Before I started, I thought gathering materials was a pain in the ass, but since it’s just something I do while killing monsters, it doesn’t bother me!
What surprised me a bit was that I thought hunters would fight in a more stylish way, but when they are wielding weapons, their movements are actually very slow.
There are weapons that move relatively lightly.
Try various things.
I’ve been using great swords for a long time because the counter and high damage are enjoyable.
I feel like I’m not enjoying the game 100%, so I think I’ll try to reach out little by little.
It’s just that since I’m using a keyboard and mouse, switching ammo for the heavy bowgun is tough.
That’s why I always put it on since the evasion distance can be used to close the gap…
It’s fun to see the scenery! Let’s go fishing, fishing buddy!
Swish, flap.
If we defeat it once or twice this time, we should be able to craft at least one weapon or piece of armor that we want.
It used to take 30 minutes to defeat them without any materials dropping… but it has become much easier now.
The great sword is fully embraced by the current system, so if you want to enjoy Wilds, there’s no problem using the great sword.
By the way, do you have no interest in fishing? It’s just a little marlin fishing, you know.
The fishing spot is hard to understand, Tsuritomo.
Whoa, there are fish in a water flow that can’t even be called a river in the passageway…
Feel free to practice with various weapons, crush the frog, and make another weapon from the frog materials!
I want a guaranteed slot for materials other than rare ones too.
The old Monster Hunter started with things like gathering grass, and honestly, no one benefited from that…
It’s definitely more enjoyable for newcomers to be able to hunt right from the start.
Could it be that you couldn’t buy healing potions at a tool shop or something?
I actually enjoyed my early days of training quite a bit…
I thought carrying eggs was a pain in the ass.
I wondered if we didn’t have to carry the eggs.
It’s the slowest one in the trial version…
But it’s really fun!
Please give me honey.
I somehow went to the Nu, and it hurt so much that I was surprised by how strong it was.
When I calmed down and thought about it, it turned out that I was Yuta and my fire resistance was finished.
I was told that we need more honey, but a lot of different people are gathering it, so isn’t it accumulating quite well?
Isn’t it because we have no choice but to source locally until it is released?
Also, even after being freed, I want to make traps and tranquilizer balls first.
I don’t understand how to differentiate between strong shots, close shots, and piercing shots with the bow…
Honey should not be insufficient as long as it does not run out by the higher ranks.
It probably depends on defense and weapon type, but it doesn’t get used that much anyway.
Honey is collected at the gathering points during the harvest season, so there is currently no shortage.
The collection request is currently for traps and secret potions.
I would like about 10 more people to help.
I mean, I don’t use that many recovery items in the first place.
I’m a weakling, so I use it up every time by drinking a whole Great!
It’s been a really long time since I last played Monster Hunter, and since I haven’t held a controller in a while, I’m not getting used to it, so I’m playing with a mouse, but I’m still enjoying it.
If I get knocked down, I’m desperately turning into the key-mashing man.
When was the joke about “please give me honey”? Was it around the portable era?
Around 4.
The cat, not to mention the support hand, also heals me, and just sucking on some bugs restores health, so it’s a far cry from wild, with such generous support.
Isn’t eating bugs pretty wild?
Speaking of which, I haven’t used the secret medicine even once.
It’s a PC version, but it suddenly stopped starting today. What should I do?
I’ve done all the official responses, though.
There are no error messages or anything.
What about the integrity check?
It has never happened in Monster Hunter, but since there are quite a few instances of launch failures on Steam where the process remains, let’s try stopping it from the Task Manager if Monster Hunter Wiles is running there.
I was able to rank up and make some progress, but I’m not collecting any decorations at all.
The armor has lots of holes❤
When the teacher wears Gore gear, they inexplicably want honey.
I’m still wearing low-level armor because I’m still looking for one I’ve never fought with while hesitating about which higher-level armor to choose.
I’m using a heavy weapon, but I’m not really sure which higher-tier armor is good.
I just reached the upper ranks with Heavy, but when I get caught in the wide area of the huge attack from Doshaguma, it’s an unavoidable instant death even if I try to guard, so I’m hurriedly updating my armor and want to know recommendations too…
Can we really call Rise the sequel to the previous game? It’s from the X series, right?
I’m looking forward to making my own Chimaera equipment or a full set of monster gear, so I’m very much in a dilemma…
Betraying guy
This person appears in the story.
Since there is no more recoil, I sometimes play with the bowgun while keeping the swordsman equipment as is.
It’s fine to switch with a focus on defense.
The Jehnafa Pagaron Sea area could drop parts for the final equipment, so it’s fine to craft there.
The most fun part of Monster Hunter is right when you just enter the advanced level, saying, “This damage hurts! Give me good armor! I need to hunt monsters to get good armor! This damage hurts!”
If the lower-tier equipment has a good skill setup, then I wonder if I should strengthen it with armor spheres or switch to Hope α which has protective bonuses.
The fast-eating Bone α is also good.
It’s fine to use things like upper-tier hopes that have just strengthened their defense with armor spheres as a connection.
Collecting bones to craft a full set of upper-tier bones is highly efficient.
The top hope is really good.
It’s fine to stick with Hope until you switch to a higher gallon.
Equipping six Defense Jewels and three Spirit’s Blessings is amazing.
I came to HR100 just like that.
Even the distance on the lower tier Barla is good.
I climbed to a higher level combined with the satisfaction of a shower.
Satisfaction meals are the ultimate zombie strategy.
I liked wearing armor made from ore during the lower levels, so I kept it on for a long time, but around the time I surpassed Hirabami, I realized, “Am I possibly doing an absurd challenge?”
Updating armor is no joke either.
I was updating my armor to make sure it wouldn’t have weaknesses against the monsters.
The fast eating of Chupacabra is also good.
I didn’t really understand the three Hirabami and it took way too much time.
I defeated one, but it’s not over!? Damn it, I’ll take them all down!! My head was going wild.
Please give me poop.
That happened.
In fact, there is a pile of poop nearby at the start of the quest.
Monster Hunter is a game where you update your armor.
If I have the protection of the spirits, I don’t feel like I’m going to die!
Hurry up and raise the level cap, please!
I didn’t take off the frog mask and body because they were conveniently slightly erotic until the story ended.
If I make it at a higher level, I could use it as a cosmetic equipment…
With one gold ticket received from the overnight flower, I can do a 10-draw gacha for an old weapon jewel, so I was turned down.
Well, I know it’s not suitable for today’s era, but I enjoyed taking my time to build up from the ground up during my training days…
During the material tour or the quest to defeat 8 Rampages, I started by mining ores and using ore equipment…
I love Hope so much that I played through the entire story with both low-level and high-level Hope, but I didn’t strengthen him.
That’s why it’s on the verge of death right away.
Too talented.
Hehe… you’re better than me.
This time, I do have a Dragon Egg, after all.
I couldn’t ride the secret while holding it, so I threw it away.
The route was too difficult, so I gave up…
An egg! Gasp!
I’m glad there’s quite a bit of lewd equipment in this work, but I would have preferred different designs for alpha and beta.
Wasn’t it the case during the W era that the upper tiers had different designs for α and β?
When the opponent gets excited and becomes clingy, I immediately ride on the secret and slash while constantly moving at high speed with hit-and-run tactics.
I want to strengthen my armor because the battles are really tough, but the armor spheres are extremely hard to come by and it’s rough.
When I tried to refine it in the kiln, I was taken aback by how tight the costs are here too…
After clearing Wiles, it was cheap, so I started XX.
I’m reminiscing about the old days with paint, potions, and bug nets, but if I say this is the past, I feel like I’ll get scolded by those who played the first or second game.
I feel like I’ve been acquiring new ones with each world.
It is sufficient to enhance within the range that can be covered by the budget, so full enhancement is not done.
After I took the Demon Person Hardening Drug, I noticed that the hunter was glowing and changing colors like a gaming light, and it was no good.
Furthermore, what happens when you drink a cool drink…?
If the skill is activated continuously, it glows, which is annoying for filming, so I want to turn it off.
Since I can sharpen weapons while riding a secret, carrying back a dragon egg should be a piece of cake, right? Please let me take it back…
I happened to get the world, but I wonder if there are people around now… I’m not confident about going solo completely.
Hunters are everywhere, whether in XX, World, or Rise.
I wondered if you went to Wiles…
I’ll try using a weapon I’ve never used before! → Naa… I can’t do it… I’m just repeating that.
Back in the 2G days, I could handle it decently, even if I can’t say I was good at it…
Well, the number of techniques for each weapon is completely different from back then.
There are now more things to remember, like deformable weapons and insect rods…
I’m pretty new to Monster Hunter too.
It was a game that made me go “I see.”
But I really don’t want to do such intense and overwhelming combat on a handheld game console.
I think we used to do this often on such a small screen.
In the past, it was surprisingly easy because you didn’t have to move the viewpoint up and down.
At that time, I wonder how I was able to play this game on a handheld device…
Moreover, it seems that the time when I was playing Monster Hunter was not sane.
The instinct to choose a great sword first is very good.
I raced through the lower ranks, but the Odogaron armor is so sexy that I got a full set.
Wow, even though it’s low-tier equipment, it still requires reverse scales and a tail…
I used the rare drop ticket I got from logging in and got three Dragon Scales!
Was my luck crap…?
Because I’m a coward, I would immediately call for a secret and avoid getting blown away.
Phew! Phew! Phew!
This time, the egg transportation is unusually difficult, but it doesn’t even go into the item box and only yields 50 points, making its existence completely unclear.
If it doesn’t have to be forced, then that’s for the best.
It seems like it’s just the freedom left to be able to do it… still, it’s quite low.
I feel like this time I will get a lot of scales and tails.
Based on my experience, it feels like cutting off results in a guaranteed tail.
I finished layering my clothes and went to take a selfie, but it got dark quickly and it doesn’t look good!
I was rushing through with Kematoris, but Albedo’s damage was too insane, so I became Albedo’s armor.
This time, I will be rushing through with lower-tier Albedo armor.
I don’t feel like I can go back to a time without target cameras.
I’m not using the Monster Hunter grip, but when I’m in concentration mode, some weapon types require me to operate the right stick with my left thumb, which feels strange in its own way.
I want to see everyone’s outfits! Please show me your outfits!
There’s no point in anything! Even if you go to the lobby, there are quite a few people thinking the same thing, with a flat chest and long legs!
There are ones that make it easier to get valuable materials from monsters with the brown rewards in the summary, so it might be good to aim for those.
It’s nice that the Kematris armor makes your breasts bigger…
In the past, it was an era where such things could be done, but if asked to do it now, it feels a bit… like that.
If we’re going to remake that style now, it seems better to combine it with popular survival crafting games.
I want to gather materials little by little, build a base, and have it destroyed.
Balls come out a lot.
It’s my first experience with three rewards or in the wild.
First of all, it’s easy because the battle time is short.
I have the impression that inexperienced monsters would fight for about 30 minutes.
I feel like it took about as long as a cutting gravisolo.
Alshubeld seems to have a dragon attribute because it has resistance to Odogaron, so Zoshia equipped the Odogaron gear.
The face is designed to look like an octopus.
Being invincible while cooking is amazing…
I want to avoid Mira’s breath with this…
The great explosion of Jindahad can also be avoided with cooking… It feels similar to that of Yamatsukami.
Isn’t the lack of damage display in past works the most shocking?
Also, my body is stiff in various places… I’m surprised that I haven’t been bounced in this work at all.
The great sword is simple to use, which is helpful.
I have found various things easier, but I no longer remember the paths at all.
It’s fun to continuously master new techniques every time a new weapon is released for the Switch Axe.
Rare materials drop excessively compared to the amount required.
Despite not gathering many fangs or claws, it asks for a surprisingly large amount.
I have no trouble with money, materials, or friends… Is this really Monster Hunter?
I apologize for getting killed twice because I thought I was invincible the moment I placed the cooking fire pit without fully understanding the invincibility.
I’m having trouble with armor spheres.
It’s strange that I’m not having trouble with defense, but I’m having trouble with armor stones.
Do we need to squeeze the armor stones?
It felt good to see the blood from past works gushing out, combined with the hit stop.
I also liked how there were annoyingly frequent critical effects.
Back in the days of DOS, I used to fight for 50 minutes and couldn’t defeat the enemy, then I would retry…
I have plenty now, but for a while after reaching the top ranks, I struggled with a shortage of various bags.
Your pants are showing!
I’ve been thinking that I want to play F again for a long time…
I might be seeing a male Blango for the first time.
You have a great sense of style…
I start to hate Sekreto more and more while playing this game.
It doesn’t come when needed, but it certainly gets in the way of avoidance!
No matter what kind of clothes I wear, they keep getting darker and darker.
My heart is in the second year of middle school…
Stop attacking the wound.
Oh, cool!
Is this a gallon?
Thinking about Aragami Bullet with a slingshot made me a bit sentimental.
Let’s do a charge crash with the great sword!
Why did they find out I’m using a greatsword…? Countering is just too much fun…
Layering my clothes is really fun because it boosts my motivation.
I’m really grateful that this game has all the equipment unlocked from the start…
But when I saw the lineup of Razeus and Razeus Doshad, my motivation dropped a little.
Well, I said that, but I’ve got everyone else ready except for the investigation team, and I don’t have enough tickets.
I love landmine girls, so I’m wearing twin tails and rubber armor.
All that’s left is weapon layering.
Nakago… Come to the forbidden ground.
I can’t help but think that the completeness of the Hope set is high~.
It’s clear that armor layering has been continuously brushed up since XX, but why does weapon layering seem to be forgotten every time?
It feels like this time they’re creating a blueprint with the idea of using MR as a bridge until the main end content in the MR area is enriched, so they want us to fully strengthen in MR!
Well, if we create weapon layered looks using the current system, it wouldn’t align with the system when we haven’t made the final version yet, such as when we add new MR or enhancements…
I was exploring the desert, expecting that “Sunanoryuusei” is a stylish name.
I never thought I would end up having to chase with all my might in a secret.
I’m told the volume isn’t enough, but as I’m grinding until I can properly handle the veteran Nushi Goarubedo with each weapon type, I can’t see the goal at all…
I defeated the veteran Arshubeld, but I still don’t have enough honey… However
I looked at the thread and thought something was strange, but it turned out they just hadn’t increased the number of people for gathering requests at all.
There are plenty of people who will gather them for you, huh…
Something Arabian.
When you add a buffer, the friendly fire to the secret disappears, but why does the friendly fire to the companion remain?
A suspicious line between a bug and a fetish.
I have about 1000 boxes of honey, but I still feel like it’s not enough and I’m plagued by a sense of urgency.
I’m feeling quite uneasy about whether there’s a negative balance.
I’m thinking about various layering options for men, but I feel like the hurdle to surpass the entire Hope outfit is surprisingly high.
Hope… black!
This is cool… Maybe this is enough…
Because the first outfit in each work is relatively good, I end up going as far as I can without changing it.
In other words, it’s hard to find layering that’s better than from a full set…
Rather than lacking in volume, the issue is that the rewards from Alshuberd have a high rarity, are plentiful, and are appealing, which makes it hard to feel motivated to hunt other monsters – this is a mismatch with the system.
I think it will change with the increase in the types of seasoned monsters in the first update, but I wanted it from the beginning.
Something that looks really strong suddenly jumped out.
What I think when I see people layering clothes is that coordinating colors other than black and white is for advanced users.
Then it makes it seem like I’m an amateur just because I’m only using black and white!!!
Recently, it’s become a habit to immediately press the quest completion button after defeating monsters, so I don’t have the luxury to check out other people’s gear.
Did such a hip piece exist?
Too unique.
I want a shooting spot where I can get a good light source.
The Ajirakankyo looks incredibly strong both from the front and the back…
The man is too fond of the Chata’s headgear mask.
The cheerful bearded man suddenly became a working person.
With the combination of the Gravios male torso and the Rathian female waist, you too can achieve a ridiculously large silhouette.