received a lot of her mother’s love, which has made her somewhat distorted and blind to certain things, but she has become a child with extremely strong goodness, so she can’t fall into darkness.
Even if the president acts like a villain, I don’t have to worry about falling into darkness because I have friends at the Earth dorm.
In other words, seeing the members of the Earth dorm, my mother seemed to have confirmed that it would be okay to let go.
I really like Prosperity, who just came to see.
Mom’s actions were based on the intention of “I will fall for Elect, but I want Sleta to be happy without being affected by that…”
In response, Kruze said, “Huh!? Is your telomere short? Ugh, in the end, you’re just a failure like your son, you piece of crap!” It was just too tragic.
It’s quite heavy when you think about how Prospera only removes her mask when she talks to Suletta…
It’s that mask life support system, you know.
It’s a Cruzer mask with a nose hook!
Not even rebellious!
It feels as if Cruze was not loved at all, doesn’t it?
Aside from becoming friends with the chairperson, there really hasn’t been anything good, has there?
I have a feeling that it’s also questionable whether it’s working positively in that regard…
Prospera wasn’t as evil as I expected.
I’m starting a different plan for my daughter, overcoming revenge in a place that doesn’t show on the screen.
That jerk of a dad is also overcoming his grudges off-screen, so show us that part too!!
You blessed one could never understand! The coldness of the ham eaten straight from the fridge!!
Just grill it!
Well, can we say that Prospera is a complete victim? Since she has committed massacres on Earth as part of a match-pumping scheme, her hands are dirty, and she is indeed a villain.
Big sister was having a decent time with her Gundam life in her own way.
If my mom wants to take me outside, I feel like I have to go along with it… If my sister and my mom had been able to talk, maybe we could have resolved things peacefully much earlier.
This is the dream of mankind! The wishes of mankind! The workings of mankind!
And this is Gundam! The light of hope! It illuminates the future!
Looks like the one that was born out of necessity has come…
It’s okay to fall into darkness like this, but I was blindly and deeply in love with my mother…
I don’t know if mom intentionally raised me to be like that or if it’s just her true nature.
I think Cruze might pay attention to Sleta, even if he doesn’t particularly like her, but I believe he would dislike Prospra.
I’m making spare ones for my own child, so there’s no room for dislike.
I might praise my friends and the people around me as much as Kira’s mom does.
What’s amazing is that this guy has an environment where he can live carefree.
The Mercury era is a tightrope walk, and if there were no dormitory on Earth for the academy, it would have been dangerous.
Well, my own child is dead, ha ha ha.
Falling into darkness is something only those with weak minds do!
This guy’s darkness is deep… too shallow!
I’m a failed clone, just like that, and I was abandoned by my parents, my partner, and my sister, so honestly, it’s worse than Kruze.
I’m glad the raccoon, even after falling to evil, only forages for late-night snacks in the refrigerator.
It seems like Kruze didn’t receive affection from anyone during his childhood.
Compared to that, Slerta had a terrible environment on Mercury, but the human relationships were relatively good, and there was a foundation for a mentally calm and resilient personality.
Prospera created Suleta with evil intentions.
Because so much love was poured in, it is hard to imagine from that purpose.
I’m weak at verbal arguments, but there are lines I absolutely won’t concede, and there are parts I stubbornly refuse to listen to.
It’s not just a part; Sretia is strong throughout.
Even when I’m feeling weak.
(The expiration date is) short…
Kruzé became that way because all of humanity thought it was Arda, but Suleta is not to that extent.
Isn’t the darkness deep because you were abandoned by your mother once?
When all is said and done, the parent generation of Mercury certainly had love, but it’s hard to describe.
Well, there really isn’t anyone who has love at a level of either 0 or 100…
Kuruze had a strong position and was exceptional, so everyone could go wild and say “let it all break!”
Sleta is just an ordinary student without any particular confidence…
In the main story, Sleta hasn’t given up anything, right?
I got my way through everything.
Not falling into darkness and rummaging through the refrigerator tends to become a joke.
So, why is it that even being betrayed by a lover and being abandoned by my mother and Aerial, I was able to get by with just that much? It’s definitely because my mother’s upbringing was good…
Whether or not one is raised with love is undoubtedly important.
If I try to interfere with your heart, will a monster big sister come out?
In the first place, isn’t it impossible for something like that to be so brainwashed or extremely shallow?
The darkness that should exist in a person is far too shallow.
Although my first half of life has been a struggle, having to risk my life every day in the harsh environment of a comet cleaning up after those damn old men…
If you know, everyone would probably think so! I want to eat it!!
Even if I fall into darkness, I have no power or connections, so all I can do is rummage through the meat in the fridge.
The resentment of this masked woman should be directed almost solely towards her mother.
In that case, it wouldn’t make sense, so I need to complicate things to create a trigger for my mother to turn me into a tool to help my daughter, resulting in revenge against the world!
“Falling into darkness might work during the main story, but…”
After the main story, it is believed that number 4 will probably attack through the permit.
I can’t say anything because it matches my interpretation that Suleta is rummaging through the fridge.
Although various truths about birth have been revealed, more than that, I’m prioritizing my troubled relative, Miorine, over everything.
I don’t think this kid even has the awareness to stop a family member who’s messing up.
I need to talk to Mom one more time.
In a way, it’s abnormal how shallow that darkness is, and it’s quite concerning, but if the person is satisfied, I guess it’s fine…
Is there any way to fix it if I hit a Creuset with a scratch?
Let’s be friends with each other, clones!
Well, even if I say something harsh and on point, Mioline will get motivated saying things like “for Mioline” or “because of Mioline,” so a response probably won’t happen…
It’s the theory of love from FREEDOM…
I can’t say much because the world is different.
Cruze is the very embodiment of the dark side of CE’s genetic modification.
Sletta’s dialogues are primarily with her mother and sister, which are somewhat unrelated to the overall world situation in AS.
She’s a loud woman who got everything by riding Caliburn without knowing anything.
This is not the time to be wearing a mask.
Objectively speaking, the darkness is under quite a deep background and situation.
Since the person themselves has not received it that way, it hasn’t become deep.
Kruze has a certain amount of affection for Rei.
I have some sympathy for Mendel’s victims, as they are given life goals even as they are hurtling towards destruction.
If Aura had found it, I think she would have probably tried to kill it.
Sletta’s superficial darkness comes from the harsh upbringing that doesn’t even recognize darkness as darkness…
That being said, it doesn’t seem like they have any significant darkness to carry regardless of the environment they were raised in.
Despite having enough of a past to become a woman who despises a world like the one in the thread image.
A rare example of being able to grow up surrounded by an environment and people that don’t cause too much distress.
Is it okay to read the heart that’s in a state of pampering…?
In terms of qualifications to talk with Cruze on equal footing, I feel like besides Sleta, it’s only Prea.
Once you enter invincible mode, people only know what they themselves know! It would end there, so it’s difficult.
If Shletto dies, Miorine seems like she’d fall into darkness immediately.
I guess it will become an affair of boredom…
I feel like the opposite might also hold true…
What do you think? Is Suletta the kind of character who would say something like “I’ll get revenge”? It’s a bit doubtful, right?
But… she’s Prosperra’s daughter, after all…
If the shuttle with MioRine on it gets vaporized during the battle, it might cause an instant boil.
Otherwise, I would probably be at the grave, bringing flowers and crying.
Dark Fallen Mioline usually takes the double cross route.
In this universe, I have the right to marry only one person, Ms. Miorine!
Oh, that expression of MioRine filled with affection in the epilogue.
Erikito, with the feeling of the epilogue, is quite lighter compared to his circumstances, so it might be because of that bloodline.
Just being able to have a normal conversation with someone would have considerably improved my mental state.
Miorine has too many scenes in the main story that are heavily influenced by her father’s genes.
Without this darkness, even a tanuki wouldn’t be able to become a bride…
I don’t know as much as Kuruse about various things.
Miorine seems like she won’t fall because there are so many people around her watching.
It seems like Cruze will treat me gently.
Because we’re of the same kind…
It doesn’t seem like there’s a problem with the lifespan, so in the end, I might get angry like Kruze.
If it’s just the setting or environment, there are plenty of elements that can lead to a dark turn.
Even when feeling down, a raccoon girl who sneaks food from the refrigerator when she’s hungry doesn’t suit the darkness.
You only eat that!
Don’t eat it!
Eat your bell peppers too.
Sletta has data storm resistance and pilot skills, but she seems very unable to do something as skillful as working as a soldier like Kruze while secretly working to leak information to the enemy.
To be honest, I think that even without Mio Mio, Sleta from the main story wouldn’t have gone bad; she’s just that laid-back and carefree.
Without a growth event, Miorine feels like she could easily be assassinated by some company and meet a quick end instead of continuing on the path to succeed her father.
From Cruze’s perspective, it’s a pitiful child in the same situation who doesn’t have high abilities like me and is treated as just a part.
He has the skills of a pilot, but…
Let’s get married, Kuruse!
(There is) no one here!
I was told by Miorine to take off the mask because it looked lame, even though I thought it looked cool like my mom’s.
Being abandoned by Miorine in the main story, at that point Miorine was definitely not thinking about a reunion anymore, so I think it would have been dangerous if she had gone into a shura mode.
After being betrayed by my mother, my lover, and the aircraft, losing everything and rummaging through the refrigerator with an empty stomach was a sight that could not be seen without tears.
First of all, I was dumped by my fiancé and am now eating a Jiro-style salad ramen…
If you proceed, everything.
Sletta really makes things difficult like this.
“Wasn’t ‘Advancing means two’ a wrong teaching?” while doing that.
Even so, I love Srette for continuing to practice these words until the end.
I act like an evil mastermind who hates this world, but I’m rummaging through the refrigerator late at night.
The premise is that I received love properly, but from an objective standpoint, it’s mostly a biological CPU.
The only one who was extremely headstrong, didn’t fall into darkness, and ran through marriage is the protagonist.
Because it’s also changing Miorine Guell’s and Shadik’s lives…
Those who can eat are strong, after all.
The brigadier general became strong and free because he was trained by Lacus’s fried food…
Shin… eat more…
It’s nostalgic to think that I predicted things like falling into darkness and siding with Shaddiq, or riding the Schvalzette.
???: “The theory that clones have short lifespans has been disproven in modern times. Could it be that your constitution was added later as a measure against betrayal?”
Cruze, who is being informed by someone knowledgeable about clones.
It’s often said, but there’s a possibility that telomeres in the SEED world are like that, and in the first place, clone research hasn’t progressed much in modern times.
It’s too far from the protagonist and the good side’s setting to control a failed clone funnel, yet the raccoon continued to shine just because of its personality.
In the case of SEED, the genetic makeup of all humanity has been ravaged in the reconstruction war.
The genetic therapy that is on the brink of failing as life with a deformity rate of 20% is based on coordinator technology.
The female protagonist, who is a junior, is quite the wild card, so there are a few scary moments ahead.
It seems more likely that seeing Miorine being entertained or treated would lead to a misunderstanding of infidelity and a descent into darkness rather than her dying.
As long as Chuchu Paisen is here, it should be fine…
Even now, look, there’s Sleta! It probably contains a lot of capable elements.
My mother, sister, wife, and father-in-law, it wouldn’t be strange if anything happened at any time…
Although they’re timid in social interactions, they’re consistently confident when it comes to piloting MS and combat.
The theory that slow-acting paint is what pushed Sleta to her mental limits the most.
In that world, Sleta was so worn out that she absolutely couldn’t let the Gundam battle happen, and the Gundams disappeared beyond the permit.
As a world, there are still many problems to address.
When I got frustrated, I would take it out on Miorine to relieve my stress.
I had it… the right to marry Ms. Miorine… the only one in this universe…
A character who seems easy to misunderstand if you only look at their surface attitude, as they have absolute confidence in combat and have been doing things like increasing the number of pillows on their bed since the first season.
Why don’t you stop trying to force it to connect to something sexual?
If the 4th spirit hadn’t stopped us, everyone in the dorm would be dead, or if Mom had succeeded in shooting, it might have turned out like this…
In other words, it would have been nice if Kruze had a refrigerator when he was hungry…?
That guy has only been drinking water during the main story, so that’s quite true.
When Suleta hands the tomato to Cruzel, he refrains from his violent act.
I might do it in Super Robot Wars eventually.
I think I can easily win against Guell-senpai.
In Episode 17, even though it was in an aerial missing state, if there wasn’t any fixing, it would have won normally…
If you can eat properly, it really helps stabilize your mental health.
In a crisis, I wonder what my big sister thinks about casually discarding an aerial’s arms and legs without panicking or causing a commotion.