What is this?
What is it… it’s a music video like Exit 8 where Ichiro Yamaguchi tries to protect a mysterious egg from the attackers…
The strange uncle at exit 8.
I think there are parts that connect quite directly to that too.
I understand, but I couldn’t help but laugh a little.
Overall, what is this… It progresses with the power of the song and the overlap with Chi., and in the end, it forcibly creates a mysterious sense of emotion…
During last night’s stream, I laughed when I heard that director Ichirou Yamaguchi wanted to film a scene where he looks like he’s about to be crushed by a wall…
I can understand it’s following the trend, but the music video has a cheapness that feels like a late-night special effects show.
Is it okay to laugh at the scene where the uncle is stuck…?
I will resist absurdity and oppression with my pen!
The pen is mightier than the sword! The pen is mightier than the sword! Die!
The man in the black suit is starting to look like Mr. Novak.
It might be a very erotic video for some people.
Music videos often have an element of confusion, don’t they?
It’s likely that my uncle is also on the inherited side…
It is a filming that has a CUBE-like quality.
This is pretty straightforward!
In anime theme songs, it’s common to feel surprised by how good the song and the music video are.
Recently, there’s this, Otonoke, and Plasma.
Surreal laughter and mysterious emotions coexist in this…
Is it correct to interpret that Ichirō Yamaguchi, who momentarily considered giving up on the eggs, ultimately decided to entrust them to the next generation, meaning that the widening of the wall was a way of saying it would be acceptable to do so if he was to give up on the eggs?
Maybe so.
That’s true, but the composition is exactly the same as the variety shows from back in the day, and the surreal humor wins.
The text written on the wall, NORM, means general.
When I tried to move to the majority side, the pressure of conformity that felt like a wall eased.
However, it seems to mean that they pushed forward into the minority.
I was able to capture Ichiro Yamaguchi crushed by the wall that every man dreams of.
No, this is actually a pretty straightforward message!
Aren’t Sakanaction’s music videos generally strange?
I thought it was going to be something as weird as Sayonara Emoti.
The strange sound from Bach has arrived.
Even such a famous Shin Takara Jima makes you wonder why it’s a Drifters parody, right?
Let’s decide who the weirdest guy is!
Slow motion!
By the way, at the beginning, Ichiro Yamaguchi is completely exhausted after a 24-hour shoot that finally reached 7 AM.
Well, there were various obstacles, but the commitment to protect what was entrusted and to pass it on is understood…
I feel like it’s relatively easy to understand.
The world after inheriting seems to have eggs, but likely nothing in particular will be said about it.
These guys really love Hisakazu Shimada…
When I think about it, I don’t really understand why Shin Takara-jima is associated with the Drifters…
It seems that Yusuke Tanaka has picked up on the elements of “Ch.”
I don’t understand the spider’s thread the most.
I love the documentary music video the most because it’s the most unsettling.
If you keep watching, it will lead to the person’s explanation stream archive.
It feels more like the BACKROOMS than Exit 8.
The color of the wall is Yeah.
Oh! My egg!
Honestly, the final episode of “Chi.” was more like, “What is this?” than this MV.
It might be an intention to make those who asked if they watched the final episode of “Ch.” watch the music video.
It’s easier to understand than moss, which is helpful…
I like that it’s so piercing.
Maybe I like the MV for “Kaze” and those around there because they’re so out there.
Chi. It was a live stream of Ichiro following the MV release from the final episode, but I couldn’t because I was calling the director at 1 AM.
Don’t act on a whim like a grown-up!
A proper artist wouldn’t stream after a live performance until 9 PM, even bringing in the equipment and staff to the hotel on-site!!
I can’t hide this from the Inquisition!
I can feel the thaumazein, Anonymous-kun.
Kusaku Shimada faithfully comes every time to Kingdom Hearts, he’s really easy to get along with.
You understand, right?
There was a time when I threw the key that came from that game to the person on the other side of the wall…
Could it be that Ichiro Yamaguchi is a strange person?
Exit 8?
Exit 16
The wall approaching as I move forward is too scary.
Try doing something absurd.
At first, the old man just glared, but gradually he became more violent, like a wall that wouldn’t give in, as if to say, “If you don’t give up, you’re going to regret it.”
You mentioned in yesterday’s stream that you look like a father.
It’s amazing how just being a regular in Sakanaction creates such a great vibe from Hisashi Shimada.
This time, the knee strike was impressive.
There is actually a part where I feel happy just by seeing Hisashi Shimada appears.
Kyūsaku Shimada looks great in a hat and a long coat.
I understand the elements that are chasing after us, but is it correct that the person I entrusted everything to in the end is not a usurper, but a successor?
“It’s fine if it’s someone.”
It is important to entrust that and connect it to the next.
This area is tricky. But it’s not about the content inherited in the same way or the issues of the other person.
It’s reckless to play honey trap with that chest.
The monster’s egg (the heliocentric theory) is passed down.
It was good to feel Sakanaction’s revival in the PV.
It’s quite a straightforward music video that makes no sense!
The pen is mightier than Hisakazu Shimada.
The metaphor for books and knowledge is probably a pen.
The child who gave that to me is perhaps a metaphor for the future or something like that.
I couldn’t help but laugh when they said it hurt because they were squeezed.
Why are they using real footage instead of CGI…?
If you were asked whether you want to sandwich Ichirō Yamaguchi or not, you’d want to, right?
I understand the reason, but it’s weird!
It’s funny how the parts before and after the chorus are about honey traps and hypnosis.
The music video of Sakanaction is strangely thought-provoking when you think about it.
That’s fine just as it is.
It didn’t work with erotic hypnosis.
I can’t believe that eroticism and hypnosis were obstructing the legacy of science…
There are quite a few troubles related to that, and that’s how the series of incidents regarding STAP cells led to fabricated papers.
I have an image of Kato among older people, but I wonder what kind of image is left among the young people now.
The person from Sakanaction
Why does Ichiro like that tall old man?
There’s a comment saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword!!”
It’s a scene where the pen, which was once a symbol of non-violence against violence, has now turned into a violent device that hurts people.
Well. The main story is based on the heliocentric theory, which is now considered to be correct.
I feel that the danger in this area is more ironically sophisticated with the monsters.
Isn’t that the theme around the final episode?
It was no good with the sudden appearance of Hisakazu Shimada.
I can understand the intention, but the output is… what is this…?
It’s amazing how, despite being a mystery PV with only this kind of metaphor, you can understand everything that’s happening when you watch the anime…
Is the theme song for “Moshikashite Chi” by Sakanaction?
Ichiro’s driver’s license photo came through on my phone, and it looked so good, like an album cover, that I couldn’t help but laugh.
It was the moment I changed from the old man of New Treasure Island to the old man being crushed by the wall.
Monster (Straight Ball)
It’s a relatively simple set, but it has a strong sense of story and is a great music video.
I really understand what you want to convey in each scene, but the visual appeal is a bit stronger.
It is just a matter of interpreting it in light of the Bible.
Maybe, the wall