It shouldn’t have any knightly elements, yet it looks like a paladin.
When I thought the thumbnail was filled with reliability, it turned out to be Hassan.
I’ve always thought of it more as a monk than a paladin.
In the first place, a martial artist plus a monk equals a paladin.
The world’s system that cannot understand Hassan’s coolness.
I’m only adjusting my coolness down significantly with my cute style so that I don’t become too popular.
Because he is the son of a carpenter, he naturally possesses sacred power.
Late Cecil
One half of the two major paladins of Square Enix.
Mix in Duran too.
That guy became the final class of light in the remake, so…
In other words, it means standing side by side with the carpenter’s son, right?
Ah, Secret of Mana 3.
I was wondering why that half-naked person is a paladin until I saw this post…
To put it stylishly, the thread image is quite something too…
The party members all think (because I know how cool Hassan is…), so no one raises any objections.
Even though you can’t equip the Sword of Evil-Breaking.
I first learned the word “paladin” from DQ6, so I misunderstood it for a while.
The effect of Grand Cross is cool, isn’t it?
Every time it feels like a paladin to become a battle master.
The paladin who puts away the sword and endures.
Paladin standing in a dignified pose.
The essence is the same.
Protecting can only shield certain individuals, but standing firm acts as a shield for the entire party.
The state of the heart is undoubtedly that of a paladin.
If you are a true paladin, then the power to eradicate evil resides in a trained body.
The official strategy guide for DQ6 has many illustrations that are DB parodies, as Toei was drawing cut scenes.
Overall, it seems there was a reason for that.
The thread images and the artwork are tight and super cool.
I really remember the four-panel comic about learning the “gogatsu ame” (May candy)!
When I hear the term “knight of the order,” it feels quite fitting.
The strongest spear of 6 is definitely the Demon Spear, so it doesn’t suit the Paladin.
So, the bamboo spear.
I remember that the number of weapons around the age of 6 was swords >> staffs >>> others.
And no matter what equipment you have, you can perform spinning kicks and use moves like ○○ slash and explosive fist.
The shock of coolness going from 0 to 0!
When I tried to enter Raidok and save,
He seems like the kind of guy who would be praying at church.
The equipment back then was just flavor apart from the numbers.
The armor has some resistance, but it wasn’t really visible in the game.
How much did you understand about the impasse? What about the resistance?
I didn’t have any image of a paladin to the extent that I can’t even remember who Duran was…
I vaguely remember that there was a possibility of loading depending on whether there was overall recovery.
Durandal is also a kind of orthodox route as a Paladin, but since the dark side is stronger…
In the remake, it seems that Light is also usable and the Swordmaster can be used, but I heard that in the end, the Duelist became somewhat lackluster.
I thought it was quite bright even though it was cloudy today, but it was just that Hassan was in the thumbnail.
Isn’t a paladin more like a knight than a martial artist?
I thought, “Who is Duran?” and then it was Duran.
Durandal Paladin only has a Paladin for class growth.
I think it’s not that different, since even the six protagonists can become paladins.
Hassan naturally learns the Paladin’s special skills.
Is it just the three of you?
Not only is there no paladin, but there are also absolutely no knight elements.
Classical Paladin
Durandal’s paladin is a bit plain.
The roles of the road, duelist, and sword master are clearly defined, and they are all around.
I remember being a bit disappointed when I thought this character would automatically be strong on the road due to FE’s influence and changed their class, only to find out they don’t learn any saber skills!
It seems like that Duran over there would have a good influence on Terry’s personality development.
If we’re differentiating between Sacred Knight and Paladin, it wouldn’t be out of place for it to resemble a monk.
When it comes to the crimson mage, Durand becomes such a brainless muscle-head that he can’t see what’s around him.
If there was a provocation in Dragon Quest… it would be exactly like a sniff of a scent.
A paladin is formed when faith and the power to fight are combined.
I thought that the evil Durandal was actually a good guy for siding with us!
Right now, this compliance-destroying guy… is coming to mind.
Becoming an adult is a sad thing.
When the term “martial monk” came up in Fullmetal Alchemist, the first thing that came to mind was the image in the thread.
I can’t really tell if this pose is swinging a spear or twisting it.
I was thinking they might be trying to increase their power by opening with a principle similar to a pipe spear.
I don’t have a pipe, but…
I’ve never seen anyone other than Hassan using such a cool bamboo spear.
Durant lacks the notoriety to stand alongside Cecil Hassan.
It comes across that this character does not allow anyone to criticize its appearance, which is being rated excessively by an anonymous user.
When you develop affection, even flaws can look charming; things start to seem really cool.
It’s all about masculinity, and the visuals exude nothing but reliability.
No, it’s just a strange-looking weirdo.
When you go on an adventure together, you can’t help but grow to like and rely on each other.
Seeing the paladin in other works, I thought, “This is…?”
I probably mistook them for a martial artist who can use magic-type techniques.
I know that the boy who says “I’m going to die!?” has a hairstyle like this.
The reason I have an image of paladins riding horses is that the first time I encountered them was in FE.
The benefactor who allowed me, who failed the soldier’s exam, to achieve merit.
There is also a good sense in naming a horse Falcione.
This guy’s straight punch leaves a lasting impression, doesn’t it?
I often make mistakes with Mudo.
Only the walking Grahassan of 6 has a different body ratio, doesn’t it…
I really want to be placed next to Cecil in some collaboration.
It’s easy to use from the beginning as a companion, to the point where there was never a time I couldn’t use it even in the hidden dungeon.
It would be something like a church knight as a paladin, and it also fits with a warrior monk…
In the illustration, it looks like a martial artist, but it’s just a normal heavy warrior-type equipment…
In FF4, Cecil was white and using a knight’s sword, so I thought it was exactly what a holy knight would be like.
“Hassan’s Skills He Learns”
Lv5 Flying Knee Kick (Battle Master ★5)
Lv14 Sacrifice (Paladin ★3)
Level 18 Stand Firm (Paladin ★6)
Event Acquisition: Straight Punch (Martial Artist ★5)
I looked up the meaning of “paladin,” but it felt more like a high-ranking knight or court knight, rather than having the sense of a holy knight as I expected.
Since he’s a soldier of the Raidoq, it’s not that strange after all.
The employer is the dream world, and I have no memory of receiving a salary…
I think this guy is definitely a power-type job, and since it’s primarily a skill game, the first thing for the first string is to boost Hassan’s momentum.
I like the visual gap of being treated as a paladin of power alongside Cecil.
For some reason, the thought of “Let’s go on a hunt!” popped into my head.
The omen of a successful journey.
It depends on where you set the standard for coolness.
He may not be a suave gentleman, but he’s a sturdy figure like a Greek sculpture, so he’s cool enough.
Challenging the demon king Mudo with a prince, a carpenter, and a prostitute is simply ridiculous.